Fine, let’s just have Benedict Cumberbatch stories every day, okay?

I became so obsessed with the new photos of Benedict Cumberbatch on the set of Sherlock over the past week that I completely forgot that Star Trek Into Darkness comes out soon. It comes out in one month exactly, actually. STID is released on May 17th. CB, do you want to go with me?! I promise not to squeal when Benedict Cumberbatch comes on screen! OK, I can’t promise that.

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to STID. The studio has been releasing a flurry of new material about the film too – there are new posters (I’m including the Cumby one) and a new trailer. They say this is going to be the last trailer – I doubt that. I liked this one because it seemed to give more insight into the actual plot, rather than “Cumby plays a terrorist, he just blows stuff up all the time and everyone cries.” Here’s the trailer:

It’s not bad, but I think the best trailer was the Cumby-tastic international trailer we discussed last month. In this one, Cumberbatch’s terrorist John Harrison definitely seems menacing and evil and kind of anarchistic, but it also feels like Cumby is being held back a bit. I hope the story is good. In any case, this might be the best Cumby has ever looked in a film, right? The hair is GREAT, and the futuristic clothing strangely suits him.

By the way, I have no problem writing about Benedict Cumberbatch all day, every day. It feels like that’s what I’ve been doing lately, though. Do you mind? I get the feeling that everybody loves talking about The Batch.

Photos courtesy of Paramount/Star Trek Into Darkness.

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206 Responses to “Fine, let’s just have Benedict Cumberbatch stories every day, okay?”

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  1. T.Fanty says:

    Yes please! But why no leaf-blower pic?

    Here you go:

  2. Amelia says:

    Ooh – Cumby running, Cumby all sweaty, Cumby with muscle . . .
    Yeah. I’m totally going to be rooting for the evil dude in this film. Which is a shame because I do love the crew of the Enterprise – especially Pegg.
    Sorry, Pegg. But once I come out of the cinema and everything’s been said and done, I just know I’m going to be justifying everything evil he did.
    Gah. My biscuit has no shame.

    • T.Fanty says:

      Simon Pegg is my twitter crush. I love him so. But, yes. I’m rooting for Cumby here. Especially over Chris Pine.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        I wonder what Star Trek Season on late night TV will look like. Should be starting any time now. I’m a little worried about how he will fare on….Letterman, for example. Cumby & Letterman are both so bitchy.

        Oh, God, please don’t let him go on The View. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy seeing Cumby slap that harpy Hasselbeck around.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I would LOVE to see him on The View, but only if we can get him drunk first.

        (And yes, I know that putting him on the box is the last thing we need to do after getting Cumby drunk. Feel free to make your own joke about drunk Cumby on your box).

    • Miss Kiki says:

      Amelia, my biscuit is also a floozy, I stopped fighting it a while ago.

      Fants why the Pine hate? Aside from an obscenely large head,he’s cute and harmless, non?

      • T.Fanty says:

        I was going to go with the large head, but I can’t do that while declaring my devotion to all things Cumby. So, I’m going with his lips being the same color as his skin. He also just seems kind of bland.

    • Amelia says:

      I head Pine is a bit of a controlling douchebag in his relationships.
      But, either way, if Abrams kills off Kirk I could live with it. We’ve seen the maverick, natural leader cliche too many times in my opinion.
      Now, if Abrams kills off Pegg – we are going to have WORDS. Angry, angry words.
      I can live with the screechy, blonde woman in the trailer biting the dust also.

      • T.Fanty says:

        ^ This.

        I’m also going to take this as an opportunity to post my favorite Pegg pic:

      • Mia 4S says:

        Let’s be honest @Amelia, you heard that from the National Enquirer so that’s pretty unfair. You’re looking for reasons to hate though, so carry on 😉

        Trailer looks phenomenal, I cannot wait for, well, everyone!

      • Amelia says:

        Actually, tbh I haven’t the faintest idea where I heard it. It may have been here on C/B via the National Enquirer or possibly my Cumby addled brain concocted it in a moment of madness.
        It did probably come from a fish n’chip paper to be fair, but honestly, it’s the Frankenstein head I can’t get past. I just keep expecting bolts to pop out.

      • Mia 4S says:

        @Amelia, see, now the head thing is fair. I think you’re crazy 😉 , and that he’s gorgeous, but that’s a fair reason not to like him.
        🙂 It’s kind of gross how one vague tabloid story about an actor/actress gets reported on the Internet in multiple places (so it seems like multiple stories) and suddenly it’s truefax!! Sad feature of new media.

      • Chloe says:

        @ amelia. Well apparently cumberbatch is a cheater. Had a friend who worked on the a play with him in London, pre his sherlock holmes fame, and he carried on a very obvious affair with the leading lady while his clueless girlfriend would come and often come in to see the play to cast and crews embarassement.. So i dont know who is the biggest docuhebag of the two…

      • T.Fanty says:

        @Chloe. I’d believe that.

    • Miss Kiki says:

      I genuinely didn’t think he was interesting enough to be a douchenozzle but I’ll do some internetting on the subject.

      FFS I’d never noticed the weird lip thing now I can’t un-see it!

      Ok I’m not a exactly trekkie but wouldn’t killing off Kirk be sacrilege?

      I love that the Pegg is appreciated here, his Twitter is marvellous.

      • Mia 4S says:

        “Kill” is an interesting word in the Star Trek universe. It’s usually permanent…but not always. That clip of Kirk saying “I’m sorry” is pretty powerful though. Also the death of the handsome, noble lead hero would certainly be a hell of a shock to most audiences, even if temporary or a trick.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Now we are talking Simon Pegg, I just want to call in sick to work and spend the day watching Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.

