Justin Bieber launched spit bombs at his fans from a Toronto hotel balcony

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is steadily killing me with his Instagram account. He has posted this ridiculous photo that he probably thinks makes him look like a tanned and buffed rock god, but of course, his little hiney is still sticking out of his pants. He’s so cray. Bieber is also steadfastly earning a new nickname, “the Spitter.” If you’ll recall, Bieber has already shown himself to be a repeat offender by spitting in his neighbor’s face and threatening to kill the guy, and a few weeks ago, he allegedly spit in a DJ’s face. Now Bieber is taking his rudeness to a new level by spitting all over his fans from a Toronto hotel balcony. TMZ has the disgusting photos and the story:

Here it is … hard proof Justin Bieber is a revolting, germ-spreading spitter.

The photos were snapped Thursday in Toronto, where Bieber was perched atop his hotel balcony. We can’t tell what, or who, was directly under him as he dropped his saliva-bomb.

It is worth noting … hordes of fans were gathered outside the window of his hotel room all day — he even posted a Bieberview pic on Instagram.

Also relevant … multiple people have accused Bieber of using spit as a weapon — including some woman at a gym, his neighbor, and most recently … a nightclub DJ.

At least he’s not pissing into a mop bucket … far as we know.

[From TMZ

The Mail has even more photos of this latest spitting incident. I can’t believe his fans don’t think this is disgusting, but whatever. Biebs has also strategically Instagrammed a photo of him with his grandma, Diane Dale.

Justin Bieber

It seems like Bieber’s grandma is his greatest fan, which would be kind of sweet if Bieber wasn’t such a douchey, uncontrollable brat. Grandma recently had this to say while defending her grandson’s honor: “It’s totally crazy. I feel sorry for Justin all the time because paparazzi pick on him all the time. Anybody else’s kids have done the same thing but nobody says anything.” Aww, I love grandmas, but someone really needs to tell this one that not everybody’s child speeds 100 mph in their own neighborhood or regularly launches spit bombs on people.

Oh, and Biebs was spotted entering Selena Gomez’s 21st birthday party over the weekend. He was clutching a single red rose. Barf.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Instagram

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79 Responses to “Justin Bieber launched spit bombs at his fans from a Toronto hotel balcony”

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  1. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    A truly revolting young man. I’d really like to see how his crazy beliebers defend this.

    • Shay says:

      Seriously…what a little douche. The HuffPost pictures are awful, him and his entourage are just cracking up. Because it’s SO FUNNY to spit on your fans…

    • Annie says:

      Right?! Hell, in my time BSB, Nsync, all of those guys were actually good people, it made you happy to be fan of them. They were nice to everybody. I just found out a teacher of mine worked as PA in tour with Nsync and she kept talking about how nice and polite they all were.

      I feel so bad for kids these days. They have no one their age to look up to in any sense. Absolutely no one.

      • TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

        And they are still making music; BSB played in my area (i’m more of a rocker myself) and they drew a large crowd 20 some thousand; this douche will be lucky 10 years from now if he makes Celeb rehab.

      • mom2two says:

        Say what you want about BSB, NSYNC or New Kids but at least those guys knew how to be polite in public.
        Beiber is overrated little snot who I cannot wait to no longer hear about.

      • Hakura says:

        I was more a fan of BSB in my teeny-bopper days (ahh, the memories!). (For some reason, Nsync got on my nerves! xD)

        But they all seemed like very nice guys, who treated their fans with appreciation for their support, not *cringe* spitballs.

    • F5 says:

      They eat it up ^^

  2. paranormalgirl says:

    no matter how much ink this brat gets he’ll still look like a pull-up wearing tool with stick on tattoos.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Hahahahaha! Exactly.

      His tattoos are so My Little Pony.

      Is he wearing his pull-ups over his pants in the first picture?

