Anne Hathaway wants Obama to explain why he picked pastor Rick Warren

Presidential Elect Barack Obama has caused some controversy with the choice of Pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration later this month. Warren is against gay marriage and has been outspoken in his support of Proposition 8 in California. While some people point out that Warren is a kind man who is quick to befriend people of all backgrounds, he’s also made outrageous statements comparing gay marriage to pedophilia and incest.

Obama’s choice of Warren is thought to be a strategic move to make inroads in the Evangelical community and show that he wants to work with those with opposing views. Obama himself said that he made the choice in order to help foster discussion between the two sides. Some call Obama’s selection of Warren a slap in the face to his supporters in the gay and lesbian community that he will never live down.

Actress Anne Hathaway is among the people expressing outrage at Obama’s choice of Warren. She told E! News that she has some questions to ask the Presidential Elect about the controversial pastor. When asked what she expects from Obama in the New Year, she said immediately “I expect him to explain that choice of Rick Warren. I don’t get it. All my friends and I were trying to figure it out, but we just can’t. So I’d love that. But other than that, I expect nothing but the best.”

Obama did explain his choice of Warren in a press conference in mid December. Hathaway must have missed that. Obama said “we’re not going to agree on every single issue, but what we have to do is to be able to create an atmosphere where we can disagree without being disagreeable, and then focus on those things that we hold in common as Americans.”

That sounds pretty reasonable. Maybe Obama’s people didn’t know what they were getting into with Warren but I find that hard to believe. They were so strategically accurate during the campaign. It’s possible they just took a calculated risk on this one or that Obama’s friendship with Warren clouded his judgment. We’ll have to see what the long term implications are and if it signifies a lack of understanding from Obama’s side or if they’ll learn from it and be more careful with these type of decisions in the future. At least Warren isn’t getting a longer term role in the Obama administration – that we know of.

Hathaway herself isn’t the best judge of character. She dated a con man for years who swindled millions from investors and is now languishing in prison. Many thought she should have seen the writing on the wall and dumped her boyfriend back when he was first suspected of wrongdoing.

Anne Hathaway is shown at the Palm Springs Film Festival on 1/6/09. Credit: WENN

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54 Responses to “Anne Hathaway wants Obama to explain why he picked pastor Rick Warren”

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  1. Rosanna says:

    Well it’s true that Hathaway isn’t the best judge of character. But Obama isn’t either. Difference is: Hathaway is not the president.

  2. Sauronsarmy says:

    I want to know why Anne Hathaway is doind a movie called BRIDE WARS?

  3. Michael D says:

    Obama doesn’t support gay marriage either.

  4. guest says:

    why does she think he owes her an explanation? it’s called free speech. get over it with ur overinflated ego. geeze louise.

  5. Danielle says:

    All that glitters is gold, is it not?

  6. MoJo says:

    I myself would like a more satisfactory explanation that didn’t seem like well-crafted PR. She’s owed an explanation as much as the rest of us as Obama’s constituents.

    I know there are people who don’t like Hathaway no matter what she does, but it doesn’t seem right for people to slam her when she was most likely prompted to give her opinion on Obama by a journalist. She’s a huge activist for gay rights (her brother is gay), so of course it’s going to be an issue for her as it still is for many others. She didn’t demand that he not be there, just a more satisfactory explanation.

  7. Nouvel says:

    GOOD FOR HER !!! I saw a story on CNN where alot of Hollywood feels this way about Warren. (for that fact, alot of ‘everyone’ feels that way about Warren)

    By the way, Michael D, it isn’t about gay marriage, come on get real. It is about gay equal rights. Warren has compared gays to some awful hateful things which are not true in any stretch of the imagination. He also compared an abortion to the holocaust and REALLY had bad things to say about ‘non christians’, it isn’t just about gay rights anyway. He has cave man like ideology and isn’t very “CHRISTIAN” to spew hate and judge people who God made perfectly..

    a much larger issue that what is being portryaed…

    ANN IS SOOOOOOOO RIGHT !! Great article CB

  8. Zoe says:

    @Mojo: Good points

  9. Guest says:

    I am straight, but I have a lot of gay friends and a gay brother. I voted for Obama, knowing he is not for gay marriage. Regardless of that he was the best man for the job. People need to realize that he is going to be president to ALL. Blacks, WHITE, STRAIGHTS, GAYS, and even the ignorant (Pastor Warren) Did we forget he selected Nancy Sutley as chairwoman of the Council on Environmental Quality marks the first prominent, openly gay to join his cabinet.Ann Hathaway I love you as an actor, please keep your mouth shut when it comes to politics. Put your foucus on your selection of men.

