Leah Remini filed missing persons report for Shelly Miscavige, LAPD dismisses

Leah Remini

I haven’t written about a Scientology story in months, so I’m a bit out of practice with this topic. As we’re all quite aware by now, Leah Remini blew out of the CO$ last month, and Kirstie Alley jumped all over her, and it was a huge mess, but we’re all happy for and proud of Leah. In the meantime, questions of Shelly Miscavige’s (wife of David, who runs the entire cult but is referred to only as “COB” or “Chairman of the Board”) whereabouts are still circling because no one has seen the poor woman for years. And part of Leah’s explanation for leaving is that she asked where her friend Shelly was, and she was told to step off because she didn’t “have rank” to ask such silly questions.

All throughout the waxing and waning of interest in the cult, David Ortega has been on the front lines. Last month, he received word that Shelly has been detained at a CO$ internment camp since approximately 2005, and she’s under constant supervision and has only left the premises once for a family funeral. Ortega doesn’t mention why Shelly was sent there (I suspect that either she said something to question CO$ methods or Miscavige was simply tired of having a wife), but he says Shelly “has been conditioned to believe that she is at fault for her confinement, and that her job of working to preserve the works of L. Ron Hubbard is a worthwhile goal.” Poor Shelly is probably scrubbing tiles with a toothbrush while being forced to watch videos of her husband and Tom Cruise embracing at the “Medal of Valor” on a loop. That’s no exaggeration either.

Well, sh-t almost got real yesterday because Leah Remini filed a missing persons report on Shelly with the LAPD:

Shelley Miscavige

Leah Remini has taken a surprising new step, the Underground Bunker has learned.

After speaking with the Los Angeles Police Department, we have confirmed that on Wednesday Remini filed a missing-person report for Scientology leader David Miscavige’s wife, Shelly Miscavige, who has not been seen in public in six years.

As we reported when we broke the news July 8 of Remini’s departure from Scientology, one of the main reasons she began to question her involvement in the church was discovering at the wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in November 2006 that Miscavige was there without his wife, who had disappeared without explanation. When Leah asked about it, then church spokesman Tommy Davis told her, “You don’t have the f—ing rank to ask about Shelly.”

In other stories, we have explained that in late 2005 or early 2006, Shelly was transferred from Scientology’s International Base near Hemet, California to a secret compound near Lake Arrowhead in the mountains above Los Angeles. This compound, the headquarters of the Church of Spiritual Technology, is home to only a dozen or so Scientologists who are completely cut off from the outside world. We’ve been told that Shelly has been there for the past six years. But Miscavige and his attorneys have so far refused to publicly confirm her location there, and they have not produced her to confirm that she is in good health.

Now, Remini has put enormous pressure on the church to do just that by involving the LAPD.

Their job won’t be easy. Remini filed the report in Los Angeles, where Scientology’s international administrative headquarters are downtown, as well as many other church facilities. Before she vanished, however, Shelly Miscavige was living and working at the church’s international management headquarters on a 500-acre compound near Hemet, California, which is in Riverside County. The CST compound, where we believe Shelly is being held today, is near Lake Arrowhead in San Bernardino County. This jurisdictional jigsaw puzzle is complicated by the church’s relationship with law enforcement agencies, which includes a cozy friendship with Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, as well as a history of support from the Riverside County board of supervisors.

But Leah Remini’s involvement may prove a major shift in that calculus. We had previously been told that Remini had considered Shelly a friend, and we now have photographic evidence of it, obtained from our sources in the church … the two were photographed at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre gala, circa 2005.

[From Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker]

Ortega has published a rather blurry photo of Leah and Shelly hanging together at the Celebrity Centre, but it’s obvious that these two were more than mere acquaintences — they were friends. And when a friend disappears or even innocently fails to appear at a major wedding (the TomKat one in Italy), it’s only human nature to inquire about the friend’s whereabouts.

