Jennifer Aniston looks ‘chilly’ on the 100-degree NYC set of her new film: obvious?

Here’s Jennifer Aniston’s latest advertisement for SmartWater. Whoops, I mean here are some candid photos of Jennifer on the set of her new film, Squirrels To the Nuts. With bonus SmartWater product placement. Considering how heavily-endorsed Jennifer is these days, I’m kind of surprised she’s not wandering around the set, flashing a bottle of Living Proof shampoo. And a bottle of Jennifer Aniston: A Perfume By Jennifer Aniston. And a bottle of Aveeno.

Anyway, Squirrels to the Nuts is Jennifer’s latest film endeavor. I keep meaning to remind everyone: We’re the Millers comes out in early August. Prepare yourselves for an Aniston onslaught. But for now, enjoy these photos. This film is one of the “reasons” why Jennifer and Justin Theroux aren’t married yet. Jennifer is just so, so busy! And Justin doesn’t want to get married, obviously, but also – she’s busy!

I for one am glad Jennifer made the terrible sacrifice to film this movie in NYC since she’s so opposed to spending any time in New York if Justin asks her to. I bet Jennifer made this terrible sacrifice because she really wanted to work with the director, Peter Bogdanovich. It’s his first directorial outing in 10 years, and it’s taking three whole years to get all of the financing and casting issues done. The film stars Jennifer, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwatzman, Eugene Levy and Cybill Shepherd. I think Owen Wilson plays a “married Broadway director” who falls for a “hooker-turned actress” played by…? Dunno. All I know is that Jennifer isn’t playing the hooker.

PS… It was over 100 degrees yesterday in NYC. How is Jennifer so cold that she has “fripples”? Must be the SmartWater!!

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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84 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston looks ‘chilly’ on the 100-degree NYC set of her new film: obvious?”

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  1. Melissa says:

    Well, at least she looks amazing. Not too crazy about Jen Aniston, but no one does simple chic in Hollywood like her.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah the dress is adorable, I love the color.

    • MCraw says:

      Idk what they’re talking about with fripples. I don’t see any nips.

      Yknow, I don’t care for Aniston either, but if you’re going to rag on her, let it be for the stuff she actually does. This article is really reaching, kinda baseless and purely bashing her for no reason.

      • Collar says:

        + 1

        Baseless snark just makes me sympathise with her. Over the past year of reading online gossip, I have gone from being utterly indifferent to her to admiring her for keeping her head up in the constant onslaught. Noone wants complete strangers hating and judging them from behind their keyboards.

      • Cherry says:

        Agreed. I’m not an Aniston fan, but this website really wastes no opportunity to criticize her, no matter what she does. So she’s wearing a summer dress and flipflops. I see no sign of her nipples. She’s drinking the water she’s paid to advertise (i.e. she’s doing her job). Big deal.

      • FLORC says:

        The fripples are definitely there. You can get them from heat and fabric friction too. Doesn’t have to be cold.

        Almost everything Aniston does is for a camera or to be talked about. She knows to bring her smart water bottle instead of filling a nalgene bottle from her many smart water water coolers.
        She’s very good at the game and often has her Publicist plant the seed or leak the stories that make people feel for her. It’s all carefully laid out and if you’re not seeing that you’re playing right into her hand.
        With that said I am an Aniston fan. She’s a horrible actress, but an amazing venture capitalist! She consistently flips real estate in a down market and gets on the ground floor of many businesses that later do very well attached to her…. Smart Water to be the largest and the shampoo is on track to do the same. She’s incredibly savvy and not to be underestimated.

      • MCraw says:

        @FLORC oh, I know she pulls shenanigans! That’s why I’m saying rag on her for the stuff she actually does. I clicked on this article thinking she put ice cubes to her nips or something. They just look slightly visible and normal here, like mine when I’m walking around.

      • Emily C. says:

        @MCraw — I completely agree. It’s not like nipples you can see through clothing if the light hits you exactly right are some kind of sin. It happens, it’s just boobs, half of all adults have them and all of us have nipples, who cares.

      • amilu says:

        I can just *barely* make out one nipple in the fourth & fifth photo down. It’s hardly worth alluding to in the headline.

      • Becky1 says:

        I agree as well. While I’m kind of meh on Jennifer Aniston the bias against her on this site is kind of ridiculous. No need to be snarky on this one. She’s wearing a summer dress and she’s drinking Smart Water. Big deal.

