Justin Bieber threw a tantrum in a nightclub, allegedly spit in a DJ’s face

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, confirmed spitter, is at it again. Back in March, Bieber spit in his neighbor’s face and threatened to kill the guy after one of his gated community joyrides. As a side note, TMZ has published a new photo of Bieber with Selena Gomez (who is inexplicably back on with the little brat) at an Independence Day party. In the picture, Bieber is holding a bottle of beer, which is not a huge surprise since Bieber has already Instagrammed himself enjoying a brewski in the company of elephants. Well, Justin might be worried to get caught drinking in public while underage because he got really mad at a nightclub DJ because he thought the dude was taking photos of him while he was drinking. At least, that’s the prevailing theory because Bieber threw a raging fit and spit in this guy’s face. How absolutely gross:

Justin Bieber

An Ohio man claims Justin Bieber confronted him inside a bar and SPIT IN HIS FACE this weekend … all because JB thought he was secretly taking pics.

The man — a DJ who performed at the Social Room on Park Street in Columbus, OH earlier that evening — called in to the Dave and Jimmy show on WNCI and explained the saga … saying it all started in the VIP room.

“Two of Bieber’s bouncers approached me and said I was trying to take pictures of Bieber.”

The man thinks JB was concerned because it was a 21+ night in the club … and Justin’s only 19.

The DJ says Bieber’s people grabbed his phone and started going through it looking for pics — but didn’t find any. Still, the man claims, the bouncers told JB the DJ was trying to take pics.

According to the DJ, Justin approached him moments later … and spouted off a couple of “choice words.”

“He called my mom something, called my dad something, called me something … and spit in my face.”

TMZ spoke to the DJ … who tells us he plans on filing charges. He’s also been tested for hepatitis … but says the tests came back negative.

The DJ’s story is interesting because it’s not the first time Bieber has been accused of spitting in someone’s face. The singer’s neighbor in Calabasas made the same allegation when he confronted Justin about speeding in their gated community.

Bieber’s official rep refused to comment — but a source in JB’s camp tells TMZ, “Everything’s been going really well on the tour and it’s just really sad that someone would copycat others’ baseless claims just to try and get attention for themselves.”

[From TMZ]

God, this kid is really disgusting and has developed a really gross habit of spreading his bodily fluids around for all to enjoy. I guess this poor DJ should feel fortunate that Bieber didn’t pee in a bucket and then throw it at him. And of course Bieber thought the dude wanted to take photos of him — because the entire world revolves around Justin Bieber, right? Bitch, please.

Speaking of gross, I wish this kid would stop Instagramming shirtless selfies.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Instagram

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71 Responses to “Justin Bieber threw a tantrum in a nightclub, allegedly spit in a DJ’s face”

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  1. bowers says:

    Whether it’s true or not, stories like this one are always believable about that one.

    • swack says:

      ITA. I was thinking the same thing. No matter what bad behavior they write about, be it true or not, will always be believed. Unless he cleans up his act he will be forever known for his imappropiate behavior.

    • Little Darling says:

      You mean *Beliebable* hahah. 🙂

    • msw says:

      He has done absolutely nothing to earn the benefit of the doubt in these situations, that’s for sure. His “source” should consider that to be the “really sad” part, if this story is a fabrication–which it’s probably not.

  2. SmokeyBlues says:

    Gross gross gross! How does he still have fans? He makes my stomach turn.

  3. Winnie says:

    I LOVE that every JB post has those pictures. It makes me so happy!

    • Evie says:

      FOR REAL. They are the gift that keeps on giving.

    • Hakura says:

      @Winnie – IKR? They totally make me smile (w/o even realizing it) every time I see them. (Which is a good thing, considering most stories about him leave me frowning in disgust. Gotta have something to raise my spirits!)

      I showed them to my mom yesterday. She just about died laughing! She stared at me, at first, saying “You can NOT be serious. This isn’t real, right? Just some parody thing or guest appearance on SNL…”

      It’s become like some ‘unwritten law’ that they *must* be included in every post about MopBucket.

