Did Liam Hemsworth really ask Miley Cyrus for an open relationship?

Liam Hemsworth

Here are some photos of Liam Hemsworth looking moderately hunky while entering and a West Hollywood gym while wearing only his socks (gross). It’s worth mentioning that the paps were lying in wait for Liam, whose career is on a huge upswing although it remains to be seen whether or not his current projects will justify all of the excitement. Until now, we’ve really only seen him alongside Miley Cyrus in The Last Song and during a handful of moments in The Hunger Games where he looked very wistful while watching Katniss kiss Peeta. The dude might be quite handsome, but I’m not convinced of his talent just yet — although he did just score a coveted role in The Raven, which is a sci-fi conspiracy thriller based upon a viral short film that will be produced by Mark Wahlberg.

As for Miley, she’s still all about the music and was photographed yesterday while flashing some sideboob and entering a music studio. Her new album will feature Snoop Dogg, so I guess she’s serious about changing her image. We’ll see how it goes.

In the meantime, a new story in this week’s issue of Star says that Liam has asked Miley for an open relationship. Little does he realize that such a thing would make him no longer attractive in January Jones’ eyes, right? Oddly enough, Star says this story isn’t even based upon Liam’s own side piece(s). Instead, he’s simply upset that Miley had lunch with her ex, Nick Jonas, who she dated in 2008 (at the height of purity rings). For what it’s worth, Miley has already denied seeing Nick at all. Here’s the story:

Liam Hemsworth

Shortly after reporting he had reunited with Miley Cyrus, Star can reveal that Liam Hemsworth is not looking to get back together — and, in fact, he suggested to Miley that they “see other people.” According to pals close to the couple, Liam’s new demand is the result of Miley’s supposed lunch date with ex-boyfriend Nick Jonas.

After the 23-year-old actor called off his engagement to Miley, 20, and flew home to Australian when Star reported on his hookup with Janurary Jones, the couple decided to work things out upon his return to the U.S. But after a fan reportedly spotted Miley having lunch with Nick at Paty’s restaurant in L.A. on March 25, the hunk actor had had enough. “Liam said he would only conitnue to be with her if they could have an open relationship,” says an insider. “He needs to figure out if they are truly meant to be together.”

Miley then took to Twitter to vent her frustrations over the latest rumor. “I literally haven’t seen Nick Jonas in years. Don’t believe everything you read folks,” tweeted the singer on March 27. But after quickly deleting the message and replacing it with, “FOCUSED ON MUSIC & MUSIC ALONE,” speculation grew as to whether the LOL actress was trying to cover her tracks. But despite the constant drama, sources say Liam has “agreed to work on the relationship.”

[From Star, print edition, April 15, 2013]

A Miley source has contacted Hollywood Life to say there’s no truth to the “arrangement: “No way in hell are they having an open relationship! That’s not the way Miley was raised, she has morals. Miley is going through a wild phase, but she’s still the same girl underneath and she really believes in true love and soul mates and it’s just ridiculous to think she’d agree to that kind of arrangement!” I fully believe that Miley would never say yes to seeing other people while she and Liam are still together, and I don’t think Liam would be dumb enough to suggest such a thing when the cheating rumors are still so fresh. This sounds like a totally make-up story — except for Miley tweeting about being “all about the music.” She needs to stop doing that.

Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN

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39 Responses to “Did Liam Hemsworth really ask Miley Cyrus for an open relationship?”

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  1. bsh says:

    They might not have a open-relationship agreement, but they both cheat on each other (according to blinds) and their engagement is just for publicity. Next!

    • Liv says:

      Plus can she please stop telling magazines stuff through sources? Everbody knows it’s her. This is pretty amusing though:

      “…and she really believes in true love and soul mates…” …and butterflies and unicorns! 😉

  2. Yellowshaba says:

    I don’t really get his appeal And honestly I’m not waiting.

    • mom2two says:

      Thank you for saying this. I don’t get the appeal of this guy and I don’t understand why he keeps getting cast in movies? Do they need a block of wood that bad?
      I don’t think his brother Chris is a great actor but at least Chris is good looking and seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. Liam is a mess.

  3. DanaG says:

    I wish Miley would find something else her voice isn’t that good her success so far has all been with Disney she has done very little besides that. Now it’s all about the side boob and bad haircuts and on/off engagements which I doubt will lead down the aisle. She is way too young and immature and so is he. He is young, hot and coming up does he really need Miley? I think she needs him way more especially if his career really takes off.