      • Amelia says:

        I’m waing impatiently for the World’s End trailer! It’s out in two weeks I think.
        Ah, the end of the Cornetto trilogy. I always did love the mint ones.

      • Miss Kiki says:

        Oh man, I’m totally watching Hot Fuzz I get back from work, in fact I might have a Spaced marathon this weekend, just cos I can!

        @Mia, I like my deaths to stick though, because of the whole space and alternate dimensions stuff do characters in Star Trek ever actually stay dead?

      • Mia 4S says:

        @Miss Kiki, yes they normally do stay dead. “Visits” from alternate versions tend to be temporary and bittersweet. The one everyone knows who did come back was Spock, and to be fair he is an alien.

        Echoing the Hot Fuzz love, still makes me laugh so hard it hurts. Trivia: spot the cameos by Cate Blanchett and Peter Jackson.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Blanchett was the crime lab assistant who dumped him: who was Peter Jackson? I love Timothy Dalton SO MUCH because of that movie.

  3. Miss Kiki says:

    I’m going for Cumby but I will not forget Zachary Quinto either, he’s beaut!

  4. Birdie says:

    I hope people won’t get tired of him, because he’s in the media so much now and all this backfires. He is so talented and a seems like a lovely human being.

    • betsy says:

      Well in that case people should be well sick of Jennifer Lawrence. Bradley Cooper, Fassbender, Hardy, Hiddleston and all the usual suspects who crop up online

  5. Jennykins says:

    Oooooh the photo where he is kind of scowly. Yummy yummy. Don’t worry though, I’m afeared of shanks, so i’ll just dream 🙂

  6. Tish says:

    I actually liked Pine in this trailer. Looks like he stepped up his game because of a certain screen tyrant… ehem… ehem.

    Cumby’s eyes though. Especially in that black ship. It’s terrifying. It’s sexy. It’s Cumberbatchy.

  7. LadyAnne says:

    Keep writing about the Batch, Kaiser. Please. Really please.

  8. Insomniac says:

    Daily Cumberposts are completely and totally fine with me! More Cumby!

  9. booboocita says:

    Every SINGLE day??? Promise???

  10. Leni says:

    Let’s not. I am not into horse faces except on a horse.

    • Liberty says:

      @Leni..right? (shh..I think he is a good actor and seems funny and nice. But every time I see him I think it is 1562 and I live in a village and my family is making me marry him because he has an ox and a beet patch and is talking about thatching his hovel if he can find enough sticks.)

      Runs away.

      • Eve says:


        That hypothetical scenario is hilarious!

      • Miss Kiki says:

        That was actually hilarious.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        If the village Cumby wants to come over & thatch my hovel, I would be thrilled.

      • j. eyre says:

        Well, come on – if he has a beet patch, why would you want to say no?

      • EscapedConvent says:


        Miss Eyre, I’ve been saving this for you:


      • I Choose Me says:

        This might be the funniest thing I’ve read all week. 😀

      • j.eyre says:

        Oh dear lord, EsCon. Doesn’t he have enough of you? How many hearts does the Batch need? Give me mine back, Batch, and let me be!

        Since I believe in split-aparts and spirit animals and and godsisters and so forth, I do believe you may be my spirit photo finder. Aside from Eve’s shirtless CHemboy shots, you consistently bring me exactly what I was looking for – without knowing I had been missing it.

        *waves at ICM* Hey girl!

      • EscapedConvent says:


        So you liked Cumby vowing to defend your flower beds? I thought you might. This one pretty much had your name (several of your names) all over it. That’s my new favorite Cumby site, & I learned of it because a Celebabe posted it here last week! I wish I could remember who.

        I understand if you’re all googly-eyed now. He’s pretty hard to resist, hmmm?

        Why, I would be glad to be your spirit “finder” if it makes you happy! I will put that gig on my shed-yewell.

        P.S. The reply buttons are driving me batty.

      • T.Fanty says:

        That site makes me happy. More than anything, because I know that the destruction of the world may occur in the worthy cause of protecting Miss Eyre’s petunias.

        That also explains the leaf blower.

    • epiphany says:

      I don’t know of I’d go so far as to call him horseface – he’s a nice looking guy -but I’m with you that he’s certainly not a sexy, compelling man. Like so many actors today – the many Ryans, the Irish guy that likes to get naked, the really tall guy, the Scottish guy that can’t grow a beard – they’re all so bland, pale and devoid of charisma I can’t even keep their names straight.

      • Eve says:

        Love the way you described the actors. That’s how my sister does it, too — for some reason she never remembers foreign actors’s names (probably because she doesn’t care enough to pay attention) — she calls Winona Ryder “that girl who shoplifts”.

        I’m trying to guess who the tall guy is: Tom Hiddleston (6’2″), Chris Hemsworth (6’3″)?

        The Scottich guy who can’t grow a beard is McAvoy, right? 😀

      • T.Fanty says:

        He can’t grow a *straight* beard (and I’m talking angles, here. I am in no way inferring or implying anything about the sexual proclivities of said fuzz).

      • EscapedConvent says:

        Yet these are the guys who are making so many Celebitches flip their wigs.

  11. Tee says:

    Write away! Btw, I saw a YouTube collection of his love scenes (there is even a butt shot!). Fun video, but wasnt too impressed with the onscreen kisses. He always looked like he was about to devour the women’s faces. What does that mean?

    • Eve says:

      “…but wasnt too impressed with the onscreen kisses.

      Good. Keep not being impressed by that.

      “He always looked like he was about to devour the women’s faces.”

