Kaley Cuoco went quite edgy at last night’s ACM awards, and heads must have turned in surprise at this black BCBG gown with flesh-toned overlays. The halter top shows off Kaley’s toned arms, and the shirt shimmies down into just the right amount of flare. Kaley looks really great, and she knows it. Her red carpet style is often hit and miss, but she’s bringing it here. Her smoky eyes are perfectly matched to the mood of the dress, and her hair was styled perfectly to cap off the dramatic vibe.
Now for that hair … yes, Kaley is rocking a pompadour! It’s certainly a fun hairstyle for her, and it is worlds better than last year’s red-carpet clip-on bangs that she later regretted. I’m loving the matching clutch and earrings too. Kaley wins the night even if this ensemble might have been better suited for the Grammys than wasted at the ACMs.
Sheryl Crow, who performed as part of Blake Shelton’s group rendition of “Boys ‘Round Here,” decided to ditch the dresses and went with a cornflower blue pantsuit with bustier. The outfit itself isn’t bad, and Sheryl certainly possesses the figure to pull it off, but the styling leaves little to be desired. The yellow statement necklace is a bit tacky, and Sheryl is so tanned, highlighted, and plucked that it makes me feel uncomfortable. She’s so gorgeous when she goes for the “laid-back” vibe, but here, Sheryl is trying too hard.
Hillary Scott brought her baby bump to the party and dressed up in a blue jersey dress that was both sensible and slightly sexy with a low-cut bust detail. She looks quite pretty, but the dress is a bit overwhelming with so much drapey material, so I think she would have looked even better with a simple updo.
Photos courtesy of PR Photos and WENN
Kaley looks gorgeous; Sheryl Crow looks ridiculous and dated.
Really? I think the hair and makeup is terrible. The Art Deco-inspired dress would be elegant and Gatsby-ish if it was a size larger and not quite so low-cut.
A pompadour is never a good idea, unless you’re Marie Antoinette. Even the word “pompadour” sounds ridiculous. Pompadour. Pompadour.
Pompadour pompadour pompadour! 😆
Agree that it is a funny word, and I think she looks awful. Well, the hair, not the dress.
Does her hair stylist hate her or what?
Those bangs were so incredibly bad, I have no idea how she could have looked in the mirror that night and not seen it….Does she have no friends or relatives that will tell her when she looks ridiculous?
It looks like a rooster tail to me.
Zigzag, I think she said the bangs were an attempt at covering a black eye. (but yes, they were awful).
Thanks, I forgot about that! However, I still think 2 black eyes would have looked better! Hee!
Agreed – hate the hair but her body looks amazing in that dress!
I agree on both counts. I’m really into the whole black widow dress!
She’s giving me some Miley Cyrus vibes, but overall I don’t mind it.
It’s better than that bangs-and-red-doily monstrosity she had going on earlier this year at The SAG Awards.
Kaley looks really put together except for the dead expression in her eyes…and Sheryl? Just “NO!”
Agreed, Sheryl looks all kinds of awful.
I agree, I really like Kaley Cuoco’s whole look!
She looks fantastic. Her arms and shoulders are amazing.
But I have to wonder why she was there…
This. For why was she there?
Same reason that LL Cool Jay was there…they are on shows that air on CBS. It was the network plugging themselves.
I’m really not sure why Kaley is a thing. She’s an average actress as best. I don’t know. I know I’m being harsh, but I just can’t get on board with her. I find her irritating.
I understand Erinn. I love BBT, but she is definitely the weak link in the show for me. Always has been.
I didn’t realize the ACMs aired on CBS. That makes sense then.
My husband can’t take his eyes off her. I watch the BBT and he always has eyes for Penny. She’s definitely got something the boys like.
Kaley looks severe. It’s not a horrible dress, but I don’t like the finished look. She can look so much better.
I like the dress on her, but I’m not crazy about the height of her pompadour…and the shade of her blonde hair. It’s too…I don’t know. I think she looks better with that nice, honey-blonde better.
YASSSS Kaley Cuoco. serve the girls.
but, kelly roland did it better.
Kaley is so pretty but she styles her hair and clothing horribly!
JUST tanned,highlighted and plucked? I. Think. Not. If you hadn’t told me who that was, I never would have guessed Sheryl Crow.
Agreed. Too much Botox.
Yeah, she’s had work done for sure. I never would have recognized her either.
I don’t know, I love that she has some wrinkles around her eyes. I think her face looks great (and is it wrong that I like the pantsuit?), but I’m not loving the tan and the hair…it is too much they all blend together.
She’s way too bronzy, orangey.
I actually really like her look for once. I usually find her to be the typical Hollywood blah blonde. Totally interchangeable with the next 20 coming down the pike. Also I feel like she’ll quit acting after a while because she never seems happy when she’s at any Hollywood function. Look how dead those eyes are.
Also Sheryl Crow is waaaaaaaaaaay too skinny.
Kaley looks amazing but agree the dress is a bit of a waste at the ACMs.
Sheryl’s just a no.
Do pregnant celebs cup their tummies to confirm it is a pregnancy and not a rogue beer belly?
