Charlize Theron Hates Democracy

Or at least that’s the spin that CNN tried to put on an interview where the Oscar winner went a little wobbly in her argumentation and CNN reporter Rick Sanchez went a little FOX news on her ass.

Charlize was promoting a new documentary on Cuban Rappers called ‘East of Havana” (which she co-produced) and didn’t respond very smoothly to Sanchez’s questions about the lack of freedom in Cuba. The clip reads like there was a little slippage between asking about lack of artistic freedom and lack of freedom with a capital F. The capital F you get in Freedom Fries — with a Happy Meal of phone tapping and a Snowflake Baby McFlurry.

She got snappy, he smelled blood, she got nervous — and things went downhill quickly.

When Sanchez said, “It Sounds like you don’t have a very high opinion of th United States,” Charlize responded ‘Oh My God no! You’re so wrong. I absolutely love it. Why do you think I live in the United States?”

[From The National Enquirer print edition, February 26, 2007]

Politics are hard.

As the interview began to make her look confused, Charlize then strangely blurted out: “I want to make out with you right now.” Sanchez, 48, ignored the comment on camera and later called it “a way for a beautiful woman to get a guy to change the subject.”

We’ll have to see if Charlize’s long term boyfriend, Stuart Townsend, agrees with that professional news analysis. Townsend, a notorious brawler with a temper might just be texting Kimora Lee for backup as we speak.

Lets go to the videotape:

pics via jdhosts

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12 Responses to “Charlize Theron Hates Democracy”

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  1. Toubrouk says:

    This is just another proof that Charlize Theron is just another stupid celebrity.

    Let’s all move along…

  2. UrbanDK says:

    There’s nothing to see here people …. just move along … listen to Officer Toubrouk 🙂

  3. m says:

    I don’t like the blurring used in the interview between artistic freedom and then just Freedom altogether. America has always had some complex issues with artistic freedom, and not just firing but actual govt interference. The fears that Wooly Buly (sp?) was anti-govt, or the obscenity charges repeatedly faced by rappers in the 80s. The only reason these fiascos aren’t ongoing was govt pressure that the industry self regulate…. I think she really does have a freedom of speech point that CNN guy just glosses over.

    Using a voiceover to recap gives him a distinct advantage, b/c he inserts clarification on his part when he needs it, and she can’t…


  4. Toubrouk says:


    Officer Toubrouk…

    Officer of what? Officer of the Anti-Celebrity Stupidity Task Force?

    This is one heck of a job to do since stupidity is not lacking in our Celebrity Culture! 😀

  5. Pecarrie says:

    Whats the big ass deal if someone has an anti-american opinion? I thought this was a free country so why should people get on anyone else’s case? (I know damned well this isnt a free country and people are badgered into being pro-american for no valid reasons, but it’s just an argument)
    She’s entitled to her opinion and shouldnt be intimidated into denying otherwise or hiding her feelings.
    While it isnt sutpid that she would have her own opinion even if its not popular, it is stupid how she tried to cover it up with ‘making out’- that is really sad.

  6. bob says:

    It doesn’t sound like Theron is anti-american, it sounds like the CNN reporter was HOPING she was anti-american.

  7. Toubrouk says:

    Up to a certain point, I couldn’t care less if she Anti-American or not. Telling someone that you wish to “Make Out” to close an argument is realy lame.

    If you go in front of a camera that will broadcast your face and words across America and the rest of the world, just try to act with class…

  8. Kayrn says:

    Good for her for speaking her mind. The reporter was trying to trip her up. What, because she vocalized one issue she had a problem with in the states it makes her anti american? The reporter sounds like an idiot. She probably said that line about wanting to make out with him because it was just as stupid as his questions.

  9. Mr. T says:

    She spoke her mind and not a lot came out. Like Toubrouk said, move on.

  10. vdantev says:

    These sorts of stories do nothing but perpetuate the rumor that celebrities have anything relevant to say.

  11. Sugerdust says:

    She’s right, Phil Donahue was fired from his job for this very reason, the Dixie Chicks were vilified for expressing their opinion, and the police actually filmed people and sent spies to anti-war demonstrations. if we truly were a free society, none of these things would occur, and we wouldn’t have secret prisons, torture scandals, extraordinary renditions, and a media complicit due to corporate influence.

  12. j says:

    It’s obvious that this is not a free country anymore, so for someone to feign shock that someone would criticize our country doesn’t cut it anymore for intelligent people. People are waking up to the fact that the mainstream media is owned, lock,stock and barrel by the establishment, and that their agenda is nothing less than a state that owns us as if we are nothing more than cattle. 1984 is not far away.