      *FALLS DEAD*

      Honestly now, I think he’s a great onscreen kisser — I also find incredibly sexy that he keeps his eyes open many times.

      P.S.: Now that I think about it, the one that seemed to devour the woman’s faces or, at least, Ruth Wilson’s face is Hiddleston in Suburban Shootout (it’s not hate, people, just an observation).

      • Tee says:

        Well they were definitely passionate and ravenous. Lol. Either way always fun to watch. Can’t wait for this and Sherlock. I also want to get my hands on Parade’s End.

      • betsy says:

        Cumberbatch is a great on screen kisser. They are always very differnt and dependant on the role. When he;s playing a desperate geeky guy with little experience you get the passionate eating the woman alive kind of kiss. In Wreckers it was a hot sexy experienced in control kiss and fumble.

      • Eve says:

        *drooling uncontrollably at everything Betsy said*

        Yes, Betsy. That’s what I think, too.

      • Anna says:

        Somehow I missed out on both Cumby and Hiddles make-out scenes. Although I recently found out that I actually watched Hiddles in CRANFORD (BBC mini-series) but I didnt pay him much mind there. That was before Loki time. Ditto Cumby – watched Boleyn Girl, didnt notice him. The Sherlock happened…

        So, what is the defining (GOOD! not gross) make-out scene for both? I’ve heard Hiddles is good in Deep Blue Sea…

      • Eve says:

        I don’t know about Hiddleston…didn’t think much of his scene with Rachel Weisz in The Deep Blue Sea.

        But here’s one featuring *MY* Cumby:

        I also recommend (but keep your hands where I can see them while you’re watching these) “The Last Enemy” (which I haven’t watched yet but have seen the sex scene) and “Wreckers”.

      • Anna says:

        Oh Eve…that was SOME scene to watch at work…

      • EscapedConvent says:

        The scene in “Last Enemy” is the first kissing/makeout scene I ever saw with Cumby, & he was voracious. You got the impression his character hadn’t seen a woman for a couple of years. He met his deceased brother’s wife & within 15 minutes, she was jumping all over him.

        Can’t blame that little girl with the boy’s haircut, though. His character in Last Enemy is such a super-nerd, it’s sweet.

        @Eve—please report back after you see all of The Last Enemy & To The Ends Of The Earth. Like to hear your thoughts on the sex scene in *that* one! Also, he sings a bit of opera. 😉

      • Dani says:

        Cumberbatch was in Bolyen Girl?!?!?!? How did I miss that??

      • Anna says:

        @Dani –

        Because you were probably struggling to stay awake? I was, when not ogling the fashion.

      • T.Fanty says:

        The Last Enemy is almost unwatchable. Naked Cumby and Hamish Macbeth could not get me through that steaming pile of crap.

      • Eve says:

        @ Anna:

        You’re welcome. But don’t get too close: close to Cumberbatch also means close to my shanks.

        @ EsCon:

        “The Last Enemy” is the one I haven’t seen. I already told here (on CB) I’ve seen “To the Ends of the Earth” (on Youtube…it sucks, but I managed to watch it). I remember everything: the opera, the sex scene (YES!!!), the “I am Mohammed!” shouting and the poorly done makeup job in one of the last scenes (his burnt face).

        But I loved it. This one I’ll have to import (from Amazon, I guess) because it doesn’t even have a Brazilian title (which means the movie wasn’t released here). Actually, the same goes for “The Last Enemy”.

      • Anna says:

        @Eve –

        No worries. CHems is the only one I will fight for (well, maybe Hiddles too but I feel like I don’t have anyone left to fight for his try-hardy bum?) and Miss Kiki is keeping me plenty busy on that front 🙂

      • Tee says:

        I’ve been schooled. That was a good scene, Eve.

      • Eve says:

        @ Tee:

        The man is delicious!

      • Anna says:

        @Eve Eve Eve!

        I forgot I have a question for you because you know EVERYTHING 🙂

        What is the CHems-Matt Damon connection? First they went boating together when Wagon was preggers, and now he was on a very exclusive, very A-list guest list for Damon’s wedding/vow renewal? Chris also name-checked Matt in an interview earlier this year.

        Yet they have never crossed paths work-wise, as far as I can tell. And somehow I get this nagging feeling that this might be Wagon’s good work? That maybe she’s tight with Luciana? Though how – L isnt in the ‘industry.’ Hoping you might have an answer.

      • Eve says:

        @ Anna:

        “I forgot I have a question for you because you know EVERYTHING”

        Hmmm, shamelessly kissing my ass to make me forget that just now you tried to sneak in my husband’s pants?

        Honestly, I had no idea they were friends (Hemsy and Damon).

        But I don’t think Remora Wagon would be tight with Luciana Damon — do you really think Luciana would allow that woman to ride her husband’s coattails?

        My best guess is that Damon produced one of Hemsy’s movies, perhaps?

      • Anna says:

        @Eve –

        HAHA no I swear I forgot. I mean, there’s no contest for me between Cumby and Chris, and with dearest Hemsy I will always have my hands full. Especially with Hiddles humping mine (or Chris’) leg in the process. (Seriously? No one wants to kick my behind for moving onto Hiddles territory? Boy how the tides have turned.)

        And you’re totally right about Luciana. No Damon fingerprints on Cabin or Marvel stuff or Huntsman or Rush….I guess the Damon mystery continues, hopefully someone has a theory. Or facts.

      • Eve says:

        “Seriously? No one wants to kick my behind for moving onto Hiddles territory?”


    • EscapedConvent says:

      @ Tee:

      It means, in Cumby’s own words, that he’s a “really great shag.”