I think Kaley looks awesome and I would kill for that dress. Cheryl, wtf 1974, there is a reason it’s in the past. That looks like a hooker’s leisure suit! Hillary looks sweet and pretty and the dress is not bad.
HA! “Hooker leisure suit,” I love it! This comment made my day.
Must just be me, but I think they all look awful. The expectant mama looks the best of all of them.
I like this style so r’n’r. I thought Pink would totally wear this.
Someone knows the designer?? I’d say Versace, but I’ma not sure.
Pointed fingernails are not flattering. Her hands look huge. But hey, her waist looks super tiny!
I think Kaley always looks like she’s going for Pink-Light, but I like her so I don’t care, and I think pregnant chick looks fantastic; classy, happy and a very pretty color. Crow looks ridiculous.
Sheldon and Leonard are right when they say Penny has man’s hands! But I love her so much!
I never was a Sheryl Crow fan but was fairly ambivalent…until she pulled the “don’t you know who I am” card with someone I know directly. This person makes a living chartering a boat out of a marina and she wanted it comped…$1500 worth. He politely declined and she went all Hollywood star, sarcastically telling him he’d make a lot more once people knew SHE’D taken his cruise. He still declined, saying everyone was treated the same, excepting in cases of those that needed help on a special case, i.e., schools, etc. She was livid, he was actually relieved.
No respect for the working person is what it told me. At least in this instance, so yeah, she looks haggard. Guilty conscience, I’d hope, but not likely.
She’s gonna always get paid…but not always will she pay. Do.not.like.
Kaley is rockin’ that dress and the hairstyle is one I don’t usually like but it does go with the gown. I always see her as that young girl on the John Ritter sitcom (RIP, nice man) and she’s a pretty now.
@workdog, hope @originaltiffany pops in this thread. A close friend of hers had a very tumultuous relationship with Sheryl that lead to his eventual suicide. Many of his friend’s speculated that it was her treatment of him that put him over the edge. I’ve heard nothing but bad stories about her. Horrible, horrible person.
Crow always receives good press, so it’s shocking to hear bad things about her. I can believe that she’s an ass. Don’t forget she dated Lance Armstrong.
@andy, yep, not just dated, but defended him during allegations of doping. I seriously doubt she was engaged to him, living with him, and had no idea what he was doing.
Andy, here’s a story that sheds more light on the Sheryl Crow situation:
@izzy, thanks for digging that up. I couldn’t recall the gentleman’s name.
Lance Armstrong is an absolute turd. Only a fellow asshole like Sheryl Crow could put up with him.
She looks like crap because she IS crap.
The ugly inside is just really starting to get out and paste itself on the outside. 🙂 She looks very, very different, as in a lot of tweaking.
A positive? At least she is showering these days. See, I said something nice.
From the neck down, Kaley Cuoco looks absolutely great! Unfortunately, her makeup and hair is a complete miss for me. Sheryl Crow looks like she crawled out of the late 60s-early 70s. I do like the color of her jumpsuit though.
The dress is awesome but she looks harsh. I only wonder what mdme de Pompadour would say that her name is used with a pile-do..
Thumbs up for the dress, thumbs down for the pineapple hairstyle and platinum colour; makes her look much older and really harsh.
Kaley looks decent here. Not too sure on the style for this certain awards show but she isn’t a country performer and Carrie Underwood would try it if she had the balls to so I say Go KALEY!
I’m sorry but I have found Sheryl Crow scary skinny for years now.
Hillary Scott looks amazing. She is so gorgeous.
Ummmm I actually LOVE Sheryl’s romper/jumpsuit thing. Maybe not on her but I like the outfit itself.
I agree. I’d wear it.
I like it, too. I actually think it looks good on her. I’m a fan of 70’s retro fashion.
me three
I love Kaley’s dress, but her hair here looks dreadful, and I always wish she’d style her eyebrows differently. Maybe a bit thinner at the inner aspect?
I wouldn’t have known that was Sheryl Crowe, but she is amazingly buff. Too bad about the outfit.
I think that might be what always bothers me about Kaley – I always think she’s all makeup, not naturally that pretty, but I think it might just be the over arch of her eyebrows that throws me off. Seems like a nice girl though, and I kind of like the look, but agree it was wasted on this event.
They both look great!
I don’t like that shade of blonde on Kaley, it makes her look older.
I think Kaley looks great, pompadour and all but what’s with her expression? She looks as though she’s not pleased about something.
Love Kaley’s look, but her show Big Bang Theory is the worst! Omg that show is so bad, but it’s popular, so maybe it’s something I don’t get. Cheryl Crow looks gross as always. Can’t stand that woman!
I love the BBT, not for Kaley but for Jim Parsons. I love Sheldon!
I don’t like her hair, but that dress is sooo sexy!
Sheryl Crow looks weird.
I think it’s just Sheryl’s makeup? Not seeing that she looks stunningly different, just heavily made up.
she looks fantastic!!
Gah, the dreaded female pompadour. Just so un-sexy, at least in my opinion. Kelly herself looks great and I love her gown. Don’t understand Sheryl’s outfit, but face and body are fantastic
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