Unfortunately, the LAPD has ducked out of this game and not for (as Ortega worried would happen) jurisdictional reasons. Instead, E! Online has received word that the missing person report has been dismissed:

“The LAPD has classified the report as unfounded, indicating that Shelly is not missing,” said Detective Gus Villanueva. He said that he didn’t know exactly where or when, but detectives did meet with the Miscaviges as part of their investigation and saw Shelly in person.

A spokesperson for the Church of Scientology had called Remini’s police report “just harassment.” “It is a publicity stunt cooked up by a small band of unemployed  fanatics who live on the fringe of the Internet,” the rep said. “The Church and the attorney for Mrs. Miscavige have already responded to this ludicrous claim.”

[From E! Online]

Obviously, the attorney for Mrs. Miscavige = a CO$-sanctioned attorney. Free Shelly.

Leah Remini

Leah Remini

Photos courtesy of Tony Ortega and WENN

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120 Responses to “Leah Remini filed missing persons report for Shelly Miscavige, LAPD dismisses”

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  1. SW says:

    This cult is insane. Wow.

    • John Wayne Lives says:

      She is brave to do this. I’m sure CO$ is out for her blood now. And i call bs on any LAPD anyone seeing her.. I smell payoff

    • aims says:

      How is this legal? How can you hold people captive, harass, bully, stalk, con and pay off police and still keep running? this is the sickest cult I’ve ever heard and it scares the shit out of me.

      • Shannon says:

        A missing person??? Missing since 2005?? This is some STRANGE sh*t. That’s all I got.

      • Tansey says:

        Aims, it scares the shit out of me too. Ever since I learned all the horrors of Scientology a few years ago, I just can’t grasp how they’re able to get away with everything they do, especially in a country like America. Germany is smart to ban this cult from operating in their country. I wish the US would do the same because Scientology is not a religion, it’s a dangerous cult!

  2. Birdie says:

    I admire Leah, she has balls!

    • Sanaa says:

      Totally. Leah is a hero. I hope the media dont forget her. Scientologists have long memories, they will just wait out the public scrutiny and then strike.

      Ofcourse Shelly surfaced. Nobody really thought she was dead. Just either being held against her will or brainwashed into zombiedom. Either of those things could still be true.

      She could be too intimidated and traumatised to say that she is being imprisoned. Or she could be suffering from serious Stockholmes syndrome.

      • Samtha says:

        Right–and I would also like to know if they spoke to her alone or with other cultists around, since the presence of other Co$ members would intimidate her into silence.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I also wonder how they verified who they were speaking with. If her identity was confirmed by answering questions(mother’s maiden name, date of birth, etc.), it would be easy for another person to learn that information.

        (I have to qualify that I am totally speculating. This is juicy gossip, I can’t help induldging!)

    • Nymeria says:

      Dude, she has ovaries. Which are way more badass than balls.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Love your comment! 😀

      • Sarah says:

        Thank you! We have got to stop equating male genitalia with strength and female genitalia with weakness! It isn’t harmless. It isn’t innocent. It’s sexism of the most insidious kind and we have to cut it out.

      • Ginger says:

        THANK YOU! I can’t stand it when people say women have “balls” just a pet peeve of mine.

      • MaiGirl says:

        Thank you. You have made my morning.

      • Sanaa says:

        I could kiss you all! I find I take offence to expressions like “be a man” or “hide like a little girl”. I often wondered if it was my childhood issues (raised in a very misogynist culture by a father who made it clear that my vagina made me the lesser sibling) that made me hyper-sensitive. So I have learnt to keep my mouth shut.

        So glad to meet kindred spirits!

      • Falula says:

        Thank goodness for ovaries! Love this comment

      • Babalon says:


        +1 x infinity

      • Amelia says:

        Yeah! ..balls are something you get around. Ovaries.

  3. Jacqueline says:

    That’s just fuckin’ scary.

    • bns says:

      Seriously. I’m creeped out

    • Pinky says:

      Time for Katie Holmes to speak up and let people know if she ever saw Shelly after she auditioned for the role of Mrs. TC. Seriously, if Katie opened her mouth, there would be nothing the “Church” could do in terms of threats or TC wrenching custody of their kid from her, as their hold over her (and everyone else) would crumble.