      • Hakura says:

        Hey, now! Don’t be dissin’ the MLPs! They’re more ‘old skool’ than anything this little brat could pull off. xD

        I guarantee I could get an MLP tatt twice as badass as anything this little douche is trying to pass off.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I sincerely apologize to MLPs everywhere!

  3. Steph says:

    This is so disgusting that I have no words right now. You know, when I was a teenie-bopper, I was crazy about n sync and I don’t recall these shenanigans. Did they happen and I just wasn’t aware????

    • SmokeyBlues says:

      That’s a good point. No you never heard anything about that generation of teen idols being so disgusting, entitled and gross. J Timberlake may be a bit up his own butt, but I can’t even imagine him spitting on or at someone.

      • Mrs K. says:

        JT has actually his own “timbergate” – video of homeless people for his wedding.

      • Hakura says:

        @Mrs. K. – Video of ‘homeless people’ for his wedding? Wtf? How did I never hear about this?

        True, his head is ‘contortionist’ level ‘up his own ass’ *now*, but I think ‘back in the day’ as part of Nsync, he came across as a pretty nice guy. (I could be wrong, like I say above, I was more into BSB as a teeny-bopper).

  4. Sisi says:

    are his boxers and pants sewed together?

  5. Tessa says:

    Weird, because for the last three years I’ve just had this overwhelming urge to spit in his face. So I guess it’s ok if I ever run into him? Good to know.

  6. Kemper says:

    Spitting could be some psychological projection thing. Either way I think it means he has a small penis.

  7. Merritt says:

    He is so vile. This behavior is inexcusable and reprehensible. I hope his fans start turning on him soon.

    • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

      @Merritt Don’t hold your breath for that one, his fans are certified crazy. Watch the jimmy kimmel belieber prank video, they are as gullible as they are blindly devoted to this punk.

  8. megs283 says:

    This has to be a joke…he can’t be that villainous, right? He’s like something out of a Batman movie. Disgusting!!

    • Emily C. says:

      Seriously! He’s just over the top disgusting. And I can’t help thinking, if this is what he’s like in public, what does he do to people in private?

  9. Red32 says:

    Actually, I think Grammy just raised a brat who raised a brat. Raise your hand if the last time you spit on someone there was breastmilk or formula mixed in it.

    • Anastasia says:

      *raising hand*

    • dorothy says:

      Agree. Trailer trash raising trailer trash.

    • Chicagogurl says:

      Lawd. My grams is my biggest fan too, but I’m in my 30’s and to this day if she’s sees or hears of me not treating someone right, she’s the first to speak up and threaten to put me over her knee (all 4ft. 6inch and 90lbs of her in a walker), but the threat is one that always works…know your place and how to act if you want my respect — but to your point, I was raised right.

    • Lauraq says:

      I spit on someone when I was 11. But there was a ton of drama between our families, which we ended up having to go to court for (the guy’s brother vandalized our house and threatened to kill my brother and rape my sister, and the guy himself tried to pull me off my bike for God knows what reason). Still different in my opinion.

  10. Rialto says:

    I blame his parents. Nice monster you raised.

    • Meredith says:

      I have a feeling that his mother lost control the day Usher showed up with the pot of gold. I don’t think his dad was ever there much (not until the money came in anyway).

  11. Gabriella says:

    Drooling baby! Can we please get a baby bib for Baby Bieb?

    I love alliterations.

  12. blue marie says:

    such a little douche. someone needs to smack him upside the head.

  13. Lindy79 says:

    His fans are already defending him and saying he didn’t do it so don’t hold your breath.

    I weep for the future of the world if these kinds of nitwits are the women of the future. That level of stupidity doesn’t all go away with age. We all had idols growing up but their blind defense of anything he does (the peeing in the bucket) is nothing short of disgusting.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      It just blows my mind that he can disrespect his fans SO MUCH and they keep showing up. If a guy is two hours late for a date (despite driving 100 mph) and then spits on you, the correct response is – well, certainly not defending him.