    • gie says:

      Yah,i think MILEY CYRUS should find much, much better than Liam Hemsworth,she doesn’t need him & the big question remains, oh my GOD,why did he come back to Miley cyrus anyway?,he could have stay by his own or just stay in Austalia,He want doesn’t to come to Miley Cyrus is actually is full of bulls unless their dummy because nobody can be force to come back to anybody unless,he wants it to badly(oh yah,some insiders his friends is covering liam hemsworth mess for sure).Sure this guy has face,but no brain anyway,that’s why this guy is prone to cheating.And by the way, MILEY CYRUS doesn’t need to be an actress, she has everything & the truth is MILEY is multi talented & genius it comes to music,she belongs to music & reala&pure talent based on reality not acting…GO MILEY GO, the music needs you more & she will be big than anybody can imagine,don’t believe me, the watch &follow her then you will know,seen it.BLESS YOU MILEY CYRUS& FAMILY…

  4. Dingo says:

    Her new song “Ashtrays and Heartbreaks” with Snoop (Lion?!”) is on soundcloud:


  5. crab says:

    OMG I can’t even imagine what it must be like to just go to the gym and there are five papparazzi’s trying to take photo’s of you! I’m so glad I’m a peon! 🙂

  6. T.Fanty says:

    Budget Hemsworth looks a lot like his big bro with the beard and baseball cap. Just, well, a budget version of him.

    • Marty says:

      True statement.

    • j.eyre says:

      No, Budgetboy looks nothing like CHemboy… well, at least not when they first wake up. Budgetboy’s hair is a terrible tangle – he looks like a brunette Brillo pad. CHemboy’s golden tresses, however, lay beautifully on the pillow, shimmering with the light scent of lavender from the buds the forest animals have placed under select tendrils whilst we slept.

      • Marty says:

        Hehehe. May I also confess that I enjoy that Chris’s skintone is fairer? Makes it all the more appealing to see my olive skin tone rub up against…erh…I mean, no I stand by my original statement. 🙂

      • j.eyre says:

        No, I can totally see that, Marty. Your differing skin tones do compliment each other well. When you hit “certain positions”, you resemble the Yin-Yang symbol.

        CHemboy and I are tonally equal so when he is on top of me, we blend into one beautiful, harmonious sex creature – it makes it harder for the paps to distinguish who is who (you know his penchant for public places)

      • Marty says:

        Haha, nice!

      • T.Fanty says:

        Beautiful as that image was – the blonde beast with two backs was a particularly eloquent touch – it makes me think more of Snow White and the Huntsman than Briar Rose, which doesn’t bode well for you.

        That now said, wouldn’t Brillo-pad-budget and K-Stew make an excellent, revolting couple?

        (also, where on earth is Miss Kiki when you are so brazenly claiming your blonde turf?)

      • j.eyre says:

        First – BudgetBrillo and KStew – brilliant. We must make this happen. My gawd you are a genius!

        Second – where the hell is the Mayor? She has been absent all week and I am going through withdrawal. I mean sure, I am slut enough to hold up her trashy end of things around here but its just not as much fun. I have CHemboy and Renner for my H!t L!sters today and I even have two Sh@meF*cks being posted about – I miss my Harlot-in-Arms. I mean, I know you will throw down with some BudgetBrillo, but until you come out with Sh@meF*cks – you don’t have enough mud on you.

        It’s funny, I was googling some random stuff when I was up North and an archived CB post came up so I decided to give it a read. Turns out it was one in which I was already out (not lurking) and Kay-Doo and I were in this epic battle with horses and coffins and Loki/Svaðilfari references. Meanwhile Eve had boots on necks and EsCon was coughing up blood… I decided Jenna is right, we have gone soft. I think we need to rebuild the arena…

        And do not disparage my blond (I suppose I could wear a wig for him?) flesh beast with two backs (which just goes to show you have no idea how CHemboy likes it), IT’S ALL I HAVE.

        Lawd, I am in a mood today. Damn you, Myr Kiki!

      • j. eyre says:

        I said CHemboy and PocketRen were my H!t L!ister and yet there The Mac in all his ginger glory. The Mac who was fast tracked to the Forver H!t L!st.

        Do you think he will forgive me?

  7. JenD says:

    Nothing says commitment to a life together like an open relationship.

  8. ella says:

    Uh, so having an open relationship is “immoral”? It’s funny how people are still so close minded about these things. What a couple chooses to do in their relationship is their business and a deal like that has nothing to do with morals or believing in true love. different strokes for different folks, no pun intended.

    • Tapioca says:

      It’s not so much that it’s “immoral”, I think, as much as how many “open relationships” do you know that are equal and open on both sides?

      I’ve had friends agree to one so that they don’t lose their partner completely (or a rent-free flat!), when in reality they hate the idea. If you can make one genuinely work more power to you, but no healthy relationship leaves one half feeling short-changed.


      • Oops says:

        this, in general one accepts because he/she doesn’t want to loose his/her partner but I don’t remember meeting people in an healthy open relation ship.
        And I don’t understand the concept : if you want to have multiple sex partner no problem but why being in a relationship ? Because of what people think ?

    • MCraw says:

      Nothing can be straight-up called for what is it anymore. A person with morals doesn’t get into open relationships. A person or couple who does what they want and choose atypical relationship rules knowingly eschew social mores. People who I know who have open relationships know it’s immoral and don’t care if it is. They usually acknowledge it’s short term. But maybe I’m closed-minded for seeing how ridiculous that is.

