Kate Hudson: ‘I don’t believe in diets, I think the whole concept should be banned’

Some days I feel like the last Kate Hudson fan alive. Most of you are either ambivalent towards her or you dislike her outright. For me, Kate is harmless at worse and at best, she’s fun and optimistic and she’s not asking for our pity or our concern (a trait I like and admire). So Kate covers the May issue of Elle UK, and as a Hudson fan, I feel I can say this… this photoshoot SUCKS. They made her look so boring and oatmeal-y. The styling is crap, the lighting seems dull and the clothes are unmemorable. Blah. Thankfully, the interview is a little bit more exciting. Some highlights:

Meeting Matt Bellamy, falling in love & getting pregnant within 2 months: “It was all very old-fashioned and proper, and we went on lovely dates. And two months later I was pregnant … Well, yes [I was shocked], but I also thought, ‘This is going to be interesting.’”

Bellamy was up for all of it: “I knew it would take a strong man to deal with it. You know that with a relationship things can go either way when you have a child. When you get pregnant everything changes: you, your body. Everything becomes a big decision. But he was there and that was that.”

Three years later, they’re still engaged: “We will get married. I do think it’s important, but we have no plans…[Ryder] wants a party. For me it’s not the legal part that is important, it’s what it means to the family.”

Admiring her mother Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s 30 year relationship: “When I was a kid, my brothers and sisters and I wanted my parents to get married. We ended up with something far more powerful. We were all together at home, Dad gave Mum a ring and said some beautiful words. It was their own version of the ceremony and I remember it so well. It was like it was about us. The family was the glue.”

Putting motherhood first: “I’m a lot less a rock chick and a lot more about being a good mother, a good partner. I’m part of a family. That’s how we were brought up, how I bring my kids up. They are very blessed to live how they do, but they are aware of that.”

She’s sort of a hippie on a farm: “We have a vegetable plot, a herb garden, the boys pull out carrots and collect eggs from the hens, that’s the sort of day that makes me really happy.”

She doesn’t diet: “I am now [after Ryder’s birth] a human calorie app… [After Bingham] the weight went pretty easily. Good food looks after you. I’ve learnt about nutrition and how it works, and I eat incredibly well now…I don’t believe in diets, I think the whole concept should be banned. I think we just have to learn how to eat properly.”

[From Elle UK via People]

See? I think she’s cool. She’s not “this is the way I live, this is the only right way to do things” and she’s not all about consumerism just for the sake of having the best and most exclusive things (Beyonce, Goop). She seems to genuinely put value on her relationship with her family and being a mom. And before the judgy mom brigade comes in to nit-pick Kate as a mom… haven’t you been surprised by how low-key she’s been after giving birth to Bingham? The second baby really calmed her and nowadays, we rarely see candid photos of her or her kids. I think she really is just living a quieter life with her sons and Matthew. Whatever, y’all. I’m a fan and I don’t mind saying it.

Photos courtesy of Elle UK.

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54 Responses to “Kate Hudson: ‘I don’t believe in diets, I think the whole concept should be banned’”

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  1. allons-y alonso says:

    I only read this because I’m a massive Muse fan.

    • LadyBird83 says:

      Right. She said “garden plot” lol!

    • GoodCapon says:

      I’ve been listening to Map of the Problematique all day!

      I can’t stand her but I’ll give her a pass because of Matt.

  2. Happyhat says:

    I don’t mind her at all – and considering that ‘Overboard’ is one of my favourite movies, she kinda gets my vote.

    And I’m with her on the whole diet thing – as someone who’s halfway through losing weight, I can testify that eating well is far more beneficial then going on a diet.

    • emyemz says:

      I love love love overboard, and I love Goldie and Kurt! I also love Kate. I think she is a down to earth person. And these 3 are some of the handful of celbs I would love to meet. And I really really would love to meet Goop so I can tell her to get off her high horse, she needs to remember humble beginings bc she is wayyy to full of her self!

    • Rux says:

      I heart you so much for saying that!!!! I have Overboard as one of the few DVDs we kept and I watch it at least once a month.