    • Hakura says:

      Lindy79 – They’re saying he didn’t do something there are pictures of him doing? (& they claimed that in regards to the ‘piss bucket’ video?) *struggling to understand*

    • anongirl says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them felt happy and privileged that he shared his DNA with them. Like those people who used to buy Kenny Chesney’s sweat-infused perfume. I wonder what the chances are that a deranged person was spit on and is saving it so they can later try to prove they’re his girlfriend or that they were “together” one night. Someone needs to science this baby boy.

  14. Mrs K. says:

    His behaviour has been more than disgusting lately.
    I cannot imagine how low-class you have to be to resort to something like this.

  15. Abby says:

    You know, I keep looking at his Twitter account hoping he’ll have some words about Kidd Kraddick. Kidd brought him on the show multiple times when he was a nobody just discovered by Usher–Bieber was part of the mentors for Rock Camp. I’d never heard of him till that point. Lots of celebs have spoken about Kidd’s passing this weekend. I wonder if Justin knows or cares?

  16. Mia 4S says:

    His fans are idiots, they’ve proven that (anyone under 16 is forgiven, anyone over…grow the hell up).

    I’m more curious about that Selena girl. Is she in it for the publicity or is she really that dumb? A fool for a fool so to speak? If she is trying to move past Disney being seen dating a spoiled infant hardly helps!

  17. Carolyn says:

    Thanks for continuing the tradition of posting one of the Baby Bieber photos at the end of each Bratty Bieber story.

    I can’t put into words the revulsion I feel for this moron.

    • aquarius64 says:

      I always love the car seat photos.

      As for Selena, I wouldn’t be surprised her team is telling her to distance herself from him. The day will come he will do something SO ignorant Instagrams of the family won’t help him. He’ll go down, and Selena will go with him.

  18. Micki says:

    As a parent I’ll put a veto to visiting his events. Period.

  19. emmie_a says:

    I give him a few more years until we see his mugshot on TMZ and he’s a bankrupt drug addict, headed to jail.

    • Emily C. says:

      I say a year at most until he’s arrested for something. I just hope he doesn’t kill anyone.

  20. JL says:

    Well that explains a lot.

    Granny translation….

    I was too lazy to raise a responsible adult as was my daughter, that discipline crap is hard WORK, why bother.

    Now we got us a cash cow and whatever the teenager ruling my life wants to do is fine by me. Gammy’s not going to hurt that baby’s feelings, no way.

    Oh hang on I’ve got Dina Lohan beeping in on one line and Michael on the other.

    Well mom and gammy, that’s not love that’s enabling and it makes you worse than the despicable little shit you raised.

    • Christin says:

      Those comments from her explain a lot. He’s picked on? Anybody else’s kids are doing the same thing? Surely his 15 minutes are used up. Why adults let their children support him is beyond me.

  21. KanyeKan'tKope says:

    The Spitter is what his boyfriends call him.

  22. Lulu86 says:

    this child needs a good old fashioned spanking. that is all

  23. janie says:

    He is a nasty, disgusting, egotistical brat. A 2 yr old knows how wrong that is. He’s a little boy, thinking this is how men act. They do not!

  24. lucy2 says:

    Aw, poor baby had spit ups?

    Seriously, he’s disgusting, and I hope more and more of his fans realize that, and how much he disrespects everyone including them.
    If someone spat on his grandma or nearly ran her over going 100 mph, I bet he wouldn’t find it so funny.

  25. Eleonor says:

    What’s the fuzz all the babies do spit sometimes!
    I bet little Prince George spits. In a very posh and royal way but he spits. Why Baby Bieb could not spit?

  26. annaloo. says:

    He’s a total tool, forever stuck at mental age 14, but I have to admit that back in the day, if the members of Duran Duran came out and spat from their balconies (which they would NEVER, just saying), I would have GLADLY showered myself in it. What zealous fandom does to us!!!

    It does not change that what he’s done is disgusting and low-bred.