      • Anna says:

        Ever since that interview I really want to test that statement. I like a confident boy. Before that I was only interested in looking, not touching.

      • Eve says:

        No, you did not just say that! Ohhhh no, you didn’t!

        And to think I was all nice to you upthread (downthread, too!)…what a sneaky bitch you are.

        Go back to “only looking”.

      • Anna says:

        @Eve –

        Aww, darling, I didnt mean it like that. It’s more of an intellectual curiosity. One cant just make unsubstantiated claims around me. Eve, you really can have him and report back in VIVID detail.

        If Budget Hems made the same statement I’d have the same reaction, and then hand him back to wherever he came from. But it’s nothing more than that, I promise 🙂

      • Eve says:

        “Intellectual curiosity”, right…

        That’s actually a really great euphemism to “wanting to ride that like Seabiscuit”.

        I’m on to you…¬¬

      • EscapedConvent says:

        I think I misquoted him. He says he’s a “damn good shag.”

        I’ll take both, I don’t care….

  12. adtiu says:


  13. Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

    Every day? Hey, let it out! CB is such a delight. We are the neatest gossip blog ever!

  14. Mia 4S says:

    This movie’s going to make me cry isn’t it? Thank God I’m only going to see it with like 12 other people, so that won’t be embarrassing!

    On a lighter note, I think I would sleep with the entire cast (heroes and bad guys. Wow this is a pretty movie.

  15. Dawn says:

    I’m all for it, more on Cumberhon and less on KK! That will work out great and everyone wins!

  16. loveisthecoal says:

    Kaiser, I definitely do not mind you writing about Cumberbatch all day, evey day. Carry on!

  17. Anna says:

    OK, this is a part where I lament living in Moscow because although STID open here on May 16, it will be dubbed into Russian, which means NO SEXY CUMBY VOICE! I feel like without it, it’s not even worth it to go see it in a theater. EPIC SAD

    • Eve says:

      In Brazil there’ll be copies available in both the original audio and dubbed, like it happens to most sci-fi movies (or any movie that’s appealing to adult audiences).

      I LOATHE dubbed versions — even though Brazilian dubbing work is overall pretty good. I’m still pissed off because yesterday AXN aired the pilot of “Hannibal” with my beloved Mads Mikkelsen and it was freaking dubbed!!! I missed everything, his sexy accent, the menacing way he sounds (without actually trying to sound like that). Everythig…lost.

      • Anna says:

        You mean on DVD? Yeah, I mean, I can DL the movie but it’s not the same as on the Big Screen. Interestingly enough, all the Oscar-baity and indie stuff gets an original theatrical release here w/Rus subtitles in select theaters (alongside a dubbed release in most theaters), but not the tent-poles.

        I am SO excited that I will watch Iron Man in the States in 2 weeks! Might time the next trip to THOR 2 🙂 Sadly I missed out on the sexy Thor voice during the Avengers, plus they change half the jokes, because ‘Point Break’ references don’t mean anything to most Russians.

      • Mia 4S says:

        I’m not sure about Russia but as a desperate ex-pat in a few countries I was able to find subtitled versions with the original English audio; usually on fewer screens with fewer show times. Do some research, you might get lucky. 🙂

      • Eve says:

        No, not DVDs (these are standard here — having usually three audio options: original, Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish).

        I meant the ones that come to the theaters. Animation and movies that are aimed at younger audiences are usually dubbed, but if there’s any appeal to adults, people usually demand the original audio version with subtitles. And most movies for adults (not porn, not porn!!!) are available ONLY in its original audio.

        But, as a friend of mine likes saying, “the stupids are taking over” (I’m roughly translating here). More and more copies are coming dubbed, or the dubbed version is the one that stays longer in theaters because people (even adults) are getting lazy and don’t want to read the subtitles anymore.

        He said that after trying to watch “The Hobbit” (that came in two versions, as I told you, but when he finally had time to see it, the only available version was the dubbed one).

        On paid channels here (AXN): there’s a chance of being able to choose what audio you want, but that was not the case with AXN yesterday.

      • Anna says:

        Huh. That’s fascinating about Brazil. Dubbed is THE default version here, and I have heard rumors of ‘big’ movies playing somewhere in Eng, but I think it’s an urban legend…

      • Eve says:

        @ Anna:

        Yes but, sadly, the tide seems to be turning. I dread the day I won’t be able to find movies with the original audio anymore (in theaters, I mean).

    • EscapedConvent says:


      Nooooo! You’ll see Cumby, but with someone else’s voice dubbed? That is not right.

      They should have made room in the Star Trek budget for the Rosetta Stone program in every language. Cumby’s a bright guy—he could have learned his dialogue in Russian, & Japanese, et. al., if it meant he would have his own voice.

      *lapses into daydream in which Cumby is speaking Italian*

  18. chloe says:

    ok for a moment i thought that was tom cruise on the top pic…SORRY didn’t mean it…i love cumberbatch! 😀 *peace*

  19. GeeMoney says:

    I’d love it if you talked about him everyday… I just don’t want any Sherlock spoilers.

    Cumberbatch rocks!

  20. T.Fanty says:

    I also think it’s worth noting that even though this isn’t Sherlock, the hair is still playing a major role in that poster.

    • andrea says:

      Haha, definitely. There’s something kinda Elvis in the height of that windblown pompadour.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      I’ve been laughing at most of the Sherlock set pics this week, because Cumby’s main job duties seem to be standing still while hair, makeup & wardrobe people (women people) all hover & fawn over him.

      I believe if Cumby sneezed on set, women would stampede to be the first one to get to him with a Puffs tissue—what am I saying—an elegant monogrammed handkerchief.