      Do the right thing, Katie!

  4. Annabelle says:

    I don’t think anyone believes that Shelly-after being a prominent member of the church in her own right-just up and decided one day to do the church’s work in seclusion. Obviously, there’s something very, very fishy going on here. Free Shelly!

  5. Ellie66 says:

    Girl watch ur back!

  6. Hubbahun says:

    I’m not up on American law but what about this: if someone else filed another missing persons report about Shelly, are the LAPD bound to investigate again? If so, can’t we all keep filing the reports until the LAPD and the Cult of Scientology (I refuse to call it a church) get so fed up, that they’ll have to make her visible? Can we do that?

    • Layale says:

      I suspect they would just dismiss it even faster, since they claim to have “spoken” to her (according to TMZ). I just wonder if it’s really her? If she’s brainwashed? I agree that something is amiss. People don’t just drop out of sight for years for no reason, and without good explanation (like an illness, etc).

      • MollyB says:

        I recall reading recently and of course I can’t remember where, that the police previous to this investigated Shelley’s disappearance and as now, saw her and spoke to her and confirmed she was fine. So this is the second time they have done so. As an adult, Shelley has a right to be “missing”. Obviously, I think this creepy cult has brainwashed her but it is very hard to prove she’s being held against her will if she is saying she’s not.

      • Layale says:

        Excellent point! She might not even know she’s not “fine”, even if she’s really not.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Yeah, well the cops also “spoke” to one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims and believed Dahmer when he said they were having “a lover’s quarrel”.

    • mslewis says:

      The police say they have seen and spoken to her. If anyone else files a missing person report on her, they will be told immediately that the woman is “alive and well” because someone from the LAPD has actually seen and spoken to her. If people continue to file these reports they can be charged with harassment and then THEY will be in trouble with the police.

      Hate them if you want but harrassing them is illegal. Apparently this woman is alive and talking so to the police everything is AOK.

      • msw says:

        It has been alleged that the LAPD is in cahoots with COS. Either way, I don’t believe for a second that they actually spoke to Shelly, and if they did, it’s quite probable she was parroting whatever the church told her to say. It’s happened before. Obviously, this makes it difficult for the authorities to do anything, especially since they can claim “freedom of religion” for this farce. COS is a never ending loop of locked doors.

      • Lila says:

        But when did the police last see her? Are we talking five years ago? I find it very scary that this woman could either be dead or locked up in a basement somewhere.

    • Rudy says:

      yes we can fill reports and we all should be filling reports. ‘THis woman’ IS NOT OK. And you are a fool if you think so.

      I am continually amazed that the US Government along with various police departments, the FBI, the CIA, all of them, every single one of these organizations are doing NOTHING at all the stop this cult.

      The Cult of Scientology has kidnapped, tortured, abused their clients and their staff. OVer and over and over again. Countless people have committed suicide who have been denied medication for mental illness. Thousands of families have been torn apart and left destitute by the power mad and money hungry Mr. Miscarriage.

      It is very easy to say the cult members made their own bed. Start reading some of the many forums out there by former anonymous CO$’ers. Kids were brought in the Cult by their parents. They had no choice. And this is a very very insidious cult. They are master manipulators. The king of viruses. Everyone in Hollywood seems cowed by CO$. Except for Leah.

      • Bridget says:

        Apparently, the FBI actually WAS extensively investigating Co$, but it was accidentally blown when ”Going Clear” was released.

      • TG says:

        I guess the various law enforcement agencies are only interested if they aren’t being paid off. So we know the Branch Davidians weren’t willing to pay law enforcement to look the other way. Money will get you anything it seems.

    • Lindsay says:


      I think you have to actually know the person to file a report. I can’t imagine Internet speculation on someone you have most likely never met will be given much credence.

    • gg says:

      No, since the Cult has got insiders in the LAPD and everywhere else. Makes it impossible for a normal report to be investigated properly. Cult members gain access and destroy evidence, etc., etc., whatever it takes to ruin any investigation. Been going on for many decades.

