Benedict Cumberbatch is ‘rustic’: ‘I like woolen things and log fires and whiskey’

In last week’s Man of Steel post, I didn’t just cover the new Man of Steel trailer (which looked pretty good), but I also showed you guys the teaser/viral video of General Zod speaking directly to the citizens of earth. I mentioned that I thought it was a particularly smart way to promote a film, especially when people already have such built-in feelings about Zod and about “the villain” in most superhero movies. Like, did you see The Dark Knight because you just love Batman? No, you went to see The Joker. And that’s what’s happening with Star Trek Into Darkness too – the first Star Trek was a decent-sized hit, a good origin-story/reboot for the franchise. But now is time for an iconic villain which will define the franchise. And they’ve found that villain in Benedict Cumberbatch. Behold, a teaser video of just Benedict’s exquisite voice talking about how he’s going to destroy Captain Kirk:

Good lord, I want this man to threaten my biscuit. My lady parts need a stern talking-to. They need to be threatened with Cumberdestruction. Or at the very least, a Cumberspanking. HIS VOICE. Also, to go along with this new trailer, Cumby had a new interview last week with SFX. You can read the full piece here – it’s super-long (Cumby can talk your ear off, which I love – it’s like he knows people love his voice) and we had a few quotes from this piece more than a week ago I think. Here are some highlights:

Cumby on signing on JJ Abrams’ Cult of Secrecy: “I’d already signed up – I must have drunk the Kool-aid when I first arrived. Which is a terrible metaphor. That is about being in a cult, right? [Cumby is told it’s a Jonestown reference] Yeah, exactly. And most people died. But I’m still alive and very healthy and very happy… What I mean is I don’t feel like I’m obeying orders. I feel like I’m obeying an artistic impulse to let people come to it with a little bit of mystery, and have a discovery when they’re sat in the cinema, because that’s such a rare commodity these days.”

On fan reactions to Star Trek: “There’s such an incredible knowledge and possession and pride in this world that the fans hold. But I didn’t let that try and influence me too much because they’re rather like Sherlockies – as I’m going to have to call them now, since Trekkies have such a profound collective noun – people who are fans of Conan Doyle’s Sherlock, and then Brett and Rathbone’s Sherlock… I had big boots to fill [with Sherlock], and I didn’t go into this with the same kind of confidence, but I did know I was entering a very treasured universe for its fans. But it’s about pleasing the man who’s entrusted me to do that. So if I’m crap in it it’s all JJ’s fault.”

Cumby on playing a terrorist: “He’s a homegrown terrorist. He’s someone who has an inordinate amount of skill with close-hand combat and weaponry but also as a psychological terrorist he’s someone who can plant an idea that’s as vicious as a bomb and explode loyalties and expose relationships and try and turn people against one another to do his bidding. He really disrupts the unity aboard the ship, both physically and mentally. And he’s a worthy adversary – there’s a lot of shadowplay going on with him and Kirk and Spock, Kirk primarily, but both of those characters – he knows how to manipulate them.”

On terrorism in general: “Terror can be as much about an idea as it can be an explosion. It’s about the idea of fear and what you should be fearing, who the real enemy is. And that can get very confusing for people who are fighting for a superpower. And that’s the parallel, I guess, that makes it unfortunately very relevant – the means may be disgusting and violent and destructive and abhorrent, but the intentions or at least the motivation is sort of honourable. Not that I’m condoning terrorism, but it’s a guy fighting for something that’s smaller than the thing he is fighting. And hopefully when the reasons are revealed you’ll have a certain amount of empathy for that, which makes him a little bit more than just an obstacle, just a cookie-cutter 2D villain.”

On stunt work: “I’ve done stunts and swordwork and horseriding, a cavalry charge, stagefights that I’ve done, night after night, stuntwork in Frankenstein… I’ve been quite physical all my life. I played Stephen Hawking when I was about 26… There have been elements that have been physical or stunt oriented in all my work, but this was the most intense work I’ve done. To go up from a 38 to a 42, eating 4000 calories a day and training sometimes two hours a day in that period, at least, as well as all the stunt rehearsals and fight choreography rehearsals,.. Yes, that was the most physical demand ever made of me for screen. The hardest it’s ever been was probably Frankenstein, the test of time of running that two hours, both parts, but especially the Creature. I genuinely really enjoyed it. The overeating isn’t fun at all – it’s kind of unethical apart from anything else. But it got results. I was doing it for a reason and it got results. And the exercise was terrific – I loved the oxygenated blood that was just flying around in me. And I just enjoyed having a bit more heft on me. Yeah, Sherlock’s quite lean, he doesn’t have very broad shoulders.”

