Paz de la Huerta stows off a ‘bumpy’ midsection: pregnant or just bloated?

These are some photos of Paz de la Huerta outside the Chateau Marmont two nights ago. Dear Robert Pattinson: this is your future. Anyway, Paz looks… like Paz. If anything, she looks somewhat more sober and together than the last time we saw her. Obviously, people are taking note of what looks like a baby bump. It’s weird, though. CB thinks Paz just gains weight in her midsection and it’s totally possible that it’s just bloat from Paz’s “activities”. She does love to drink, doesn’t she? And then some. Maybe I’m in denial though. Maybe I just don’t want to even consider the possibility that Paz could be with child.

I looked through some of the older photos to see if I could find some support for CB’s theory about “that’s how she looks when she gains weight,” and I found this one from last November. WENN even identified Paz as “pregnant” in this photo set too.

But doesn’t Paz look bigger all over in the photos from the Marmont this week? I don’t know. I hope she’s not pregnant, but if she is… God bless. I hope everything’s okay.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Pacific Coast News.

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42 Responses to “Paz de la Huerta stows off a ‘bumpy’ midsection: pregnant or just bloated?”

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  1. UsedToBeLulu says:

    I vote gained weight and bloated. If not that, than dear God.

  2. Poink517 says:

    Oh dear lord I hope not. She does look it though.

  3. tabasco says:

    dear god, let’s hope not

  4. Gia says:

    That is some seriously specific weight gain, but entirely possible that’s just where she carries most of her weight.

  5. lovegossip says:

    I look like when gain weight. It goes straight to my stomach. In fact my 5 year told me just the other day my stomach looks so fat “like you have a baby in there.” Out the mouths of babes my ass. Lol Anyways, I hope that is the case with her! Yikes. Scary thought otherwise. 🙁 Poor baby if any truth to it!

    • YuYa says:

      Same here. My arms and legs and everything else will stay skinny and then my gut looks like I am 6 months pregnant. I hate it.

      • Bbb1975 says:

        Ugh, same here.

      • Megan says:

        I’ve always been sorta thick through the midsection as well. Add having celiac & IBS on top of it- I would get SERIOUSLY bloated. So much that my posture would be thrown off, just like pregnant women!

        She does look pregnant though. I feel for her if she just has tummy issues.

  6. Larissa says:

    She is definitely pregnant!

    • Lucinda says:

      Definitely pregnant. I bloat regularly due to health problems and I can get quite big but it’s spreads out more. This is too basketball shape. You can see the difference in shape between the two pics.

  7. lisa2 says:

    That lime dress pic is questionable, but that black dress says pregnant.

    I don’t know much about her. Nothing really. but reading the comments I gather a baby may not be a good thing.

  8. Davis says:

    I love her but she is the go to example of a hot ass mess.

  9. Mia 4S says:

    Weight gain in that area is also a symptom of liver problems. Which sadly also makes sense…we will see.

  10. jessiesgirl says:

    She always has that bump. I remember a set of pics that had a bump that looked just like this – totally preggo, but then, no baby. She’s crazy enouh to wear her prosthetic bumb from Boardwalk Empire.

  11. Lisa says:

    whoooo caaaares. Celebrity pregnancies are the most boring things.

  12. anoneemouse says:

    That looks like a beer gut

  13. Ginger says:

    She looks extra puffy so I’m voting weight gain. Lord have mercy on us all if it’s not!

  14. Decloo says:

    More importantly, who wears velvet in June?

  15. Jessica says:


    • bluhare says:

      Me too!

      There’s a blind about someone getting pregnant in rehab. If she is pregnant, maybe she did rehab on the sly and it’s her. That’s my hope anyway if she is pregnant.

      Although I do love her train wreck ways.

    • ZanyUkulele says:

      Me too! I know she’s a hot ass mess. That’s she’s crazy as heck…

      …but I’ve missed her.

      Velvet jacket in late June in LA…totally Paz-alicious

  16. jess says:

    She sure looks like she is, between the face and the bump, but I remember a set of pictures of her in Miami a few years back. The ones where she just changed her bikini right in front of everyone? She looked 5 or 6 months pregnant in those pictures too, but no baby came of it.

  17. anne says:

    who is this

  18. jessiesgirl says:

    I don’t know how she does this, but she appears to gain weight mostly in the middle and in a roundish fashion.

  19. UsedToBeLulu says:

    I think she has just gotten heavy. Here are photos from November of last year when she was changing into a bathingsuit in a public parking lot (fair warning!).

  20. Christina says:

    I get the same a few days before I get my period. Even worse sometimes. And I’m about the same height/ weight as she is. Thank God the paparazzi aren’t interested in me!

  21. Holden says:

    She just drank a fifth of vodka and had 3 chezburgers, nothing to see here.

  22. Ink says:

    She’s been accused of being pregnant before because of this bump in her midsection and hasn’t been. I too thought I had a tendency to gain weight in my abdomen or to just get really bloated during my period. Turned out I had a large fibroid tumor that made my uterus the size of a late second trimester pregnancy. I’ve often wondered if Paz has fibroids. Anyway, I had the giant fibroid removed a little while ago and my midsection is very symmetrical again.

  23. MrsBPitt says:

    Can CPS actually take a child away while still in the womb…cause that is the only chance that kid would have…

  24. Claudia says:

    Beer gut.

  25. Arthur says:

    That is pregnancy 100%. Love the velvet jacket.

  26. eod says:

    Perhaps she’s just constipated. seriously constipated.
    however, I wouldn’t put it past her to decide she wants a baaaaby. oy.

  27. NeoCleo says:

    The woman is pregnant. I don’t understand why people get all upset about her lack of makeup. She has great bone structure and is a good looking woman. As a mother, hmmmm . . . have to let the jury decide on that one.