      • MJ says:

        I’m in a monogomous marriage, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking your comment is ridiculous. Maybe people in open relationships don’t share your exact values when it comes to some things, but immoral? You’d be surprised how many people aren’t into traditional relationship structures, even if they appear to be on the outside. I think it’s much healthier for two grown adults to talk about their needs and expectations openly, than to deceive and cheat on one another. No need to cut down others’ life choices.

      • MCraw says:

        @MJ I agree with what you’re saying, two grown consenting adults can do whatever they want. I’m talking about the language used to describe it. Immoral would be used properly in this instance because the people or couple choosing this know that it goes against social mores… Which makes it immoral or them amoral. Not a judgement, I just get annoyed when words that succinctly describe things or people can’t be used because of its misuse or misunderstanding.

  9. Chelsea's handler says:

    I don’t know why anyone in Hemsworth’s position would even bother with a relationship. I really don’t.

  10. elceibeno08 says:

    Open relationships do NOT work. Jealousy will always prevail.

  11. Mia 4S says:

    Good lord, they are such children. Break up, go get as much or as little strange as you want, figure yourselves out! If its meant to be you’ll find your way back. There is ZERO reason for these two to get married right now.

  12. Lolly says:

    It’s Snoop Lion now…
    Seriously Miley & Liam, it’s ok to break up, no one’s judging you two. & dare I say it’ll make you two seem smarter in the lonr run

  13. Talie says:

    He’d more interesting with January Jones… I’m sorry, these two are borrrring.

  14. Dee Cee says:

    Hints_clues! I’M ENGAGED!.. not long after.. I don’t want to marry quickly.. so young.. No kids to burden me for a while., PUPPIES to burden me. He doesn’t like me around when he’s working, never mind I got some gigs. We are a dynamically sexy modern life couple.. do secret.. so naughty things until we get hitched.. I just wanna enjoy being engaged.. One puppy died.. Never mind MORE PUPPIES! I feel like we are already married.. Wow I can’t believe I am engaged to a guy so handsome! Can’t get stuck in a rut of old MILEY.. Cut my HAIR! Radical changing…!!Wot? oh dear, he’s hitting on other girls.. dating someone? Doing my own thing with my gals and male pals, and so is he? He’s visiting parents, don’t worry. Rah rah.. Engaged again! ? Never-mind, my ring needed fixin’ go away.. I trust him..

  15. Marty says:

    Well….when you have threesomes with you and your man, how do you expect him not to get greedy like that?

  16. Jen34 says:

    They both seem so immature, but it is understandable given their ages. I feel bad (for Miley) because it has to play out in public.

  17. KellyinSeattle says:

    I try to be nice, but Miley really, really bugs me…I saw a bit of Hannah Montana the other day and I actually winced at her singing…her cutesy antics will not wear well or stand the test of time. Building a castle upon the sand…I do admire the relationship between daughter and father, though.

  18. Tara says:

    He’s looking really budget. I really think she can do better. And I’ve never really been a fan of either. Tho I’m pretty impressed by her reinvention. She’s approaching Joseph Gordon Levitt’s feat of radio silence, then re-emergence. Not that I’m equating them as people or in terms of style or talent.

  19. Patrice says:

    These two are way, way too young to be dealing with this level of drama, heartache and pain in a relationship. Now, I know when you’re in your early 20s, it’s usually ALL drama, and God knows I used to live by it with my exes, but it was never to the extent of someone actually cheating. I mean, they’re both attractive, successful, independently very wealthy and have their entire lives ahead of them. Why keep up with all these shenanigans with each other, you know? It makes no sense at all. (It’s like they’re both just trying to save public face for some reason as if they were married and now trying to cover-up a divorce!)

    Someone being (allegedly) unfaithful is merely a symptom of long term, often unspoken dissatisfaction within the relationship and that, more than the actual physical act is what is the deal breaker would be for me. At that point, the trust is already long gone so why stick around for more of the same pain?

    Move on Miley! He’s gorgeous, and I’m sure you still really love him, but if it’s meant to be then you’ll both find your way back to one another naturally once you’re both a little older and some time has passed. It’s next to impossible to gain any perspective when you’re still in the thick of it and it’s all so forced.

    • gie says:

      Very well said,i seconded,@miley cyrus, please listen to your father,he loves you.Be very strong @mileycyrus, show how strong are and move on miley,forget him, because there’s so many worthy guys out there.Enjoy your life to the fullest and concentrate on music & show em your pure talent.Someday you will be able to find a man enough worthy of loving heart.Not L.H.@MILEYCYRUS,your too good for him,i hope your realize that this early.BLESS YOU…

  20. Tara says:

    Wait, why is he even famous?

  21. dcypher1 says:

    Miley cryrus and snoop dogg are u serious? That sounds really lame. Snoop is a sell out now. I remember when snoop was an og and would never do a song with hannah montanna like in the 90s. They must bepaying him well.