      I love Goldie…I love Kurt…I love Kate…they do not bother me at all.

    • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

      She put it well– good food will take care of you. Stay away from all the processed crap, eat fresh, organic, tasty food.it really works.

  3. janie says:

    You’re not alone.. I have always loved how she lives her life. She is so much like her mom & most things don’t bother her! A diva.. She is not!

  4. minime says:

    I’m a super fan of Matt Bellamy and I like Kate Hudson, she seems OK and they both seem to be down to earth. She looks also nice in the photos, but I liked more when she had a bit more of weight. Still, looks healthy, that’s good.

  5. LadyL says:

    What a load of tosh.
    She must forgotten her highly publicized weight loss/work out regime that she gave countless interviews about after the birth of her first son. Having scheduled a movie role within months after her first pregnancy- there was a rush to loose the 60+ pounds she was have said to have gained.

    • whatthehell456 says:

      Key words: “After her FIRST kid”. Now that she’s had her second, she’s probably matured more and realized that eating well will always win out against dieting. Good for her.

      • emmie_a says:

        There were a bunch of articles months ago about her working out three hours per day and dieting — after the birth of her SECOND kid. She was in a huge rush to lose the baby weight so maybe she hasn’t matured as much as you think.

      • Kcarp says:

        I remember that too recently it was being reported how much she was working out and how it is next to impossible for a “real” person to do that.

    • Christina says:

      Plus, it’s easy to say you ‘don’t believe in diets’ when you have all the time, money and resources to grow your own food, and avail of the services of nutritionists, cooks, personal trainers etc.

    • Tessa says:

      Perhaps she changed her mind, as humans tend to do? Perhaps she learned why she doesn’t like dieting by being a slave to one in the past? Live and learn so to speak.

      • mel says:

        Nope…I think its a load of trash. There is a complete lack of perspective with the reality of the real world. Real world as in working families with kids going in 8 directions, no chefs, no nannies, no house cleaners. Celebrities should just not GO THERE.

      • mimifarrow says:

        Hahaha this is so rich. My BFF’s family grew up up with Goldie & Kate, oh the stories. The slovenly, spoiled, completely out of touch Kate whom even Goldie was pissed off at for being such a lazy ass. Sorry, but it’s all sound bites.

    • MMRMB says:


      So annoying when they lie and think we forget……..

  6. elkiddo says:

    You are not a lost cause Kaiser, i love her too.

  7. mkyarwood says:

    No more diets, just lifestyle change. Until I grasped that concept, the yo-yo hit me in the head for years. Now, I eat A LOT, enjoy wine, do a 40 minute weight work out 3 or 4 times a week with yoga in the mornings. It might sound like a lot, but after awhile, you just can’t go without it. You’re used to your body working well, not having to take advil all day or skip a meal so you fit into your clothes. Good food DOES look after you.

  8. Jayna says:

    I also am a superfan of the brilliant Matt Bellamy. She’s probably low-key because he wants it that way. She doesn’t seem madly in love with him, though.

    • Snail says:

      Yeah, that’s my take on it. I bet he gave her an ultimatum that if she wants him to stick around, she’d better tone it down.
      When I read anything of her it seems like spin and PR and that she’s being coached on what to say and what exact image to put forth. There is something I just don’t buy…
      And yeah, there was just an interview in the last six months with her saying how she worked out 6 hours a day to get in shape after the second child. There is a piece on that here on CB, even.

  9. T.Fanty says:

    Wasn’t she the one who talked about doing six hours a day at the gym after giving birth?

    And, while the interview is fine, she looks unhealthily thin in those photos. Not good.

    • hoya_chick says:

      Exactly! And it was covered on this very site! Whatever. Actresses always say they don’t diet. They all do. She is a liar.

      Also, Kaiser, I think the whole “we rarely see candid photos of her or her kids” has more to do with people not caring. Her movie career has stalled in a major way and although I love Muse it’s not like she is married to a huge rock star who commands photogs. Which begs the question; why is she even on the cover of Elle? What is she promoting? Her life? Strange.