  7. truthful says:


    it was dismissed???

    do they have the cops on payroll or something??

    I bet Shelly doesn’t look like that pic anymore..if she is still alive.

    • Erinn says:

      And really… it depends on how much they looked into it. How hard would it be for these sickos to have someone that looks like Shelly pretend to be her.

    • Elizabeth says:

      There has been some discussion that CO$ has the sheriff and some cops on payroll, so this story doesn’t surprise me at all unfortunately.

      • TG says:

        Yep, I saw this yesterday and knew it would be over quickly. The LAPD are very corrupt and in the backpockets, excuse me wallets, of many celebs. I know they are on Halle Berry’s, LiLo’s, [insert celeb here] payroll so why wouldn’t they be on the Co$ payroll. Bunch of cowards. San Berndardino and other counties with Co$ presence are also paid to look the other way. What is really scary to me is how many Co$ minions they have out on troll patrol. Look at TMZ and Radaronline and see all the pro Co$ comments. They are also very good at deflecting arguments. It is so easy to get people started on the “all religions are cults” roll. Next thing you know everyone is arguing about Christianity, Catholicism, etc. and everyone on the comments board has forgotten about the CO$. If only Katie Holmes and all would band together and smoke out this evil group. I mean obviously we can’t trust government to do it, but maybe if enough people told their story something could be done.

      • gg says:

        TG – you nailed it. That is why I shut down when people throw out that statement that “all religions are the same”. It’s their tried and true method of dividing their enemy.

        I feel like it’s a non sequitur anyway, since co$ is not really a religion, it’s no more than a crime organization.

  8. Suzy from Ontario says:

    I would not be surprised to hear that Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca is getting well compensated in one way or another to look the other way. Clearly C$S has people in the LAPD in their pocket because the LAPD does absolutely nothing to really investigate any of the numerous claims of abuse etc. Plus they really slammed Remini.

    I’m not sure something who is not a blood relative can file a missing persons report when relatives say the person is fine, but regardless, there have been enough people who have raised concerns about Shelly that you’d think they’d look into it all a little more seriously. I doubt the police actually met with her and saw her alive and well.

    I don’t understand why, if not the LAPD, other law enforcement agencies are doing more about the abuse allegations, etc. cited by person after person, including high level members who have since left the cult. Why are they looking the other way? They can’t all be being paid off, can they?

    • gg says:

      Yes, I do believe they are all being paid off or else strongarmed and threatened with their special cult treatment to do whatever the co$ dictates. When Miss Cabbage is dethroned, then MAYBE some headway can begin to be reached. But it’s gonna take an army of informed people, and many people still have no idea what the Cult has been up to all these years. They just feel like it’s religious persecution or gossip that doesn’t affect them so they pay no attention. More publicity is needed. More Leahs need to come forward.

  9. Layale says:

    It’s scary how powerful CO$ is!

  10. Zombie Shortcake says:

    LAPD investigated, but the report was determined to be unfounded. TMZ reports cops had a face to face meeting with her:


    Turns out her mother died under weird circumstances…


  11. Kiddo says:

    So are the small band of fringe people fanatical about being unemployed?

    Also, does this mean that Leah didn’t actually file the report? Or is she included in the fanatical unemployed fringe?

  12. Frenzy says:

    Not surprising that it was dismissed . LA county sheriff Lee Baca is a known scientolocult supporter.

  13. Sarah says:

    They probably let her out and convinced her to say all the right things to authorities. Now she’s back in the dungeon so to speak. You can’t help someone who won’t be helped. It’s exactly like a battered woman who won’t file charges against her abusive husband.

  14. JennJennM says:

    I’ll believe Shelly is alive, well, and not in captivity when I see a recent photo. Looks like LAPD is too scared to mess with CoS, which shows how dangerously powerful this cult is.

    • blue marie says:

      that, or they’re on the payroll.

