Henry Cavill & Amy Adams’ share the new Interview Mag cover: sexy or terrible?

Here’s a preview of the new June/July issue of Interview Mag, with Man of Steel costars Henry Cavill and Amy Adams. I’m kind of surprised to see Amy doing this kind of avant-garde magazine photoshoot – she’s got dark lipstick and she’s wet! That’s not very princessy! Henry looks… well, he looks good soaking wet, but I think I prefer his Details photoshoot. Unfortunately, Interview hasn’t released their story yet, but I’ll cover it when it comes in, trust me. For now, enjoy this E! interview with Cavill:

Man of Steel star Henry Cavill may look out-of-this-world hot in his sexy Superman suit, but it wasn’t the easiest thing to get on and off during filming. In fact, Cavill admits it wasn’t the best thing to have on if you needed to pee.

“There was no fly,” the hunky actor recently told E! News. “There was no zipper. So it’s just one of those things where you got to wait for the right time.”

Costar Russell Crowe, who plays his superhero father in the flick, agrees. “You couldn’t get your bits and pieces out of it,” he said of his suit, adding, “It took nearly 25 minutes just to get it off.”

Nonetheless, Cavill dished, “It’s a Superman suit and as much as it may feel uncomfortable at points, you get over it. You get to play Superman. You get to be wearing Superman’s suit. Every time you turn around and look in the mirror it’s, you are Superman. Those are special moments.”

As for bulking up for the Man of Steel role, the 30-year-old actor said, “There was the building stage, the mass building stage, there was a leaning down bit before shooting and then there was the leaning for the shirtless stuff.” Cavill added, “You sit there going, ‘I haven’t done enough, I haven’t done enough. I’m not lean enough, I’m not big enough.'”

[From E! News]

LOL, I like that Russell Crowe basically goes the crude route and says that he couldn’t get his dong out of the suit. Surely the costume designers could have come up with a better solution? As for Cavill’s bulk-up, he also has an interview with USA Today in which he directly discusses whether or not he used performance-enhancing drugs – Henry says he did NOT and “I like to see the results for myself and think I did the honest course.” He also didn’t want his body to fall back into some kind of CGI creation – “I wanted it to be me. It helped me get into character. And also because it’s my name. I wanted to provide that image (of Superman) and make it reality.” When faced with the reality that if Man of Steel bombs, his career will be over, Cavill says: “I’m the one who is going to take a hit if this doesn’t work.” Realistic.

Also – Cavill just signed on for another big-budget film, Guy Ritchie’s adaptation of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Tom Cruise was supposed to do it, but he’s out and now Cavill is in. Armie Hammer is in too.

Photos courtesy of Interview Mag.

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46 Responses to “Henry Cavill & Amy Adams’ share the new Interview Mag cover: sexy or terrible?”

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  1. Andrea says:

    Sexy. Adams isn’t very Princessy in real life. She’s just a good actress. She certainly wasn’t Princessy in The Fighter. I remember Patrick Dempsey saying back during Enchanted that Amy had kind of a dirty sense of humor too. It’s refreshing to see her have some fun. They look good together here. Good casting.

    Also, I will never cry over someone replacing Tom Cruise in anything. I can’t believe people still pay to see Cruise. Maybe that’s just me.

    • Lisa says:

      Right there with ya on the Tom Cruise thing. I work with a guy that swears up and down he is the best actor out there, regardless of his ‘religion.’ Some people are easily brainwashed.

    • Katharine says:

      Agreeing on Tom Cruise : he’s made some good movies, but all of them would be better without him being in them. I will not pay to see his movies, but have enjoyed some despite his presence. He’s a decent actor, but actively repels me as a screen presence in recent years : give some other actors a shot at being the leading man.

  2. Mirella says:

    How is someone that hot even possible? He’s delicious.

    • Lipsy says:

      YES! He’s classically good-looking. Not a pretty boy but a man!

    • Chickie Baby says:

      AGREED! He is a hunk of male perfection. (But if you want a shock, check him out as a youngster in the 2002 version of “The Count of Monte Cristo”. He has REALLY grown up since those days!

    • jaye says:

      Yes! Good lord! That much beautiful on one man ought to be against the law.

  3. Vee says:

    They look smoking hot, two gorgeous people.
    Henry’s body is perfection, and I believe he did it all himself. I cannot imagine the discipline.

    • Andrea says:

      I also love that he’s with Amy who is plastic surgery free and actually a great talent. Plus, she’s older than him which makes me like it even more. I’m so sick of every movie where the guy is paired with a woman 10 years younger. It’s about damn time the woman got to be more experienced without the narrative painting it as the woman as the butt of a joke.

