Ashton Kutcher: ‘I will do everything in my power to have this relationship private’

Ashton Kutcher is profiled in the new issue of Elle. He’s promoting the upcoming release of jOBS, in which he plays Apple founder Steve Jobs through his rise, fall and redemption. The interview would have been timely, if jOBS was going to be released as planned on April 19th. Instead it’s been pushed back to this summer, with rumors that the poor reviews at Sundance are to blame. We’ve also heard that Ashton wasn’t well-liked on set, since he went “method” in his acting prep, stayed in character and was mean to the crew. The Elle interview confirms Ashton’s method acting, and they also get some decent quotes from him on his career and approach to privacy. Ashton doesn’t directly confirm that he’s dating Mila Kunis (we already know that) but he does talk about her in a roundabout way. He says he wants to keep this relationship private, basically. As opposed to tweeting bikini photos and sweet nothings to her, I guess. Here’s more:

On how people think he’s stupid
People fill in the blanks really fast. They go, ‘Oh my God, he’s on a show and [plays] stupid, so he must be stupid.’ I can’t control that, nor do I try to, nor do I want to. There’s something advantageous about having people underestimate your intellect, insomuch as a lot of things are revealed to you. They assume you don’t know what you’re talking about, then all of a sudden, you do. And the next thing you know, you have information you wouldn’t normally have.

Admits he’s in films for the money
There was a point in time where I was doing movies to be able to afford to live in a certain way. You know, I didn’t really go the starving-artist route. I kind of went and did massive, commercial things. [Two and a Half Men] is a very commercial show. But it’s very fun to do. I’m surrounded by an amazing group of people. And I can be home for dinner.

On privacy
You know, I’ve learned the hard way how valuable privacy is. And I’ve learned that there are a lot of things in your life that really benefit from being private. And relationships are one of them. And I am going to do everything in my power to have this relationship be private.

Alludes to the mistresses who sold him out
When you become well known, you start to have suspicions about people’s intentions that you’re becoming close with. Because I think there’s been an artificial value that’s been put on fame in the world—people don’t want to do something. They just want to be famous. And so I think you develop a natural suspicion of that. And, you know, I have a little bit of naïveté about trusting people—with the notion that if you share and if you give to people, they’ll respect your privacy in turn. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

On if he dated Mila when they were doing That 70s Show
People will fill in the blanks however they want.

On if he’s still friendly with Moore’s daughters
There are some things that are better left private.

On fame
Someone once told me, ‘If anyone wants to be rich and famous, let them be rich first and see if they still want to be famous.’

[From Elle]

Remember what Ashton said just a couple of years ago about how great it was to send twitter and facebook messages to Demi? He wrote an essay that said, in part, “You are declaring your love for everyone to see. Who doesn’t like to be publicly adored?” Then he got busted for cheating with a couple of different women who went public with their stories, and he complained about the media publishing that story and how there was “no gatekeeper of truth” or something. As for what he’s saying this time around, I get the impression that if he was dating another “look at me” woman, like another woman who loved the attention, he would be tweeting photos of them together and sending her little messages again. It strikes me that his change of heart is more about Mila telling him to tone it down rather than any self awareness on his part.

Here are Ashton and Mila at a Laker’s game on 2-12 and out to dinner on 3-14 in London. Mila was there promoting Oz the Great and Powerful. Credit:

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63 Responses to “Ashton Kutcher: ‘I will do everything in my power to have this relationship private’”

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  1. HotPockets says:

    do we need anymore evidence that he is exactly how we perceive him? He won’t even deny it either, but he will just make a passive statement instead, saying people will always fill in the blanks,so ya ___a$$hole.

  2. TheOriginalKitten says:

    “with the notion that if you share and if you give to people, they’ll respect your privacy in turn.”

    Sharing…what? His dong?

    I’m pretty sure that once you start banging a sidepiece, discretion and any hope for privacy becomes a commodity at that point and it’s all up for grabs. In other words-once you decide to risk everything, you can’t get mad when the dice doesn’t roll in your favor.

    That being said, I do like him and Mila together. I agree that she might be a good influence in the long run and I hope he learned from his mistakes with Demi.

    • Liv says:


      He sounds so pathetic – whining about people who didn’t respect his privacy while he was fooling around on his wife? What a joke! Even if they had an open relationship he should be able to find the fault in his truth.

      Mila is way too good for him. Hope she doesn’t learn the hard way.

