Kanye West’s epic NYT interview: ‘This is my baby. This isn’t America’s baby’

Kanye West gave an EPIC interview to the New York Times this week. It’s so long and hard and epic (ha), I can’t even properly cull all of the crazy, interesting, noteworthy quotes from the damn thing. So I would suggest that if you’re interested, you should just go here to read the whole thing. Beware – it’s a whole lotta Yeezus. So, let’s get to some of the biggest highlights:

Kanye on how he argues about how great he is: “So I’m going to use my platform to tell people that they’re not being fair. Anytime I’ve had a big thing that’s ever pierced and cut across the Internet, it was a fight for justice. Justice. And when you say justice, it doesn’t have to be war. Justice could just be clearing a path for people to dream properly. It could be clearing a path to make it fair within the arena that I play. You know, if Michael Jordan can scream at the refs, me as Kanye West, as the Michael Jordan of music, can go and say, “This is wrong.””

Grammys & racism: “[My Beautiful] Dark [Twisted] Fantasy” and “Watch the Throne”: neither was nominated for Album of the Year, and I made both of those in one year. I don’t know if this is statistically right, but I’m assuming I have the most Grammys of anyone my age, but I haven’t won one against a white person. But the thing is, I don’t care about the Grammys; I just would like for the statistics to be more accurate.

His “Fighting for what’s right” instinct: “It’s only led me to complete awesomeness at all times. It’s only led me to awesome truth and awesomeness. Beauty, truth, awesomeness. That’s all it is. I don’t have one regret.”

Apologizing for the Taylor Swift thing: “Yeah, I think that I have like, faltered, you know, as a human. My message isn’t perfectly defined. I have, as a human being, fallen to peer pressure.” [Kanye then answers “yeah” the question “So that was a situation in which you gave in to peer pressure to apologize?”]

He’s anti-celebrity: “I don’t have some type of romantic relationship with the public. I’m like, the anti-celebrity, and my music comes from a place of being anti. That was the album where I gave people what they wanted. I don’t think that at that point, with my relationship with the public and with skeptical buyers, that I could’ve done “Black Skinhead”.”

Saying “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” in 2005: “Yeah. I guess it’s a very pop moment of a lifetime or generation. I mean, my dad’s generation is a generation of messaging, you know? But that’s just a piece of me being the opinionated individual that I am. Yeah, it was pretty bugged out. When you think about it, I was wearing like, a Juicy Couture men’s polo shirt. We weren’t there, like, ready for war.”

His relationship with Kim: “Any woman that you’re in love with or that loves you is going to command a certain amount of, you know, energy. It’s actually easier to focus, in some ways. Yeah, that’s what I mean when I say like, ‘Yo, I’m going to be super Zenned out like, five years from now.’ I’m the type of rock star that likes to have a girlfriend, you know? I’m the type of soul that likes to be in love and likes to be able to focus. And that inspires me.”

Making an appearance on ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’: “That was from a place of love. It’s hard when people read things in a lot of different ways. You know, the amount of backlash I got from it is when I decided to not be on the show anymore. And it’s not that I have an issue with the show; I just have an issue with the amount of backlash that I get. Because I just see like, an amazing person that I’m in love with that I want to help.”

Thoughts on fatherhood: “One of the things was just to be protective, that I would do anything to protect my child or my child’s mother. As simple as that. I don’t want to explain too much into what my thoughts on, you know, fatherhood are, because I’ve not fully developed those thoughts yet. I don’t have a kid yet. Yeah. Well, I just don’t want to talk to America about my family. Like, this is my baby. This isn’t America’s baby.”

He no longer feels like an outsider: “No, I don’t think I feel like that anymore. I feel like I don’t want to be inside anymore. Like, I uninvited myself. I think just more actual self-realization and self-belief. The longer your ‘gevity is, the more confidence you build. The idea of Kanye and vanity are like, synonymous. But I’ve put myself in a lot of places where a vain person wouldn’t put themselves in. Like what’s vanity about wearing a kilt?”

His trendsetting: “Respect my trendsetting abilities. Once that happens, everyone wins. The world wins; fresh kids win; creatives win; the company wins. I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means. I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of Internet, downtown, fashion, culture. Period. By a long jump. I honestly feel that because Steve has passed, you know, it’s like when Biggie passed and Jay-Z was allowed to become Jay-Z. I’ve been connected to the most culturally important albums of the past four years, the most influential artists of the past ten years. You have like, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, Nicolas Ghesquière, Anna Wintour, David Stern. I think that’s a responsibility that I have, to push possibilities, to show people: “This is the level that things could be at.” So when you get something that has the name Kanye West on it, it’s supposed to be pushing the furthest possibilities. I will be the leader of a company that ends up being worth billions of dollars, because I got the answers. I understand culture. I am the nucleus.”

[From the New York Times]

Yeah. I read the whole thing and I enjoyed it because it was the perfect way to step inside Kanye’s crazy/genius/narcissistic mind. He IS a genius. He IS crazy. He IS a narcissist. And he IS a brilliant artist. But here’s the real situation: I will give Kanye credit for believing in himself and for fighting for what he feels is right in his career and his world. But I think Kanye is a legend in his own mind. He’s influential, he’s an important artist in the music industry, but the way he talks about himself is crazy. He is not the Steve Jobs of music or culture. He just isn’t.

The stuff about Kim is interesting too, but unfortunately I’m too exhausted about everything always being all about Kanye to really analyze it. Have at it.

As for those rumors that Kanye West fooled around with a Canadian model named Leyla Ghobadi last year, Kanye’s rep released a statement yesterday afternoon. The statement: “This most recent attack on Kanye West and his family is totally without merit. It’s a blatant attempt by a misguided individual who is clearly seeking publicity, and another in a series of malicious stories drummed up by non-credible ‘news’ sources. This is a sad attempt to hurt two people trying to live their lives.” Now re-read it and imagine the rep is talking about Kim Kardashian. It still works, right? HAHAHA.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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249 Responses to “Kanye West’s epic NYT interview: ‘This is my baby. This isn’t America’s baby’”

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  1. irishserra says:

    Ugh. This manchild is just… Blech.

    • BB says:

      Kanye’s NYT interview was impeccable. His thoughts are so forward and he is so passionate about his craft. Kanye has 21 Grammy’s and other countless awards. He listed at number 6 with the most Grammy wins for a male artist, the great Stevie Wonder is number 5.

      • Skipper says:

        He’s passionate about himself and we all know awards are about PR and timing so that means very little. He’s put out some creative music but I’ve yet to see any evidence of genius.

      • MCraw says:

        THANK YOU!

        Honestly, he can do no wrong in my eyes, cuz it always comes across as honest, passionate, real, conflicted and, most of all, human. His work is great, the lyricism impeccable. People would call Picasso, Shakespeare, dbags if their antics were publicized in today’s world. I thought he sucked for getting w Kim, but I liked what he had to say about her here. As a person who helps creatives execute their ideas on a technical level, I can see how he justifies being in Paris. Its amazing and inspiring when youre in those moments that cant stop just yet. Its not for everyone to understand or accept. As Dave Chapelle said, calling someone crazy is an illegitimate criticism for ppl to write a person off, to ignore what they have to say.. He is an artist. He is above the criticism. He is worth it. Yeah, I’m a fan 🙂

      • irishserra says:

        I suppose if I could get past the, “Whaa, whaa, It’s not fair… I haven’t ever one against any white person… It’s all about me, I’m so awesome… They made me apologize… I’m the ultimate hipster… ” etc. then I might be able to see what you see. But I don’t.

        There are many, MANY better ways to display your “creativity,” “intelligence” and “compassion” for humanity. Controversy does not automatically denote brilliance; it’s merely an indication that the entire world does not hold your values.

      • MoncaQ says:

        Katy Perry holds the same record as Michael Jackson for most number one singles from an album. That doesn’t make her as good or better than Micheal Jackson.