  27. Ncboudicca says:

    Will no one rid me of this troublesome brat?

  28. wonderwoman21 says:

    I wonder if people think he deserves to die for his behavior (driving dangerously, spitting on people, peeing in mop buckets, smoking pot, drinking, wanna be thuggin’) or if it is just regular “teen stuff” to them and only Trayvon Martin deserved to die/caused his own death because of his “thuggy” and “criminal” behavior that couldn’t possibly be written off as silly teen behavior.

    Just a thought I had as I read through this post and read Bieber’s dangerous and possibly deadly behavior written off as “normal teen stuff”, but reacting to a strange man following you is not. Makes me sick.

  29. Lexi says:

    That is horrible just horrible, who spit bombs their fans??? Thats disgusting! I feel sorry for his young fans, pooor beliebers! Some should sew this brats mouth shut so he cant spit on anyone else!

    • Mel says:

      I don’t.
      Or rather, I *may* feel sorry for those who were fans (inexplicable as it may be) until now.
      Those who still support him after this incident clearly deserve no better.

  30. K-Rock says:

    Pig. That is all.

  31. Leslie says:

    Ewwwww. This poor dimwitted kid is just gross.

  32. Mel says:

    I’d love for someone to explain to me how on God’s earth is this creature even a celebrity, let alone has fans.
    He is not good-looking, he cannot sing, he is not charming… he is no better in any way than a very, very average brat of his age.

  33. karolina says:

    He and his entourage are so gross. when he was in Vienna he went to a popular club and got kicked out because his bodyguards were groping the girls there. Keep in mind, in Austria you don’t need to be 21 to go clubbing, so the majority of those girls there were between 16-21. He behaved so badly so the owner banned him in general of ever coming back again.

    • aquarius64 says:

      That really happened? One of these days he’s going to catch a serious charge.

      • Hakura says:

        @aquarius64 – I’m sure he has, more than once, already. He (or his management) just has enough bank to pay off just about anyone. I doubt we ever even hear about *half* the shit this kid pulls.

        But one day, when he least expects it, it’s going to come out of the shadows & bite him right in the exposed buttocks. Hard. I can’t wait.

  34. skuddles says:

    Somebody needs to kick this brat’s ass into next week. Gobbing on your own fans???? Beyond disgusting and shameful. I just can’t wait for this loser to disappear off the radar for good. But of course you just know he’ll end up resurfacing on some shitty reality show….

  35. Hakura says:

    I hate myself. I just HAD to click on that link. Wtf was I thinking?! Now I honestly feel sick. ‘Spitting’ is one of my major ‘OMGgrossgonnabesick’ buttons, but I just couldn’t resist the call of the link sitting there.

  36. Michelle says:

    I used to be a huge Marilyn Manson fan. Once, I got to meet him. It was at a club, where he was roped off from everyone else. I was standing at the red velvet rope, and he came from out of the bathroom and shook my hand. His hand was limp and wet, like pee wet. Even though I was a rabid MM fan, I thought, hey dude, that’s gross. I really don’t want your pee on me. What’s wrong with these Beliebers?!

  37. Str8Shooter says:

    What a total piece of SHIT this little twerp has become. I seriously would LOVE to see one of those fans he spit on haul off and beat the ever-loving shit of this moron.

    Nice Grandma to condone this kind of behavior. Especially since there are PHOTOS of it!

  38. SFRowGuy says:

    Hasn’t this douche burned through his 15 minutes yet?

  39. Doublesteff says:

    Spitters r quitters… Just sayin’

  40. Mia says:

    Spitting on people is so utterly disgusting it makes my skin crawl. That grandma needs a reality check. Anybody else’s kids would have a criminal record by now if they did some of the stuff Justin has been doing, like speeding around a residential area and spitting on people, which constitutes battery. I can’t stand when people excuse the reprehensible actions of their offspring or relatives, when they know damn well they are wrong. Whatever happened to taking responsibility?