  10. Baholicious says:

    I think who Obama puts in his cabinet is more important than who hands him a bible to swear on. Personally, I’m more concerned about the appointment of Rahm Emmanuel…

  11. Ned says:

    I think she is absolutely right.

    I also think he should explain why is he picking a guy who doesn’t have any security/ militery/ intelligence experience/ training or education to head the CIA.

    Especially when the USA is under threats and people might pay with their lives for this HUGE mistake.

  12. lara says:

    “why does she think he owes her an explanation?”
    Yeah well, maybe because he will be her (as well as many other Americans) president in a few days and as such she (like every other American citizen) is entitled to get to know the reasoning behind his choices everything concerning the presidency. “it’s called free speech”, exactly, it’s her right of free speech as well.

  13. Lisa says:

    She is owed an explanation just as we would be as American citizens. She just happens to be a celebrity so obviously her statement went public, but she isnt the only one asking that question.

  14. hmm says:

    He gave an explanation and apparently that wasn’t satisfactory. Anne should realize that she voted for Obama but she doesn’t own him and he is not obligated to do what she thinks he should. I frankly am glad to have a President who is inviting everyone to the table and not just those who share an ideological viewpoint. It seems to me that some on the left want Obama to be a left wing Bush: alienating everyone who disagrees and only embracing those with the same opinions and viewpoints. We know how that ended up. Obama is not an ideologue, he’s a pragmatist and consequently he will get things done. I know this isn’t a popular opinion but Rick Warren is entitled to his opinions and it doesn’t make him evil incarnate. I disagree with Warren and Obama about gay marriage but I don’t think it’s appropriate to demonize the other side. And finally, Warren is giving a 90 second invocation, not making policy and the reaction has been a tad bit excessive.

  15. aleach says:

    totally agree with Baho.
    this guy is going to be around for ONE day…it was a bad pick (in my opinion) but there are a whole lot of other things for us to be thinking about.
    obama was in a tough position no matter who he chose. he couldnt pick someone TOO liberal because then the repubs would just have more ammo for their “he’s a crazy liberal blah blah” argument and if he picked someone conservative, he disappoints a lot of his supporters.
    i dont think it was meant to be an “f you” to anyone, but it was a pretty bad choice.

  16. Christianne says:

    I think presidents should explain the citizens why they make certain choices, after all, aren’t they supposed to be OUR employees?
    They have to please US not the other way around.

  17. Ned says:

    Obama owes an explanation.
    It’s called accountability and in a democracy, as opposed to dictatorships, the public figures owe an explanation to the public and that explanation better be satisfactory and not some PR ploy.

    Moreover- Obama didn’t run on the platform of experience and expertise.

    He ran for standing for change and things that conflict his choice.

    So after portaying himself one way, and choosing in a complete opposite direction, AFTER he got the public vote- he should answer some questions if he is going in a different direction and conflict his past perception.

  18. Ned says:

    “he couldnt pick someone TOO liberal because then the repubs would just have more ammo for their…”

    The election is over.
    He won.
    There is no more campaigning and his choices for a very symbolic thing- should have reflected that.

    He can’t hide and blame the repub for everything.
    He made that choice, not them.

  19. American says:

    In Hathaway’s own words “I expect her to EXPLAIN her choice of looser boyfriend” before she has the audacity to ask an explanation from anyone else. Obama owes as much to the Christian community as he owes to the gays! Some idiots don’t get that!

    If you had any common sense you would recognize that he does not want to isolate any group. Its shameless that the whinning elevates when people don’t get their way. NOOOOOOOOO He does owe his loyalty to gays, he owes it to the American people “as a whole”. So for the WHINERS out there “SOUND CRAZY SOMEWHERE ELSE”

  20. American says:

    PS……….Christianne common sense dictates that “you can’t please everyone” Lets get back from LA LA land

  21. aleach says:

    @ ned- i sure didnt say that he was blaming repubs for ANYTHING.
    you know exactly what i was trying to say…hes damned if he does, damned if he doesnt.

  22. American says:

    To answer your question Ned, the CIA is for intelligence. The Secretary of State handles the threats and deals with foreign leaders and should have the qualifications you speak of.

