On Friday, Page Six doubled-down on their reporting that Naomi Campbell is trying to destroy her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend, Luo Zilin. Luo Zilin, a Chinese model and former Miss China, was a contestant on The Face, and Luo was mentored by Naomi. Naomi was a big supporter of Luo’s career… until Luo started dry-humping Vladimir Doronin in Ibiza. Vlad and Naomi broke up months ago, and Vlad has been seen with several different models and attractive ladies, and I guess Luo has won his heart. Anyway, Page Six claimed that Naomi was contacting all of her friends in the fashion industry in an attempt to get Luo blacklisted from ever working again, in America, in Europe and even in China. Now The Daily Mail reports – exclusively! – that Vladimir Doronin is fighting back and accusing Naomi of “bullying” Luo. Hahaha.
Russian billionaire Vladimir Doronin has accused Brit supermodel Naomi Campbell of ‘bullying’ his new girlfriend Luo Zilin, telling friends the couple just want to be left alone. Today, Page Six reported that Naomi, 42, is attempting to scupper Luo’s modelling career by demanding that her Chinese agents fire her – just days after the younger model was dumped by her New York management.
And a source told MailOnline that Vlad, 50, was just concerned about protecting his love, saying: ‘It’s really sad that Naomi can’t leave Vlad alone since he just wants to get on with his life with Luo in peace. She’s had a very successful career so far and deserves better than being bullied by Naomi. At this point, what he cares about is protecting Luo and helping to undo the damage Naomi has cruelly tried to inflict on her.’
The businessman finally sounded the death knell for his five-year romance with Naomi this week when he was seen frolicking with Chinese model Luo – who was mentored by Naomi on her reality show The Face. Vlad and Luo, 25, were seen passionately embracing on the Spanish party island of Ibiza – and it was then revealed that Luo had lost her modelling deal with New York-based MIX Model management.
MIX Model president Neal Hamil said: ‘Zi Lin’s contract with MIX Model Management NYC was terminated last week due to ongoing unprofessional conduct and unacceptable work ethic.’
Luo Zilin was seen sprawled on top of Vladimir as they enjoyed a sunshine break in Spain at the weekend. And the couple were pictured sharing an intimate embrace.
A source close to Naomi said: ‘It’s fair to say that Luo and Vlad met through Naomi, it’s really unprofessional of Luo and it’s not great behavior on Vlad’s behalf.’
And another source today denied Vlad’s claims, saying: ‘Naomi is just concentrating on work, she doesn’t want to be drawn into this. It seems to be the case that Vlad is just trying to get an unfair dig in at Naomi – he can’t seem to leave her alone.’
Today, Mr Hamil said he had terminated Luo’s contract for ‘professional’ rather than personal reasons, adding he had fired the model on Memorial Day when she told him she was heading back to China – in direct conflict of the plans they had made to further her career.
So, what’s the real truth? That Naomi is actively trying to blacklist the younger woman who Naomi sees as a traitor and a rival? That Naomi is a crazy, violent bully? Or that Vladimir Doronin is turning out to be kind of famewhore, and he likes the attention and he loves that he’s in the center of some huge scandal? I don’t even know. I know that I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Naomi is in the midst of a major hissy fit and that she IS trying to destroy Luo. Speaking of Naomi’s self-perpetuating drama machine, remember when she assaulted, beat and scratched a paparazzo in Italy in 2009? Well, the guy is still insisting that she assaulted him and now Naomi has to go to court in Italy:
The supermodel Naomi Campbell has reportedly been ordered to appear before a court in Italy over accusations she attacked a photographer who was taking pictures of her while on holiday. Gaetano di Giovanni claims the London-born model scratched him and hit him with her handbag in an alleged attack in 2009 on the Aeolian island of Lipari, off the north coast of Sicily.
She has always denied the accusations, and claims instead that di Giovanni was harassing her. Prosecutor Francesco Massara has now ordered Campbell to appear before judges on 4 December, the Ansa news agency reported, quoting unnamed judicial sources.
A spokesman for Campbell said: “Three years ago Ms Campbell was the victim of paparazzi harassment in Italy. The photographer has claimed to have been attacked by Ms Campbell, a claim our client has categorically denied and her team is confident to prove this in court later this year.”
Di Giovanni said he did not want to comment. At the time of the incident he was quoted as telling Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica that he had only just started to take photographs of the model when she reacted angrily, shouting at him and attempting to slap him in the face.
He claimed her nails scratched one of his eyes. “For several moments I could see absolutely nothing,” he was quoted as saying, claiming he had sought medical treatment afterwards.