    • Kiddo says:

      I don’t know if I’d go that far. Shelly is an adult and does not have to disclose her location to the public. If the police spoke with her and she said she is fine, there is nothing that they can do about it, I suppose, barring proof of her being kidnapped and held against her will. We can’t know if they visited with her, they might have.

      • TootSuite says:

        In my opinion, the LAPD don’t have too much credibility these days.

        Until Leah Remini issues a statement that says SHE’S been in contact with Shelly and she’s satisfied that everything is okay, I’ll choose to believe that Shelly is a prisoner, physically and mentally.

  15. Sorcha says:

    So impressed by Leah though as everyone keeps on saying you don’t mess with Brooklyn!!

  16. Katie says:

    I’m creeped out just reading this story. I wish I had never clicked the link to open the post.

  17. LAK says:

    How about a class action campaign to find shelley?

    If co$ says she’s alive, they need to produce her in circumstances that aren’t controlled by them.

    We need to start a class action ‘where is Shelley?’ campaign.

    Already funny that co$ considers Leah’s actions harassment when they wrote the book on it.

    Let’s employ their own methods…attack, attack, attack until they produce Shelley.

    • Tapioca says:

      They already make “Where’s Shelly?” T-shirts.

      How I would love it if everyone turned up wearing one to the premiere of Tommy’s next movie.

      • TG says:

        I would totally be apart of that. That is what disturbs me is how the celeb world has the power to shut this cult down yet everyone is only concerned with their bottom line but they don’t realize if they turned tommy girl out someone else not associated with that pyramid scheme would take his place so no one needs the Co$ or tommy girl. Why don’t these reporters demand hard questions of tommy girl and other Co$ freaks. If they refuse to do the interview and every single media outlet stands firm than their movies won’t get press and won’t make money. In effect turn the money tables on them.

    • TorontoE says:

      You need to have a cause of action in tort to bring a class action and a group fo class members who are affected by her absence; there is no way any class action would get certified. But I agree that the more people ask “where’s Shelly” the better.

  18. Hautie says:

    I was out of the loop yesterday and did not read about it happening till this morning.

    But I suspect that Leah has decided not to put up with being attacked by that cult. Without fighting them all back in their faces.

    And I really want to know which under ground bunker they unearth Shelly from… cause that Cult produced her ASAP to shut down the LAPD from getting in their business.

  19. Liberty says:

    Sooner or later, a good hacker is bound to get into their computer system. Anonymous, whoever. If hackers can crack governments and corporations, they can certainly get into the servers holding this lot’s data. The first to do so will probably win some hacker convention’s medal of honor. And when it happens, all the LA payoffs and name-calling won’t stop the flow of information.

    In any case, the fact that this woman is still missing actually keeps a strong anti-Sci sentiment alive and robust. Another PR miscalculation on Sci’s part.

  20. Anoneemouse says:

    Are they even sure the woman they spoke to was Shelly?

  21. TorontoE says:

    Bedhead – its Tony Ortega, not David Ortega.

    The commentators on Underground Bunker called this one, CO$ has a pretty cosy relationship with the LAPD and I’m sure they don’t want to deal with the CHurch’s “enforcers”. Leah has more guts than them..

    • Notthatone says:

      Yep, third time you’ve renamed Tony David! Main thing is you’re giving him credit. 🙂

  22. TG says:

    The problem is if Shelly is still willingly in the cult than she is brainwashed and there is nothing they can do about it. You can’t rescue an idiot they doesn’t want to be rescued. However, like my earlier comment and all the other smart folks on here the LAPD has been paid off. They must be more corrupt than even NYC and Chicago combined.

    Kudos to this site for continually reporting on the shenanigans of this cult. I absolutely love reading the Cult’s AKA a Pyramid Scheme,response to criticism. They fight like grade schoolers. Callilng people liars, angry apostates. Too funny.

    • TootSuite says:

      I LOVE the fact that so many people reading a gossip blog have been educated about this insidious cult and are spreading the word.

      Mega kudos to celebitchy.com!