  4. FLORC says:

    I will never get tired of the car seat photos. When is he going to run out of money? That day can’t come soon enough.

    • Thiajoka says:

      Funny, especially because I said the same thing about him this past weekend when discussing him with a friend.

  5. Joanna says:

    Baby needs a spanking

    • Micki says:

      Agree. Otherwise he’ll sh*t on some club’s threshold next time. What else is there left?

  6. Kemper says:

    He looks like one of those guys on the ‘Maury’ show trying to prove he didn’t cheat or he’s not the father.

  7. Tara says:

    So much ugh. I hope one of Bieber’s handlers was there to hand the dj a baby wipe. I’m sure they travel with a box of them.

  8. jwoolman says:

    Spitting is definitely considered assault today for health reasons. Little Justin better drop that habit fast. Doesn’t he have any legal advisors who have explained to the boy what he can and cannot do?

    I can’t get enough of those bodyguard pictures either… It’s like Lindsay Lohan with those swollen lips blowing a kiss in that fluffy pink bathrobe coat. Iconic somehow.

    • shacur says:

      Not sure where you’re from but in the US it was ruled spitting was illegal as “offensive contact” and satisfied the reqirements for simple assault under the battery theory (lewellyn case). It doesn’t cite any health reasons, just that it is an offensive thing to do since the transmission of hepatitis, HIV, etc this way is almost nonexistent save some fluke reports. The only health reasons behind spitting laws go back pretty far when TB was such a concern, although this is just what US law states.

  9. JL says:


    Not only is this child gross, but stupid as well.

    He’s just white trash.

    • Kara says:

      Yea…where’s his mom? Because I’d be mortified knowing my son was running around acting like this…jeez. Get it together & grow up Beibs. You deserve to go to monkey prison.

      • gg says:

        Monkey prison. LMAO

      • JL says:

        His mom was on some show whining about how no one credits him with all the GOOD stuff he does…..

        Other than line your pockets, explain the “good” he does mom!

        Another one left to run wild, destroy themselves while paying a parents way.

        But then JB is old enough to know better, just too egotistical, immature and stupid to do it.

      • Grandizer says:

        Mom isn’t going to say Boo. She knows what side her bread is buttered on and is probably the beneficiary of his will and gets everything if he dies.
        Until self entitled PR*CKS like his ilk are finally taught that they might have money but that does not make them better, I do not see this changing.
        Don’t get me wrong, Paps are a problem as well, but if you keep telling a young impressionable child he is special and people should do things for him, he will start to believe it.

      • Emily C. says:

        His mom is sitting back cashing paychecks, waiting for the day her son spectacularly crashes and burns so she can write a tell-all. I don’t think this kid has ever been anything but dollar signs to anyone in his life.

      • silly you says:

        his mother is on the payroll, so i doubt she says sh*t to him about any of this.

      • theoriginalbellaluna says:

        He’s the new Lilo!

      • Tara says:

        Wiping tears @monkey prison!
        His mom used to be so much better. When he first began to rack up those youtube hits an LA producer tracked her down and offered them a contract. She thought about it and said no. The guy flew to Canada and asked her again in person. Believe it or not they all met with her pastor at church and discussed it. She agreed and the rest is history. When Usher signed him one thing he said he liked was his good upbringing and humility. Millions of dollars later all of that seems to be gone. My ex was a brat whose mom also thought he could do no wrong but this is ridiculous. I want to yell at the mom but i also want to assign blame to the deadbeat dad. Find your way again, Bieber, because right now you’re disgusting and undeserving of your good fortune.

  10. Anna says:

    I was a queue last week at Thorpe Park (UK Theme park) and these girls was squealing how much they love JB and how he is so ‘positively gorgeous’, several time i burst out laughing and they could hear me. If this is the youth of today – god help me! Huge Jackman now he is ‘positively gorgeous’.

    • JL says:

      Huge Jackman, girl – post those pics!

      I realize a typo but the imagines it conjures up made my morning.

  11. gg says:

    Only blowhard cowardly punks spit. Seems to be his go-to reaction since that’s all he’s got, besides a few bodyguards who put him back in his seat when he gets fussy.

