Lindsay Lohan says she works ‘as hard’ as Scarlett Johansson

fp_1784798_rev_lohan_lindsaHey, do you remember when Lindsay Lohan called Scarlett Johansson a “C-U- Next Tuesday”? And then ScarJo tried to act classy, like who is this mysterious Lohan person?

Well, as it turns out, Lohan has a real problem with Scarlett – like a love/hate thing, admiration mixed with envy mixed with high-school bitchy. Lohan just gave another interview, this time to Interview magazine, talking about how she works “as hard” as ScarJo, but people only focus on her “mess” of a life.
The Interview piece is here but Huffington Post has the highlights.

Interesting sidenote: Just what is Lohan promoting, for the love of God? Other actresses do press because, you know, they have a film coming out. I think Lohan’s just giving an interview with nothing to promote except the idea that she has a screwed up life.

Lindsay Lohan gave an interview to Lauren Hutton in the February issue of Interview, and bemoaned the state of her career and the poor film educations of youth today.

On not getting the same opportunities as other actresses: “But it’s so impossible for me to actually [go someplace where no one knows me]. When I was in Dubai, there was still press lined up around the hotel. So I find it close to impossible to actually do that. I mean, it is what it is. This is what I asked for, and in this day and age that’s what actually goes on. But what hurts me the most is that I work just as hard as any other actress around my age, like Scarlett Johansson, but I just don’t get the opportunities that they get because people are so distracted by the mess that I created in my life. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to last forever.

On being in Hollywood to act, not to become a celebrity: “I just feel as though it’s become a situation where people have manifested this caricature of who I am, and they act as if there’s no real person inside of it. I mean, people really have come to believe-directors, producers, agents, whoever it may be-that I started in this because I wanted to be a celebrity. But that was never my intention.”

On the public misconception of her and the lack of knowledge about film: “I wanted to be a movie star [growing up]. But movie stars are not what they used to be. When I was a kid, I thought movie stars were women and men who were in these great films that we still look at now. But I don’t think there are too many films coming out these days that we’re going to look at in the future and say, ‘This is one of the great ones.’ Like, what is the great film that I will tell my children about? I’m still going to tell them about the old films, the Hitchcock films. And people my age don’t even know who those people are. I can’t even have a conversation with most people of my generation about that, because they’d be like, ‘Okay, she’s a freak. Something’s wrong with her.’

[From The Huffington Post]

I don’t really hate La Lohan – she’s had a really screwed up life, and her family continues to be both ridiculous and frightening. Even though this interview is sort of being billed as the next step of the Lohan-Johansson War, Lohan just sounds like she’s trying to change her image and get some work. I’m not sure whining is the best way to do that, but let’s see. Rumor is that insurance companies don’t want to insure a problem actress with a history of unprofessional and drug-seeking behavior, so Lohan’s lack of work might not even be her image. Very few directors or producers will put their projects on the line with an un-insured actress. Still, I hope Lohan finds something to do – other than hang with Sam and “stay sober”.

Lindsay Lohan is shown shopping alone on 1/6/09 and on the beach in Florida on 12/31/08. Credit: Fame

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33 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan says she works ‘as hard’ as Scarlett Johansson”

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  1. ronnie says:

    Duh…who is this Alfred Hitchcock dude anyway?

    Wish I were smart like Lindsay.

  2. kate says:

    maybe if she got off the beach and into some acting classes or an off broadway play or a smalll part in an indie film people’s “misconceptions” would change. getting drunk, shopping and going to clubs won’t help.

  3. seriously dude says:

    shes a real dipshit! Maybe the drug dealers she is conversating w/ dont know who hitchcock is. But im her age & i surely do…and could name plenty of his movies. Does she realize people give Scarjo her roles b/c they dont see her falling out of clubs in the middle of the night. Scarjo hasnt been in rehab 3x or switched her sexuality for attention. Maybe thats why you dont get her roles??

  4. MoJo says:

    Speaking of a lack of knowledge about film, what movies has La Lohan been watching? There have been plenty of great films these past few years! Gosh, Munich, Brokeback Mountain and Atonement, not to mention the countless others that weren’t all Oscar buzz-worthy?

    The rest of the quotes are actually… good. I forgot who was saying those words for a second there. I don’t like the girl at all, but I still wish her the best. Whew.

  5. geronimo says:

    lol ronnie! Seriously tho’, times is hard, who’d hire Lindsay with her current track record in favour of some other clean-living, hard-working actress? Love how she seems to see the perception of her as ‘off’ rather than her herself being ‘off’ – ie. other people’s fault.

  6. EnKay says:

    Well, at least she refers to it as “the mess that I created in my life”. That surprised me.