      Miss Eyre, how *are* those elegant monogrammed “BC” hankies coming along? No pressure, my dear. But if Cumby gets another nosebleed like he did in a pic I saw yesterday, I will need a hanky as I elbow all those towel-wielding bitches who surrounded him out of the way.

      • j.eyre says:

        @EsCon – Yes, about those… I shall have them to you shortly, I promise. I have them nearly complete, with the hedgehogs in cardigans (@HedgehogsinCardigans?) as you requested appliqued on them. There was a bit of a mishap that led to the disposal of the last lot. Oh, it’s alright now, but, well, they were irrevocably damaged. Who knew hair dye affected linen so permanently? And TommyannE is fine now as well… and sorry, very sorry. And CHemboy can’t be blamed, he took his shirt off to stop TommyannE’s bleeding – it was me who tore the hanky apart with my teeth as a result.

        Anyway, they’ll be sent soon, with some scones and the last set of socks you ordered.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        WHAT in Dante’s hell is going on at Thornfield? Is the great house still standing? I thought we had agreed that you weren’t going to dye CHems tresses again. I am concerned that you’re going to go all Delilah on Chems/Samson, & he will pull the place down around your heads.

        I understand being a little out of your mind over your dude’s hair; I’ve got it really bad on that point. But CHems doesn’t seem to know his own strength. You certainly are getting away with ~quite~ a lot right under Mr. Rochester’s poor nose.

        I heard in one of the village shops this morning that you forgot you had left Tommy out in the lavender fields all night with the Poms. He cried. It’s a good thing he had the Poms with him, though, because he was too distraught to tweet & they had to take over. I just love their language!

        Must dash, darling—I hear a Vespa in the motor court. 😉

      • T.Fanty says:

        I would like to propose a motion that we ban EsCon from the Vespa until we get @hedgehogsonvespa on twitter.

      • Marley says:

        The other day on Tumblr I saw a picture of him onset with a nosebleed and about 20 women were standing around holding towels for him to use.

      • j.eyre says:

        @Marley – are those towels on eBay for sale now? Darn it! I knew I shouldn’t have thrown out those sullied handkerchiefs!

      • EscapedConvent says:


        I think I should just be EscapedConvent. I had such high hopes for a new life! Can always change it later.


        You saw the pics with the towel-bearing ladies-in-waiting too! Pretty funny. It shouldn’t be long before the Towels of CumberBlood start getting passed around Tumblr.

        @Miss Eyre

        We’ll have to remember to hold onto these handkerchiefs. It’s so Veronica’s Veil. Oh, wait—Cumby DNA is on those towels. Where is Miss M’s Lab?

  21. Jenna says:

    EVE LOOK!!! Our hubbies in one pic!!! It’s happened again!!! *flails*

    But really in my mind, I pushed your Cumby away and went for my man. UNF. Come to mama…
    STID (by the way I keep reading that as STD) will be an early birthday present to myself.

    • Eve says:

      I’d already seen that one somewhere else, babes…

      And you’d better push Cumby away (*MY* way).

      • Jenna says:

        Well it’s new to me. So we can still go on double dates. lol

        Fine! *pushes Cumby your way* Hello, Karl. UNF!

      • Eve says:

        Ahhh..double dates. And that awkward moment where Cumby won’t be able to keep his big mouth shut and mention your former husband who is still friends with him…

      • Jenna says:

        Just tell your Cumby to keep his mouth shut about me being Jenna Hardy not to long ago. Though Karl already knows; he totally pushed Tom out of the way and stole me. *swoon* Unless Cumby has some sort of allegiance to my former flame?

      • Eve says:

        Could be… but that doesn’t worry me. His friendship with the man with the million tweets, on the other hand…

      • Jenna says:

        Are you alluding to the man with the horned helmet that you screwed and now you’re trying to forget? 😀

      • Eve says:

        I don’t know what you’re talking about.

      • Jenna says:

        You damn well what I’m talking about. You were Loki’d. 😛

      • Eve says:


      • Anna says:

        @Eve and the rest –

        When did Loki become a shame-f@ck???

      • Eve says:

        @ Anna:

        He. Is. Not. My. Shamef*ck!!!

        Never was (hear me, Jenna?). Never will be.

      • Jenna says:

        @Anna: I can’t give you the details about that one. I’ll leave it up to Eve. LOL

      • Eve says:

        @ Jenna:

        You can’t give any details because THERE IS NONE!!!

      • Jenna says:

        Whatever you say dearie…

      • Anna says:

        You know, Eve, I didnt say he was YOUR shamef@ck. It was more of a Hiddles observation in general…But now something comes to mind about a lady and protesting too much… 😉

      • Eve says:

        Who? Me? I’m not.

        I’m only an innocent victim of Jenna’s trolling!!!

    • Eve says:

      “STID (by the way I keep reading that as STD) will be an early birthday present to myself. “

      That’s because your mind is always in the gutter*!

      *Which reminds me that my mind must be there, too…because that’s how I always read it! I’m afraid that’s reminiscent of our former Captain Sexy’s little birthday *ahem* “problem”.

      • Jenna says:

        LOL I can’t help it! It’s been on overdrive since the new hubby. And oh, Captain Sexy…he’s so adorable. And filming for Captain America: The Winter Soldier starts soon!

  22. T.Fanty says:


    All we need now is a hedgehog.

    • Miss Kiki says:

      My pants are officially melted.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      Fanty! Get the Vespa!