Does he have a ‘geek gene’? “Not very much. I’m not very geeky. I’m quite homespun. I would say I’m more modern rustic than gadget-orientated. I like woolen things and log fires and whiskey…”

[From SFX]

“I’m quite homespun. I would say I’m more modern rustic than gadget-orientated. I like woolen things and log fires and whiskey…” OH GOD. Dear Benedict: come to me, I will pour you a whiskey and light a fire and you can put wool socks on (and nothing else) and you can talk dirty to my biscuit.

By the way, if you want to hear more of Cumby’s voice, he’s got some more voice-over Jaguar commercials which you can see here. Thanks Eve!

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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84 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch is ‘rustic’: ‘I like woolen things and log fires and whiskey’”

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  1. Nev says:

    Hahahaha so funny!

  2. T.Fanty says:

    Hooray! Friday was SUCH a disappointment with no Cumby post.

    Although I am disappointed to see no pictures of knitwear. The scarf of sex doesn’t count.

  3. Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

    Woolen p0rn! Whiskey and fires! Hot physical stunt work! Everything I like….

    • T.Fanty says:

      Plus the obligatory Cumberbatch pointy finger.

      He’s going to be on Graham Norton next week. Hopefully, it’s going to be a fabulous trainwreck.

      • andrea says:

        Haha, I was just about to mention Graham Norton as well. It’s about time he made it onto the couch, right? It’s so silly but I’m excited to see what he’s going to wear.

        Oh, and Kim better keep her cougar paws off of him.

      • Tish says:

        Is Norton really a big deal in the UK? I was really amazed by the excitement of people when he was announced as guest star.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        Let’s hope he blithers & blathers until they cut to commercial.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Let’s hope Graham encourages him to be vastly in appropriate and they NEVER cut to commercial!

      • EscapedConvent says:


        Even better!

      • Izzy says:

        I LOVE Graham Norton! I’ve been watching him for a while; I was born and raised in Canada and live in the US (thank goodness for BBC America), but my parents lived in London for 10 years, and I got a good helping of Jonathan Ross and Graham Norton. I gave a great squee of joy when BBCA started airing GN’s show!

        Also, I was going to make a totally inappropriate joke about log fires and my ladybits, but you ladies are smart cookies, and don’t need me to spell it out. Just sit back and have a good laugh on it.

      • bob says:

        @ Tish, it’s not that it’s a big deal, it’s just the best chat show out there.

        @EsCon, BBC sweetie, no commercials to be interrupted by!

    • Ally8 says:

      I love the Graham Norton show. Dopily, they don’t let you watch episodes from abroad on the official BBC website, but fans put them online every week. This is Season 13.

      What’s awesome about the show is the host’s genuine yet smart enthusiasm (he’s not above it; he asks the questions you’d like him to ask & lets the guests talk). But also that all three guests come out at the same time and so interact with each other, so you get interesting natural moments.

      Like Paul Rudd snogging Helen Mirren. Adele telling her naked-on-the-street story. Ewan McGregor telling his arse-at-the-blue-rinse set story, etc. Highly recommend it. Start with episodes with celebs you like.

  4. Tish says:

    log fire, whiskey, knitwear

    It’s sensual, cute, hot and dorky all at the same time.

    • *unf* Joan Jett says:

      All of it combined is also such a huge butch/dapper lesbian cliché, lol. And it kinda makes me suddenly attracted to him… I guess?

      *queer feelings*

  5. Amelia says:

    I’m now thinking that his voice is a Jaguar that’s been trapped in a cello that’s drunk a boat load of whiskey and in his slightly merry mood, begins to go on the prowl fr a lady jagouar . . .
    FFS, hurry up Star Trek promo. I need more of that voice.
    EDIT: excuse the typos, typing this on my phone from the marathon finish !