    • Isa says:

      I disagree. Normally I like her casual wear but the last two times I’ve clicked on her articles I’ve been disappointed. I like the color of this dress but it doesn’t look like it fits well in the bust and the material is wrinkly.
      I’m always jealous of Jen’s jeans. They always fit her like a glove.

  2. Eleonor says:

    About the product placement: even if I don’t like her movies, and I don’t get why she gets propositions and roles, this is how you behave when you sign a contract: it’s professionalism.
    You don’t get million dollars from Pepsi and then get caught with diet Coke.

  3. Anna says:

    They’re just normal nipples. It’s not like they become totally flat and disappear when not stimulated by cold or …other things

    • jojo says:

      Yeah, Kaiser, you are awesome, but I’m tired of you ragging on her nips. I have fripples too. Some of us just have larger nips (as opposed to large aereolas). I have to wear considerably padded bras to keep mine from “making a statement”. I understand in some circumstances it can be too much, and I usually assure they are taken care of, but sometimes you don’t want to have to worry about it.

  4. Cece says:

    I like the color of the dress a lot, but the style is too juniors department. Wish she would up her game a bit. And this pic is a great example of how mediocre celeb hair is without the extensions and stylists!

    • Turtle Dove says:

      Do you live on the east coast? There are only two words to describe my hair atm – Chia Pet. I’m excellent at styling my hair, but, OMG, my hair is a ball of fuzz from the humidity and no product can tame the beast.

      • Cece says:

        the humidity is everywhere this summer (I’m living in braids)!! I love your chia pet description, but I stand by my statement that celeb hair is usually smoke and mirrors, even for those famous for their hair.

  5. Lucy2 says:

    That dress is cute.
    Eh, the “product placement” isn’t that unusual for a celeb w/ endorsements. I just personally wouldn’t endorse bottled water for the environmental reasons, but at least she’s not hanging out with dictators like JLo?

    • Janet says:

      That dress would look cute on a five year old. On a middle-aged woman it looks ridiculous.

  6. Miss Thang says:

    I would probably get THO with ruffles like that against my skin. It’s probably a friction THO.

  7. Gina says:

    She looks fine, maybe a little ‘young’ for a woman in her 40s, but that’s kinda her style.

    I don’t get the constant speculation about her nipples. We all have them, and some are more sensitive than others. It doesn’t offend me at all, and I’ve seen it on plenty of other actresses, even she-who-must-not-be-named.

  8. emmie_a says:

    She must have one of the best agents in Hollywood because why else does she still get starring roles in big movies with talented directors??? It’s not her talent bc there are more talented actresses out there. Her popularity isn’t what it used to be either. And I’m sure she’s getting paid more than the other actors in the movie — but WHY??

    • lisa2 says:

      I think she has a supporting role in this film. Peter Bogdanovich has not worked in a very long time. Besides it’s interesting that the financing took so long to pull together. This is an indie film too I believe. I think she looks fine. The dress is too young to me, but again that is the look she usually goes for.

    • epiphany says:

      Because producers and casting directors see her face constantly on the cover of tabloids month in and month out ‘Oh, when will Jen find true love? Is Justin The One? Jen, 8 years after Brad – how she is coping’ – so they believe we all are so fascinated with her we will flock to her movies. When the films don’t do well, she isn’t blamed, because she continues to get heavy media coverage. Industry people assume this wouldn’t happen if she wasn’t still popular. If or when that tabloid coverage abates, you’ll see her cast in fewer and fewer movies. Until then, she and Huvane will press on with the “poor Jen” saga, and you’ll get more stories referring to a middle aged woman as a “star crossed starlet” – enjoy!

      • lenje says:

        My opinion is this “triangle” has benefited all the three people. I don’t see any of them trying to address it.

  9. Marty says:

    I’m not going to lie, I saw the red band trailer for ‘We’re the Millers’ and laughed a lot. Mostly at Jason Suddukes and the guy playing the “son”.

  10. Jayna says:

    I loved her in the movie Object of My Affection. She was unique. Now just a same-old-hair-style tanaholic in movies no matter if in NY, Chicago, winter, fall, spring.

  11. DenG says:

    Gettin’ homelier and kind of doughy.