  23. Ter says:

    This is officially out of control. . .this over-analyzing and hyper-sensitivity is going to mire us in shoes of cement and not allow us to move on. I think we have taken on “I’m offended” as a national mantel. ENOUGH! Grow a pair and allow for natural attrition to proceed. This guy will fall by the wayside soon enough, who cares what he thinks, it is his right after all, and you sensitive nellies can whine and carp about other people you don’t like and all the while you can continue to promote, buy and wear products that would fund schools and hospitals in our nation, but more importantly in the third world nations that people profess to care about so much lately (not that they shouldn’t).

  24. Mandy says:

    Ter, I care what he thinks because he’s spouting potentially dangerous rhetoric that has no place on the national stage. This has nothing to do with “political correctness.” There are plenty of Christians, even conservative Christians, who may disapprove of homosexuality, but don’t find it necessary to slander gays and possibly provoke violence against them by equating homosexuality with pedophilia and incest.

  25. Mandy says:

    Sorry about the 2 similar comments in a row–my computer froze while I was sending the 1st and I wasn’t sure it went through.

  26. says:

    i agree with hmmm. change means not having a president that rules by “mandate” (with less than 50% of the popular vote) by catering only to one segment of our society and saying a big ‘f you’ to others. obama is, and always has been, about coalition-building. we need that in this country. while i do not personally agree with rick warren’s views, i acknowledge, sadly, that he represents many people in this country. Obama has never said that he supports gay marriage, so any talk of him being dishonest about this issue is simply not true.

  27. J-Lin says:

    Sorry, but Rick Warren is a minster and any minister that preaches the word of God is not going to agree with gay marriage. People would find fault with any minister chosen:

    If TD Jakes was chosen, Barack would be accused of making the ceremony a “black affair”. If he chose a gay minister, he would be accused of pushing the “gay agenda”. The country is made up of lots of people including Christians who are owed just as much as gays whether if they voted for Barack or not.

    Gay marriage is not a life or death issue. The economy and war are two more pressing issues. You people in Cali need to get out the sun and find real things to do with your lives.

  28. WTF?!?! says:

    @ Guest:
    “People need to realize that he is going to be president to ALL. Blacks, WHITE, STRAIGHTS, GAYS, and even the ignorant ”

    Only one group on your list is being denied rights provided all the rest.

  29. daisyfly says:

    Barack knew he wasn’t going to be able to make anyone happy with his choice, so let’s just ignore who it is and move on to the real problems in this country, mmkay?

  30. Jane says:

    So because it’s not part of the war or economy, we should just bite our tongues J-Lin? It is an important issue, which shouldn’t even be a f****** issue. If we were given our equal rights in the first place, we wouldn’t be demanding anything.

  31. Ned says:

    The person who is supposed to head the CIA should know a lot, and have the best credentials and expertise in intelligence and security.

    The guy Obama chose never got the education, the experience or the training to even get to intern at the CIA.

    The irresponsibility is beyond me.

    Especially given the gravity of the threats to national security and the growing sophistication of America’s enemies.

    And as for the symbolic choice of a guy who is such an insult for civil rights and gay rights, is a bad choice.

    The gay community was supportive of Obama and now Obama, with no reason whatsoever, has chosen such a guy as a symbol.

    He could have chosen just about anyone else in America, other conservatives, or a neutral choice like an artist, a scientist, and Obama should explain himself.

  32. Aspen says:

    He chose this man because Obama knows and ACKNOWLEDGES that a very large portion of the nation, including Obama, is Christian.

    He explained the choice of this man. It was a BRILLIANT move on his part. I find it disturbing that the people who were foaming at the mouth in November to have this man in The White House are already turning on him like a pit of vipers because he chose a man that represents a very large portion of the people who did not vote for him to hold up a Bible and recite for him the Inaugural vows.

    Obama, unlike most of the people who voted for him, has some emotional control, some foresight, and some tolerance for people who don’t agree with him.

    Anne Hathaway is a little twit whose maturing process was halted as an adolescent when she received her first Disney role and became an instant celebrity. She clearly has poor judgment in character, and she clearly still views politics with a sparkling post-adolescent passion instead of a more mature brand of grown-up discernment.

    Those of you who are incensed that Obama has recognized that half the country voted against him…should simmer down, grab a cup of tea, and try to be a little more circumspect.

    He didn’t give the man a cabinet position or invite him to give personal counsel on issues of gay rights. He invited a widely-beloved and influential pastor to perform the inaugural duties. It was an olive branch you blind, stumbling idiots! To the 40+ million Americans who do not trust that Obama will lead us with integrity and consideration…he extended an olive branch.