  7. Sauronsarmy says:

    All her interviews sound the same, whine whine whine, stop blaming the “media” for focusing on your problems. Look at Robert Downey Jr. he was a druggie that was pretty much forgotten. He cleaned up came back with Iron man has a sequal in the working. It can be done.

  8. Codzilla says:

    geronimo: My thoughts exactly!

  9. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:

    this bugs me – she courts the paparazzi and then complains when they’re around? she sets up her own staged beach shots and then says she never has a moment where people don’t know her? shut up, lilo. and i’m not a huge fan of scar jo either, but at least her acting consists of more than just furrowing her brow and squeaking her voice. lindsey is a terrible actress. and all this crap about films coming out that won’t be remembered… what a hypocrite! georgia rule? i know who killed me? just my luck? yes, those are the films that define a generation!! (puke)

  10. Granger says:

    People avoid hiring Lindsay because she’s a bad actress and has a terrible work ethic. She was so spoiled for so long that she started to believe the world owes her something. Haven’t there been at least two occasions over the last couple of years where co-stars/producers/directors/whatever called her out for not showing up at work?

    And when she says there aren’t any films out now that will be considered classics in 25 years, is she talking about her OWN films? Because if so, than she makes perfect sense.

  11. tigerlille says:

    What a shame people don’t remember the films in which Lindsay did well, such as The Parent Trap, or Freaky Friday. The girl is an outstanding actress, very talented.

    That said, what the heck does she do besides shop, party, and vacation?

  12. Mairead says:

    Works as hard as ScarJo at what exactly? Maybe once upon a time she was as good as Hayley Mills, but her work ethic is lousy.

    I mean, how woeful do you have to be to have the adorable William H. Macy give out about you? (cue mental image of him trying to reason with Lohan… “I’m trying… I’m trying to co-operate here” – sorry, had to squeeze in a Fargo reference)

  13. prissa says:

    Love the reference Mairead!! :0) Him in that movie was classic!!!

  14. Starla says:

    Oh God, she’s thinking of procreating.

  15. bros says:

    exactly Granger-thats what i was going to say. in addition to not being insurable, she has a horrible reputation. the studio had to write her mother a warning letter about her atrocious behavior. nobody wants to work with a little snot like that-she screwed it up the last chance she got on Ugly Betty too-she made enemies with the cast and couldnt be on her best behavior. she is singlehandedly ruining her own career, so she should stop blaming everyone else.

    and in defense of scar-jo, the girl has much better acting chops than lindsay, isnt a drunkkard slut drug addict who parties all night long, and is in a stable relationship. there is a large difference in maturity levels between the 2.

  16. Abby says:

    Does anyone else genuinely wonder what she will do when the money runs out? She just seems so directionless. It’s sad.

  17. Mandy says:

    Lindsay must look at actresses like Kate Winslet, who gets nominated for an Oscar nearly every year for her daring roles, and think that racier roles mean instant credibility. She doesn’t get it that Kate (and some other young actresses) is respected because she chooses QUALITY films. Lindsay accepts controversial roles for controversy’s sake, and the result is “I Know Who Killed Me,” which was little more than a late-night Cinemax softcore porno.

  18. Dorothy says:

    Mandy – I love that you refer to kate Winslet as young! It makes me happy.

  19. lol says:

    Lindsay is just jealous that she has no career to speak of. Sorry Linds, your 15 minutes expired.

  20. morgs says:

    She’s looking mighty skinny again…

    I guess that would be an oxymoron-She’s looking coke thin?

  21. evilive says:

    wasn’t she called out by meryl streep for being late on “Prairie Home Companion”
    something to the effect of you don’t show up late for robert altman…

  22. MSat says:

    Meryl Streep, Robert Altman, Jane Fonda, and James G. Robinson, the studio head who produced “Georgia Rule” have all commented on her unprofessional and unreliable behavior. In Hollywood, if you make those kinds of enemies you might as well become a waitress.

    Robert Downey Jr. definitely had his issues but even at his worst he was able to turn in consistently good performances and show up for work. That’s the difference between the two.

  23. Mandy says:

    Until MSat listed them, I didn’t realize that Lindsay had worked with such legendary actors and filmmakers. She really wasted some valuable resources!