      • nofkksgiven says:

        I thought the real scoop on Ashton was he actually tried to work on the marriage but Demi was a handful (and drug addict)…by the time he got caught “cheating” the marriage had been over… I don’t understand the Ashton hate…Demi seems like a complete mess, what young man would be married and faithful to that?

        Also, he must love saving…that whole damsel in distress thing….wasn’t Mila a druggie too? He has a pattern…

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        “Demi seems like a complete mess, what young man would be married and faithful to that?”

        Well, generally with marriage comes the expectation that one will be faithful. Ashton took the bait pretty willingly it seems so that’s on him.

        Mila isn’t a drug addict. She smokes green, not like she’s shooting H.

    • marie says:

      “Sharing…what? His dong?” … ha ha, I choked on my coke dangit. but so worth it

    • nofkksgiven says:

      so she only smokes weed? But she dated MaCully for like how many years? And she just sat around and smoked weed while he was getting LIT? Then with Ashton looked like barf/rehab/recovery the first few months cause she just does weed?

      Should he have been faithful? Sure, he took her as a wife. I don’t respect these people any less b/c their relationships didn’t work out. I just don’t get why Ashton is villianized when Demi clearly has several screws loose.

      • marie says:

        sorry, but I have to jump in here. Culkin didn’t look really bad until after they broke up. I like to think she kept him pretty clean, or at least tried to..

      • Petee says:

        In defense of Milla,yes you can live with a hardcore drug addict and not be one.I did for three year’s.Also I don’t understand the Ashton hate.I can’t stand Demi Moore.Talk about someone that thought so highly of themselves until everyone stopped seeing her crummy movies.

  3. lem says:

    i think that maybe part of the thrill of dating demi was all the public adoration they brought as a couple. maybe now that he’s older, his tune has changed a bit and he’s outgrown it.

    i used to hate him for being a sleeze, but the more that we see demi go off the rails, i feel like they were probably separated long before he started “cheating”. Or maybe I’m just biased b/c I’ve gotten to the point where I have no sympathy for demi at all.

    • ker says:

      He also hasn’t talked about her publicly and has tried to support her daughters. I find this way more mature than a lot of the couples that divorce and constantly talk smack about each other.

      I’m sure he has some pretty good stories too

  4. Alexandra Bananrama says:

    Why do they cover their faces with coats and blankets? We know it’s them.
    He’ll never stop wanting people he doesn’t know to pay attention to him.

    • Lucinda says:

      I suspect for a couple reasons. 1) to protect their eyes. Can you imagine having that many flashes going off around you in the dark all the time? I’ve heard that can really damage your eyes over time.

      2) Yes, we know who it is but you don’t get the good picture so eventually it may discourage the pictures being taken in the first place. I’m just speculating though.

      • Alexandra Bananrama says:

        For those reasons I’ve heard of celebs using back entrances, sunglasses, or going to restaurants to protect patrons from paps. All good reasons you listed.

    • tripmom says:

      The paps can’t sell the picture for nearly as much money without their faces in it.

  5. Grace says:

    Unfortunately the women he cheats on Mila with won’t be doing the same. Mila thinks putting him on media lockdown will stop him from acting out.

    • Gemini08 says:

      Honestly- I think his cheating had more to do with his dysfunctional relationship with Demi. I would be very surprised if he cheated on Mila.

      • BeachBelle says:

        +1. Ashton is living and learning. He wants nothing to do with anything remotely like his relationship with Demi, and I can’t blame him. As we all know it was doomed from the get go.

      • vvvoid says:

        Ditto, Gemini08.
        Not every person who cheats is a pathological cheater. Many are situational cheaters.
        He may surprise everyone and be faithful to Mila, and I hope he does.

  6. gg says:

    Yeah, good luck with that, pallie.

    I don’t know why celebs don’t just carry mini umbrellas to block the paps rather than attempting to duck inside their coats, which never works. And you’d have the added punch of the thing billowing open after pressing the button. Oops, my umbrella hit your camera? sorry – not.

  7. Gemini08 says:

    He’s right about people assuming he’s stupid. I have never thought he was stupid- he’s too good of a businessman to be stupid. When people underestimate you it’s makes them very easy to surprise and outsmart.

    • Alexandra Bananrama says:

      Is he a good business man? Or is he surrounded by smart business people? Serious question. Like Jessica Simpson. She’s admitted she’s not business savvy, but she has a team of smart people. Ashton was dumb enough to put his relationship with Demi on full display and openly cheat on her for years while screaming for privacy when he wanted it. His only security was making the women he cheated with promise not to tell the tabloids.