  23. LDB says:

    It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. This very dangerous cult has a lot of very powerful supporters. It is how they became who they are. They made sure they had connections in law and government and are masters at blackmail…so there are lots of people in their back pockets so to speak. The day appears to be getting nearer that the whole thing will blow apart and as that day gets closer I think you will see people jump ship and the damage control will start. I expect some very high government and law officials have already started a plan to distance themselves or cover their tracks.

    When the truth comes out about these people…it’s not going to be pretty!

    My guess is that David Miscavige will take the fall and go to prison along with some other key high level CO leaders…. and everyone else will just claim they had no idea what was going on…It might not be tomorrow…but it’s coming!

    • Notthatone says:

      One can only hope they manage to nab him so that the millions (possibly billions) he has embezzled from people in the name of this ‘religion'(cult of $cientology) and ‘getting people off drugs’ ( Narconon) and ‘Human Rights’ can be recovered and redistributed to the thousands of cult victims.

    • Notthatone says:

      One can only hope they manage to nab him so that the millions (possibly billions) he has embezzled from people in the name of this ‘religion'(cult of $cientology) and ‘getting people off drugs’ (Narconon) and ‘Human Rights’ can be recovered and redistributed to the cult victims.

  24. Nev says:

    Leah DON’T PLAY.

    She better ask JLO for some serious security detail.

  25. Tasha says:

    The LAPD was totally bought off.

  26. Jennifer says:

    What if all of us tweeted, “Church of Scientology – Where is Shelly?” once a day? What would happen?

  27. Emily C. says:

    He doesn’t know where or when? And they met with BOTH of them — the man who has been imprisoning her was in that room with Shelly? What else, some Co$ guards in there with her too?

    Again: he doesn’t know exactly where or when? So incredibly fishy.

  28. Kate says:

    Run, Leah. They gon’ FIND YOU.

  29. Leslie says:

    I think someone should be investigating the LAPD to find out how much David Miscavige paid them to make that statement.

  30. Paloma says:

    I imagine Kirstie Alley will go nuts over this. Wonder if a private investigator could out the truth?

  31. Mari says:

    I hope she has someone crank her car for her. These people are scary.

    I feel certain there will be a major downfall for CO$ in the future, and whomever else is connected will share in the journey of demise.

    • Nemesis says:

      I think that if something physically happened to Leah, it would be too obvious that cos was involved. Now I would not be surprised if some crazy ass Leah stories started being leaked. I think that’s how they control people when they recover from the brain washing.

      Leah is one hell of a strong person.

  32. lucy2 says:

    I’m amazed she did that, gutsy move. And good for her.

    Even if the cops aren’t corrupt, if CO$ produced Shelly and (threatened her to say) she’s fine, there’s nothing else the cops can really do.

  33. Happy21 says:

    I think I’m going to go and buy that Miscavige girl’s book (the daughter)…Has anyone read it?

    • msw says:

      I actually just finished it this morning. It’s written by his niece, Jenna, not his daughter–he doesn’t have any children. It’s very insightful into the life of a Sea Org member. It would be enough to make anyone insane. Definitely an interesting read, starting with the forced child labor all the way to her husband being stolen from her and being under constant threat of more forced labor and being declared an SP.

      • Happy21 says:

        Oh ok! Thanks 🙂 I don’t know much about the ‘church’ except that it all seems so truly unbelievable. I’d hoped to read something that kind of made me understand how it works a little more. I’m on holidays next week and may have to read this!

  34. SamanthaP says:

    Here’s the thing:

    Until Leah issues a statement to say she’s met with Shelly and she’s fine and dandy, I’ll only believe that the LAPD are bought and paid for by the cult.

    And isn’t it funny that TMZ were one of the very few sites that didn’t report about Leah Remini blowing from the cult and yet they were one of the first to get the LAPD lowdown on Shelly?

    Someone else on the cult payroll?

  35. Ginger says:

    Leah is officially a bad azz in my book! I am saddened that this was swept under the rug but I’m not surprised. I’m sure the COS has so many connections that nothing will come of it.