    As for gay rights issues, I’m not sure why the gay community supported a man who was openly against what they claim to demand. I wasn’t sure during the election, and I’m still mystified by it. It’s ridiculous to get angry with Obama for acknowledging that the “other side” of that issue has good people in it. He’s not the President of Those Who Voted For Him. He’s the President of The United States of America.

    That means…from time to time…you’re going to see him have lunch with someone who makes your head explode.

    But that’s okay. Maybe it will teach people some self-control and the ability to really get comfortable with the basic truth that not every good person agrees with you and not every person who disagrees with you is bad.

  33. Seth says:

    Anne needs to go ask her convict boyfriend for an explanation.

    Those who don’t like his choice can choose not to attend his inauguration and come four years from now vote for the Republican candidate, there is a choice.
    Obama needs to to be the President of all of America especially Americans who don’t earn millions for a few months of work.

  34. Codzilla says:

    Aspen: Sadly, I doubt the notion that “not every person who disagrees with you is bad” will ever sink in. Just look at the Branglina threads. And they’re just a couple of movie stars.

  35. LondonParis says:

    Amen Aspen!
    Look, people, part of what is great about Obama’s presidency is that he isn’t catering to any one group’s wants. Sorry guys. And half the country is happy to see this man delivering this invocation- in fact, many are relieved to see him there.

    I find Anne Hathaway so completely obnoxious.. and this has so added fuel to the fire. Who on earth does she think she is? And does she think that talking about it to E! is going to do anything? She’s coming off as very small-town to me here.

    I think everyone needs to see the other side. Obama has always talked about bringing us all together, and the first chance we have to show support for our fellow countrymen- who ever they may be- the country is polarized. I find it quite sad.

  36. mouthfromthesouth says:

    On the subject of Rick Warren, just remember the old saying: the best offense is a good defense!

    Check out the blind items on the gossip sites today. Woohoo!

  37. mouthfromthesouth says:

    Oh hell, wait, i think it’s the other way around:

    the best defense is a good offense…

    I’m a moron…haha

  38. She’s an actress and she’s never heard of a PR move? Seriously?

  39. CeeJay says:

    In response to your question as to why Obama picked an inexperienced person to head the CIA….I think when he finally got to absorb highly classified materials within the CIA, he decided he needed an outsider (or one of his “own”) to keep an eye on things. Word has it Obama is not happy with the current setup for the “shadow government” and the all consuming powers that would kick into place when and if the shadow is enacted.

  40. Shay says:

    Anne I want you to explain why you stayed with a dead beat theif for months even though the proof was out there at easy access.

  41. Autumm Leaves says:

    Excellent comments Aspen!! Folks need to seriously fall back. What is with the whining from most who are opposed to this? It’s called WORKING ACROSS THE AISLE.

    Hey Anne, I like you and love your movies, but you really need to focus on YOUR OWN JUDGMENT IN MEN and less on SECOND GUESSING President Obama. Really, some people need to fall back and deal with their own messy yard before bringing their lawn tools to someone else yard.

    Obama doesn’t need to check with those who voted for him for every flipping decision he makes. Didn’t he say you will not agree with all the decisions I make? Think about it.

  42. Kim says:

    Isolating and pushing your enemies to the extremes has never served any good. Sasdly gay people never learn this. Bush had a similar policy of isolating enemies. Where did it get him. It may work in the short term, but in the long term, it is the worst thing you can ever do to your cause. Call the head of the KKK to a balck rally and they will start re thinking their prejudice. Leave them in the cold and they will never be any wiser.

    After his choice, Rick Warren has even back tracked on some of the extreme things he has said. His opinion mind you represents a section of Americans. Leave them out in the cold at your own peril. Personally, I think it was a smart choice. Obama did not get where he is because he was dumb with daddies money and influence. He must have done something right.

  43. Ally says:

    I agree with her. However, in a similar vein, she should explain what happened on that yacht when McCain visited with her and her slezy boyfriend in Montenegro?

    Considering how Obama got slammed for knowing a guy who did something decades ago, it’s still worth knowing what McCain discussed with a dude presently sitting in prison & why liberal Hathway greeted that creepy right-wing dude with smiles.

  44. Jill-e-b says:

    I wish people would just calm the hell down about this one. Obama didn’t appoint Rick Warren to be a member of his cabinet or anything. Warren’s just going to be one part of the inauguration ceremony. No one remembers the inauguration years down the line, anyway. It’s not like policies are set or anything. Best just to shut up and accept that you’re not always going to agree with every single decision the president makes, and that he doesn’t owe anyone an explanation beyond the one he’s already given.