  10. Nanz says:

    I like her. Always have. I don’t see what the mom brigade could possibly complain about. She sounds like a level-headed and FUN woman who happens to be a mom. Cool.

  11. anneesezz says:

    She annoys me to no end. She seems like such a phoney. Getting pregnant after two months — what a dumbas$. Has she ever heard of birth control? Being a ditz was Goldie’s bit and she really can’t pull it off – AT ALL.

  12. bea says:

    I agree – that photo shot does suck. It hardly looks like her.

  13. Talie says:

    Damn though… I had no idea she got pregnant that fast! That sure puts pressure on a relationship, thank god they were compatible.

  14. lucy2 says:

    That’s a decent interview. I don’t hate her, but I just don’t like her for some reason. It might have to do with her horrible film choices.

  15. elceibeno08 says:

    I don’t even know what diet means anymore. We could talk about it until the cows come home and it would still vex me. Look at her skinny arms, she is clearly consuming less food which is ‘dieting’.

  16. Madpoe says:

    Said the thin (petite?) woman posing on a mag that would never allow 180lbs/size 14 woman on its cover.

    • ZigZagZoey says:

      Geez! That’s the first thing that came to my mind! She has always been very thin, so she has no idea what it’s like to want to lose more than 5 pounds…

  17. INeedANap says:

    Holy Mother of Photoshop, this looks nothing like her.

  18. Amber says:

    How is she low-key? She was just on the cover of another magazine a few weeks ago. What exactly is she promoting, other than herself? (I looked it up)Her last Ann Taylor campaign came out in January. That’s a few red carpet appearances and magazine covers ago. She never really goes away. She reminds me of Jennifer Aniston in that, if fame and tabloid exposure equaled box office success and acclaim and all the people who “like” her paid to see her films, they wouldn’t be such flops. What was the last Hudson movie you paid to see? The last one you saw because SHE was in it? The last one you enjoyed? Btw, whenever discussing Jennifer Lawrence, people come out of the woodwork saying she’s phony or it’s an image and PR conscious. That’s how I feel about Hudson (and she is oatmeal-y, they didn’t make her look like that). The only person who goes on and on about what a free spirit, down-to-earth hippie Hudson is, is Hudson herself (as many are pointing out, this story on diets has also changed). And she does so in interviews for her vapid movie or while shilling for Ann Taylor and Almay before scooting back to her mansion… and garden. I’m not giving her bonus points for not being an out-and-out ass. If we compared all celebs to Paltrow we’d like almost everybody (some people like Paltrow too). That’s a steep grading curve.

    • Tahoe says:


    • Coco says:

      Wow, so much hate… She is promoting the film The Reluctant Fundamentalist.

      • Amber says:

        Hmmm, where did I hate her? I’m just saying she never goes away. She’s on some mag like every month. Or it’s a red carpet. Or an award show. Thank you for telling me she actually has an excuse to be talking about herself this month. But even so, I’m not clear on how being in Elle and Glamour and giving these interviews will appeal to someone who would be interested in seeing that movie. Nor can I imagine others doing so much press for an indie film that premiered last August, is getting a limited release in the US and won’t be released in the UK until May. I suspect there’s more Kate to come. She’s more celebrity than actress and she’s one of the worst offenders in the self-promotion category in H-wood to me. Her fame is greatly disproportioned to her talent and output. She’s getting plenty of love on this page; I’m just giving the contrast. I guess I’m just stingier with my admiration. I don’t hate her (I don’t hate anybody), but I don’t see what there is to like about her. Should I like her, or anyone, for being harmless, vapid, fun?

  19. Trek Girl says:

    I don’t like her. I thought there was something off putting about her even when I was a child.

    I get what she’s saying about dieting, but even those statements sound odd coming from her. Also, her “diets should be banned” statement sounds like a “this is the way I live, this is the only right way to do things” way of thinking to me.