  8. berry says:

    I like what he said about fame, I always say that to my friends. I would love the money that some famous people have and the opportunities but I would not want the fame. I would hate everybody knowing my business.

    As for Mila and Ashton I kinda like them together, I really have no strong feelings for Ashton either way, I’m kinda meh about him.

  9. lamamu says:

    I think it’s possible that having gone through the fire of overexposure with Demi Moore he would learn from the experience and grow as a human being.

    It does happen…just not sure it happens to celebrities.

  10. sunnyinseattle says:

    OMG! Little off subject, but good timing. I literally just watched an old Will and Grace which Demi Moore was on. She played Jack’s “babysitter” and when Jack fired her, she couldn’t understand how they all outgrow her and don’t need her anymore. Lmfao I don’t know why, but the first thing I thought of was her and Ashton and how he “fired” his babysitter when he outgrew her. I can’t believe a post came up now. Life imitating art anyone??? 😉

  11. OhDear says:

    I’m getting annoyed at some of these celebrities claiming how they value privacy yet pimp their private lives out. In this case, he could have not approved questions about his personal life or refused to answer them.

  12. RHONYC says:

    i didn’t get past the 2nd ‘stupid’…i can’t with him. zzzzzz 🙄

  13. Lachica says:

    He’s learning and growing. I can get behind that. Plus I adore him and Mila as a couple.

  14. KellyinSeattle says:

    He doesn’t sound completely stupid…with his grammar and all, but I hate his little boy haircut…which is why he probably has on a hat. I think they’re a good couple, though.

    • littlestar says:

      Yeah, he sounds very articulate here. Compare him to someone like Miley Cyrus who can’t string together a proper sentence, and he sounds quite intelligent.

  15. MsAubra says:

    I like Jackie and Kelso together for real!

  16. Nev says:


  17. Stacia says:

    D__BAG!! Fill in the blank however you want.


  18. Granger says:

    So obviously this is my own theory and I could be way off base… but I think he and Demi grew apart because, as he got older, he realized he didn’t like the lack of privacy anymore; but as she gets older, she realizes how hard it is in Hollywood for “women of a certain age” to maintain their fame, so she’s becoming LESS private in a bid to stay in the limelight. Instead of changing paths though, like Goop (who I can’t stand, but she’s certainly figured out how to stay relevant even though the film roles are fewer and farther between), Demi is regressing — becoming less mature, trying to grab attention in insecure, even childish ways (ie, tweeting bikini photos of herself). I would think that her constant pleas for attention would get exhausting after awhile for the people around her. Hence the reason her relationship with her daughters is also more strained.

    Was it wrong of Ashton to cheat on Demi? Of course it was. As her husband, he should have been the one to tell her that no matter HOW she ages, she’s still beautiful to him — and cheating on her certainly didn’t relay that message. So I actually believe that now that Ashton’s with a woman more his own age, who’s aging WITH him and not simply trying to keep up with him, he might actually stick around. I could be wrong, of course, but that’s my two cents.

    And now I’ve spent far too long thinking about this. I need lunch.

    • littlestar says:

      I agree with the first part of your theory. I think it’s the only theory that makes sense! However, after seeing how Demi has behaved the past 2’ish years, I’m beginning to think he didn’t cheat on her. I think it could be likely that they were already separated, and he was pretending to be together with her for her sake (look how fragile and delicate she seems emotionally and mentally). Regardless of that though, even if they were just pretending to be together, the public “cheating” was crass and disrespectful.

    • Cat says:

      I often thought all the tweets, pics & interviews were to appease Demi. To keep her in the spotlight, that she seemed to want. I don’t recall him “showboating” before he got with her. Not to say he didn’t go out & party it up, but I never go the vibe that he NEEDED the attention.

  19. MelissaH says:

    I want to like him, but I just can’t do it.

  20. teehee says:

    Yeah, because your actions embarrassed the crap out of you last time, Kutcher.

  21. Kelly says:

    I like him and I like him with Mila.

  22. diva says:

    He’s gross

  23. chubby says:

    I can’t believe Mila finds Ashton attractive. Has she seen his webbed toes yet?

  24. Gossip Garl says:

    Keep HIM in check, MILA,good garl!