  12. marie says:

    so he’s angry that someone tried to take his picture? what, he wants to be the only one to release stupid photos of himself?

    I would be hard pressed not to punch someone that spit in my face..

    • MrsB says:

      Seriously. If this really happened, the DJ showed a lot of restraint. He should’ve beat the crap out of him and taught him a lesson.

  13. dcypher1 says:

    All his pics look the same with that stupid raised eyebrow expression wth is up with that. He’s a p.o.s. who has no respect for anyone. Someone needs to reality check his ass.

  14. Miss Thang says:

    Maybe he should try switching to a soy based formula. I hear that can help with excessive spitup.

  15. Kiddo says:

    Correction: spit up? Maybe he didn’t like his formula or apple juice. Just put him in the car-seat and take him home. Or give him a pacifier. He’s always so colicky.

    This just never gets old, and neither does Biebs, perpetual baby.

  16. Jane says:

    Idiot…he needs more than a spanking…he needs a blooming Time Out for 5 years.

  17. aquarius64 says:

    This CHILD. He’s going to anger the wrong person or persons who a) has friends who will record this mess and take him to criminal or civil court or b) are not afraid of his hired gorillas and come after him. Bieber has become Public Enemy #1 outside his fan base and it’s gotten to the point that people are cheering for his inevitable downfall. Selena Gomez has made a huge mistake in taking him back because she will go down with him.

  18. smartyparty says:

    I am a preschool teacher, the kids in my room are 4. We teach them, very strictly, that spitting is absolutely unacceptable as a reaction. It is one action that they, at the age of 4, already know gets a strong punishment (time out and a stern talking to). When a child spits they are made to repeat “spitting is disrespectful, unkind, and spreads germs”. We are not this strict about most things but spitting I mean, come ON. These PRESCHOOLERS are learning that it is not socially acceptable and here we have Beiber spitting like a goddam animal. It actually makes me feel bad for him.

    • bettyrose says:

      Well you’re training future functional adults whose careers won’t have fizzled by age 20.

  19. magpie says:

    He is in a downward spiral and has no self awareness to make it stop. It’s just going to get worse and worse. He’ll end up an addict or in jail I think.

  20. logan says:

    The photo of Baby Bieber being picked up and put in his car seat is cuter than all get out. Right up there with Miz Lohan in her pink bath robe. Keep up the good work. As for the instagram photos, nothing says look at as much as a 12 year olds shirtless flat chest. At least he has a thing now “spit and run”.
    It’s what all children do.

  21. Kiddo says:

    Isn’t spitting on someone considered an assault?

    • Alison says:

      Colloquially, yes, but legally it is a battery. Once there’s contact, it’s battery.

    • Alison says:

      Colloquially, yes, but legally it is a battery. Once there’s contact, it’s battery.

      But to ur point — ya there definitely could be legal repercussions.

  22. janie says:

    Can’t they just duct tape his mouth shut? This is things a 2 or 3 year-old does ONCE, never again. He’s a punk with bodyguards and he’s on a dangerous downhill slide with no net.

  23. TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

    Yes Florc this car seat photo is priceless; if only the parents of these tweeners that are paying these outrageous concert ticket prices ,etc. read the blogs, and became aware of what an entitled dislikable POS this kid is, the money spigot would be turned off, and he would fade away.

  24. Garrett says:

    This punk’s clock needs to get cleaned. I can’t wait to see the day that it does.

  25. erika says:

    Shhhhhh! Dont let the world in on your dirty lil secret beebee you dont do drugs you love jesus you a good boy all about the music man!!!

    I will kiss the first dude who ends up punching the lights out of this lil shhhhhhhiiiit!

    You sooooooo tuff wiff your nannys standing guard!! Be a big boy-eeeee and drop your paceee-fyer! Ooops! You pooped your pantsy wantsy!! Ohhhhhhhhh nooooooooo!!!!

