“Rachel McAdams was in Munich, she wore a Saint Laurent LBD” links

Rachel McAdams wore a Saint Laurent LBD in Munich. [ICYDK]
John Mayer & Katy Perry made a song together. Gross. [Life & Style]
Charlotte Church says The X-Factor kills music. [Bitten & Bound]
Daniel Radcliffe as Allen Ginsberg is strangely effective. [Moe Jackson]
Emma Watson wanted a pixie cut after Beyonce got hers. [Evil Beet]
This is an interesting murder scandal/story! [CDAN]
Lady Gaga goes to war against bloggers who criticize her. [Jezebel]
Vicki Gunvalson’s son-in-law is a domestic abuser. [Reality Tea]
Kanye West vacations in Greece. Without Kim or North. [Bossip]
This teaser for American Horror Story: Coven looks freaky. [PopBytes]
Liev Schreiber’s sons sell lemonade, are adorable. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Coco Rocha cut off all of her hair. [The Frisky]
Would you wear high-end hemp shoes? [OMG Blog]
I can’t believe the bare midriff thing is back in style. [Yeeeah]
One Direction has a makeup line?! [Limelife]

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30 Responses to ““Rachel McAdams was in Munich, she wore a Saint Laurent LBD” links”

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  1. blue marie says:

    I love her, she looks good. very different, not sure on the back train though..

    John & Katy together, let me rush right out and NOT buy it now..

  2. Trek Girl says:

    Hmmm… I like it. I like the train as well. The train looks odd, but in a way that I like.

  3. F5 says:

    Hideous dress.
    But she’s cute.

    • Cameron says:

      This dress was not made for her body type. I think Nicole Richie would’ve rocked it. Rachel is very cute woman but has the worst fashion sense.

    • lisa says:

      the dress was made for a gladiator cocktail waitress

  4. j.eyre says:

    That AHS teaser may, in fact, get me to tune in again this season.

    • blue marie says:

      Jessica Lange is the whole reason I keep tuning in, she’s fantastic. (plus I’m a fan of creepy stuff)

    • aims says:

      I’m trying to catch up on the second season now. Really looking forward to the third season. It keeps getting better!!

    • j.eyre says:

      Is she in 3? I love her in AHS as well. I did not get into 2 as much as 1 but I like creepy things as well. I also really like that Mr. Murphy didn’t try to make a Glee lite in his next shoe – he went way around the bend and then turned left.

      • blue marie says:

        yes, as well as Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett and a few other regulars (seasons 1 & 2). It’ll be good!

      • Marty says:

        I agree Miss J! I started watching season 2 of AHS, but when they started overlapping their horror elements, it was hard for me to stay into it.

      • Florc says:

        What overlapping are you talking about?

        This season is suppose to be lighter and poking fun at the silliness of the times. Witches, Voodoo (although it sounds more like Hoodoo), racism, and social statuses all get joked about, but in a not as offensive as you might think kind of way. They said the last season was so dark this will be light and fun, but still scary. It also has Emma Roberts with her costar and bf. I guess that’s how they met.

        Ryan fumbles with shows. They start off great and then about 3rd season in it’s like he hits a wall and it loses its audience (Nip/Tuck, Glee). With this lay out every new season is like the first season. And that’s how he shines.
        In short, I’m excited!!!

  5. brin says:

    HIGH-end hemp shoes?! Oh yesssss!

  6. HH says:

    Her eyes have a certain sparkle to them. It’s uncanny.

  7. Lucy2 says:

    I love Rachel. I wish she’d get better film roles.
    Kanye off on his own already? Shocker. Time to get out the spin machine, Kris!

    • Little Darling says:

      Funny I was thinking I wish she’d get better boyfriends…she seems like the real deal in so many ways.

      Love the dress don’t love the train but think she hit the nail on the head with this one.

  8. Nadeni says:

    All I see is a big W. I’ve always liked her.

  9. Sophie says:

    She does not have the legs to pull off that outfit. And the shoes are awful. The strap makes her ankles look thick and her legs look even shorter.

    • Turtle Dove says:

      I was going to write the same thing. I like her, but I don’t always like her fashion choices, and this is one of them. You definitely need thin legs for this hemline and length.

    • Becky1 says:

      Her legs look slender and shapely to me. I think she looks great.

  10. Miss M says:

    I like Rachel a lot. Noah and Allie forever!!!

  11. kellybean says:

    LOVE the shoes. Anyone know who makes them?

  12. Mew says:


  13. Stubbylove says:

    I think the dress from the waist up is cool but everything else is a mess including the hem length, the tail, shoes and terrible up-do. She’s gorgeous but has odd fashion sense – doesn’t seem to know what looks good on her.

  14. ACL says:

    I’m fine with women who have thicker, more athletic looking legs wearing shorter hemlines. Her legs look firm and well proportioned. Her skin is lovely. In my opinion, there are more body types than runway model thin that boast nice legs. Beyonce regularly gets criticized for her “thick thighs” well. I would be pleased to have either of their toned thighs and lovely skin.

  15. lenje says:

    I like Rachel’s dress — although it’s a bit risky, no?

    OK, I just saw a video of Kerry Washington singing with Jordin Sparks. Girl can SANGGG!

  16. Guest says:

    Looks beautiful as always. Talented, smart and wonderful.

  17. Norman says:

    Rachel is lovely and elegant.