The model’s spokesman said the accusations were “completely untrue”.
The problem with getting all huffy and self-righteous with your denial is that there is actual a criminal record of several instances of exactly those kinds of violent assaults. God, I think Luo Zilin needs our prayers. If Naomi ever runs into her, Zilin is going to lose an eye (at the very least).
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
With all the supermodels out there, VS secret girl, he has chosen the only one mentored by Naomi. That’s suspicious.
yea exactly, and i think the leak could be from team vlad, perhaps he wants to hurt Naomi. I do think it is bad form on both his and Luo’s part…given she was Naomi’s protege. i think he likes the spotlight and the drama
It could be interesting to know who did the dump between these two. Probably this could change everything, you know if Naomi dumped his hot russian ass (no divorce for example), he could be seeking for some sort of “revenge”.
The fact that he was in a relationship with the violent Naomi for quite some time should be the proof itself that he LOVES drama in his life.
Yeah. I’m starting to think he hooked up with the girl to create a major scandal and make Naomi mad… Typical famewhore act! What if Naomi broke up with him and he’s seeking revenge?
exactly! the whole thing seems like a constructed revenge plot to me!
this young girl…i dunno…i think she deserves any crap she gets …i think she will be just fine as she seems to be getting a lot of media exposure too as a result of this
Anyone whos ever had a break up with a guy who simultaneously wants you and resents you, knows whats happening here.
What do you want to bet that Vlad would toss Luo over the side of that yatch if Naomi even hinted at reconcilliation? Luo is just a tool here. And by that I mean that shes a means to an end for Vlad and also shes an utter douchebag.
I wonder how this is playing out in China. Sensibilities there are fairly conservative, no?
Wild speculation ahead
Who knows, he likely first met her through Naomi. Maybe he fell for and broke up with Naomi.
Doubtful. Before being spotted with Luo he was seen with yet another young model but this one had a striking resemblance to Naomi. So much so that she has been described as the “new Naomi” in the industry. You can google her name and pics I guess. (personally I think they have similar skin tone, bone structure but the whole “new Naomi” thing is too much. Anyway, the guy is hovering around girls that he knows will piss her off.
THIS. I have no doubt that Naomi is going to do her level best to destroy Luo’s career but Luo should’ve known there would be consequences. Luo is crazy to jeopardize everything just to be a married man`s temporary side piece. Plus I do think it’s disloyal of her to go after her former mentor`s man.
I think Naomi is a raging b*tch but I’m on her side in this instance.
Also interesting that Vlad claimed the pictures of him and Zilin were taken at his estate and that no one but Naomi could have divulged the address to the paparazzi (forget which article this was in, but I read it here at Celebitchy). It definitely seems like he is trying to draw NC into the drama.
ITA, Jenny. I think Vlad released those pics, not Naomi. After all, the message the photos send out is, “See how quickly and easily I moved on, Naomi! And look who I’m currently screwing, that ungrateful girl you helped, ha ha.”
There are lots of models Vlad could date, but he just happens to pick Naomi’s protegee. Riiiiight.
It’s obvious that Vlad set out to upset Naomi, and he’s succeeded in spades. I doubt he has any feelings for Luo; she’s just a means to an end for him, and she’s dumber than a sack of hammers if she believes otherwise.
In fact, this stunt just proves Vlad is still completely obsessed with Naomi. I wouldn’t be shocked if they end up reconciling and he finally divorces his wife for her.
I agree with you, and as the same time wonder if she actually did that. Yes I believe she could do it. But did she have to ? Where I her management team I would have fired her ass a-for being stupid b- as a preventive strike.
i also feel suspicious considering who he was photographed with in pictures from previous weeks. the younger black model who resembles naomi, now the girl she mentored? seems like he wants to get her attention. i wonder if she dumped him.
Two grown women cat fighting over a married man? Neither one is the winner here.
ahah, yeah, I can’t say that I fell sorry for any of the 3.
^^^ this.
Seriously! Like…I’m supposed to feel bad for them? Naomi is acting like a brat (as per usual) over an EX boyfriend and Luo is hooking up with her former mentor’s ex. It’s all super skeevy, IMHO.
Whether or not Vladimir or Naomi are playing dirty, you have to commend Luo Zilin for the bravado she has! A fling with a married millionaire > her career. Then again, she won Miss China. And god knows, the Chinese model industry is probably as corrupt as their celebrity industry! So, I don’t think we need to worry about her TOO much, she’s probably made of sturdier stuff than we think.
He looks like central casting’s version of an evil billionaire. This whole thing is delicious and Naomi deserves any crap she gets. She’s a witch.
