Was Jennifer Lopez’s performance on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ too provocative?

Here are some photos of Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart outside of the Dorchester Hotel in London last night. They were returning to the hotel after her performance on Britain’s Got Talent, where she performed her new single “Live It Up” (which is horrible). Jennifer is actually facing a lot of criticism this morning because of the performance. She performed in what I think of as “the Muppet outfit in black” – she wore a similar Muppet outfit in red for the Billboard Music Awards AND in the video. Here’s her performance:

Did that shock you? Were you upset by Jennifer’s butt cheeks and skimpy Muppet outfit? Did the thigh-high boots make you clutch your pearls? Were you angry to see Jennifer shimmy down a fireman’s pole and to see her Chris Brown-looking back-up dancers stare at her shaking booty? Well, you might not have been offended (because this is pretty much the same performance she gave at the BMAs), but the UK viewers were pearl-clutching because Britain’s Got Talent IS a family show:

She was there to give an exclusive performance of her new single, but Jennifer Lopez gave the audience and viewers of Britain’s Got Talent a lot more than they bargained for as she took to the stage on Tuesday night.

The multi-platinum album-selling singer arrived on stage wearing a tiny black leotard that barely covered her famous derriere, and within moments both Twitter and viewer forums were awash with angry comments from BGT fans who were furious at the ‘inappropriate’ nature of her appearance.

And by Wednesday morning, broadcasting industry regulator Ofcom had been inundated with complaints from viewers who were unhappy to see such a raunchy performance on a family show.

A spokesperson for Ofcom told MailOnline: ‘Ofcom can confirm that it has received complaints about the Britain’s Got Talent broadcast last night, which we are assessing but not currently investigating.’

Fans of the show were left in shock as the superstar cavorted around the stage wearing little more than skimpy underwear, a bizarre fur bolero and thigh-high boots.

[From The Mail]

That Mail link has some highlighted tweets too, and people really were upset. I really didn’t think this mess was all that raunchy, and while Jennifer’s costume was skimpy in the crotch and butt area, you didn’t really see anything. Eh. I wish there was someone to call to complain about that sketchy choreography. I wish I could issue a complaint about Casper Smart’s douche-face.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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49 Responses to “Was Jennifer Lopez’s performance on ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ too provocative?”

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  1. Amelia says:

    For context, can I just point out that *every year* the Daily Mail highlights something ‘inappropriate’ or ‘explicit’ on Britain’s Got Talent or The X Factor. Just another opportunity for them to relaunch their argument that we are all witnesses to the disintergration of the fabric of modern society, or some such bollocks.
    J-Lo has never been known for her modesty or good taste, so I really don’t think there’s any need to be so shocked she got her biscuit or her butt out.
    And as far as I know, the peformance was at 9:30 PM, which is past the watershed, so the Fail don’t really have a leg to stand on.
    *sigh* I need a cup of tea and a ginger snap.

    • Cherry says:

      Exactly. I can’t believe we still fuss about this kind of stuff. A 40something lady in a weird costume wiggling her ass on tv, really? Lopez must be thrilled: this is exactly the type of publicity that all female performers seem to be looking for nowadays, but seldom get- because everyone has seen this all a million times before, and don’t care anyway.

      • Liz says:

        Jennifer comes off like a Beyonce wanna be but fails. Beyonce is still young, fresh and talented. Many of Jennifer’s moves were too suggestive for her age. That’s the problem. While Jennifer Lopez and Madonna can still wear the skimpy outfits… They Just Should Not!!!

      • Leigh says:

        What Liz said.
        Imagine this was your MOM?!!

      • karen says:

        Jennifer Looouser… She seems like such a loser to me.

    • boredbrit says:

      Mmmmm ginger snaps. Haven’t had those in years…

  2. Flan says:

    Conversation with my friend:

    He: “I really don’t like that guy, what’s his name? Jennifer Lopez’ ex.”
    Me: “Chris Judd?”
    He: “What?”
    Me: “Marc Anthony”
    He: “Who? No, the famous one.”
    Me: “Puff Daddy?”
    He: “No, the actor, with Matt Damon.”
    Me: “Ah… Ben Affleck.”