  26. pantalones en fuego says:

    Why hasn’t anyone knocked this little douche out yet? I’m just glad that he’s not American. Blame Canada! 🙂

  27. bettyrose says:

    Not to defend him AT ALL but 19 is an appropriate age to go clubbing and drinking. 19 year olds worldwide do it but kids in the US just have to put in the extra effort of a fake ID.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I think it’s more that, if you’re underage in YOUR country, and you want to go out clubbing….then do it discreetly. Especially in Bieber’s case. I do think the drinking laws are ridiculous here, but they’re the laws. If you want to break it, fine-but be smart about it. Would anyone have even really cared that he was there, until he spat in that guys face? I’m guessing no.

      • bettyrose says:

        ITA but I wish every account didn’t point out his age. This stuff -sadly- makes global news and it just makes Americans look bad to be uptight about a 19 year old at a club – even if no one there actually had an issue with it.

    • Harvey W says:

      Miley’s ben drinking in clubs since she was 16

  28. theoriginalbellaluna says:

    I’m just waiting for him to pull this kind of BS on someone who whoops his ass as a result. Lawd knows, he needs it!

  29. Chloeeee says:

    lol hepatitis. It would suck for the dj but be super juicy if it came back positive. and he could technically take him to court for serious if that were the case

  30. Veery Verytas says:

    “Two of Bieber’s bouncers approached me and said I was trying to take pictures of Bieber.”

    Errrr, isn’t the club supposed to have the bouncers, in which case they would tell Baby Bieber’s bouncers to step down so that the DJ could clock Baby Boy Bieber?

  31. tessy says:

    OK, aside from the brat’s assault on the DJ, I’d like to know why bodyguards are allowed to run around grabbing people’s property and messing with it. Cops aren’t supposed to do that either even though they do.

  32. HalfricanQueen says:

    What is wrong with this prepubescent hunch back?

  33. nickernacker says:

    What a nasty little dweeb squid.

  34. MademoiselleRose says:

    He won’t want to come down to Australia then if he’s a spitter. Not only is it disgusting but it’s a criminal offence here (aids, Hep C etc). I love you keep putting the baby photos up, they crack me up.

    • shacur says:

      Noooo…..HIV and hep C do not spread like that, not unless there was lots of it containing infected blood that came into direct contact with another person’s blood. Its gross, unsanitary sure, but both are pretty hard to get unless you’re sharing needles, having unprotected sex or have a transfusion with infected blood (www.cdc.gov/hepatitis/)….sorry, I work with individuals who are hiv and hep c positive and do lots of community ed so people get the right info. Spitting is horrible though, its probably one of the most degrading things someone can do!

  35. Beezers says:

    The second picture above (the first one showing the bodyguard holding Bieber) looks exactly like a picture I have of my brother holding his 2 year old daughter after she pooped in her diaper. Of course, he had to use two hands to hold her, while this bodyguard only needed one for Ms. Justine.

  36. Deidre says:

    Are these rising stars and rich people in general born dumb, or do they learn to become that way because they have no moral boundaries, likeable personality and just imitate what they think is a suitable choice of elite lifestyle behavior, with reckless skills in daring and take up a blase stupid attitude they can go out and seek trouble, treat people cruel and inhumanely.. and whine and cry like a baby when they caught acting illegally and are told no..

    • blaize says:

      Nope. Not all of them go around peeing in restaurant buckets, neglecting animals, spitting in people’s faces, or abandoning their pets.

  37. Trashaddict says:

    Please stop posting on this little git. He is annoying and we have much more interesting people to talk about.

    • Denise says:

      Seriously. There are those we love to hate, but there is no fun to be had with this little ingrate. I truly hope he gets his comeuppance one day and it is spectacular.

  38. shacur says:

    It’s a bit funny he would be tested for hepatitis. A is transmittable through fecal matter, B blood, semen and other bodily fluids ( saliva is pretty unheard of unless there was some serious contact), and C is blood to blood. D and E are incredibly rare, but again, wouldnt infect from spit. Its absolutely disgusting, but wont result in infection.

    however, the act of spitting can absolutely result in legal action. this little s*it should really watch himself, especially if he’s in FL….