  25. Raven Sparrow says:

    I actually believe him cheating was a deliberate move on his part to get out of that marriage.
    I think Demi was becoming more and more clingy, needy, insecure , desperate, jealous and just plain ol’cray cray. I think he tried to end it with her by explaining how he felt and she wouldn’t have any of it. I bet she cried and got so worked up , he kept agreeing to stay until one day he decided maybe the only way out was to “give” her a public reason to dump him.
    I think he’d rather be taken for the jackass who cheated on Demi and be free of her, than staying in a relationship he couldn’t even get out.
    I think that the way her daughters were/are with her since the split and how they are with him shows a lot.

    • lucy2 says:

      I think this is totally possible, and don’t blame him for wanting out of the marriage.
      However, rather than cheat with some random, just move out and file for divorce.

  26. lucy2 says:

    “you start to have suspicions about people’s intentions that you’re becoming close with”…er…didn’t he have some Vegas one night fling with a party girl? Hardly like he was invested in a relationship and she sold him out for fame.

  27. serena says:

    ‘You know, I’ve learned the hard way how valuable privacy is. And I’ve learned that there are a lot of things in your life that really benefit from being private..’

    What a douchebag, he cares about privacy just because he got busted while cheating. Fool, he makes me laugh. ‘The hard way’ LOL stop kidding, I believe it thanks to Mila too that he’s all about ‘privacy’ now, or maybe he’s just still hiding some hookers in his closet and want it to be kept ‘private’. LOL

  28. Hoganbcmj says:

    Mila Kunis is a fox. And I’m not even into women, but she’s seriously hot.

  29. Nicolette says:

    I can’t look at them without thinking “Jackie & Kelso” for some reason.

  30. G says:

    My eyes just rolled so far back I was scared they were stuck.. Thinking about the pretension of his first response makes me feel another eye roll coming on. Mila is cool very cool how can she deal with this “intellectual powerhouse”?! Gag me!

  31. The Original Mia says:

    Did Demi force him on to twitter? I seem to remember a willing participant in tweeting about his various causes & his wife. He irks me. Take some responsibility for your cheating & stop blaming your wife. Who I believe was the person he was screwing behind Brittney Murphy’s back.

  32. vvvoid says:

    I believe Ashron is very ashamed of stepping out on Demi. I think he saw no other way to pry himself away from her insanity, and that it wasn’t as simple as “just leave her” because she would cling, threaten suicide, etc etc. So he took a drastic measure, and even then it wasn’t enough to make her release him. Shit, she won’t even release him now, she’s desperately trying to cling to him however she can, even with his wallet.
    I believe Ashton has no intentions of cheating on Mila. He’s happy with her. He’s a good person. He’s not a douchebag. I don’t believe he’d have cheated on Demi unless he was pushed to his breaking point.

  33. taylor says:

    Just for clarification, he did NOT say “People will fill in the blanks however they want” on if he dated Mila on That 70s show….he didn’t date a 15 year old girl. He was referring to people will fill in the blanks on how the relationship began now, as in was it like high school friends that get together years later in a serious relationship.

  34. d b says:

    This is OT, but it kind of pisses me off that now that Ashton’s made his tech $$ suddenly he understands the value of privacy. Surely Mark Zuckerberg will have a similar awakening — after having sold all everyone else’s personal information to whomever wants to pay for it, of course.

  35. Lololo says:

    I knew his relationship was a joke when he posted a picture of his wife in underwear. No self respecting man who respect and love their wife will do such a thing. That picture said more about him then the wife bent over.
    Mila seems private and he doesn’t so maybe this one won’t last either unless he changes, but he likes attention so we’ll see. I like it that she is natural and not a show off.Demi needs to grow up. She should,t demand money since she knew he was young and who wants a druggy as a wife, so she deserved to be let go as he may deserve to be let go also. Mila will go far. Not so sure he will or even Demi since they have had their changes and dropped the ball with the public charades. His punk show has labeled him as a jerkk so hope he can move away from that and become serious actor, meaning do comedy, but just stay private and mean it and not just say it and act annoyed. She seems honest, he not sure. I think he enjoys beying chased by paparazzies.

  36. teehee says:

    Well maybe he didnt cheat “to” get out but was just exiting the relationship a long time ago …. it was ‘over’ for him before it was for her. I still call him a cowawrd though because he should have ended it rather than cheated and lied etc.

  37. whatever says:

    @vvvoid, first of all Demi was a secure healthy women when she met Ashton, 6 years of his lyng and cheating made her an insecure wreck, second he has already cheated on Mila and you say just because someone cheats once he wont always,a leopard does not change his spots, you have a lot to learn about life.

  38. maya says:

    I think he is an asshole, and I hate him so much.