    • I Choose Me says:

      Oh Fanty now you’ve gone and done it. You’re going to get me shanked. *Oh hai Eve* I’m a sucker for a good smolder and that pic you just linked too is mmm-mmm-good.

      *Waves to J. Eyre.* Any advice? I’m trying to stay in my Hiddles, B.Coop and Fassbender lane and they won’t let me.

      • j.eyre says:

        As for TommyannE – oh honey, let him go. You know the saying about the bird… the one that does not mean curtains for the poor bird? That’s all you need. The minute I broke up with TommyannE, he brought out some vests and smiley-photos and I knocked over a herd of cane-dependent grandmothers to race back to that boy. I mean, we aren’t quite he couple we once were, but a little dose of TommyannE can go along way. You’ll see – turn around now, you’ll hear the Hiddles-Call soon enough.

        BCoop isn’t anywhere near any of my lists so I have no fixes there. Stay away from those perm-photos, that should help.

        Fassy, hmmm. Fassy is a tricky one for me. I love how he looks in a turtleneck but other than that, he doesn’t tickle my fancy. Except that he’s a bad boy with a wicked smile so if he ever asked, I would gladly accept. Technically, he’s on my $h@mef*ck l!st, but can you have a $h@mef*ck l!st if you have no $h@me?

  23. EscapedConvent says:

    Oh, do let’s have Cumby du jour! It’s been Christmas morning for the last week.

  24. Reece says:

    I like the Cumberbatch posts! Gives me an excuse to be all nerd fan-girly as I tend to get stuck replaying the trailer.

  25. Atlanta says:

    He is unattractive to me but a very good actor i wish he would calm down with the media whoring. My biggest problem is that he is so over exposed i am getting tired of seeing him everywhere. He must have a very busy publicist or be overly ambitious himself because his media presences is too much.

    • Gossip Garl says:


    • PatsGirl says:

      Maybe one solution of him being “overexposed” would be to not click on any stories featuring him?

      For the rest of us, I will take him each and every day and any way 🙂

    • Eve says:

      He’s promoting Star Trek and shooting Sherlock. I don’t see why that would be media whoring — he’s simply doing his job.

      P.S.: Unless you’re mistaking him for Tom Hiddleston (and his publicist Luke Windsor) who manages to be everywhere even though he has nothing to promote or film.

      • Tara says:

        Oh please Eve. He is papped all the time, gossip sites all the time. If you are fangirl which i gather you are its actually not good for an actor to be over exposed. Its way much with benedict.

      • Eve says:

        I’m not a fangirl — all these exchanges we have here are obviously jokes so please, don’t use that term with me (especially with that condescending tone).

        I really like his work as an actor, but if he ever famewhores (for instance, à la Hiddleston), trust me, I’ll be one of the first to point that out. But if he’s being papp’d that much right now that has a lot to do with having a major blockbuster coming out and Sherlock’s third season being announced/filmed.

      • Tara says:

        I dont agree. Its disproportinate to his fame. How much was Tom Hardy papped even when he was promoting Batman? It was nothing like this.Its really obvious that people like cumberbatch and hiddleston encourage the media.

      • Eve says:

        Well, I agree with you about Tom Hardy but let’s face it: he isn’t as known as Cumberbatch (say, because of Sherlock) or Hiddleston (Marvel machine behind him and his incessant tweeting).

        Most of the time I don’t call famewhoring when an actor is promoting his movies (like Robert Downey Jr is doing now for Iron Man 3 — posing for editorials, magazines and being papp’d in France; or even Hiddleston back when he was promoting The Avengers).

        Famewhoring (to me) is when I get to see an actor all the time even though it isn’t “job related”.

      • Tara says:

        No it really is about how hiddleston and cumberbatch administrate their career. Hardy was the british it boy a few years back. He could have gone for a higher profile, he is a lot more conventionally handsome than say cumberbatch and could easily have done a million magazine covers and gotten papped all over the place. But he stayed focus on the acting. I like cumberbatch he has a magnificent voice and strong abilities but i dont think the overexposure does him any favours.

      • Eve says:

        We’ll have to agree to disagree about this, Tara.

        I’ll cut any actor (not only Cumberbatch) some slack whenever they’re working the press for a movie. I always do that because that’s part of their job (something they can be sued for if they don’t).

      • Tara says:

        If they would get sued i dont think there would be such a difference on how much media different actors do. Getting papped is also easily avoidable for someone like him. Its not like he is brangelina. i think you are being naive about someone you are crushing on, some actors are just more media hungry than others and Cumberbatch certainly appears to be one of those. Its the one thing i find quite off putting about him, but he is a fine actor. I just dont like this side of his personality.

      • Eve says:

        “…i think you are being naive about someone you are crushing on”

        Again with the condescending tone. Could you please have the kindness to stop patronizing me? Because I’m certain I’m not doing that with you.

        Suggesting I’m not objective towards Cumberbatch because I “have a crush on him” couldn’t be further from the truth: whenever I realize I’m attracted to an actor, I become even more critical of his work. I’m among CB’s most cynical posters and I often mock his bitchy interviews that are followed by some backpedalling. I’m not blinded by love nor hatred.

        I never said that he wasn’t ambitious, nor media hungry. ALL actors are. You’re acting like he’s the only one who poses for editorials, gives interviews and gets papp’d. They all do that. Some more than others.

        In YOUR opinion, Cumberbatch is among these “more media hungry” actors. In MY opinion, he isn’t. You either accept that or this thread will never end because you cannot force your opinion on me just like I cannot force mine on you.

        P.S.: You compared his attitude to Tom Hardy’s — who, in your opinion, would be more committed to acting. Funny you should say that, because the man himself admitted to visiting websites and posting about himself.