  6. Ncboudicca says:

    Thank God, I was having Cumberdrawals

  7. GeeMoney says:

    I was hoping there would be a post about Benedict soon! Any wait longer than a day, and I get sad.

    Can’t wait for Star Trek!

  8. Mairead says:

    Well whaddayaknow; I like wooly things, (turf) fires and whiskey (although a nice heathery Scottish whisky is sublime). 😀

    But those photos are hilarious!
    1- Benedict scopes the horizon for hoards of Cumberbitches.
    2- He thinks its safe to escape and salutes his coworkers as he leaves.
    3- too late! RUN!
    4 – counts the numbers of fallen Cumbies levelled by the power of the cheekbone-and-curls combo being loaded onto surrounding ambulances

    • EscapedConvent says:


      “Fallen Cumbies….being loaded onto ambulances.” Fantastic! Brava!

  9. Turtle Dove says:


    Based on your, and other posters’ fan-girling, I finally watched the Sherlock series.


    I get it now.

    I love this man. The sinewy frame, the voice, the EYES. Lord, the eyes.

    Fassy, I understand. Hiddleson – like him too. But Cumby? Cumby I am so into him.

    swoons. fans. faints.

    • Kaiser says:

      Yes, soon I shall convert everyone to The Way of The Cumber.


      • T.Fanty says:

        Eve is going to kill you.

      • Turtle Dove says:


        I just checked IMDB and the new episodes for Sherlock (I misspelled it as Sherlick initially btw… paging Dr. Freud) are September 15, 22, and 29.


      • Miss M says:

        @T.Fanty: exactly what I was going to post, hahahaha. She will! You see Kaiser’s strategy now? she went from trolling to thanking Eve for a link…

      • Mairead says:

        “Misspelled” me arse! We know where your filthy mind was going 😈

      • Tish says:

        No! Are those air dates for real???

      • Eve says:

        Turtle Dove:

        If I remember correctly, you once tried to convert me to being a Gosling girl and now you’re here trying to take Cumby away from me?

        What. The. F*ck.

      • EscapedConvent says:


        Eve, the CumberPower is greater than all of us combined. Bitches have only to watch Sherlock & it’s curtains for them.

        Do you have enough sharpened shanks ready for the aftermath of Star Trek?

        EDIT: Looks like you’re right about the shanks. What to do? I’m not sure that the Cumberbitches on CB are strong enough to hold back the rest of the Cumby-Hordes. Really getting concerned.

        If this continues, I’m worried that North Korea might try to appropriate him as some kind of super nuclear weapon against large numbers of women. Maybe CumberPower will be a real thing? ~shiver~

      • Eve says:

        @ EsCon:

        Jesus Harold Christ on Rubber Crutches, this is getting out of control already as it is! Let alone after Star Trek opens…o_O

        I’m afraid shanks won’t be able to do the trick anymore…

      • EscapedConvent says:


        “Are those air dates for real?”

        I’m squealing & it’s embarrassing. September?! That’s right around the corner! I heard it was going to air in January of 2014 at the earliest.

        Do you ladies realize, if this is true, that you’re going to go from Star Trek to Sherlock with barely any time to recover?

        I shall begin Heart medicine now, so that I don’t keel over–then.

      • T.Fanty says:

        That’s probably BBC. Frikkin PBS won’t be until months after.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        @Turtle Dove:

        I just noticed the “Sherlick.” Certainly one of the better slips of the tongue I’ve seen. Slip of the tongue? Still in licking mode, I guess….


        Oh. *breathing & heart returning to normal rates*

      • Izzy says:

        Kaiser – LOG FIRES. I cannot believe you didn’t take advantage of the opportunity for a double entendre from that! I admire your restraint.

    • Turtle Dove says:

      @ Eve

      Sorry, Eve. I’m hustling into your territory.

      I still like the Gos, but Cumby is just hot. It’s the eyes and voice and lanky body… okay… just all of it.

      I’ve started watching and re-watching some of his movie. I’m now like… where was the love before. Silly Turtle.

  10. Kaye says:

    Cumberdistruction–oh dear god YES!!!!