        It’s like saying Trent Dilfer is a better QB than Dan Marino because the former won the Super Bowl and not the latter. Or that Final Fantasy X was better than VII because it sold more. In the end it comes down to 1) personal taste (which is subjective and cannot be accounted for) and 2) impact upon history and the genre/arena you’re in.

        And I say this as someone who’s indifferent about Kanye now. Ask me 5 years ago and he would’ve been my boy.

      • Merylynn says:

        Welcome back Kanye, we missed your crazy, narcissistic genius.

        And, Michael Jordan and Steve Jobs have nothing on you. Now ditch that soul draining cow and marry your own reflection. Cant wait for the album.

      • MCraw says:

        @Irishserra I get what you’re saying. He is bizarre in a brilliant way. And like he says, he doesn’t have a romantic relationship w the public. But honestly, and maybe this’ll get groans or eyerolls, but his race plays a part in how he executes his message. He’s a black man. From Chicago. To say he’s whining that he’s never won against a white person is negating the truth of what he’s saying. It’s so easy to brush a black man off as being angry and every other negative adjective that promote stereotypes without actually hearing that person. He’s most controversial when he’s being too raw, too honest on someone else’s time. His Bush comment was the greatest thing he ever did. Whether or not the world agrees with how it was done, he was right. Holding the prez accountable when NO ONE ELSE did is a change-the-world-moment.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Picasso WAS indeed a dbag but Kanye, while talented, is no Picasso, not by a longshot.

        Am I the only one that finds his ramblings entirely boring? I wish he would just STFU and go back to making good music.
        Also, what self-proclaimed “anti-celebrity” dates the biggest fameho on the planet?

        …and yeah, his comment about Bush was ballsy as hell. That was back when I liked him-feels like a lifetime ago.

      • Green Eyes says:

        @ Original Kitten:) LOL, So Totally agree w/ EVERY single word! Like you read my thoughts:).

        Good morning everyone… Have missed being able to comment. Try to keep up though. Am in kidney failure & doing chemo hoping to keep dialysis at bay… On top of the other health issues so half the time not sure if coming or going.

      • IShouldBeWorking says:

        I thought you were Kanye, typing that, but then I realized it wasn’t in ALL CAPS.

        I find the man exhausting.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        @Greeneyes-I was curious as to what happened to you 🙁

        I am so sad to hear about your troubles but I’m happy to see you here and happy to see you staying optimistic.

        Hope you stay strong but I have a feeling that won’t be a problem for you 😉 Sending positive vibes your way…

      • gg says:

        @ Green Eyes: Prayers and good thoughts coming your way for successful treatment. Stay strong. 🙂

      • Mrs. Peacock says:

        Are these…jokes? Is my joke-o-meter off today?

      • Green Eyes says:

        @ theOriginalKitten and @ gg thank you both very much for your kindness & encouragement. 🙂 lol yes Kitten only one speed -strong:(. Thank you again.

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        @Greeneyes, I am so sorry to hear that. We were wondering where you were. Seems like a lot of the old commenters have left CB.

        re Kanye, Must be nice to always have your biggest fan around 24/7, very convenient when you are your biggest cheerleader. He just makes me tired. Kim is another person that this applies to.

        I’m not very witty while I am recovering from surgery, my apologies.

      • MavenTheFirst says:

        Just. Wow.

        “His thoughts are so forward”. I’m gobsmacked.

        I suggest people read some BOOKS with true progressive thought, classical texts, cutting edge critiques, before worshipping at the altar of this affront to humanity.

        No wonder he has such a fanatical following. You don’t have to tax your brain. Actually, you don’t even have to use it. Kanye revels in his blessed ignorance as he leads his followers into the smug darkness.

      • m says:


        Exactly! I totally agree with what you are saying. People love to quote statistics without any statistical analysis!

        As an aside, let’s take some time to enjoy Josh Groban singing Kanye West’s tweets



      • lucy2 says:

        Best wishes to you, Green Eyes!

      • EscapedConvent says:


        Thank you for such an eloquent comment. I think what you said is dead on target & I agree. There’s a lot of “drinking the Kanye Kool-Aid” going around & I am amazed by it.

        I told myself I wasn’t going to waste even 5 more minutes on Kanye West, who is in my opinion a massive fool & self-obsessed assclown. He’s comparing himself to Michael Jordan! But then I remembered he’s Yeezus now.

        Who is seriously agreeing with him that he’s a genius?! That is frightening. The word “genius” just doesn’t seem to mean anything anymore. Everyone’s a genius…….okay I’m out.

      • Skeptical At Best says:

        I feel like his thoughts were anything BUT forward. What a mess! He sounds so unintelligent speaking in fragmented sentences. One thing that really grinds my gears is people who act as if they are so deep when in reality they don’t make a lick of sense.

        Just because you say you’re a genius doesn’t make it so. The more you say it the less likely it’s true.

        And one more thing. Grammys does not equal talent. Rihanna has six(?) grammys. Patti LaBelle has two. Who’s more talented?

      • Janet says:

        @Green Eyes: I’ve been missing you on here. Wishing you all the best. Hang in there.

      • LaurieH says:

        His thoughts are not “forward” (an over-used word I’ve come to hate). No, his thoughts are inward. He may be passionate about his “craft” (another word I hate) but he’s mostly passionate about himself. Kanye isn’t crazy, but he is a textbook narcissist. And I don’t find anything particularly special about his music – which is not to say it’s not good, but as far as “art” goes, history is not going to plop him down among the like of Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Mozart, Frost, Lennon or Dylan. Dude will be on history’s b-side.

      • Nerd Alert says:

        I don’t know about Shakespeare or Picasso, but I’d say he’s definitely the Marilyn Manson of our time.

      • Veruca says:

        @maven —

        Fat chance of that happening:

        “Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed. I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books. I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life.”

        – Kanye West

      • Green Eyes says:

        @ The OriginalTiffany, Janet, Lucy2, Pamspam, and Lady D – thank you do very much, means more than I can say:). Lady D I lost my 19 yr old cat, he stayed strong & didn’t give up til the very end. His fur siblings & me by his side. Think he was fighting for me til I told him to go I would be fine. Funny how in tune they are to us. Life is amazing… How a celebrity blog can bring strangers together and warm a heart. Thank you 🙂

      • EscapedConvent says:

        “I am a proud non-reader of books.” Wow. This from a child of an English professor.

        But here’s my favorite Kanye quote: “Books be so wordy & so self-absorbed.”

        I’m going to see if I can get “Books be so wordy” printed on a T-shirt….

        Wait, did he call *something else* self-absorbed?!

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        @Greeneyes, I wish you much strength fighting your illness. Keep fighting that good fight. I am glad fur babies are with you. They are so wonderful in times of sickness.

        I wish more than anything that I had a dog or cat to be bedridden with me. They are better than chicken soup.

        Feel better, we are all rooting for you!

      • bettyrose says:

        Genius or not, he’s too good for Kim K. because he stands for something.

      • Gabriella says:

        No, I’m sorry. Kanye West is a GENIUS? No, really. A GENIUS? If Kanye is a genius, what actual music geniuses like, say, David Gilmour are? Gods? No, I’m sorry, ‘Ye is not a genius.

        Also, Grammys are no parameter for geniosity.

      • Nerd Alert says:


        LOL That is my quote of the week!

        I’m currently writing my debut novel, and I swear once I am an author with a few published, I’m going to dedicate one to Kanye.

        “For Kanye West, for whom books be too wordy.”

        PS Good luck Green Eyes. I know we don’t know each other, but you are in my thoughts!

      • Angie says:

        This guy is so illiterate and narcissistic. Comparing himself to Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, and Henry Ford is pathetic. If anyone has any doubt about his lack of intelligence watch this video.


    • pamspam says:

      @Greeneyes – don’t know you, but sending you lots of positive energy and healing thoughts from Los Angeles!!

    • Lady D says:

      Hi Green Eyes. I’ve been wondering about you. Will say a prayer for you and your clan, both 2-legged and 4-legged. Hope you are okay soon.