  12. chloe says:

    The only reason I looked this post up is because I have a similar hat, as for nipples I can barely see them, hey it’s summer, it hot and wearing a strapless bra’s are horrible, if I’m not at work I don’t wear a bra, I’m a woman I have nipples deal with it! As for all of her endorsements, yes she seems to have a lot of them right now, but she’s not the only one, her ex seems to have quite a few under his belt, he just does a lot more of them overseas.
    BTW as soon as I saw this post I wondered how soon until a Brangelina post would pop up and low and behold the big boat wedding. I’m shocked.

  13. Maritza says:

    The tabloids must be writing the pregnancy rumors by now.

  14. Kiddo says:

    Shocking! Slutty, OMG! I wanted to get all outraged and whatnot. I’m just joking, nothing to see here, move along.

  15. Hannah says:

    Whenever that happens to my nippes, my boyfriend always says “You have a Rachel Aniston going on there!”

    (He genuinely thinks that’s her name…bless)

  16. janie says:

    Just go away, far away! She can’t act & after all this time she is still so hung up on Brad. She will never make a move until he marries, period.

    • Maya Dragunova says:

      @janie really? Brad? He is old and cant speak two sentences properly. I don’t think any one would be hung up on him for eight years. He is also old.

      • Janet says:

        She’s no spring chicken either.

      • DenG says:

        And she has Smilin’Bob with the 24″ inseam…nice catch.

      • evyn says:

        She mumbles her words and can’t speak two sentences without saying hair, yoga, or girlfriends.

      • Holly says:

        I don’t imagine she gives a crap about Brad. She really traded up. Brad is so old looking and looks like he stinks. Seriously. Cut the greasy hair n use shampoo, soap, and toothpaste. Pants that fit should also be on the list. Oh, don’t sleep in your clothes you are going to wear the next day.

    • Bird says:

      Oh GOD, you can’t be serious? What indication do you have that she is hung up on Brad Pitt? She’s engaged to be married to another man and has been divorced for eight years. The only people hung up on their previous relationship are the people who hate her for no good reason. Jennifer Aniston is about as inoffensive as people get.

      • Str8Shooter says:

        Exactly! Why do people pick on this poor woman constantly?

        Oh right. Cuz they’re JEALOUS. She’s gorgeous, likable, filthy rich and seems generally HAPPY.

        Explains a lot about the haters.

    • Maggie says:

      Janet: she looks younger than his current girlfriend. Better body too!

      • lulu says:

        Sorry she looks 50 plus,have you seen her latest picture with the fugly short bob,pitt’s fiancee is not the seem league in terms of beauty,class and brains she is miles a head

      • Iggie says:

        Your rabid defense of Aniston is commendable but I doubt she appreciates it…

  17. anonincali says:

    Seriously, where can I find this dress?

  18. Amber says:

    Jennifer Aniston is beyond boring. My turds are more interesting than her. I don’t get why people come on here and defend her, it’s called Celebitchy for a reason.

    • Maggie says:


    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Eh, we always defend our favorite celebrities. It’s what makes things get interesting on this site. It’s only when we get into (unfair or over reactionary) name calling. I don’t like Jennifer AT ALL, but I’m trying not to start crap, so often, on her threads-although I could now. I was very indifferent on her, until a year or so ago.

    • Iggie says:

      +1 Well said.

  19. Jacqueline says:

    Where is her fug engagement ring??

  20. EG says:

    Something nice: her necklaces are pretty.

  21. minxx says:

    I’m not an Aniston fan but my nipples show through my bra regardless of the weather unless I put on a really thick, padded bra. And I don’t tweak them, trust me.

    • UsedToBeLulu says:

      Me too.

      • Lauren says:

        I watched ALong Came Polly recently and Jen was fantastic. She salsa danced too, and nailed it. Jen doesn’t have a gorgeous face, but is still pretty-especially when her hair is down. Above all, Jen is a businesswoman. She doesn’t care if we think she is a hypocrite because she is very wealthy while most of us are struggling financially.

  22. Original Me says:

    I think she looks fresh and pretty. I like that she doesn’t wear unflattering hipster clothes-ugly y-back tanks, etc.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Remember those oversized “boyfriend” jeans that she wore with a belt and rolled up a few inches past her ankles? Paired with a tank top and a blazer? And some white tennis shoes? That was a REALLY ugly, hipster outfit.