  11. Tish says:

    He has such long fingers…

    • lady mary. says:

      exactly ,not really a huge Cumby fan ,but this man has the most beautiful sculpted fingers ,iam sure all these Cumberbitches know quite well what they are capable of:P

      • EscapedConvent says:

        We like to think about it. Yes, his hands are fabulous. They often appear on Tumblr as “hand porn.” Beautiful elegant fingers.

        There’s even a Tumblr devoted to his neck. Just his neck. The Cumberneck.

        !@#$-ing crazy bitches….

      • lady mary. says:

        @escaped con, u srsly shouldnt have mentioned that tumblr thing ,after watchin those GIFS all i can think abt is his fingers crawling up and down my body ,i guess my conversion to “Cumberbitchdom” has begun!

      • EscapedConvent says:

        And this is how it starts!

  12. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    I’m exactly the same. I didn’t know how to describe myself in English but homespun and modern rustic is exactly who I am. So much in common. I will probably have to discuss my promised Cumberbatch free-passes with Eve or maybe just sneak behind her back.

    • Eve says:

      Hmmmm, you’ve just lost lots of future ones because of that last part of your comment. Sneaking behind my back, beyotch?

  13. bluhare says:

    Good lord, I just don’t get this. The guy’s not good looking, he just has a nice voice.

  14. Anna says:

    Yum. The whole rustic bit excites _my_ biscuit too (@Eve – purely in an ‘intellectually curious’ kind of way. Totally. Riiiiight.).

    • Eve says:

      Don’t think I didn’t see this one!!!

    • EscapedConvent says:


      Again with the “intellectual curiosity”! Yes, that’s what all of this Cumby-fascination is. 😉

      This is an awful lot of female attention for a guy who wasn’t used to it. Is anyone else worried that all of the squealing, shrieking Cumberbitches who are chasing him up & down the streets are going to go to his head?

      And not leave room for his hair?

      • Anna says:

        Eh, my loyalties do lie with the Greater Hemsworth, and he’s been sliding slowly into douchy territory (what with the Instagramming of Princess India and allegedly getting very frisky with his Tacky wife right in the restaurant), draining me of any energy necessary to be properly hot and bothered over Cumby.

        But Eve just makes it so easy to bait her! It’s all good tho, keeps her in fighting shape 😛

  15. Ellie66 says:

    I didn’t know who he was for a while and he is rather unique looking but Damn does he have a sexy freakin voice he could threaten my biscuit anytime! 😀

  16. Jenna says:

    I’m just here for the comments. lol Go, Eve! lol I got you! 😀

  17. Jaded says:

    OK, here’s my latest Cumby fantasy, just for you Kaiser:

    We’re walking through the heather on a misty Scottish afternoon, mountains looming, the occasional hallelujah ray bursting through the clouds. He unfurls a woolly blanket, we sit quietly sipping a peaty single malt out of an elegant silver flask, then he turns slowly to me, fixes those ice-blue eyes on my mouth, reaches over and grabs the back of my neck, gently massaging his fingers into my hair and pulls my lips to his. We sink slowly on the aforementioned woolly blanket and I end up with wool-burn on my butt, but it’s totally worth getting Cumber-invaded!

    • Mira says:

      Seriously? I like the man. He’s a decent actor, has a great voice and I love Sherlock but I really want to know if all you Cumber fan-girls really fantasize about him? Like this? Not just Cumberbatch, anyone for that matter. Hiddleston, Fassbender, Chris Evans etc. I want to know if all this fan-girling is out of the spirit of having a fun conversation on CB or if it’s really real real?

      • EscapedConvent says:


        Yes, & yes.

      • T.Fanty says:

        @ Mira – yes, but our fantasies are more along the line of tying him up with said heather, while dragonflies nibble off his carefully knitted socks (and personal sweaters) and he makes bitchy comments about not liking the Scots and the difficulty of navigating a Vespa over the Scottish Highlands. Then Eve jumps out in a kilt and whips a shank out of her sporran.

        *That* is how one fangirls, CB style. Am I missing anything, ladies?