  36. junegorilla says:

    What a heap of baloney. If the Mrs. was just out back organizin’ the coupons no one would have told Leah to f— off when they asked about her. The LAPD is the most corrupt organization ever.

  37. Debbie says:

    This is very impressive for Leah to do, and I hope she does have a strong security detail.

    The entire thing is scary and gross. I hope Leah keeps herself in the public eye a lot I would hate to think of what these people would do to her if she isn’t.

  38. Ag says:

    leah rocks.

  39. BooBooLaRue says:

    Has anyone noticed that the pix of Shelley, could be David Miscavige in drag?

  40. St says:

    Leah Remini is a brave hero. Seriously you have to be very brave to went that far against crazy powerful cult and actually file a missing person report.
    I wonder why is it so hard for cult to show interview with this woman where she will say that she is fine? Or organize some paparazzi photos where she will walk the street. Alive. They keep and keep hiding her. Even when all people think that she is in their prison. People would let go if they would show her.

    Strange that police say they found her. I think we all expected there to be some long investigation for months, like in some crime show. But police should check her more. What if she is brainwashed? What she was not sure if this was real police who spoke to her or they were actors, sent by church to test her? Police should have take Shelly to station and then ask if she was held against her will.

    People should gather with “Free Shelly!” posters in front of some cults church. That would be hilarious.

  41. Lark says:

    Lee Baca’s wife is a Scientologist, so this isn’t a huge surprise that law enforcement dropped it like a hot potato. Also, considering Scientology infiltrated the IRS and long standing rumors that they have done the same with LAPD…again, not a big surprise. I also agree with the posters that TMZ & E! may have been paid off by Scientology.

    While we all realize how effed up Scientology is, it doesn’t change the fact that they are very, very wealthy and wield a substantial amount of power. They own HUGE swathes of land in California.

    • UsedToBeLulu says:

      Thanks for the heads up on Lee Baca. Interesting reading! However, I’m not certain he would have had jurisdiction in this missing person’s case? I don’t know how that works, actually.

      EDIT: I see she filed it with the LAPD. I thought I read that Baca was on his way to stepping down in 2012??

      • Lark says:

        Everyone thought Lee would step down (especially after all the scandals and that LA Times piece), but he announced at an event in Long Beach a few days ago that he is going to run for re-election. The man is incredibly corrupt, and even the newspapers are calling him out on it nowadays.

        I don’t believe he has any jurisdiction, but what he does have is a lot of influence and friends in other law enforcement branches (even the LAPD). I know Tony Ortega has brought up that the Scientologists are involved in the LAPD, and it’s true. As easy as it is to poke fun and or dismiss it as tin-foil hat paranoia, they are scary as fuck and truly do wield influence within the LAPD and parts of local LA politics.

  42. SamanthaP says:

    Who is the person ultimately in charge of the LAPD and how does he (I’m assuming) get the job?

    He needs to find alternative employment because the reputation of the LAPD, which, lets face it, has never been great, is in the toilet right now.

    I would never, ever condone what he did but I keep thinking about that disgruntled ex-cop Christopher Dorner who shot and killed those poor people.

    His accusations of corruption don’t sound so crazy to me now.

  43. Kasey says:

    Now don’t all get mad at me but I’ve wondered before and now with the LAPD quickly dismissing this report if maybe the CO$ doesn’t know where Shelly is and the LAPD quickly shut this down because she is in some sort of witness protection program as part of a CO$ sting. Just a thought. Possibly too much procedural dramas watched!

    • Notthatone says:

      Would be a satisfying twist but I doubt it. Shelly disappeared around about the time Miscavige started putting in extra overtime with his PA. She’s still right by his side and Shelly won’t be reappearing as long as they’re together..

  44. Inconceivable! says:

    Leah should start making reports to the police about very young/underage children working (I don’t know the exact number) 18 hour days. Or people in the desert compound being held against their will, etc. There are many other obviously illegal activities that Leah can report and force the police to investigate.

  45. Andrea says:

    I think Leah needs to get on that tell all before an “accident”.