  4. Lucy2 says:

    I think the super dark lipstick is distracting on Amy. She’s so pretty but in those photos all you see is the lipstick.

    Let’s just have Henry replace Tom Cruise in every movie, OK?

    • Vee says:

      Yes! Henry can replace the tiny guy in every movie. Works for me. 🙂

      • Andrea says:

        I don’t know. To me, Cruise has been playing himself for 20 years and he lost all charisma once he jumped on that couch.

        Henry was quite good in the later seasons of The Tudors. I think he has potential. Especially paired with someone like Amy who could pretty much read the phone book and make it sound good.

      • don't kill me i'm french says:


  5. Rhea says:

    I thought she was K.Stew at the first pic.

    • juls says:

      I agree Rhea. Was coming here to say that when I saw your comment. Totally kstew lookalike. Not good.

  6. m says:

    If you didnt already say that was Henry, I would have thought it was Fassy, especially in the first picture.

  7. don't kill me i'm french says:

    he’s a good-looking but a bland vanilla actor (he’s perfect for Superman)

  8. marie says:

    I’m not really a Superman fan but I’m curious to see this movie.

  9. OhDear says:

    Wow, he looks great! The bone structure!

  10. AustinMJ says:

    Amy doesnt really pull off the sexy vamp vibe, but Henri – dayum. He is so yummy.

  11. GeeMoney says:

    Can’t believe that Cavill is gay. So sad.

    • lucy2 says:

      That might be news to his girlfriend.

    • Kim1 says:


    • Andrea says:

      Its not sad that he has a history in the gay community. It’s sad that we live in a culture that forces the LGBT community to hide who they are in order to work and arrange PR relationships to promote.

      But being gay is not sad. It’s the way we treat gay people that is sad.

      • GeeMoney says:

        No… I said “so sad” b/c he’s not straight and I can’t have him! I don’t have a problem with guys being gay. I just get sad when the hot ones play for the other team.

    • Veronica says:

      I often think gay rumors are BS and so predictable. It seems every male actors have gay rumors. No matter if they’re married and have kids. But Henry Cavill…I have to admit if he ever did come out I wouldn’t be shocked. I don’t know his background. I don’t know if he was supposedly known in the gay community and has boyfriends that scrubbed his photos from their Facebook. I really don’t know. But I do know his supposed relationships with women are almost too strange to be real.

  12. Anna says:

    This is something that all the actors who play superheroes and the like complain about – the complete impracticality of the costumes to the point that they cant perform basic bodily functions. Cant the Hollywood machine turn out something a bit more…functional?

    • Veronica says:

      It’s part of the job. I’m sure Kabuki actors aren’t terribly comfortable with their extravagant makeup and costumes, either. And women in period pieces who have to wear authentic corsets on-set for hours at a time. Or real-life soldiers who have to be in the field with 75 pounds of uniform and artillery in the scorching desert (my bro was in Iraq and said the heat and the weight of the gear was hellish but that they do get sort of used to it). Henry, to his credit, hasn’t made a big stink about the costume. He seems to want to emphasize how awesome he feels it was just to get to wear it. Well, he’s doing PR anyway. I bet in 10 years he’ll b*tch and moan about how awful it was.

  13. Veronica says:

    Oh Henry, Henry, Henry. I WANT to like Henry. I think he’s genuinely gorgeous in an effortless, natural way, and I think he can be multi-dimensional in how he plays his good looks: he can be swarthy and dirty, he can be aristocratic and elegant, he can be collegiate and smart. And I don’t think he’s an awful actor, either. My problem with Henry is that he appears to have no original thought in his head. Lack of natural intelligence is a really unattractive quality for me. Watch a few of his Superman interviews. Not just one, but a few. You’ll see a pattern. When he’s talking about shallow stuff he does great, “Superman is innately good”, “Superman is about hope and the world needs hope”, stuff like that. A 12 year old could say this stuff. But anytime he is asked any question that requires thought and critique you can just see the wheels turning. Turning very.very.slooooow.ly. And the answer that comes out will have NOTHING to do with the question. It’s just a desperate dodge. Because he can’t think. Because he doesn’t care “how Superman views humanity”. Another huge problem I have with Henry is his strange relationships with women. He had a fiancee whom he was with for 3 years and yet no photographs. Now he has a very strange girlfriend with whom he as ZERO chemistry and he drags her to every event he does to. And she’s got no style, no talent, no ambition, and watching her get interviewed is even more painful than watching Henry. All in all I WANT to like Henry Cavill..but he sets off my bullsh*t radar on too many levels.