      • EscapedConvent says:

        That is pretty !@#$-ing close……except there may be some frightened hedgehogs leaping about in the heather. Poor little things—they are scared to death of shanks.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Now I’m just imagining Cumby laying down on a tartan blanket and a swarm of hedghogs leaping out from underneath. I’d like to think that there’s only one full-length picture because most of the time, they’re gamboling around his feet as he walks (although it does make filming a bit tricky).

    • EscapedConvent says:


      Uh-oh. Just wait till Eve sees this. Your wool-burned butt will be hers, & she will hand it to you. 😉

      • Eve says:

        Please, I’ve already seen it. She’s now the first on my list (I just didn’t her to know that — but now she does).

  18. Miss M says:

    Yawn! Gosh, I really like him as Sherlock, but that’s about it…I can’t understand the fuss…

  19. TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

    This must be a first – the Hiddleston post has twice as many comments as a Cumberbatch post. Are we all out knitting butterfly nets or something? 😛

    • EscapedConvent says:

      I was just trapped in a Sherlock Ambulance with a hundred shrieking Cumberbitches. God, they’re loud. Eardrum-piercing—it was horrible.

  20. Agnes says:

    I would listen to him even if he read a phone book. His voice…


  21. Miss C says:

    sadly cumby has a girlfriend now 🙁 did anyone of you see that picture of him and the curly haired lady on twitter?? maybe it’s a fresh thing or they’ve been dating for a while now.

    • Tish says:


    • EscapedConvent says:

      I saw a pic of Cumby on a train, looking as worn-out & exhausted as you would if you work constantly & sleep a few hours a night. There was a woman with curly-hair sitting next to him, & it looked like she was talking to him & he was barely staying awake. Hmmmm…..

      • T.Fanty says:

        I saw that, too. While I’m all for Cumby getting some, I didn’t get that impression from the pic. If so, he’s a crappy date. He could have at least trotted out the Vespa for the lady.

  22. Agnes says:

    I hate wool. It makes me itchy.

    I can’t believe he did t know that the Kool-Aid saying references Jonestown.

    • Mairead says:

      To be fair Jonestown and Kool-aid are just not a part of the cultural vernacular on this side of the Atlantic. I only heard that expression a few years back, we don’t have Kool-aid, and although I was aware of Jonestown hadn’t known the connection, even though I’d consider myself fairly informed.

      There are expressions in every country which meant absolutely nothing to people outside of it (or even outside of a certain generation). You wouldn’t have a clue what I was on about if I said “stop the lights” for example.

  23. Agitation says:

    Dear God, Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice melts my butter. It’s almost enough to convince me to pay twelve dollars for a movie I probably won’t like.

  24. EscapedConvent says:

    @Miss Eyre:

    Jane! Achtung! Cumby likes woolen things. Are those knitting needles set to warp-speed?

  25. Tee says:

    I love that he said he worked out two hour a day, when you hear other actors say they work out four or six hours. Ahhh…

    • EscapedConvent says:


      Yes, I like that too. Cumby must like to leave room on his shed-yule for lolling about in front of a log fire with a bottle of whiskey.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Don’t forget the time it takes to “lift and diffuse” those curls.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        But of course. I would be thrilled to twist & diffuse the Cumby curls, as I am sure many of you ladies would be.

        Saves time, you know.

  26. WendyNerd says:

    I had a dream last night that they remade “Being John Malkovich” as “Being Benedict Cumberbatch”. Cumberbatch Cumberbatch?” “Cumberbatch Cumberbatch Cumberbatch Cumberbatch” “Cuuuuuuummmmmmmmbbbbbbbeerrrrrrrrbaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch Cuuuuuuuummmmmmmmbbbbbeeeerrrrbatcccccchhhhhhhh Cuuuuuuummmmbbbberrrrrrbbbbbaaaatcccchhh”

    • EscapedConvent says:

      WendyNerd, that is THE best Cumby-idea I have heard in months. That would be really, really fabulous.

      Oh my God. Dozens of cumberbatches in a restaurant, all speaking CumberLanguage.

      Let’s hope someone with millions of dollars to fund such a project sees this!

  27. I Choose Me says:

    Oh yes his voice has the power to convert if nothing else. That and those beautiful hands and his silky, springy dark curls.