  20. karmasabiatch! says:

    Well, I’m not part of the “mom brigade” (or any other that I’m aware of). I don’t think you should be made to feel like a Hudson apologist, Kaiser. She’s a cool chick, as was her mother before her!

  21. Sweet Dee says:

    Is it wrong I have a soft spot for her because of Almost Famous? I love that movie. Other than that I have no opinion, I rarely pay attention to her.

    Anyway, a bunch of ladies at my work are doing a new diet that begins with a 10-day cleanse. They all spent $186 for some pills and powders that make a “fiber drink” and an “energy drink,” sounds super healthy right? They are all on Day 3, and are acting like bitches on wheels. Keep in mind they have done every fad diet ever, lost the weight and gained it back.

    So I finally asked them what the initial cleanse entails, and they informed me that alongside the pills and powders, they can only eat fruits, vegetables, and certain lean proteins. Every other day, they can have a whole grain, but their calories are not limited.

    I made a harmless joke that I have to eat like that 9 days out of 10 in addition to working out or else I’d be back at 200 lbs again (5’4″!!), sure as the sun. Man did they ever give me the dirtiest looks I’ve ever seen! Judgy bitches.

    See? Dieting is bad for you.

  22. AmyLynne says:

    I think she seems very full of herself. Granted, probably they all are, but I don’t like her. It doesn’t help that my good friend worked for the company that did her (first) wedding cake and my friend said she was a HUGE entitled brat and expected everything to be free.(I will give her that was a long time ago so she could have grown up). I read an article more recently when she was talking about some style of clothing and she was complaining about how people don’t dress for their body and “even I can’t get away with that.” I think she watches her weight very, very closely and I think she is very arrogant about it.

  23. Shelly says:

    Kaiser, you’re not the last Kate Hudson fan….I have always adored her!

  24. The Original Mia says:

    She annoys me to no end.

    She doesn’t diet. Okay…sure. Whatever.

  25. KellyinSeattle says:

    I really like her, but I do agree that perhaps her comments could seem kind of superficial to people who have struggled with weight. P.S I want to marry Kurt Russell.

  26. Alecia says:

    I think she’s a real talent but like some of her peers, Matthew McConahaughey ( I never know how to spell it) comes to mind. They are good at what they do but make horrendous choices. I was hoping the Glee appearance would signal a new turn and maybe it will.
    But I totally like how she’s not all GOOPY and BOOPY. We need more stars like that.

  27. Chelsea's handler says:

    Low fat this low fat that. Pft. If you’re going eat something do it right and then get physical.

  28. Becky1 says:

    I don’t dislike Kate Hudson-she seems like a pleasant person. My issue with her is that she’s one of those people that I doubt would be famous without being the daughter and stepdaughter of famous people. She’s attractive and to some extent charismatic but she’s not a very good actress.

  29. eliza says:

    Geez doesn’t anyone use birth control??

    • Hakura says:

      That was my thought. I can’t, for the life of me, understand WTF is SO difficult about using a condom.

      Hell, I’ve always known I don’t want children. I plan to be on the pill, *&* make my guy wear a condom. xD I know I (personally) couldn’t consider abortion, so I intend to take every precaution possible.

  30. Less says:

    Honestly, I though that was Kate Winslet at first. I have to agree with you. I usually like her. Sometimes she’s a little meh, but I never don’t like her.

    Since when does she have sisters? That must have been a misquote. She grew up with 3 brothers. (Ok, technically she has sisters from her dad’s side, but she has never really acknowledged them, and certainly wouldn’t include them in that context).

  31. Hakura says:

    “It was all very old-fashioned and proper, and we went on lovely dates. And two months later I was pregnant.

    Sooo… It’s considered ‘old fashioned’ & ‘proper’ to know someone for 2 months & already be pregnant? That makes it sound like ‘we had a few romantic dates, candle light and all that, so it was totally ‘proper’ for us to hop into bed afterwards…’

    I have to *know* someone for more than a few weeks before hopping into bed. Maybe that’s just me.

  32. Amy says:

    I’m ambivalent about her as a person, and I dislike her as an actress. But I think that second photo is really cute.