    • Coco says:

      What is a ‘gevity? Also referring to yourself in the third person…

      • Nina W says:

        I assumed it was an abbreviation of longevity but who knows, he is so incredibly inarticulate I have a hard time following his train of thought.

  2. Jules says:

    Well, if he didn’t want his kid to be
    ‘America’s Baby’, he should not have picked a famewhore for his baby mama.

    • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

      @Jules +1 all the way.

      The fact that he’s having a baby with Kim makes this statement the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard him say in a long time.

    • LadyMTL says:


      I wonder if he’s even aware of how hard Kris is going to try to pimp out the baby? No matter what he says, methinks she’ll have that child on as many magazine covers and TV shows as possible.

      • lem says:

        it will be insanely easy for him to prevent that from happening. PMK has no rights to that child. And there is no argument that KK/PMK can make to the courts that would justify subjecting a baby/child to being tabloid fodder.

      • colt13 says:

        Kanye has an ego bigger than Texas, but I like that he wants to protect the baby. Anybody who remembers Kris showing up on the field after Reggie Bush won the Super Bowl knows she has no boundaries.

      • michiem says:

        My money is on the debut of the child on PMK new TV show. She premiers around the same time the baby arrives and it would be a rating boom for her sad show that otherwise no one would watch.

    • Liberty says:

      Oh that’s right — it’s nearly France’s baby now.

    • lem says:

      you just suggested that b/c he had a child with KK, he now has no right to try and protect his child’s privacy. that’s the dumbest statement i’ve ever heard.

      • sputnik says:

        right, his girlfriend’s a reality tv star therefor he has no right to privacy for himself or his child. i mean, whaaaat?

    • JenD says:

      Maybe he needs to highlight the passage about the kid not being America’s kid and send a copy to Kris and Kim.

    • LadyMTL says:

      @Lem Oh, I know she has no legal rights but I doubt that would stop her from trying. Don’t forget that this is a woman who almost literally will pimp out anything that’s even remotely related to her.

      I feel bad for the child, tbh.

    • gg says:

      Methinks he did not pick America’s cow to be his baby mama – I think she planned it out all by herself and surprised him, bigtime.

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        We are very much of one mind, my dear gg.

        Goldigger, indeed. Maybe that is why he has spent her pregnancy away from her. Maybe he is pissed that he’s trapped now. Should have expected it with this family. I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such an egotistical douche.

      • gogoGorilla says:

        Agreed, but…

        “If you don’t want to have baby heifers, don’t screw around with the cow.”


      • Nina W says:

        I sign on to this theory too, gg.

    • ya says:

      For some reason I’m really hoping that they last as a couple – it would just be hilarious!

    • lucy2 says:

      I thoroughly respect wanting to protect a kid’s privacy, and hope he does try to do just that. But he picked the WORST person to have a child with in that regard.

    • karen says:

      Kanye makes me want to PUKE!!

  3. Mrs. Peacock says:

    He uses the words “I,” “me,” and “my” more than I use cheese to cope with feelings. Or boredom.
    That’s A LOT.

  4. mkyarwood says:

    He’s influential in one, tiny area of a massive cultural machine. This guy thinks he’s changing ‘the world’ but has no idea what or where the world actually is. Like Tom Cruise and his ‘little too much food’ fucking mania. He can no longer comprehend that people would want to eat food, let alone not have enough of it. Kanye West is NOT a genius. He is BARELY an artist. He is crazy tho, you’re right there.

    • hayley says:


    • Autumn says:

      Amen. There is a small fraction of society he influences…how many contributing members of society can even name Grammy winners? Most people really don’t care and certainly aren’t interested in being influenced by a thug without a modicum of self-control.

    • A says:


      I haven’t heard anything from him since Golddigger. Nothing on the radio, nothing. I read about him in the news since he’s with Kim but other that that, nothing.

      I guess he ain’t all that outside of the US.

    • gg says:

      ^^^ this. I don’t see genius in anything he does; I see bigmouthed idiot lacking musical talent and a decent singing voice that seriously needs to seek humility and be thankful for what he has. He needs to study Buddhism if wants to truly get deep.

      And I also see Chris Brown without the fists. I hope he doesn’t act out on humans …

      • Jordan says:

        He’s a thug? Wow I love how if a black man gets to vocal and lord forbid he thinks highly of himself he gets dismissed as a “thug”. Mind you Kanye doesn’t have a criminal record…unless being a passionate black man is one.

        But of course Sean Penn or Eminem never get labeled as “thugs” and they’ve done worst. Interesting huh?

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        @jordan, who called him a thug? None of the posts you are replying to.

        You’ll need a pot for that spoon.

      • Jordan says:

        Go back and read Autumn’s comment and there’s multiple ppl on here who have referred to him as a thug (Dorothy, MavenTheFirst).

        @BlackMamba…Thank You!

      • MavenTheFirst says:


        There should be a new variation of Godwin’s Law- when you can’t argue anything valid and persuasive, bring up race.


        We’re not talking Sean Penn here, or Eminem, but if the shoe fits….

        And thuggishness crosses all colours, all races, all boundaries, as if you didn’t know.


      • gg says:

        Oh I definitely think M&M is as big of an ass as Kanye. And I haven’t really paid any attention to whiney Sean Penn in eons so I forget what he did but I don’t like acters-out of any race. They all need to grow tf up.

        And to quantify my comparison with Chris Brown: He acts out like a whiney, spoiled little bitch.

        Go check out his hilarious high-pitched (and ineffective, and he should’ve known that) rant on the street at the paps capturing his head-meets-sign episode. YouTube Gold I tell ya.

      • gg says:

        This video sums up the Kanye experience for me:


        Katy Brand is hilarious. It illustrates why I cannot listen to him attempt to sing. He can’t. And he can’t rap decent either.

    • yummy says:

      and can i just add i’m midly irritated by the way celebitchy seems to praise this guy for his arrogance but attack beyonce for being just as cocky. and dont tell me his music is good because they both have produced crappy records of late. because i know its not intended but it does come of sexist. I mean why is his narcissim allowed and not hers especially when hers seems mild in comparison.

      • Nina W says:

        Has Beyonce also given obnoxious interviews like this? I honestly do nit recall her comparing herself to Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs and Henry Ford. Must have missed it.

  5. Anna says:

    Re: ‘America’s Baby’ – that made me think about Scandal right away.

    As for everything else, all I can muster is a half-hearted eye-roll.

    • Marty says:

      Am I the only one who doesn’t think his music is all that great? He’s a good artist for sure, but I wouldn’t say his music is legendary or anything.

      Maybe it’s all of his real life antics that turn me off of his music more and more.

      • JenD says:

        I kind of like his old stuff, but his new music stinks.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        I think this article most effectively explains why Kanye is so commonly referred to as a “genius”:

        Again, I think it helps to have an ear for hip hop—to understand and appreciate the nuances of the sound, and also understand a little bit about what’s involved with the sampling and production process in rap music. I don’t mean to sound patronizing-I just think that it helps to understand why so many of us (begrudgingly, in my case) concede that Kanye has something special, musically-speaking (personality is another story).

        Listen, there are genres of music that I detest, like country music, but you won’t hear me saying “Garth Brooks sucks”, even though I’d rather listen to my cat puke than listen to his music (and I mean that in the nicest, most respectful way possible 😉 ) I would just say that I don’t appreciate country music as a genre ya know? I don’t *get* country, it doesn’t appeal to me, but that doesn’t mean I think Garth Brooks is untalented.

      • littlestar says:

        @Kitten – you summed it up perfectly. I mostly listen to rock/folk/alternative music, but there’s just something about Kanye West’s music that I really love. He truly is talented, and he’s a great performer too (saw him a few years ago in Vegas for his and Jay Z’s Watch the Throne tour – wow were they good).

        However, I really can’t stand Kanye as a person anymore, and I don’t think I can even get on board with his new album. It’s so angry and he has nothing to be angry about.

        And his baby isn’t America’s Baby? Is he going to tell that to Kim and PMK too?

      • Amelia says:

        Oh, they call that noise Kanye makes music??

