Kelly Osbourne’s new hair extensions & Ozzy look in Poland: cute or too severe?

Kelly Osbourne

Here are some photos of Kelly Osbourne in Warsaw, Poland yesterday while promoting her E! show, “Fashion Police.” As I’ve stated before, I really like Kelly and (as silly as it may seem) envy her hula-hooping abilities, and I also dig the fact that she did the unexpected with her hair color by going lavender. Like, I wish I had the guts to try a new color, but I feel like I’ve missed the boat on such experimentation merely by reaching my late 30s. Also, I’m terrible at doing my own hair and can only stand to visit the salon every three months or so. Luckily, my stylist is very skilled at weaving highlights into my natural color, so I can get away with visiting her on a quarterly basis. Basically, I am very lazy with my hair (CB loves to tease me about this fact), and lavender or any other color that needs frequent touchups is not going to happen.

Kelly’s had this lavender hue for about a year now, and now she’s showing off some new flat-ironed extensions with a very pronounced center part. At this event, she’s wearing an all black ensemble with large cross necklace and teashade sunglasses (they’re probably not quite old-school enough to be considered teashade, but they’re close), and the look is very … “Ozzy Osbourne, prince of f***ing darkness.” Has Kelly purposely dressed this way as a tribute to dear old dad? Ozzy probably got a kick out of it.

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne

Photos courtesy of WENN

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24 Responses to “Kelly Osbourne’s new hair extensions & Ozzy look in Poland: cute or too severe?”

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  1. i'm french don't kill me says:

    she’s really the daughter of her father here

  2. marie says:

    it makes her look to much like Ozzy, not good IMO.. I do like what she’s wearing though.

  3. Heather says:

    It’s cute, I love it!

  4. judyjudy says:

    She looks better here than she has in a long time. And exactly like Ozzy .

  5. Lolly says:

    She needs to ditch the frou-frou dresses, this look works for her

  6. Hannah says:

    I tried hula-hooping recently. Nearly died of shame. I was so good at this as a kid. Now I can’t even keep it up. What happened?

  7. mkyarwood says:

    The dress is great. I think she was likely ‘going for Ozzy’.

  8. valleymiss says:

    I love the lavender hair.

    I have a dumb question. When she goes to get it done, does the hairdresser bleach her whole head blond, and then put on lavender on the whole head? Or does the hairdresser only bleach the roots blond, and then do lavender on the whole head? I would think the former would be easier, but the latter would be less damaging overall. What’s usually the chosen method in this case?

    • The Original Tiffany says:

      I have blue strips, so I can answer. 🙂

      You bleach the hair. Put on the color and done. Upkeep is roots get bleached and color gets put on the whole strip again.
      The entire length of the hair goes white/blond only once and then just the roots. I’m due for touch up now. I’ve done other bright colors, but intense blue gets compliments everyday from strangers.

      I intend to rock some fun colors all the time. I’m over 40 too. Hair color does not equal young, you just have to modify the look a bit. No all over blue, but sections are fine.

      Kelly looks good here. IMO.

    • MrsAtaxxia says:

      First time it would most likely be an all over bleach and all over lavender and then from then on a bleach touch up on the dark roots and lavender all over as needed since bright colors like that tend only to be made in semi-perm and fade (leaving the bleach blond seeping back through). I dyed my hair a lot of different colors – including purple – and this was my method.

    • abbizmal says:

      My hair is silver and I put some here and there in that lavendar color and did not use the bleech. I get lots of compliments, mostly from cool people. 😀

  9. Diana says:

    She looks really good. I’m liking the extensions.

  10. valleymiss says:

    Ah, ok. Thanks you guys.

    Bedhead, you’re not too old to experiment. I’m in my late 30s and only got up the nerve to experiment in the last 2 years! Lol I asked my boss first (she couldn’t legally say no, but her approval was important to me) and she said she’d be fine with it.

    A nice way to do it, if you’re nervous, is to do the underside of the hair. I used to do my bangs, but they looked kinda fried from the monthly coloring. I switched it to the underside of my hair and the damage doesn’t show as much. Plus, I actually feel like I can get away with dyeing *more* of it when it’s the bottom layer.

    Honestly, these days funky colors are SO common. It’s not like only 22 year old punkers are doing it. Lol! No one gives me funny looks at all, and I’m in a conservative profession (teaching). I was actually in a store and the young salesgirl was telling me she wants to be a teacher, and I said I am, and she was shocked that I am, even with the dyed hair. I did advise her to get the teaching job first and have it for a few years before doing anything funky with the hair. As I said, I can’t get fired or reprimanded for it, but if I’d had it when I was first trying to get a job, I think it would have hurt my chances. (For the record, I dye my medium brown hair dark brown, with red or hot pink underneath.) I don’t have any tattoos or piercings…but I thought the hair would look pretty if I colored it.

    • jess says:

      They can’t do anything about it legally? Where do you live? None of my old jobs have allowed anything but “natural” hair colors :(. Not even those feathers when they were trendy!

      • valleymiss says:

        I’m in Southern California in a liberal big city. I guess it wouldn’t be the same in the Midwest. Technically, I could be covered in tattoos and facial piercings and have a mohawk and my union would protect me, but *shrug* I think it would be tougher to be taken seriously, if I even got hired in the first place. (And I’m not 16 and hellbent on expressing myself come hell or high water. I love having a responsible job and a paycheck and being a role model.) I’m pretty careful about what I wear, too. That’s why I checked with my principal first with the hair. Though I could have dyed my whole head of hair blue and she’d have to just deal with it, I respect her immensely and didn’t want to offend her sensibilities.

        Most teachers are conservative when it comes to appearance. It would be a huge distraction to my students if I had things like that. So, though I would be allowed to, it wouldn’t be worth it in terms of how distracting it would be. It’s important that I set myself apart from children and not try to “fit in” with them. Among the teachers I work with, one teacher has a small tattoo on her ankle that she covers with makeup or clothes…and that’s about it. I’m the only one with a funky hair color. If I had found that the colored hair was a distraction, I would have changed it.

        I do have kids complain to me, “How come you get to do that, and my mom won’t let me?” And I simply explain, “Because as an adult, I have earned the right to do these things by being over age 18. I get to drive a car and vote. But…you can play with dolls and watch cartoons and have stuffed animals and no one thinks it’s weird, and I can’t really do those things anymore. So, there are a lot of things you get to do that I don’t. If I did them, people would think I was weird!” That always makes them laugh.

      • jess says:

        Ah…Union. I’m in California too! It is pretty cool that they allow you to have that kind of individuality!

    • Porsha says:

      thanks for the tip, I am so doing this, I love the idea of colouring it underneath, and I am 41

  11. Cece says:

    I think it’s really unflattering (lengthwise). It also looks too thin and unhealthy – her ends are tragic!! Fake hair should at least look good.

    • Pandy says:

      YEah, I love the lavendar but not the length on her. Looks like Dad but the pantsuit screams Sharon. Not a good look.

  12. KellyinSeattle says:

    I think Kelly is cute, but doesn’t have any sex appeal…but she is cute. And I love, Ozzy!!!

  13. tex says:

    Why is Kelly still in the media?
    Did she sing anything?
    Write anything?
    Do anything?

  14. Mandy says:

    I’m not crazy about the hair, but I love her outfit!