        P.P.S.: Actors are (often) obligated to give interviews and pose for some magazines, attend premieres and go to talk shows. In some cases, they even have to wear certain clothes (see: Harvey Weinstein and the women he “sponsors”). I’m no way saying they don’t enjoy the attention. They certainly do.

        Being papp’d will depend on the demand for their pictures. But in some cases, they’ll do that in order to promote their work. For instance: we rarely see candid pictures of Robert Downey Jr., but now that he’s promoting Iron Man 3 he’s been seen in France (with wife and kid). They all play the game — even Brangelina.

      • Ashley says:

        Eve, you have 50% of the comment on this post. You are stanning for cumberbatch full time. You see him through stan glasses. Just Own it!!!

      • Eve says:

        Ashley, I admit that I’m the most “present” poster on this thread, but 50% of this post should be 91 comments, non (half of 182)?

        I posted around 43 (which is less than 25% of the comments). So it’s technically wrong to say I’m responsible for half of the thread’s comments.

        As for saying I’m “stanning”…half of these comments are just jokes — it is a recurrent thing around here among us (Jenna and I, T.Fanty, J.Eyre, Miss M and others). Or does anybody out there believe we are actually fighting?

      • Anna says:

        @Eve –

        Oh I see. So I guess I can go back to fulfilling my Cumby-related intellectual curiosity? Damn good shag indeed 😉

        I KID, I KID! *backs off*

        But really, almost anyone who cockily made that claim would get me revved up to test it. Apparently I’m that easy.

  26. Lizziebee93 says:

    Yay! Just keep the Cumberbatch daily posts coming, Kaiser. I’ve been reading this site for a while and always enjoy your posts.I’m quite happy right now because I just found out STID comes out here on May 9th!!!!

  27. Grace says:

    Wow that dark hair surely makes a change in his appearance doesn’t it? He’s kind of hot.

  28. Mrs.Basil says:

    Cumby stories everyday? Fantastic!(I loved this site before but since the Cumbyfest started I really REALLY love it.)

  29. Joey says:

    That’d be splendid. Thanks.

  30. Lucretia says:

    Fassy has been in Argentina for a week. If he were Cumberbatch or Hiddleston, there would be daily press releases to that effect, tweets from him, and official photos. Yes, ladies, Cumby is a self-promoter. And look at this thread! Same people posting over and over and over.
    Give me Fassbender and Hardy any day.

    • Eve says:

      Lucretia, Cumberbatch isn’t on Twitter. Not yet.

      • Lucretia says:

        Hiddleston is, though. But with Cumberbatch–to stick with the subject–we have seemingly endless interviews or press releases. For example, the comment–reported on this site–that he “couldn’t act” in the presence of Meryl Streep–cringing enough?
        Look, I hate myself for this. Enjoy Cumberbatch if you wish. But in answer to Kaiser’s comment the other day, yes, there may be a backlash because of the incessant Cumberbatchiana.

      • Eve says:

        Yup, I know. His excessive tweeting is one of the reasons why I stopped taking him seriously.

      • Anna says:

        Eve, I cant read you – do you WANT Cumby on Twitter, or are you afraid of Hiddles Redux?

      • Eve says:

        @ Anna:

        I fear a “Hiddleanna Twitter Redux”. But, honestly, I don’t think that it’ll ever happen.

      • Eve says:

        @ Lucretia:

        Yes, I’ve seen that comment (about Streep) and I cringed, too.

    • Tish says:

      I only consider Twitter as full-on self promotion.

      I mean, those quotes were from interviews. They were asked about stuff like that and they just can’t help but answer it.

  31. SusieQ says:

    I absolutely LOVE Cumberbatch posts! Why? Because the comments (and commenters) are so awesome and make me laugh out loud!

    Keep it up ladies!!

  32. c'est la vie says:

    Thank you – this makes up for all the trampire/sparkles stories I’ve had to see.

  33. sarah says:

    How about a sister site:

  34. Ali says:

    How about some Karl Urban? Please? That side view of him examining Cumberbatch wasn’t enough!

    • EscapedConvent says:

      For the ladies who like Karl Urban—check a charming little film called “The Price of Milk,” which I think is from New Zealand. It’s sort of a fractured fairy tale & he is cute as hell in it.

      • Eve says:

        “For the ladies who like Karl Urban…”

        Hmmm, do I see an attempt at luring Jenna into your little group of “defenders”?

      • EscapedConvent says:

        HA! No, no luring! Just turning some people on to one of my favorite little oddball independent films.

        Really, Eve! How could you suspect me of such a thing?!

      • Jenna says:

        Don’t worry Eve, I’ve already seen that movie. To the rest of you… STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM, YOU TROLLOPS!!! **brings out armory**

  35. TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

    I keep missing the “i” in STiD and read “STD” instead. Which has nothing to do with Cumby except that I’m going to pretend now that STD *is* the actual movie and he is playing Lindsay Lohan, and will win an oscar for it (which will piss her OFF because she can’t win one but he will for playing her).

    … it’s really working out in my head as I’m writing this, actually.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      I had no trouble following your reasoning at all, PromisedBeer. Of course Cumby could play the hell out of Lindsay Lohan if he wanted to. 😉

      Seeing STD for the title?! Me too, for months.