  45. Vermillion says:

    I am trying to understand how Anne’s personal life has anything to do with this.

    It is hilarious that the same folks saying “Obama made a strategic choice/he doesn’t have to explain himself” are also spouting “Anne needs to check her MEN” in the same breath, as if they have anything to do with each other. Are you really saying that people with asshole exes can’t question the freaking President? Why does she have to “qualify” her relationships in order to be a concerned citizen? The hypocrisy and borderline misogyny is delicious. This article might as well be titled “Listen here, little missy. First you prove you can get a decent man, then we will listen to whatever you got to say.”

    But let’s just say, for the moment, that such a comparison was in any way logical. Did anyone ever consider that maybe, just maybe, Anne’s experience with her boyfriend is WHY she is so defensive over this? And as someone mentioned, she is both a gay rights supporter and, most importantly, an American citizen that voted for Obama. I can see why she would see this as such a personal issue, and it is surprising that so many of you can’t. I mean, it isn’t like she wants a personal address or anything; she just wants an explanation that makes better sense than the current one, which seems tantamount to pandering. True, it is a calculated political move, but isn’t that kind of stuff what Obama should NOT be doing?

    Saying Obama has no responsibility to explain his decision, even one this seemingly innocuous, is a slippery slope. Remember, at one time it was considered tantamount to treason to say that Bush owed us an real explanation on Iraq, and let us not forget the whole Attorney General debacle.

    Part of that ‘change’ they were crowing about was a greater transparency and accountability to the people. I may not agree with their complaints, but they have the right and I support THAT. Especially since they voted for him.

  46. vdantev says:

    And I’d like her to explain Ella Enchanted. Obama has made no secret his cabinet will be bi-partisan, so what’s the f*ckin mystery?

  47. Shay says:

    Anne is a public person as well as Obama. One shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses especially if everyone is watching.

    On a serious note I don’t care for Warren either but there isn’t one culture in the US. Obama I think is trying to reach out to everyone whether he agrees with their views or not.

  48. sasha says:

    Most people here are so level-headed… what a breath of fresh air.

    I too was offended by the choice at first, but I couldn’t agree more with most of the posters here: to obsess over this and “demand” an explanation when one has already been given is hindering the excitement and potential of the moment. Obama includes many at the table, whether he agrees with them or not. Let’s move on!

  49. vdantev says:

    Nightbird, you bring stupidity to almost Zen-like levels.

  50. Subt says:

    So Anne believes Obama’s gay and lesbian supporters have more rights to representation than his religious supporters?

    Typical Hollywood…believing they’re above everyone else due to their lack of exposure to the America outside their mansions.

    Gays and lesbians (and most of Hollywood) wouldn’t have voted for Obama if they would’ve done their research about him. Right from the beginning Obama said he didn’t support gay marriage.

    And due to their high incomes their taxes are going to rise, movie studio taxes’ll go up and i’m predicting so will Hollywood’s whining.

  51. Who gives a sht what some stupid actress thinks. Stick to entertaining, I don’t give a sht about her politics and certainly don’t want to hear her 12 yr old opinion because she is in movies or tv!!! Now go suck off Madoff or some other Wall Street swindler

  52. Mike says:

    She is so beautiful. On a real note, today was a great day for american history

  53. Greta says:

    Ned, I’d like to try an answer to you.

    Having been raised a liberal in Los Angeles mid 1960’s, I think I know a little about the liberal mindset.

    Having become a non-Conservative Republican in my 20’s, I’ve gotten to know another mindset.

    But what really educated me was working as a civilian employee for the Marine Corps (passing the background checks was only a small part of security). On a daily basis, Marines or anyone in the military, are held to the highest standard of behavior. Punished when rules are broken. Most civilians have zero appreciation of what it takes to exist in the military.

    So with that in mind, Obama’s lack of military understanding is extremely worrisome. He is a smart guy. But will he be able to break a decidedly liberal mindset, an anti-patriotic mindset actually, and be a heroic commander in chief to his troops?

    The appointment of this fellow at CIA (which I hadn’t heard about til reading this post), is an indication not of wanting an outside the shadow mindset, but actually wanting “one of us” close to him. Doesn’t seem to have a clue, does he? And yes, there is no doubt the enemies will test him and Americans will die as a consequence. How many die will depend on his willingness to defend Americanism to the world which hates us now.