    • marie says:

      I’m with you. I just think great doesn’t have to tell you they’re great, they just are. Lately, he seems more concerned with telling everyone how wonderful he is, that his music has suffered (IMO) he’s more about the headlines than the artistry (and please, no one try to convince me that famewhoring is artistry-if it was Kim would be in the Louvre)

      @ Marty-I’m a fan of his earlier stuff, the current not so much.

      • littlestar says:

        “Lately, he seems more concerned with telling everyone how wonderful he is, that his music has suffered” – it sounds like he’s suffering from the same disease Leann Rime’s is suffering from!!!

    • Leah says:

      I think he is an amazing artist. But that stuff about it not being americas baby is absurd considering he choose Americas biggest famewhore as his baby mama.

  6. Nev says:

    The bravado is amazing. He was always brilliant at that. Haha

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I think his bravado is part of his creative process. I think Lainey summed it up very well:

      “I wrote at the time that he was self creating drama in the search for inspiration.

      Like his well was empty. And “he’s pillaged everything he can from his past struggles and now there’s nothing left, no other option in his mind but to manufacture controversy in the hopes of finding a muse on the other end, a desperate artist fearing his last masterpiece is behind him, and selling his soul in exchange for a vision”.

  7. Jenn says:

    Didn’t think it was humanly possible for KW to be a bigger douche. Turns out I was wrong.

  8. Dirty Martini says:

    I do not get this Kanye worship at all on any level whatsoever.

    And based on my ‘Gevity, I have complete confidence in my assessment. And thank God I’m not an insider either. ;-0

  9. David99 says:

    Wow he seems pretty dumb.

    • Cool Phosphorescent Shimmer says:

      And douchey.

    • Tapioca says:

      That’ll probably be the, “But the thing is, I don’t care about the Grammys” whilst ranting about the Grammys!

      That said, I do believe he’s able to see the Matrix – how else could he have written Gold Digger SIX full years before living it?!!

      • Nina W says:

        He also doesn’t care about the MTV movie awards, right? Wasn’t that why he had his little tantrum with Swifty, cause Beyonce didn’t get the prize? He spouts a lot of crap but he is obviously very insecure.

  10. teehee says:

    I dont think hes a genius at all. Not in terms of intellect, but neither in terms of artistic talent– but then again, my musical tastes go in a different direction. He’s just a persona– and that’s what superficial media loves: all flash, and no dash.

    • irishserra says:

      Couldn’t have said it any better myself.

    • Nina W says:

      In my opinion, the “genius” moniker is one applied to you by others not one you apply to yourself. He may be a genius, I have no idea, but when he publicly states it about himself it just comes off as vanity and arrogance. If you’re truly a genius Kanye, let your art speak for itself.

  11. epiphany says:

    After reading that interview, it’s really, really difficult to believe his mother was an English professor.
    It’s also really, really, difficult to believe he’s brilliant.

    • Kate says:

      Thank you! Oh, I mean, like, you know, thank, like, you. Ugh.

    • CreamSoda says:


      You get the idea.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Ha ha…yeah. JMO-I don’t think he’s unintelligent, but extremely inarticulate, that’s for sure.

    • Katttt says:

      Ummm, yeah, I mean, you know, yeah, like… yeah. ARGH!!!!

    • Happy21 says:

      I know right!?

      I almost felt like he was speaking a whole different language other than English. I had to go back and read almost all of it to actually ‘get’ what he was saying. It could just be that he’s not very well spoken…

      Nonetheless, I did like the comment about it being his baby, not America’s baby. That much is true even though I’m sure the whole Kardashian Klan will say otherwise. They think this baby is American royalty I’m sure.

  12. Jess says:

    No, he’s a musical genius. Maybe older generations don’t get it, but–I’m 22–Kanye’s songs have been an influential part of the musical landscape for a long time. They were a really feel-good part of tennis practice for years and it says something that he can drop so many hit songs consistently for years. He’s definitely a strong personality; however, I also give him credit for following his beliefs and recognizing that he maybe didn’t go about things the right way sometimes (Taylor Swift, etc). I hope he and his fledgling family are OK and that the Kardashains fade from the limelight. I think everyone would be happy if they finished their commitments and did not renew.

    • Emily says:

      LOL a musical genius……. you don’t actually believe that do you?

      • Chloeee says:

        Lol I’m 23 and I KNOW he isn’t at the level of musical genius. As good as his early stuff is and how he ghost wrote and did the beats for countless great artists he has certainly dropped off in quality and substance. He is no Talib Or Tribe or Wu Tang. Please, “I’d do anything for a blonde dyke” is hardly inspirational groundbreaking lyricism. He needs to get over himself stat before he buries himself.

    • teehee says:

      LOL from me too– musical? What instrument does he play? What does he compose? How good can he sing or does he just monotone yell short half sentences with autotune? “Older generation”– I am 30 in August.
      Sorry if taht is rude, but thats how I see it and I jsut cant help but contrast it to someone– LAUGh calling him a musical genius. Oh he is so not ANYWHERE near that!

      • Jenny says:

        I don’t think it is fair to criticize him for not playing and instrument or singing. Just because your musical tastes dictate that “rap is not music or art” does not make it so. Many find rap to be a form of poetry.
        That said, I do not find Kanye’s West to be a rap genius. Back when he was producing music I found some of his arrangements to be very well done and I did enjoy many of his early songs (particularly College Dropout), but I do not see the genius :-/
        The other thing that really bothers me is how blind he is to his own hypocrisy.

      • Asiyah says:

        He may not play an instrument but what makes him a musical genius, at least to me, is that he’s able to put together different genres of music into a single product and it sounds like something you’ve never heard before, even though you’ve heard all the pieces of this product separately. His song “All of the lights” is a perfect example. Now, genius is a strong word, I recognize that. Perhaps the word I feel best describes him is innovative. He took sampling to a whole other level and really does give props where they are due. As egotistical and narcissistic as he is, he even said it in that article: he has no problems “bowing down” to people he feels are greater than him. I’m not such a Kanyestan and prefer his previous work (with the exception of MBDTF, which I LOVED) but I can see his talent.

      • Chris says:

        It’s 2013, a computer it’s a musical instrument.

    • irishserra says:

      There’s part of the problem right there: A “hit song” does not necessarily equate to quality. Many “hit songs” have been broadly acknowledged as pure garbage, yet manage to find audiences. As was mentioned above somewhere, this boy’s talent lies in creating interest in his persona, which creates the demand for his product.

    • Pixie says:

      I’m 21 and I don’t find Kanye to be a musical genius.

    • Leah says:

      No, He is a important musical artist in our time. Maybe he isnt a genius, i wouldnt go that far. But he has been incredibly successful as a producer for others, songwriter and solo artist for over a decade now. He also one of the few rap artists that looks beyond rap and r&b he works with everyone on his albums even indie artists like Bon Iver. He is very open in terms of music and art.

      I think most of you just hate his persona so much you cant see past that and look at his achievements.

      • Jenny says:

        It sounds like you are only exposed to very commercial rap, as KW is certainly not “one of the few rap artists that looks beyond rap and r&b.” Rap has been going in that direction for many years and in terms of different sounds, influences and originality I would go with a group like Outkast all day, everyday over KW.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        This is just a general comment directed at no one in particular but I think it’s unfair to criticize Kanye’s music if you don’t like or have an appreciation for hip hop. If you love hip hop but still think Kanye sucks, then your opinion holds a bit more weight in my eyes.

        I think Kanye is talented and influential but “genius” is a bit too generous for me.
        Outkast and K-Os are two good examples of rap duos/artists who have been pushing the boundaries for a while. And there are a LOT of really creative rappers that have been quietly and humbly making amazing music that falls outside of the typical rap genre box for a LONG time. Just because they toil away in the underground and don’t elbow their way into the commercial realm, doesn’t negate their talent, although maybe lessens their influence on pop culture.

        Also, there are new rappers like Danny Brown coming out with interesting and unique flows and beats that are eclipsing Kanye’s career and making his stuff look dated IMO.