  36. Amy says:

    I don’t normally post anything. But I feel compelled to say something. I suppose you can call it an announcement of sorts.
    Brandon is my new leading man. I thought he was gorg on Sherlock… But g*tdamn!!! That is one fine glass of water!!
    I know I know I am late to the fete…but at least I’m here:)

    • Eve says:

      Brandon? I don’t follow…

      • Amy says:

        Eve,I meant Benedict. Now if he has a brother that is equally good looking AND his name is Brandon, well….:)

        Counting the days till the debut of this flick and at the moment I am enjoying Sherlock Holmes (good times)

      • Eve says:

        Oh, Amy…you seem really sweet but now I’ll have to add you to the shanking-list too.

        This breaks my heart…

  37. Hannah says:

    I am so bored with this guy already. I find him about as attractive as i find george osbourne which is to say not all. There are a whole bunch of better looking guys in my class at college.

    He is just this overprivilged upper class actor with a posh voice, not interesting at all.. Is that allowed to say or is that like swearing in church?

    • EscapedConvent says:

      You’re swearing in church, honey. But it’s okay. Just try not to call him an in-bred earth-worm. 😉

    • Tish says:

      Good thing you’re not on Tumblr because that comment is worse than swearing inside a church in that side.

      I’m okay with people trashing his looks. Fine by me. But to say that he is a boring actor is not. Because I think (and even Hollywood believes) he is the most exciting actor working right now.

      • Eve says:

        I sometimes visit ONTD boards (they hate him hard over there) just to read what they say about his looks.

        I always laugh my ass off at their nicknames for him (“Creature from the Black Lagoon” is among my favourites) and the .gifs they post.

      • Honey says:

        He is the most exciting upper class actor around. He beats hiddleston and the other rich boys. Lol! No seriously he is not even the most exciting actor from the UK. Calm down cumberbitch!

      • Tish says:

        LOL! You calm down, Honey. It’s fine you don’t agree with me. Haha!

        And oops, my bad for just writing “actor”, because of course, I should have written “upper class actor”. How could I forget that?

  38. T.Fanty says:

    @EsCon and @Eve:

    Was actually just searching for something completely different (don’t ask) and my google auto-fill popped up a Cumberbatch option, which naturally, I followed, and it led me to this:

    (it’s also official: Cumby owns the internet)

    • Eve says:

      Hmmmm, sounds like Cumberbatch’s rich, deep voice but is that actually him? Someone (“lilbrainyballerina”) over Youtube posted this:

      “That’s not Benedict Cumberbatch, it’s a guy named Paul Amos. You can all put your pants back on now.”


    • EscapedConvent says:

      Hi Fanty!

      You & Miss Eyre both have a new follower. If choosing a name drove me barking mad, now I’m dizzy looking at the theme colors.

      Now you see why it takes me so long to pick out a lipstick.

  39. Al says:

    I just couldn’t get into the first Star Trek. Hubby is excited about it though. Cumberbatch is probably enough to convince me to go and see it. I do love him in Sherlock!

  40. Victoria says:

    mmmmmm Cook me up an endless BATCH of that good hot stuff! and let it NEVER EVER EVER END!!! ahem.. mind? Why in the world would we mind…. Yummy!

  41. onegirlup says:

    I am 100% of a CUMBERBITCH. Let me at him… giddy UP

  42. Kristine says:

    who? who? who? dude looks like a creeper.

  43. Alexandra says:

    I can’t believe that before becoming a resident lurker on this website, I never managed to see Cumby’s appeal. Thought he was unattractive and way too weird-alienish-lizardish looking for my tastes (although I do have some guys in my hottie list for whom I would be endlessly mocked, because they are ugly by universal standards). And now all of a sudden thanks to the Cumberbitches, I have an unexplainable attraction towards him. His Star Trek look does it for me and damn, that voice! What have you girls done to me? I was so happy with my Foreverdong club consisting of Fassbender, Hardy, RDJ and – gasp! Johnny Depp (Be still my beating heart). Yeah, I know, just call me the Depp-loonie, but he’s such a lovely person; now I realize that the first thing I do whenever I visit this site is to check if there are any new Cumby-posts….

  44. Agnes says:

    Kaiser, yuo promise? Daily dose of Cumby… 😀

  45. Carolyn says:

    Never seen Cumby in anything. Will see Star Trek anyway because I LOVED the reboot. Let’s see if I get converted like a lot of ladies here 🙂

  46. Tish says:

    Can I just say that the headline of this article in your HOT POSTS section is “See Cumberbatch in the new STAR WARS trailer” Hahaha.

  47. Pat says:

    i love benny!!!!!!! but feel sad for fassy that your heart left him and dwells in somewhere else.

  48. betsy says:

    Not fussed on fassy after the stories about him.
    Cumby may have a new girlfriend

    • Eve says:


      What have I ever done to you to deserve this, Betsy? WHAT?????


  49. Alexandra says:

    Yay!! New Star Trek clip and it’s all about Cumby!

  50. Anjna says:

    Cumberbatch can act, doesn’t have any really nasty stuff in his past and is nice as hell to his fans, so he’s fine by me. He was trying to give cookies to people who he signed autographs for last week:

    And talked to some girl who waited outside somewhere for him for like 15 minutes:

    Being nice to fans is a big plus for me, really, since it’s kinda hard to “know” anyone from interview quotes.

    I’m kinda surprised people were put off by him saying he couldn’t do anything in front of Meryl Streep, though. It’s not false modesty? He’s been saying she’s one of his favorite actors for years, so yeah, it make sense. He was probably crapping his pants seeing her live, working.

    As far as press goes, he doesn’t whore it as far as I can tell. But he’s going to being doing a million interviews because he’s contractually bound to promote all this stuff he’s got coming out. That is part of the job.

    Since the 2009 ST reboot did poorly overseas (didn’t even crack 25 million in the UK), I’d expect a lot of promotion with him over there to generate interest.