    • D says:

      I’m not disagreeing with you, because I certainly feel the same way at times but I’m not certain that it’s a question of not having an original thought in his head. I watched an interview with him once and it was when he was doing promotion for I Capture the Castle. He’s so young in the interview, and he’s so much more relaxed in his posture as well as his answers and I hate to say it, seems much more real. He’s sweet, a little arrogant, and such a nerd in it and somehow in the years since, he’s lost that guy. Or maybe stopped letting him out.

      I think the issue now is that he’s genuinely worked really hard to get to the point where he is now in his career and he is doing his best to present the best perception of himself to the public. Not to say that he is a bad guy, which I don’t believe at all. It’s just that in his attempt to answer things diplomatically, as well as in the best possible light it’s almost as if he’s adhering to a script of acceptable answers. So that sometimes, what comes out is more apt to an entirely different topic.

      That said, I used to think that perhaps it’s because he’s trying to straddle the line of being a public face and having a private life. Maybe he was trying to siphon out the wheat from the chaff so to speak, and didn’t want to delve too deeply into intimate responses because he wanted to keep that separation as an actor and as a person as he has every right to have boundaries. Before the fiancee, he never said a peep about his past relationships. Then the fiancee seemed a little too hungry for the attention, basically telling the entire world the day the got engaged and gave ridiculous interviews. The woman he’s with now is even worse. She really, really wants it. I know Kaiser loves Gina, but what I can’t approve of is how suddenly they’re dating and it goes from Henry maybe once or twice bringing a female friend to a premiere, to them being everywhere. And it’s not caught in the act photo’s, but straight up someone has called the paparazzi to notify the fact that we’ll be at this airport etc, etc.

      It’s all really forced. And Gina is as well. Her interviews are extraordinarily painful to watch, I’ve tried to give her a chance but she seems so inarticulate and so blah and so hungry for attention.

      I thought Henry was smart, but who knows, maybe they don’t talk at all? But I agree, I detect b.s. BIG TIME.

      • Veronica says:

        I think an actor should give a little when talking about a project he’s been involved with for 2 years. I was terribly disappointed when he refused to answer the question about Superman’s perception of humanity (the human race). There’s just no excuse for an actor not to answer that because that question directly speaks to the character the actor is portraying, and honestly, it’s not terribly philosophical at all. That Henry had to search desperately for some answer to evade the question was inexcusable to me. And he’s done it numerous times. These are not questions about Henry Cavill. They’re questions about SUPERMAN, his character which he is trying to sell to the public as a character he believes in and cares about. If I were the studio paying for this film’s promotion I would be PISSED.

        The interviews by the supposed fiancee are HORRIBLE. She’s an odd one. And her hair. Ugh, don’t get me started.

        To be totally and completely fair, no one has to call the paps to be photographed at an airport. The paps practically live at the airport–at least the major ones where celebs fly in and out of every day. Even Narita Airport in Japan has Japanese and Korean celebs getting papped every day. Since Henry was in Tokyo for Superman it was known he was coming. If he was on vacation and got papped with Gina I’d be suspect. That said, Gina Carano is a nobody that her people have been pushing for the past couple of years and I just can’t figure it out. She’s awful and I tried to like her, too. For a minute I actually fell for the “shy, sweet” act. If her people think they can actually make her happen then why doesn’t she have a stylist? THAT raises such major flags. That black leathery dress she wore to the Baftas was unconscionable. I tried to like her but I can’t. I’ve tried to like him but can only reach the mid-way point. As a pair despise them for the obvious BS they’re trying to pull.

        Having said all this I am still super excited to see Man of Steel!

    • D says:

      No, I totally hear you. If you’re working on a project, and especially something that has been so long in production, you need to do your job and answer to the best of your ability. I think he’s just too prepared, and off the cuff questions, or ones that aren’t in what he’s ready to answer just throw him. I didn’t read the interview that you mentioned, but that’s just wrong. I mean, I can understand not answering a question that’s completely frivolous, but not speaking about Superman’s humanity? Seriously? It’s incredibly pertinent to the role that you’re playing.

      I think I just don’t want to admit that maybe there is a lack of natural intelligence as you say. He’s not Cary Grant or George Clooney, but that said, you have to give us something.