      • Leah says:

        @Jenny Please dont assume you know about my musical taste. I am really into all sorts of music ranging from Hip Hop, indie, african music, Jazz and classical. One of the things i appreciate with Kanye is that he is somewhat open to other genres. Kanye is not by any stretch of the imagination my fave in terms of hip hop. But if we are talking about hip hop in the mainstream, which obviously we are, then yes he is someone who is willing to push the boundaries to an extent and who is still searching and not pushing out same old same old beats. Compare him to another big producer like will i am and Kanye is practically a musical genius. Compare him to a legend like Qunicy Jones he is of course nothing of the sort.

      • gg says:

        @OKitt: I LOVE OutKast!

      • littlestar says:

        @Kitten yet again today – K-os is sooo good!

    • Mook123 says:

      Older generations? I’m 26, grew up listening to hip hop and don’t think he’s a musical genius at all.

    • Merylynn says:

      I dont know if its an age thing. I am 33 and I acknowledge his genius. Even his weaker albums are better than the crap alot of pop rock rap groups put out.

      I think some people wont get it. Same as some people dont get Elvis or Hendricks or Willie Nelson or Aretha. To each his own. Just as long as you respect other opinions.

      I dont think it matters too much for his sales. This album like the last 4 will go platinum in afew weeks. Obviously.

    • littlestar says:

      This thread gave me a craving to listen to Kanye’s music. I’m listening to “Flashing Lights” right now. Whenever I hear this song, I always think, “KANYE IS A MUSIC GENIUS. THIS SONG IS F’ING INCREDIBLE.” I love that song so much, I had to Kanye Upper Case it :D.

      Just listen to “Love Lockdown” and tell me it isn’t incredible… The beat in that song is fantastic!

      And as someone who grew up playing classical piano and listened to rock music, yep, I can appreciate a damn good hip-hop artist when I hear one. It’s too bad his douchery has overshadowed his music.

    • Amelia says:

      Jess, go back and re-read the part about Taylor Swift. I think what Kanye was saying was he apologized about the horrible way he treated Taylor Swift because he was pressured to do so.

      I think KW is a class A a**hole.

      • Nina W says:

        I noticed that too Amelia, what a pathetic excuse for a human being he is. His behavior that day was so inappropriate and he can’t even stand by his weak ass apology. I was feeling bad for him because of KK, and his smacked head but after reading this interview, I don’t like him.

  13. Mon says:

    So he is ‘helping’ her… Guess she’s helping him too…They have been friends for a while and it seems that he is helping her increase her profile/ratings of her show and she is helping her gay friend to have a baby…. All makes sense now!

  14. LL says:

    I know I’m am and going to be the minority on the site, but I love Kanye and have been since he came on the scene. I’ve read the article and thought it was hilariously Kanye.

    He’s always been brash, unapologetic, egotistical, conceited person since the beginning of career. With certain people narcissism like with Gwyneth Paltrow is so boring and blah but with Kanye is so interesting and fascinating to me.

    • notpretentious says:

      +1 I love me some Kanye!!!

    • Jenny says:

      When he first came out I found him to be none of those things; in fact, he seemed to speak out against many of the traits he has now adopted. I wonder how cool the Kanye of a decade ago would find the Kanye of 2013; my guess is he would be talking a lot of s**t about himself.

  15. lady_luck says:

    He is just beyond uber revolting, narcissistic and obnoxious. His arrogance has reached beyond human proportions. So just because he releases two albums in one year (no matter how sh*tty they may be) he thinks he’s automatically entitled to a grammy ???? This guy is a real piece of work huh.

  16. anneesezz says:

    The Michael Jordan of music? Is he serious? I’m sure there are a few artist who may disagree.

  17. Naye in VA says:

    I love how he says kilt wearing is the opposite of vanity and then goes directly into talking about his “trendsetting” ways lmao. I just dont see how anyone could have a regulaar conversation with him. Kim must do a lot of nodding.

  18. nico says:

    He still hasn’t eclipsed his “Why won’t you let me be great?” rant.

  19. dahlianoir says:

    America’s baby already has a very funny twitter account 😀

  20. beebee says:

    Shit is about to go down between Kanye and the Kardashian klan…

    • ladybert62 says:

      Hi beebee: I agree with you and I think it is going to be interesting and hysterical! me, me, me versus me! me! me!! o_0 ha ha

  21. Sue says:

    I must be a member of the “older generation” that Jess is referring to, because I cannot name one KW song or tell you one trend he has set….. The only thing I know about him is he Kim K’s baby daddy who seems to never be around. But after reading this article I now also know he is very self absorbed!

    • Jenny says:

      It’s not just you. I am a member of the “younger generation” and I can name many KW songs, but I still cannot divine any true impact he has had on American or world culture. Would the world be a different place if Kanye West had never made music? I think not. Would the world be a different place if Steve Jobs had never had an interest in technology? Absolutely. ‘Nuff said.

      • Nina W says:

        Jenny, I’m very like minded with you, I’m not seeing the “genius” level of impact but his life and career are not over. However he is not Steve Jobs, not even close. I get that he aspires to that level of innovation but Jobs was like Einstein, he had such a unique mind, no one can quite compare.

  22. annaloo. says:

    That was one of the most incoherent, inarticulate interviews I have read in awhile…Right up there with Lindsay Lohan’s tweets.

    And yes, totally self absorbed!

  23. MoncaQ says:

    I’m 28. I bumped Kanye when he came out. Graduation, all of those early albums. And then it seemed like his mom passed and he lost his damn mind.

    So yes I am young enough to “understand” Kanye and the “impact” he’s had. But it’s like in the end “understanding” the “impact” of 98 Degrees; he’s going to give us a smattering of cultural references, a few songs you turn on in the car with friends and go, “wauhtp34o8yhie9 THIS WAS MY JAM IN 20__! /turns up” and aside from that…a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

  24. chria says:

    I think some of his older music is waaay better then the “sound” he attempts now. He seems so racist right? “Never won a grammy against a white person”. Seriously? I hate how he always uses the race card as his free pass for everything. If he’s won so many grammys im sure a white person was in the competition somewhere. He’s just pathetic. I saw him in concert back in 2005 and he was a total ass to the sound and lights guy. He even gave the “white people of the audience” permission to use the “n-word” while performing golddigger. I still enjoy his music occasionally, but in person he’s a complete self-centered asshole. KK is a perfect match as far as im concerned.

    • Inconceivable! says:

      My thoughts exactly!!! Never won a Grammy against a white person….WHAT?!

  25. Holly says:

    America’s Baby? I guess PMK already named it!

  26. Alexis says:

    Team Kanye. #sorryimnotsorry I’ve always liked his messy, honest public persona, and I like his music, too.

    Like on Scandal (lol) you can care for the baby while being done with the mother.

  27. dorothy says:

    Egotistical thug.

    • Chris says:

      Thug? Check yourself.

      • jessiesgirl says:

        So right. Using the term Thug in refernce to Kanye screams racism to me. He has a outlandish persona but is not violent, does not promote violence, and is a middle class kid who has made it in the entertainment industry. So what does it mean when someone calls this guy who works with Anna Wintour and fashon houses in Paris a thug? I know what it tells me about the one posting.

      • jessiesgirl says:

        Yikes! Please excuse the grammar and typos! I was riding the train at the time!

      • Nina W says:

        I don’t think of him as a thug but he doesn’t do himself any favors with some of his comments.

  28. shedakat says:

    Could give a shit bout kanye other than u reap what u sow.
    @ MoncaQ. final fantasy x. is so much better that final fantasy 7 . that’s it i’m out.

  29. poppy says:

    their baby is definitely ‘murica’s baby and all of its worst connotations, not “america’s baby”
    poor baby.

  30. Aussie girl says:

    I can’t help imagine been stuck in corner with him at a party and him going on & on about himself. I can also see my self looking for the nearest exit because the dude is crazy!!

    • gg says:

      I can’t picture him doing anything but sulking at a party.