    Don’t know why I came up with Chris Judd first, since as far as I know, he’s an okay guy. And I’m ashamed to say that I can’t remember the current’s one name.

    • Liv says:

      You don’t need to. Just look at him.

      I thought superstars like her would have at least a minimum of sense for douches, but she has clearly not. This one is a social climber of the worst kind.

      • dena7 says:

        She needs someone in an inferior position. Her ego/emotions demand it. Her needs must always trump. It’s like I once told a friend that I needed a house-boy–essentially, a non-gigolo guy to run errands for you, a non-gigolo guy to have ocassional sex with, and a non-gigolo guy who has no ambitions of his own. I wanted one cause I entered into a super-busy stage at one point in my life and “needed” an assistant.

        Let me give you a scenario: A co-worker wore a sleeveless shirt to work one summer. I was admiring her arms. They were sleek and sexy and muscular without being muscular. They were like sexy, sleek, muscular feminine. If you get what I mean? Anyway, I complimented her and asked her what she had been doing. She said that she had been playing tennis. Now here is where my house-boy would have come in. The next morning, I would have gone into his bedroom, with flowing robes and wearing heeled mules with a puffy feathers as the strap across my foot–think Liz Taylor. I would have kicked the edge of his bed, told him to “Get up. Here. Take the credit card and go buy us some tennis togs. We are going to be playing tennis for the next few weeks because Regina’s arms look good and I want my arms to look like that.” I think that’s basically Casper’s role in her life plus she seems like she cannot be alone [read without a man].

  3. DGO says:

    That’s more offensive because of her lack of talent rather than the amount of flesh she showed. Though I do agree with Cindy Crawford about J-Lo – that butt should not be seen in public.

    • Dhavynia says:

      Because of her lack of talent she needs to show her ass. Beyonce does the same in different outfits.

      No ass – no money

      • paola says:

        True. Adele doesn’t need to show an inch of skin to sell her amazing music. I think at this point we can say that the noisier the music the talentless the singer. That mess of a song wasn’t loud enough cause I could still hear j lo’s voice and now my ears are bleeding.

    • yolo112 says:

      !!exactly!! Whyyyy, why do people think she can sing is beyond me. And don’t even get me started about her “acting”. I’m embarrassed for her.

  4. sharron says:

    The Mail is certainly conservative sometimes, but you could virtually see inside her womb during a few of the moves. Good job she had Brazil-ed!

  5. RN says:

    1. I had to listen to it with the sound off after about 30 seconds. That was wretched.

    2. I’m put off by her backup dancers inspecting her heinie and nodding. Gross.

  6. CosmicGirl says:

    Casper could be Jon Cryer’s son. They look so much alike! Don’t they?

  7. Skins says:

    I can’t believe that people actually pay big money to see her perform. No real talent there, just a bunch of skeevy dance moves. I don’t even think she is hot, just meh.

  8. gogoGorilla says:

    Eh, my pearls go unclutched.

    For the record, I thought the ass-staring and the solo pelvic rubbing was crass, but otherwise I didn’t think this was particularly raunchy.

    Also, isn’t British television known to be far raunchier than American television?

    I will say that her costumes look Beyonce’s look positively Puritan. I wonder if JLo feels like she has to compete and that’s why her ass is hanging out like that?

    • Cel says:

      GoGoG – I think the difference with British television is that the 9 pm watershed is the cut off for what is considered “family viewing” and into more adult programming with sometimes more controversial story lines and swearing.

      The swearing thing comes up again and again with American actors when interviewed here – they can’t quite believe it won’t get cut.

      As for JLo – terrible song and worse outfit.

  9. Nicolette says:

    That song is awful.

  10. Melissa says:

    I think the front part of her costume is a little much. It’s barely covering her crotch…how did she not get a front wedgie and flash it all?!?

    • gogoGorilla says:

      She is wearing tights or a flesh-colored bodysuit. Bey does that, too. They do it to hide cellulite and skin and to keep the goods under wraps when gyrating all over the place.

      FWIW, I think the costume is super BORING, like a very bad ice-skating outfit.

  11. Kas says:

    It was tacky as hell.

    I guess you could be offended that that was supposed to entertain you.