LOL ^ this. Can’t help but feel sorry for Naomi, though. She’s been so out of control that clearly she’s got a lot of pain inside. But I do imagine she had this coming in some way. Seems to be the way life works :/
Bitch, please. You know he just loves the thought of two hot supermodels fighting over him. It only heightens his ego and sense of power.
I do agree that nobody’s the winner in dating a married man, especially one who you know is going to toss you over when the better model (no pun intended) comes along.
Exactly. Billionaires have a way of getting what they want.
If Vladimir really wants to double down on all this…. he can place a big ass ring on this new girl.
And let it slip to the newspapers that he is seeking a divorce.
Just to really watch Naomi loose her sh*t all over Europe.
Now THAT WOULD be funny. +1
ha, I don’t believe there would be enough cellphones for her to throw.
for what it’s worth, I think he started dating Luo to get at Naomi, who knows if that’s still the case.
I honestly don’t buy any of this. I don’t think Naomi would bother acting desperate over him. SHe’s very aware of image now because of her past, plus the sheer fact of having to be who she is for the position she has : a ceiling breaker who has a very successful career. She’s probably moving on and understands very well that living well is the best revenge. She doesn’t seem like the type to look back, esp for people who are not loyal to her.
Ugh…he has 99 problems and super model bitches are all of them.
If it was Naomi in Luo’s position she’d never hear the end of it.
Get that UNLOYAL trick!!!!!! Go on Omi!!!!!!
Vladimir still loves Naomi. I think she got tired of waiting for him to marry her and decided to pack up and focus on her career. They were “engaged” but she saw the light. *Beyowulf’s Single ladies playing in background*! I’m sure he has never been dumped becoz I’m sure all his women hang on to him and his money for as long as they can
This seems a little…fishy to say the least. Not saying Naomi is not a awesome looking life ruining rage monster. But Vlad and his team really seem to be pushing this poor Lin sl. O well still love Naomi.
Like I’ve said ad nauseum; Whatever “career” Luo had, it’s over, with or without Naomi’s “help”. She’s 25 and looks older than Naomi ffs.
I sincerely doubt Naomi had to do much to end whatever career she had. Everyone knows model’s are over when they hit 25.
This sounds like a jealous and angry russian billionaire wanting revenge for getting dumped. Bet his entitled ass didn’t expect that and now his people are planting stories to make Naomi seem like an über-bitch.
Sorry, I don’t buy it.
Luo is a lovely girl but I’m just not seeing that “it” factor that agents look for with models. She’s vanilla in a modeling world of exotics. Many models are interesting looking and unconventional beauties. Luo is more beauty pageant.
He does seem very pressed, and if he’s trying to make Naomi sound like a mega bitch , come on!
Naomi is a feirce high fashion bitch for decades, thats part of the love/hate appeal I mean she wore a shirt that said Naomi hit me And I loved it.
Ugh, Vlad is using the OLDEST page in the “Revenge Playbook of Ex-partners Dumped”: Attempt to destroy a relationship that means something to your ex, at any cost.
The whole thing is cliche – from staying with a a man for 5 years who is married, to likely dumping him when he refused to put a ring on it, to Vlad reacting as he has. Of all the beautiful women in the world, in the last month Vlad is seen papped with a Naomi doppleganger on his boat (this model was clever- at least she came out on twitter saying that she was not seeing Vlad, etc), and then Vlad is papped kissing Naomi’s protege. A russian zillionaire w/o privacy? Um, NO, Puh-lease.
I think Naomi’s business ties are strong enough that these companies will just go into autopilot to disassociate themselves from someone on Naomi’s sh*tlist. Doubt she even has to lift a fingernail/claw to do this…
…..”She’s had a very successful career so far” …
Winning Miss China and being in…reality show? I’ve never heard her name prior scandal. I think she has chosen Doronin as next “career” step.
That’s my thought as well. A couple of people posted a story about how she got caught sneaking into a pageant judge’s house. Ms. Luo seems shady.
Yes, and at 25 she’s way too old for big international career, the type Naomi carved for herself.Before going back to the pool of many she got 15 min. though.
These sorts of men swap models with the same frequency as their underwear. As for his latest arm candy? Meh…
No model has the Naomi physique or presence. As for her attitude? I’m thinking it’s lost her a lot of endorsements, but it’s hard to say whether it is her attitude or whether it is veiled racism that is to blame [she could be difficult because of that as well]. Earlier in her career, she would not have gotten one of her first Vogue covers had it not been for the late Yves St Laurent calling them up and giving Vogue the ultimatum.