      And I can’t take seriously a guy who reacted the way he did when he hit his head on the sign. Coming back out of the restaurant after yelling at them, yelling further at them while his voice goes higher and higher. That’s maturity, right there. oy gevalt.

  31. Original A says:

    Kanye may be a batshit narcissist, but it is ridiculous when people try to say it’s a fact that he’s not an artist or his music blows. That’s an opinion, not a fact. The fact is he has won over 20 Grammys, and he received almost universal critical praise for My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. I get people not liking his music, but I find it silly when they insist the critics don’t because of the number of Grammys he has won.

    • Leah says:


    • gg says:

      A lot of people clearly like him, but he has Hype on his side that eclipses his lack of talent. In my opinion. And I’m a musician with a very, very broad range of styles I like to listen to.

    • Nina W says:

      Maybe you have a great deal of respect for the Grammys but I don’t. Grammys don’t matter to me at all. If we rate success merely by popularity a lot of questionable crap rises to the surface. I’m not saying he doesn’t have talent, I know he does, but I never base my opinion about anything on awards. He is clearly insecure about himself and thus constantly brings up the award count but if he thinks winning 20 Grammys proves he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread he is sadly mistaken.

  32. Ellie66 says:

    Blah he is soon very full of himself what’s he going to say if his album bombs?

  33. yuck says:

    The very idea that West compares himself to Steve Jobs tells you everything you need to know about him. This is a narcissist of the highest order.

  34. RHONYC says:

    “This isn’t America’s baby.”

    Yeesus is a closet Olitzer/Gladiator!

    ha-HA! Shonda’s ‘Scandal’ has officiall infected everyone, including his Yajesty!

    get some. 😆

  35. moon says:

    So basically Kim made him so zenned out and focused, he had to run away and focus on that album. I didn’t know Kim was ritalin.

  36. Dawn says:

    He simply makes me want to puke he is so into himself! Okay but he is right, this IS NOT America’s baby and as an American I can easily tell him that I don’t want her to be. But he needs to be talking to the person who DOES WANT her to be and that is his lover girl Kim. Please Kanye by all that is holy (and I don’t mean you) please make her (and PMK) stop.

  37. Simply Red says:

    Thanks Kai for posting it here…

    I actually agree with most comments

  38. lady_luck says:

    Notice how in the wake of it, Kim is brushing the cheating scandal under the carpet. This man is so loathesome that words cannot describe it.

  39. Tiffany says:

    I miss the Ye of yore. The overly confident, pastel shirt and LV backpack wearing College Dropout. Even at that point he did not take himself that seriously. I still believe that he has no type of closure regarding his Mother’s death. Since then, it has just been one tragic tailspin for him. I really see a epic meltdown coming and while entertaining for gossip will still be sad.

    • Asiyah says:

      That’s my problem with him: he takes himself WAY too seriously. Lighten up.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        He’s a gay fish.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Just to clarify, the “gay fish” thing was from a South Park episode about Kanye taking himself too seriously.

        Everyone was telling a joke that went like this:
        Set up: “Do you like fish dicks” (sounds like “fish sticks”)

        Response: “Yes, I do”

        Punchline: “Then you’re a gay fish”.

        Everyone at the South Park school was telling this joke to others and laughing, but when Kanye West was told the joke he freaked out and insisted that he was NOT a gay fish. He started killing people for telling the joke, but then eventually felt defeated and owned it and dived into the ocean…to sing a auto-tuned love song while making out with a fish.

      • Nerd Alert says:

        I bought that episode on iTunes just so I could show it to people while I was away. The hilarity of that episode extends way beyond South Park’s audience 🙂

  40. DEB says:

    Ha. You sure about that, Kanye? You signed up with this shameless fame-whoring family. Enjoy.

  41. Tammy says:

    Kanye West is a genius, plain and simple. His music is a lot better than most people give him credit for because of his attitude. When I am listening to music, I honestly could give a rat’s ass if the person rapping/singing/screaming (I love heavy metal, lol) is a narcissist, cocky jerk, or whatever, I want to be entertained, nothing more.

    • Nina W says:

      I think part of the issue is the “genius” term. Some of us don’t use that term quite so freely and therefore do not apply it to Kanye. To me, Einstein was a genius, Jobs was a genius, Kanye, not so much.

  42. Debbie says:

    The battle for this baby is going to be epic!! I mean I don’t think America will ever or has ever seen a battle like this. Personally I’m off to popcorn!

    • janie says:

      Debbie.. I’m with you on the popcorn! Let the battle begin over this innocent baby! The past 9mo have only been a prelude to coming attractions.

  43. Kim1 says:

    So that chick from Star didn’t even take lie detector test,who can I say I slept with for $20 K?

    • Nina W says:

      Do it, they’ll clearly pay $20 k for lying just like with her right, cause we all pay $20k to liars, right?

  44. Asiyah says:

    I recognize his talent. Does he overestimate himself? Yes. He’s not exactly the Michael Jordan of Hip Hop. I’d say he’s more the Lebron James. Putting aside his egotism and narcissism I do acknowledge that he possesses a keen ear for musical arrangement and that he’s a visionary. Is he like Picasso or Shakespeare? No, but I feel he could get to higher levels if…wait for it, Kanye, I’mma let you finish…he humbles himself.

  45. janie says:

    America’s baby? Has he taken leave of what little sense he had? Good grief… I know Kim is a fame whore, however.. who in their right mind would put up with his BS? Genius, trend setter? What world does he live in?He’s so clearly let everyone see his “love” for baby & BM? Unbelievable, arrogant manchild!

  46. truthful says:

    While he is a musical genius, this album does nothing for me…

    what is he going to do when his music is not understood/liked anymore???

    he is going to crack up right in front of our eyes.

    he needs validation from fans thru his music, wait until folks are not getting it anymore–expect a rant and a bag full of craziness.

    I have no idea how he talks to Kim, LOL

  47. janie says:

    America’s baby? Has he taken leave of what little sense he had? Good grief… I know Kim is a fame whore, however.. who in their right mind would put up with his BS? Genius, trend setter? What world does he live in?He’s so. clearly let everyone see his “love” for baby & BM? Unbelievable, arrogant manchild!

  48. lisa says:

    i think he’s a moron. musically, he’s pretty empty, all hype no substance.

    and unless he gets that baby in the witness protection program, it’s PMK’s baby

  49. Madriani's Girl says:

    What a f*cking idiot.

  50. Paloma says:

    My my, someone has a big head.

  51. CC says:

    Since I don’t follow music at all, he’s simply the guy who got Kim Kartrashian pregnant.

  52. MavenTheFirst says:

    I don’t know Kanye from Adam. This interview makes him sound like a self-absorbed, grandiose 13 year old.

    He and Rihanna and Chris Brown should get together on their assault and negation of humanity. They’re just preening thugs with a platform.

    Reminds me of Brando’s character in The Wild One:

    Hey Johnny, what are you rebelling against?
    Johnny: Whadda you got?

    Superficial, puerile, and empty.

    • Maria says:

      What does Kanye have to do with Chris Brown and Rihanna? In what way is he (or Rihanna) a thug? Kanye may be a self obsessed, narcissist who takes himself far too seriously and lets his persona overshadow his talent, but he only has one thing in common with Chris Brown.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        I don’t get the Chris Brown comparisons at all, TBH….
        Chris Brown is a violent POS and Kanye, while arrogant, is not known for physically abusive or violent ragecapades.

        Also, not sure why Rihanna was thrown in there?

      • MavenTheFirst says:

        You don’t have to be physically violent to be a thug. Thuggishness is an attitude and behaviour towards the world. It’s all about the power. He’s comes across as a punk and a bully boy, IMO.

      • gg says:

        It’s the rage thing what does it. No control.