  12. Denise says:

    This woman hasn’t got an original thought in her head. I have much more of a problem with this rank song than her ridic outfit. I feel like I’ve seen her arse a million times; if it’s not peeping out from some fugly transparent dress, Ben Affleck is giving it a rub in one of her nasty videos. In fairness, she should have stuck to decent roles in films like Out of Sight or even rom-coms like The Wedding Planner. ANYTHING is better than this horror. BTW I can practically smell sweaty crotch from my computer. Leotard FAIL.

  13. mar says:

    she look ridiculous all the time to me

  14. Sumodo1 says:

    FREEMANTLE has blocked the video.

  15. G says:

    She never could sing. She keeps trying though bless her heart.

  16. Maggie says:

    I havent seen the video so no comment there. But I find her very beautiful and cannot understand what she sees in this guy. He’s so unattractive to me. He looks like a little chipmunk with nothing going on behind those eyes.

  17. emma says:

    I don’t think it was all that raunchy…

    I do think she sang live though – didn’t sound that good.

  18. Marion says:

    Just checked an extract on the Mail…
    The outfit doesn’t “shock” me per se but the boots are ugly and OMFG we almost can see her vagina when she kneels legs wide open and I swear I can see a camel toe with the reflection of the light on her leather (?) knickers/ g string whatever they are…

  19. The Original Tiffany says:

    I’m only offended by her “music”. That is not a song, that is not music. It sounds like a Real Housewives star dancing and barely singing live over a synthesized track.
    Hard to believe people are such fans of hers. She’s a paper tiger of an artist. Just manufactured boring EVERYTHING. She’s a terrible actress too and yet she is famous. It seems to require very little talent these days, except of the famewhore sort.

    edit: hahaha! I just went and read the comments after I already wrote mine. I see I am not alone in my thoughts. 😀

  20. Jaded says:

    Talk about making a gazillion dollar career out of nothing but booty-shaking. As with Madonna, the only talent she has is for shameless, bullying self-promotion. God, what’s happened to real talent these days and why isn’t it as revered as much as this mindless dreck….

    • TG says:

      @Jaded – so true and I have to say I love your koala bear every time I see it I think I can never disagree with her since she is a koala. Other people on other sites have koalas too but slightly different pics. Makes me want to move to Australia so I can have one living in my backyard. Though I know that is sad because that probably means their land has been cleared for houses. I know you are Canadian but just saying.

  21. fofototo says:

    I don’t think her moves have become more risque, it’s just that her outfits have gotten more revealing.

    Why does nobody wear pants when performing anymore? Beyonce, Gaga, Selena Gomez, Pink, Madonna…

    Who the hell started this leotard trend?

    • Annie2 says:

      I don’t know- but everyone is wearing the too small leotards. Would it kill them to put on a little miniskirt? Still shows the legs but covers the vagina!

    • Nev says:

      Madonna Hung Up video 2005.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      The trend started in 1886.

      Performers who do dance and gymnastics have been wearing leotards for quite a long time now! They really came back in the 80s with the fitness fashion trend…and I think 80s nostalgia is what made it pop up recently.

  22. F5 says:

    Damn you to hell for making me watch that crappy video.

  23. K-rock says:

    The beginning that has the text on the screen reminds me of one of those silly preachy Facebook status updates.

  24. velourazure says:

    I’m amazed she’d want to wear such an unflattering outfit. It’s like painting giant flashing arrows to the biggest part of her.

  25. paola says:

    The part where she lies on the floor and spreads her legs apart is just gross. Doesn’t she have any sense of public decency?

  26. TxGal says:

    The costume she was wearing I don’t see nothing wrong with it. At least it was not like others wearing a floss. Regarding her dancing she did look heavy.

  27. Nev says:

    This is GREAT press for her….good hype for the album.

    GO JLO.

  28. megsie says:


  29. TOPgirl says:

    It reminded me of Beyonce’s performance and outfit from the superbowl. I wasn’t all impress.

  30. Noi says:

    that outfit was ugly and the wannabe pitbull backup dancers blah
    side note-the stage set looks like her days of a fly girl

  31. janie says:

    It served its purpose? Talking about her?