I agree that Afro_American models are sadly underrepresented and I agree too the Naomi has presence and staying power, bitch and everything, it’s just that my first in both cathegories is Iman.
Yeah, I’ve always wondered if that was the reason why the press focuses so much on her attacking paparazzis (once?), and hitting someone with a cell phone (once?). I mean, she can’t be the only supermodel with a short temper, and has don something to an underling that they have regretted….I just hate that as a black model, or even as a black person that I have to be sweet as pie and can never lose my sh*t, especially where I live, unless I want every single white person around me going “oh, she’s black, so that’s how they all act”….which does happen where I live.
I’m not trying to say that Naomi isn’t violent, but it seems to me (unless I’m wrong) that the media tries to make it like it’s a pattern, like she always hits her assistants with cell phones or whatever….I’ve only heard about her attacking a paparazzi, and the thing with the cell phone was eight or nine years ago right?
This whole thing is so grade school. The whole lot of them need dignity lessons.
I don’t think Vlad has a deep amount of feeling about anything except his own entitlement. He wanted a new model, she was attainable, he can have anything in the whole world he wants, he grabs her and doesn’t care what anybody else thinks, since he is the GREAT AND POWERFUL rich guy that can have anybody he wants. He doesn’t seem to care he’s married or about his wife so why should anybody assume he gives a rip about anybody’s feelings?
What I want to know about is the other model he was with before Luo who has the insanely tiny torso and huge hips. Did she have surgery to get that bizarre shape?
Women from western Uganda from the Banyankole tribe have that sort of figure.
Fairly tall, tiny waist and huge hips, just like that model.
The model’s name is Jazzma kendrick. She flatly denies that she had any type of surgery to get her shape. A few internet trolls accused her of having ribs removed and she came back fighting with denial! I would look at her and say she hasn’t actually gone under the knife but I do think her shape is the result of a procedure that Africans and Caribbeans do at night time – it is called “girdling” – that is where you wrap your waist with wet sheets until you achieve a tiny waist. Lots of young girls and women on the “islands” have the same exact shape as Jazzma!
This is such a huge famewhore move. This whole meas just seems so fishy. I mean how long have these two been together? Doesn’t he have anything better to do than deal with this high school drama. I think he and Luo are loving the attention and milking it for all it’s worth. Plus the fact that she (Naomi) has such a history and was this girls mentor, it is very believable that she would do this. I’m not totally buying it.
I think Vlad’s (Vladislav, btw) warning Naomi to step off. You know how this guy got his billions? “Real estate”. That’s all I can find anywhere. Who do you think bought Naomi those blood diamonds?
i don’t think so. naomi did not care when he was with the other models, why would she know or care (beyond an ain’t this a…) about this one? she wanted something from him that she did not get… i think she trie to insist on it and he dumped her or she quit it. considering who vald is now keeping company with, he WANTS this life. and ‘lin ain’t no delicate flower either. someone mentioned before in china she had done the billionaire rounds before so i don’t think naomi is THAT surprised.
You know something.. I honestly don’t think Naomi Campbell gives two hoots about these two anymore. Think about it, if you were Naomi, would you want a guy back that started a relationship with your co-worker/student/protégé? Absolutely not.
She’ll find herself someone BIGGER and RICHER. She’s Naomi Campbell!
Lord, I hope so. I’m agreeing with another poster that he wants her back. I think when they first broke up, he was like, eh, she’ll come back soon enough, but when she didn’t that’s when he started with the look alike, and then with her mentoree.
Are all oligarch’s who are over forty, all former KGB? Naomi’s got a better stomach for it than me, because I wouldn’t have even gone near him. Then again, I probably wouldn’t go for billionaires who invite models to their yachts.
Oh, I hope she finds another hot Russian billionaire, maybe even a few years younger than he is. Maybe get herself pap’d on his yacht, straddling him….maybe throw a smirk for the camera too. Though from what I’ve heard about Russian men on this site, they’re all mostly ugly-which brings back Karl Lagerfield’s comments….if I were a Russian woman I’d be a lesbian..dang.
Uh-huh. Pray for Luo while she snatches your man from under you. I’m not praying for any chick that seeks my mentoring and then dates my ex at the same time. BAD FORM. She made her own damn bed. She doesn’t deserve my prayers.
THIS ^_^
Obviously he loves that there is a supermodel cat-fight for him… Probably loves the limelight he is receiving as well.
Eh. I struggle to feel bad for paps who get attacked. The thing is, the often try to provoke behaviour from stars by yelling and saying awful things to them, they get in their faces, invade their lives, and then get all huffy when one of them finally has enough and lashes out… I just don’t care.