  24. paris herpes says:

    Was that actually her talking in the interview? Sounded suprisingly fairly mature about “the mess I created in my life”. Maybe she got some good stuff that day or whatever. Or maybe it was a low drama day for her. Problem is that La Lohan is not “movie star” material, but neither is ScarJo actually…so whatever…

  25. jennifer says:

    I find many many things about this chick to be so very offensive, the greatest (today, anyway lol) being her assumption that you & I are idiots. As aaaaaaaaa said, she invites the paparazzi everywhere she goes, since that, and exploiting her relationship with Sam, is the only way she can get in the press, but then she has the balls to pretend it bothers her, that the paps find her, hunt her down, that she ISN’T the one who calls them in advance? And she thinks we BUY that?!?!??!?! I am not a violent person but damn if I don’t wanna bitchslap this twat until the wee hours of the morning. And then a couple more times for good measure (I was going to say I want to bitchslap her into obscurity but that wouldn’t take nearly as long…) ;0)

  26. Aspen says:

    She is NOT a “very talented” actress. As a child, she had more talent than other kids looking for roles, which meant that she could deliver lines without appearing to be reading off cue cards. She has enough dramatic talent to out-act most 10-12 year olds. She was cute in Freaky Friday…cute. Not mind-blowingly talented. Cute. Which was what the role required, and she did a good job.

    She has not, however, shown herself able to carry roles that require real adult humor, drama, and conflict. Lindsay Lohan could never have done the work Scarlett, Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, etcetera have done. Can you see Lohan playing Jane Austen? Anne Boleyn? A woman who has been through real hardship and suffering? Can you actually compare her body of work to Charlize Theron’s? Gwyneth Paltrow’s? Rachel Weisz’s? Kate Winslet’s?

    No. You can’t.

    And it’s not for lack of opportunity extended. Instead of viewing the opportunity to costar with established talent and celebrity like Jane Fonda and Meryl Streep and Michael Keaton and Vanessa Williams, etc. as a gift of good fortune that she could be grateful for and make good use of in her career…she took those opportunities as an indicator of what she DESERVED. It did not serve to make her humble or grateful. It only served to reinforce her idea that she is EQUAL to these people who have spent a lifetime in the business. So it’s not because she didn’t get the job offers.

    It’s because she could not be professional at work. Why on EARTH would Hollywood give her another opportunity when there is a huge pool of young female talent with better resumes, better reputations, more box office draw, and more talent?

    Humility should be her first step.

  27. Shingles says:

    Well Aspen I beg to differ. In Georgia Rule she played a very complicated character, both a victim and a malevolent schemer, used by people for so long that she has become a psychotic narcissist taking her rage out on everyone else. Yeah, okay, she was playing herself, but it was still a meaty role, an actor’s dream role really.

    She’s also a talented comedic actress. She makes a piece of junk like Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen watchable with her Lucy-like energy. All Natalie Portman does is cry on cue — and Scarlett Johansson has one expression, “slow and thoughtful like a cow.” Neither of those are anywhere near Lindsay’s level of star power.

    What she needs to do is take a break, let people discover Georgia Rule, and even realize that I Know Who Killed Me, while not great, is FAR better than most horror remakes/Saw/etc. and actually pretty stylish. And they will say, “Hey what happened to that Lindsay chick, she was good.” The problem is that she wore out her welcome to the point where even I — and I defended her for years — almost never want to see her arrogant face again.

  28. Jill-e-b says:

    Um, is she *surprised* that there were photogs lined up around the hotel in Dubai? She was there for the hotel grand opening with about two dozen other celebrities. It’s not like she went there to hide or anything.

  29. Aspen says:

    You know what, Shingles? I haven’t seen Georgia Rule and hadn’t planned to, but on such a recommendation, I will go and check it out.

    I’m always happy to be proven wrong towards the positive…so I’ll give LiLo one more go.

    I’m afraid we’ll just have to agree to disagree about the other actresses, though. /wink

  30. lara says:

    “Neither of those are anywhere near Lindsay’s level of star power.” Say you meant this a joke! Lol. What kind of star power has Lilo? Gossip star power? In this case, you may be right. The other two are actresses while Lohan is a celebrity.

  31. vdantev says:


  32. Anoneemouse says:

    “I work just as hard as any other actress around my age, like Scarlett Johansson, but I just don’t get the opportunities that they get…”

    What a whiner! But you don’t hear Scarlett not showing up to the set on time (or at all), or arriving high on drugs or drunk….whose fault is it that that happened? Take some responsibility for your failures and mistakes already! It’s part of growing up.

  33. Kara says:

    Omg. Another complete waste of sperm and egg. She can’t act. Really. Her best movie was the parent trap. She’s a psycho bitch. Think about it! What actress her age hasnt she verbally attacked or criticized? She’s “sober” but is mysteriously always seen in bars and clubs. and she spends the majority of her time in a freaking bikini. No wonder she can’t get work. I’m going to film school. and Notice her vast knowledge of film only covers a widely known name like Hitchcock. I doubt she’s ever heard of Lon Chaney or Michael Curtiz. She should just shut her fat nasty mouth. If I make it in the film industry (and I say If because I know there is no garantee I will) the only thing I would role I would cast her in would be the crack whore.