  46. emmie_a says:

    There’s something missing from this story. I read on Ortega’s website that the LAPD has dismissed the investigation to the PUBLIC but they haven’t said anything to Leah yet, so it may still be an open investigation with some sort of loophole… I think they have to clue Leah in on what is going on with the investigation since she was the one who filed the original report.

  47. Mew says:

    Pretty crazy all this but it’s an excellent proof that a human being is capable to do anything – even create a fully functioning cult that is pretty much free to do anything. Ppl wonder how it was possible that Hitler got all that power… how is it possible that there’s this kind of cult working?

    Who knows, maybe Shelly has committed a suicide by stabbing herself 102 times or something, like her mom did when she shot herself 3 times to her chest and then to her head. If I was Leah, I’d be careful and pen that book quite fast.

  48. msw says:

    I get uncomfortable every time I see comments like “RUN GIRL” on the Leah Remini stories. I am seriously afraid for her. The upper echelon of COS holds nothing but their bank account sacred, and it HATES bad PR. I don’t put anything past them. They emotionally and physically abuse their staff and their clientele. They stalk, kidnap, steal, and LIE like hell to meet their ends. It’s so mind boggling I wouldn’t believe it was real, if I hadn’t heard the stories corroborated from so many individuals. It’s like a little section of North Korea right here in the good old USA.

  49. SamanthaP says:

    Has anyone seen the parody video from comedy duo The Good Liars, ‘Shelly Miscavige is NOT Missing!’?

    You have to see it. It’s absolutely hilarious!!

    Head over to the Underground Bunker blog to see it before the cult gets it pulled down. 🙂

    • Sheena says:

      Hahaha! I found the video.

      “We just wanted to let you know: Shelly Miscavige is NOT missing! *hands out flyer*”


      They even went straight into some Scio Headquarters. Those two got some balls! *applaud*

      • TootSuite says:

        OMG! That video is hilarious! Those guys are priceless, absolutely priceless! LOL!!

        How come they’re not on TV? Jon Stewart should snap them up!!

  50. Aud says:

    Maybe she came into mischief during some crazy Scientology ritual that was straight out of Eyes Wide Shut?
    Who knows?
    But it makes great Hollywood fodder, like the good old days of film noir.

  51. Jenn says:

    I said it on another site..but they’ve cloned Shelly or given someone plastic surgery to look like her. LAPDOG (I’m not changing that typo lol) won’t do DNA tests.

  52. Kelly says:

    Go Leah!! Can’t wait to read her book!!

  53. Blue Jean says:

    LAPD is infested with Scilon’s… *Baca, anyone? They could have trotted out Minnie Mouse and LAPD would have accepted that was Shelly and closed the investigation… der der derp.

  54. decorative item says:

    Doesn’t this cult use threats against family members all the time? So, they let her speak publicly under the threat of harm coming to her loved ones if she says anything derogatory. Assuming she isn’t already brain washed into doing everything they say anyway.

  55. Str8Shooter says:

    What kind of a fucked-up ‘religion’ is this anyway??

    They have INTERNMENT camps?? Didn’t the US have those for Japanese residents during WWII?

    And I’m sorry, but ANY celebrity even remotely affiliated with this cult is a fucking moron in my book, and I hope their careers suffer immensely.

    Go, Leah!

  56. SusieQ2 says:

    The cult was probably delighted that the ‘investigation’ was opened and closed within a day.

    But you know what? They underestimate the intelligence of the general public.

    WE don’t follow the party line.
    WE see the facts and come to our OWN conclusions.
    And right now, we’ve concluded that this smells of s**t.

    Here’s the thing. If Shelly IS happily working away behind the scenes for the ‘church’ without any untoward pressure, why hasn’t her good friend Leah been able to contact her for the last 7 years? No phone call, no letters, no contact – nothing.

    All it would take is a brief appearance and statement from Shelly before the media to put all the rumors and innuendo to rest.

    But her ‘loving husband’ David Miscavige won’t allow that. What is he so afraid of?