      I will say something nice….I really like her earrings. I don’t like her dress, but that’s because I’m wincing at the strapless bra….I HATE strapless bras.

      • Original Me says:

        oh man, i forgot about those jeans! that was just dorky, not even an attempt at being a hipster. bright white keds? navy blazer? WTH????

  23. Toot says:

    There are pics of her on set with a brown bob wig and it show’s why she keeps her hair dyed blonde and long. Her hair is a distraction. She looks incredibly average and really not attractive.

    Her face needs long hair.

    • lulu says:

      It is funny when her fans say how young she looks?? or how hot her body is?? All i see is a fugly average woman with a great PR team and lucky to be an ex of one Mr pitt.I know women with kids who are not celebs have a better body and look prettier

    • Camille (TheOriginal) says:

      + 1. Very, very, very plain looking woman.

    • UsedToBeLulu says:

      I’m pretty sure that wig is SUPPOSED to look bad.

    • Camille (TheOriginal) says:

      Its not the hair that is necessarily bad- its her face. *shudder*

  24. IrkkiPekka says:

    I can’t believe I’m about to ‘stand up for’ JA, but I gotta say… a.) There was NO reason for her nips to be a topic of conversation in these pictures (I really can’t make them out at all) let alone a headline. b.) Even if they WERE front and center on a hot day- who cares? I happen to nip out in any weather and it’s fucking annoying as hell, so I can’t imagine how it would be to have blogs making mention of it like I was doing it on purpose.

    Point being: C’MON GFY girls! I expect more out of you guys- I’ve been coming to this site for years and years because I love the smart writing about silly stuff, but this whole post actually left me feeling a little bad for JA (which never happens) and questioning your motives for this post.

    • Cece says:

      I think it’s just an ongoing joke – she’s been photographed so many times with the headlights. I don’t get the obsession either, but I think there are plenty who
      speculate that she had a subtle boob job – apparently the perma-headlights are a side effect?? I have no idea – this plastic surgery crap is truly beyond my interests, but I remember the speculation.

      • Annie says:

        You know, they make T-shirt bras for a reason… Most women will “Nip out” in certain clothes (t-shirts, silk jersey etc ) unless they wear thicker bras that hide their natural features. As one of those who fall in that category despite never having any work done, speculating on a boob job being the cause seems a bit… petty? We are how we are, and if that’s how your body rolls, then that’s how it rolls. No need to judge, we’re all different. Maybe she’s had work done like every other woman in Hollywood, but I don’t think they have a “nip special” boob job on the menu.

        That said, I agree with the above posters… She doesn’t look like she’s cold to me in any of these pix.

  25. HalfricanQueen says:

    Yeah what’s the deal, she looks good, I don’t see any excessive nipplege. I was looking for some nips that could cut glass. She’s annoying as all get up, but there is no story here.

  26. abbie246 says:

    With all of the appearances and interviews she’s done for the past 6 months, Jennifer is really going to be annoying in a couple of weeks. It’s really bizarre that she did all of those interviews to promote her engagement. At least when she got those endorsement deals Jennifer had something to talk about but she was still boring. Her nipples are showing but not as much as she usually has them. Usually she has them at full attention. I guess no ice was around.

  27. Anguishedcorn says:

    I feel better about myself after seeing those pudgy arms she’s sporting.

  28. Ginger says:

    Eh the lady never really wears a bra so…there you go. I’d be surprised if she weren’t icy nipped. Whatever, I still find her boring. But I get why guys like her…i.e. no bra.

  29. GByeGirl says:

    Some of us gals just have strong nipples.

    • dvz says:

      THANK YOU! Regardless of the weather, my nips look like bullets. I have only recently learned that at my age 45, that’s NOT OK. Bite me.

      My European friends think I/We are insane. They love their nips. Anyway, I went out and bought some nipple covers called “Nippies”, I have to say they work, but I feel like a reverse drag queen every time I use them. Getting older: not fun.

  30. girl says:

    Yeah, I was going to say-the ‘writer’ here really has it in for Jen, doesn’t she??? Get off her back! Jeez…

  31. mccoy says:

    nipples sometimes get desensitized after implants. And some are permanently erect. IMO

    • taxi says:

      Some are always erect because a plastic surgeon put in a couple of stitches during implant surgery. It’s an option.