  53. Bella says:


  54. Domestic_diva says:

    Lord y’all I have to comment lord lo,?kanye west equals douche yes however I can still ride dropout and late registration all the way through love those albums he’s like one of those really hot guys with no brain except looks= music never speak just make music nothing else don’t go out in public don’t talk to anyone just make music lol genius not at all there have been and will be better influential meh that’s debatable like when my kids are 18 and I’m talking about music back in my day (I’m 30 lol) ill say kurtis blow queen latifah Roxanne shante heavy d and jay z and biggie and PAC hell I think I’d mention lol Kim and eminen before I said kanye

  55. Tiffany :) says:

    I saw Behind the Candelabra this weekend…and I after reading Kanye’s interview, I am seeing some similiarities!

    He says he is a 5 year old, and for that I give him credit. He IS a id fueled, immature, selfish man-child. He makes really good music, in part because he has that childlike freedom and sense of adventure, but I dont’ think he is one of the great musical acts of all time. Top 100, yes. Top 10, no.

    • Nina W says:

      You’re far more generous than I, I could easily fill a top 100 list and he would not be on it. Certainly if it were a hip-hop list, he would be on it but music is not just one genre and he can’t hold a candle to the true geniuses.

  56. EscapedConvent says:

    Kanye needs to brush up on his name-dropping. He can’t get that right either.

    Who compares Picasso to Shakespeare?! Yes, Yeezus, Picasso was an arrogant ass like you are, but leave Shakespeare out of this!

  57. renata says:

    I think of him as the Ann Coulter of the music business — I just keep asking myself why the media continues to give him space, and keep hoping that he’ll just go away.

  58. lucy2 says:

    I can’t imagine dealing with him on a personal level, he seems exhausting.

    His music isn’t my thing, but he’s got a lot of fans, success, and prestigious awards…what is he complaining about? What more does he want? I don’t get it.

    • Nina W says:

      He’s very immature and insecure. You don’t make ridiculous statements like he does if you have any self-awareness.

  59. Ginger says:

    Grammy’s don’t always equal a good musician or music in my opinion. So, to say that he is so “awesome” because he’s won a bunch of Grammy’s is silly. I really don’t like Taylor Swift but I still felt bad for her when Kanye took over her speech and stole her thunder. I think he’s rude and pompous. I certainly wouldn’t call him a genius when he can’t even use proper grammar in his interview. He sounds like a narcissistic idiot. That being said, I think it is nice that he finally admits to being protective of his girlfriend and unborn child. It remains to be seen how things play out after the child is born.

    • teehee says:

      Eggggsactly. Grammys are no longer a true reflection of artistic prowess, and are purely a reflection of how much money has been generated by the sales of a pre-defined, commercially targeted product. (see american idol) If anyone thinks THAT has anything to do with artistic ability….. yeah…

    • Chris says:

      Except Grammy awards are not the only validation he has, he also has great support from the public, as evidenced by his sales. On top of that his albums are critically acclaimed and he has gotten recognition from some of the greats of the genre, some of which are not too keen on what he writes about but recognize his talent.

      After Dark Fantasy dropped there was a consensus that it was a masterpiece and a lot of people thought it was a given that it would be awarded album of the year. After that did not happen the speculation grew that he was being punished for the Taylor Swift incident.

      It’s ok if one does not get him or his music. It’s ok for it to be not your cup of tea. But I don’t get people that either don’t like the genre or that admit to never had listen to a song of his claim that he sucks. While some here say that his hype surpass his talents I think it’s the other way around. For people, their hate for his personality overshadow the music.

      • Nina W says:

        I hear you but he is the one over-shadowing his music with completely unnecessary drama. If he wants to be respected and taken seriously for his music he needs to dial down the side-show. He claims he’s some great speaker of truth but I don’t see or hear it. His “truth” has been some petulant and childish complaining.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Completely agree that the Grammys are a joke. FTR, so are the Oscars IMO.

  60. Itsa Reallyme says:

    All I can muster is…….yawn.

  61. BlackMamba says:

    I keep seeing a few comments about Kanye being a “thug” and I don’t get it. Like someone mentioned above Kanye has never been arrested or to prison. He’s just a vocal man and that makes him a “thug”?. I hate to do this but it seems that that label is always being thrown at black men whether they deserve it or not. Like, Gucci Mane is a thug, Chief Keef is a thug, Chris Brown is a thug, Kanye? Not a thug. I think people who use that word still have the old “angry black man” thing in their mine. Anybody can be angry, just watch the news. End rant.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      I agree with you. “Thug” is not a word I would use to describe K-West at all. He hasn’t had any trouble with the law, hasn’t gone on any violent rampages or threatened anyone.

      Unless it’s illegal to snatch a microphone out of a little blonde tween’s hands & hi-jack an awards ceremony, he hasn’t done anything to warrant the “thug” label.

      “Thug” & “Self-obsessed Jerk” are two entirely different monikers!

    • sputnik says:

      it’s actually offensive that people are calling him a thug. there are lots of things to criticise kanye for, but being violent or aggressive isn’t one of them.

    • Nina W says:

      Was there not a very influential hip hop album and song “thug life”? People hear these terms and they get incorporated into language. It doesn’t necessarily always imply racism.

  62. teehee says:

    You know what? I just thought of this: maybe this is a result of the hip-hop culture. Its all about “I sell X albums, I gots X cars, I got x women, I drink X a day and blablabla–” about creating a charade of greatness.
    So maybe, just maybe, he/they actually BELIEVE this. Maybe he seriously does think, that because he made what he sings about or looked up to come true, that he must be sent from god or something.
    But, its all just a myth- just superficial status symbols, which are only valid to a given subset of the people living on this earth. Someone in India could give less of a rats ass who he is or what he drives, and value a person for what they are on teh inside and what they bring to the community, for instance.
    I am sure more people find a humble spirit much more valuable than a delusionally grandiose one. At least I do…

    • Chris says:

      That’s not hip hop culture. That’s capitalistic culture.

      Like the comparison to Steve Jobs, I’m sure people on the other side of the world, the ones exploited to make the Apple merchandise, do not see that character with the aura of greatness people here display for him.

      I’ve seen people on the internet offended because the self absorbed, narcissistic Kanye compared himself to the other self absorbed, narcissistic person. The one that did not care about exploiting people for the success of his company.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        “That’s not hip hop culture. That’s capitalistic culture.”

        It’s not that simple though. Originally, hip hop was more of a spoken word set to African American music (ex.Gil Scott Heron) but when “gangsta rap” and artists like NWA came on the scene, they brought the money-conquers-all credo with them, the same mentality as any street hustler or gangster/mobster-then the message went from political to materialistic.
        Once artists like Diddy and Jay-Z started owning their own record and production companies as well as other entrepreneurial endeavors like clothing lines and magazines, then hip hop became more than just the music–it became a lifestyle sold as a package that was mass marketed to fans of pop culture.

        Sure there’s the status aspect but before Master P (who really paved the way for rappers to retain copyright control over their music) rappers basically forfeited all their rights and any hope to make real money to old white dudes at large corporate record labels. Once they took that back and started having real ownership of their music, then they were able to be lucrative in a way that was next-to-impossible for them in the past.

        That post was a lot longer than I meant it to be—sorry. I know that modern day hip hop has fully embraced capitalism-there’s a love affair between hip hop and materialism that isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon but I think it’s a much more complex issue than simply being a “status thing”, it’s rooted in the socioeconomic and racial divides in the past 40-50 years of American culture.

      • Nina W says:

        I’m not blind to the faults of Steve Jobs but I am clear headed enough to give him credit for his genius. You may see him as a narcissist like Kanye but I assure you, the impact of Steve Jobs effects all of us every day. You cannot say that about Kanye now or ever.

  63. MsAubra says:

    ‘This is my baby. This isn’t America’s baby’

    …does your baby mamma know that?? lol

  64. Kelly says:

    What he says makes less sense to me than Charlie Sheen’s tiger blood tirades.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      Ahhhh…..Charlie Sheen’s Tiger Blood Tour….I miss those good old days.

      At least Charlie was the real thing (a nutty goofball), but Kanyeezus is just a whiny little poser.