      As per Gina and the airport, I assumed that the Japan photo’s were called in. LAX, JFK are all hotbeds for paparazzi, but it was a silly mistake. I feel for the ‘shy, sweet,’ act for one hot minute, but that might also be because her fans are so completely rabid and quick to present defense for someone they adore. I hate to say it, but she just seems incredibly trashy. Every part of her raises a red flag.

      • Veronica says:

        I was just thinking about our little exchange here when AGAIN I came across something Henry said via Tumblr. This kind of stuff runs through my feed every day so I catch pieces here and there. In this one he was asked about his love of computer games and he responded that he does love them but that he also loves “reading books and taking walks” but then *immediately* switched back and mentioned half a dozen computer games he plays and how into them he is and which ones he got really good at. Not a single mention of a book he’s read. You see? I really think he’s just shallow. I think he says what he believes he’s supposed to say and does not expound on any of it and beyond that it’s just shallow bits about his costume and his computer games. Like, if you want people to think you’re smart then you say “I like to read”, but the real clue is that he’s too dumb to know he should at least back up this claim by naming a genre he likes to read, or the last good book he read. That’s why he repeats over and over that he would have “studied Egyptology” if he hadn’t become an actor. Just like Askars repeats over and over that he would have “studied architecture” if he hadn’t become an actor. Someone else will say they would have become a teacher, or gone into business, or whatever. I think I’m just annoyed with the general culture of dishonesty that runs through Hollywood and how they lie to us like this to make us go see their movies.

      • D says:

        Well, to be fair he has mentioned author’s before, as well as the fact that he’s really into Sci-Fi. I think one was Robert Jordan, and then another author I can’t remember who wrote about the Napoleonic Wars only re-imagined with dragons. But I understand, if he doesn’t answer what the question has asked, or even what his first response is then it’s kind of hard to piece together an idea of him when he’s said the same answers over and over without specifics.
        I don’t know, I’m still hoping that he’s just too uptight to really answer, or maybe nervous because he *seems* very polite, sweet, and humble. Far more genuine than most of what’s out there. But who knows?
        They all can’t be perfect, but really the unfortunate part is that this all comes from an industry that’s based on the fallacies that Hollywood perpetuates. It’s all about getting butt’s into seats in the end, and whatever tactics deemed necessary, whether amoral or not, are thought fair game.

      • Lucrezia says:

        Napoleonic wars with dragons would be the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik.

        If he’d said George RR Martin (Game of Thrones) or Tolkein (Lord of the Rings) I might suspect he was fibbing, but only a sci-fi/fantasy geek would’ve been able to name Jordan and Novik.

      • Veronica says:

        @ D and @ Lucrezia

        Thanks a bunch for the correction/clarification. God, he really is a geek! I think I like it. I also think it’s entirely plausible that the poor guy is simply not the same person inside as he appears on the outside. We tend to expect that, don’t we? We expect geeks to look…well, like geeks…and we expect gorgeous movie stars with handsome chins to be…well, suave and slick and cool….right? I bet he’s battled this his whole life…looking and *being* two different ways.


  14. moon says:

    I love Amy, I think she’s an under-appreciated JLaw – but this photo shoot doesn’t look good. They should fire the makeup/photoshop/photographer for making her look like a sleepy stingray or something.

    I buy that Henry Cavill didn’t take performance drugs, though he probably did drink protein shakes. But he’s always looked pretty big sized throughout his career.

  15. Ashley says:

    He looks like david gandy!!!

  16. anet says:

    I hate my life.

  17. Emily C. says:

    Horrific. I mean that literally. She looks like a zombie slathered in makeup. She doesn’t look like herself at all. Terrible.

  18. Bam Bam says:

    I know she’s got an upturned nose, why do they keep taking pictures from that angle like they’re try to crawl up it? Lipstick – not so attractive. You really can’t tell how beautiful she is from these pics.

  19. Makayla says:

    Hmm… I really loved Man Of Steel… And I loved Henry Cavill in it.. But I didn’t know all this stuff your saying about him. And truthfully the only ones that know the truth is the people you talking about. This is all conspiracy theories until they say the truth or the truth gets leaked. And we may never know if this is legit but hey, why can’t the guy like computer games and stuffs… I can name twenty millions games I like and probably only five books I’ve read cause the video game thing I do more than the book thing. But I do read books, I just like video games moreand thats OK, I gather thats what Henry Cavill is like too. <3 But some ofthe stuff you said does sound shady. I'm gonna go watch one of his girlfriend's interviews to see what your saying. I just ope he isn't gay or bi sexual cause that would suck 🙁