“Charlize Theron as Anna Nicole?” Links

Charlize Theron is favored to play Anna Nicole Smith in the inevitable movie about her life [IDLYITW]
Ben Affleck says getting a colonic was like losing his virginity all over again [DListed]
Courteney Cox says there’s no tongue in her on-screen kiss with Jennifer Aniston [Socialite’s Life]
America Ferrera is not engaged yet [I’m Not Obsessed]
Kate Winslet said she was so poor at 19, the first time she was nominated for an Oscar, that she’d never been on a plane with her parents before [Red Carpet Report]
Paris Hilton wears sweatpants that say “Save Me” [Celebslam]
Paris Hilton got garbage thrown on her when she made a promotional appearance at a mall in Vienna [The Blemish]
Katie Holmes in Harper’s Bazaar [CelebWarship]
Norah Jones was shocked when she was asked to lose weight for a movie [Glitterati]
Tracy Morgan copped a plea in his DUI arrest and gets off with a fine and community service [Rhymes with Snitch]
Victoria Beckham’s familiar nipples [yeeeah]
– NBA player Tim Hardaway admits to being a homophobe and says gayness “shouldn’t be in the world” [Evil Beet]
Mariah Carey was told she would have to fly coach because her new movie could not afford to fly her first class, so she bought out the whole coach section of the plane [CelebNewsWire]
Justin Timberlake warns Britney to quit drinking [Derek Hail]
Lindsay Lohan is making a movie with LonelyGirl15 [Egotastic]
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony at the Bordertown premiere [ICYDK]
– Don’t forget to wash your hands [The Grumpiest]
– There’s going to be a Milli Vanilli movie [Agent Bedhead]
Howard Stern, the other one, got engaged [Gabsmash]
– Video of a drunk lady accosting a camera crew and baring all on the street [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Jim Carrey said Tom Cruise was the big joke of last year [Mollygood]
Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue party pictures [Hollywood Tuna]

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6 Responses to ““Charlize Theron as Anna Nicole?” Links”

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  1. m.a. says:

    That pic of nasty mariah carey looks SO photoshopped to me. Look at her “six pack” and then glance to the left and notice her fat roll hanging down. She’s not bent THAT far over to the side. Anyone who would be in good enough shape to have a six pack, like the one DRAWN on her, probably wouldn’t have flab hanging down their side. Just my opinion.

  2. celebitchy says:

    It was an airbrushed picture of Mariah – I mean those abs were actually airbrushed on. It’s not photoshopped – her stomach was airbrushed. It’s an older picture and people made fun of her for it.

  3. Mr. T says:

    Anna Nicole Smith’s life is a tribute to NOTHING. The woman was a total LOSER! She brought woman to a new low. The only tragidy of her life is that she gave birth to 2 children. Most likely she killed one by neglect. Perhaps God took her life so at least one of her children would be spared her evil influence.

  4. m.a. says:

    Haha! That’s hilarious! I had never heard of that stunt of Mariah’s. I mean, if it looks THAT bad in a picture, from far away, imagine what it looked like in person! Oh, man, so funny! Thanks for confirming my suspicion, celebitchy! 🙂

  5. ab fab says:

    the whole painting on of abs is really common now, men do it too. it looks like someone took fake tanner and draws the abs out. i think it looks retarded.

    on another note, that pic of theron as marilyn is an old one. i think they should have tori spelling play ans. lol

  6. vdantev says:

    It’s Marilyn Monroe she’s impersonating, you culturally stunted whelps.