      • sputnik says:

        so a misogynistic, drug addled, woman beating white man is better than an arrogant selfish black man? right.

      • Mirna says:

        To Sputnik – regardless of race, an idiot is an idiot. At least Charlie was amuzing in his delusions.

      • Mirna says:

        To Sputnik – regardless of race, an idiot is an idiot. At least Charlie was amusing in his delusions.

      • sputnik says:

        yeah, domestic violence, it’s hysterical. anti-semitism, what a lark!

    • DEB says:

      Charlie Sheen can run circles around this jerk-off.

  65. Rhiannonkk says:

    As far as the Grammy reference, jethro Tull beat Metallica for best metal album. The Grammys are irrelevant. As for genius, I prefer prince. Just HMO. And the custody battle will be epic for baby ‘merica.

  66. NerdMomma says:

    Tried to wade thru the comments and couldn’t, but I have to strongly protest. Kanye West is not brilliant nor a genius. He’s a crazy narcissist but there’s nothing exceptional about his crappy music and definitely nothing exceptional about his crappy fashion or crappy personality. I know, I know, I just don’t appreciate him. But OMG, he is clearly insane.

  67. jam says:

    Does anyone still like this guy?

  68. Mirna says:

    Kanye is neither Jobs or Jordan – he is a rapper, nothing more, nothing less. And his god complex is ridiculous. You have done nothing noteworthy, Kanye. You have not invented anything new, you haven’t energized a generation, you haven’t even broken any records. You have made some money. That’s it. And you are so original and inventive that you ended up with an industry mattress. I mean, when Ray J – RAY J! – can humiliate you with a song about effing your girl first, that says something.

  69. Moana says:

    Geez, race again??? A thug is a thug. A douche is a douche. And Kanye is that and a prick as well. Has nothing to do with color.

    • sputnik says:

      the man may be arrogant and self aggrandising, but how is he a thug?

      when you negatively compare a black man who has never been known to be violent in any way to a known white wife beater then yeah, people are going to mention race.

  70. Ennie says:

    He makes me think of a grown Justiniano Bieber asking the public to respect him as an artist. His view of himself… Too much

  71. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I applaud the “this isn’t America’s baby” line. But. Is he a coke head? Reminds me of the crazy shit that would run through my head when the wheels were spinning too fast & I had disconnected the brakes via my nostrils.

  72. Miss M says:

    “This most recent attack on Kanye West and his family is totally without merit. It’s a blatant attempt by a misguided individual who is clearly seeking publicity, and another in a series of malicious stories drummed up by non-credible ‘news’ sources. This is a sad attempt to hurt two people trying to live their lives.” Translation: this is an attempt to dispel the (allegedly) gay rumors.

  73. Miss M says:

    I cannot believe one person was capable of saying these ridiculous things (and at once). For every quote I read my douche radar beeped louder and louder: Douche-DOuche-DOUche-DOUChe-DOUCHe-DOUCHE!!!!

  74. Amelia says:

    Kanye has delusions of adequacy.
    Michael Jordan was amazing.
    Steve Jobs was brilliant and a genius.
    Kanye is none of these. But if he wants to attempt to fool people through long-winded interviews, he needs to learn some basic grammar skills.
    He speaks and comes off as a narcissistic, indulged, petulant child. I can’t think of worse material for a parent…EXCEPT for Pimp Mama Kris and Kim.

  75. LahdidahBaby says:

    I can be a real beeotch and I do love me some ass-bashing when I feel someone’s ego has metastasized…but I’ve gotta say this: I disagree with the bashers of this Kanye NYT interview. Without being too personal, I’m in a creative profession, one that is always vulnerable to the critics as well as to the academics who like to give their imprimatur to a work of art or destroy it…and I thought that (hubris aside) Kanye showed an impressive level of thought, creative consciousness, and artistic moxy, as well as a sense of history and context, in that interview. I have bashed him plenty for his hyper ego and his apparent emotional neglect of the woman carrying his baby–but in this instance, where his music is concerned, and where his artistic work-ethic is concerned, i give him respect and props. I know what it is to work and sweat your guts out in the sevice of an artistic ideal and then put yourself out there for the critics to have at you like a bunch of crows around carrion, and as much as I take exception to some of Kanye’s more arrogant proclamations in this Times interview, I also, at the very same time and on these very same issues, see that it’s all a part of the body of work he is creating–all of it, even the interview–it’s all one thing. And i have respect for what he’s trying to make, trying to do, and trying to say. And yeah I’m white, I’m a female, and I’ve had a relatively public run with my work. i only even mention that as a way of saying that I know a little bit about this stuff, and I see him talking about his influences and inspirations and, yes, his struggles and aspirations, in exactly the way that serious literary artists talk about theirs. Does this mean I 100% approve of everything he says and does? Hell to the f’ing hell NO! But i do have respect for his process, his rigor, and for the seriousness he accords his art. Now, if he can accord that same respect and seriousness to the child he is bringing into our crazyass world, i’m cool with Ye. Nobody’s perfect, especially no artist is. Most of us are even somewhat f*cked up. But he’s moving in a strong and interesting direction, and I’m going to watch and listen to what he does, what he makes, with an open mind and basic human respect. Will he let me down? How could he not? Will I get pissed at him again? hell yeah, I always DO. But he’s working hard and truthfully, he’s kicking some serious ass right now, and I think he deserves to have a fair run with this new work. I’m gonna give him that. No, I’m not his agent, and I don’t know him, nor do I even know anybody who knows him. i’m just someone in a parallel creative arts profession, and I know what it’s like at this stage. His heart and guts and soul are in the work. Yeah…So’s his massive, flawed ego. That only makes it all the more human. Art is supposed to be dangerous and uncomfortably human, it’s supposed to make us uneasy or piss us off on the way to inspiring us or opening our eyes in some new way. He’s trying to do that. I applaud him for that. If it turns out to be just an ego exercise, well, too bad. But it might turn out to be a lot more.

    • jessiesgirl says:

      Awesome comment. Whatever persona he is cultivating, it strikes me as relatively harmless when balanced with what he is doing as an artist. He could be churning out retreads of Gold Digger or Jesus Walks and cashing checks, but you can tell he really pushes himself artistically. I respect him because whenever I hear a track that really stands out or is “on the next level” (LOL) 9 times out of 10, it is a Kanye tune. Like I said earlier, prodution in hip hop is modern day composing and rapping is not songwriting, its laymans prose. And he is a stand out.

    • Nina W says:

      Having spent all together too much time with artists and great minds I have to bring up something. Being an artist, a genius or a creative person, does not give you a license to treat people badly and yet, they do. You may respect his process, his talent and his creativity but it’s not okay to abuse the “lessor” folk just because you think you’re all that and a bag of chips. The artistic excuse is just that, an excuse.

      • LahdidahBaby says:

        Nina, what you say is true–and it doesn’t conflict at all with what I said. An artist (think Picasso, for example) can be all kinds of flawed and may sometimes even be a horrible person. I would be (and have been) the first to call Kanye out on his egotastic BS–but I think we need to be able to separate the private person from the work itself, and allow for the very real possibility that the very same life experiences that have made the artist the flawed person he is might also be the things that inform and inspire his art. If we were so Puritanical as to only appreciate “nice” art by “nice” people, we would be deprived of most of the great art, music, and literature of our time and the times before us. Note: I’m not suggesting that Kanye is a great artist–the jury’s still out on that–nor am I suggesting that artists should be excused for their moral failings. I’m only saying that art is a complex endeavor, and it often arises from pain, trouble, and dark, difficult subjects. Art is supposed to make us think and feel, even make us uncomfortable. It’s at its best when it’s dangerous. As Andre Gide said, “The ugly may be beautiful–the pretty never.” All I was saying was that I’m gonna give Kanye’s new album a chance to be great without factoring in his personal failings.

  76. Brian says:

    Kanye West is a cheating loser. I hear he had an affair with Beyonce a few months ago even. He should just jump off a cliff. We don’t need him and his crappy music.

  77. Nina W says:

    Seriously delusional.