Pregnant Jennifer Love Hewitt has new hair and a bigger bump: super cute?

Here are some photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt, 34, at the launch of the Pampers “Love Sleep & Play” campaign yesterday. Hewitt announced her pregnancy in early June and assuming she was three months along at that point (we have no way of knowing actually) she would be over five months at this point. That makes sense, she looks about five or six months here, doesn’t she?

Hewitt recently dyed her hair a darker brunette, took off some length and got bangs. I’m not anti-bangs but I think they have a tendency to go wrong if they’re too short or too shaggy. This is just the right length for her, and I agree with E! News that the new hairstyle frames her face well. This is a really cute look for her. Here’s how Hewitt looked just a couple of weeks ago with longer, lighter hair and no bangs. The new darker hairstyle suits her.

I also like Hewitt’s formfitting long black dress and cutout wedge heels. This is a very chic look for a mommy-to-be.

Earlier this month we saw photos of Hewitt doing prenatal exercises outside with her trainer, but she’s been surprisingly low key. She used to be papped much more, and I like how she’s been keeping a low profile. She’s playing this pregnancy and engagement very well.

Oh that reminds me that this is the first time we’re getting photos of her engagement ring, let’s take a look. It’s a round diamond with diamonds on the band and it’s gorgeous! It should be, she picked it out several years ago. (I’m not even being facetious.)

I only found one photo of her with her hand on her bump. Well played indeed.

Photo credit: Michael Carpenter/ and FameFlynet

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62 Responses to “Pregnant Jennifer Love Hewitt has new hair and a bigger bump: super cute?”

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  1. pretty says:

    she looks like Nicolas Cage…a little..

    • springingforward says:

      I am very happy for her; I hope she disappears from papville and lives a happy life away from the hustle.
      That said, her hair is a little dark for her…..(See? If she takes my advice she won’t have people telling her what hair color to wear.)

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

      I can totally see Nic Cage in the third photo.

  2. mel2 says:

    Aww she looks like a mommy.

  3. Leah says:

    I’ve never realized how old looking she’s gotten. I always thought she looked young for her age but not anymore.

    • Aras says:

      That’s probably from years of stress trying to lock down every guy she dated while on the first date.

      Shade aside, I’m glad that she’s found what she was looking for. I think she actually looks quite glowing. The cut and color really suit her.

      • Tara says:

        Yeah, I think this is the best she’s looked in a long time. Pregnancy and the new style suit her. And she does look happy. Good for her.

      • Florc says:

        In an interview pre Jamie Kennedy so spoke of wanting kids, but thought her body would go to pot because she works so hard to keep the weight off as it is. She’s carrying the pregnancy very
        well and looks great. Guess she had nothing to be worried about.

  4. Andrea says:

    She looks….happy. :). It’s good to see.

  5. Erinn says:

    Pregnancy really suits her. This is the happiest I’ve seen her in so long. I was never much of a fan of hers, but she’s quickly growing on me.

    • snakecharmer says:

      yeah she looks great. she looks almost makeup free here and her figure is super cute

  6. Maria_Spain says:

    she looks better without make up

  7. Ellen says:

    First pregnancy, that petite, I’m guessing seven months actually. Just a guess though because everyone pops differently.

  8. sarah says:

    She is sooo cute! Love her.

  9. Snowpea says:

    Ummmm…she looks completely different…sorta witchy and pointy…how strange.

  10. Samtha says:

    She looks amazing. The hair really flatters her.

  11. Mo says:

    The eye make-up is not good. The “love” necklace and that silly bow on her fingernail are ridiculous. I wish she would act her age. She also always looks better natural and she is carrying well.

    And why is there a wedding band?

    • Pinky says:

      Good eye. Eye was wondering the same thing about the wedding band.

      The new cut and color makes her look more ethnic, which is interesting, but it also ages her.

  12. jenna says:

    I don’t get it is she a paid spokesperson for Pampers now? If not, what incentive is there to show up at an event like that (except maybe free diapers). Seems like a waste of time..

    • siobhan says:

      Maybe not a spokesperson, but there is obviously some sort of financial incentive or freebies involved. You never see major A-listers pimping themselves out at these things though (Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock, Anjelina, etc.) so part of it may have to do with getting some publicity for themselves.

    • anon. says:

      Who cares? Why can’t you focus on her hair, make up and weight like everyone else? Geez.

      • yolo112 says:

        hahahhahaaa… I love you for that comment.. xo

        has she announced the sex of her bambino?? I wonder if the baby blue toe polish is blue for a reason..

  13. Veronica says:

    NO to the hair! Love JLH though!

  14. Lauren says:

    Looks like she has a wedding band as well

  15. dahlianoir says:

    A thought for her mom, who died a little before jen’s pregnancy.

  16. Barrett says:

    She looks great pregnant. what a body! I think the hair is too dark, a more natural brunette color would soften her. The very dark is aging, a bit goth.

  17. truthful says:

    she looks good pregnant, I know she wishes her mom were still alive to share in her pregnancy.

    that other ring out be her deceased mom’s, I wear my mother’s ring w/my engagement ring–makes me feel like shes closer, can’t really explain it.

  18. OriginallyBlue says:

    Yay. I am so happy for her and she looks so happy.

  19. SamiHami says:

    I think she looks adorable. The hair color is a little harsh for her, though. Some subtle highlights would soften her look a bit.

  20. Bex says:

    One of the things I liked about her was the hair. Too dark, matte and one-dimensional for me but it’s nice to see her change up.

    Maybe the color will warm up after a few shampoos.

  21. Amory says:

    She looks a lot less trashy than usual, and that’s a great improvement. Her dress is just perfect – other celebs take note! I like her hair because it’s less big, more natural looking.

  22. janie says:

    I love her! She is one of the nicer stars. She looks so happy & cute. I wish her nothing but happiness! I wish her mom was here as well for her… I know they were so close. Congrats Jen!

    • Nicolette says:


    • Becky1 says:

      Yeah-I’ve heard that she’s very nice and pleasant. One of my husband’s work friends met her about a month ago. Apparently she and her fiance were at a christening in Maryland (her fiance had some sort of relationship with the baby’s parents…not sure if they were his family or friends). It was a really out of the blue celebrity sighting. According to my husband’s friend she was really nice and low key and posed happily for pics. I feel a little bad for the baby’s parents, though-apparently all eyes were on JLH-she definitely stole the show.

  23. YummyMummy says:

    Yuck! She is so cute but hair is too dark and her silly putty lipstick looks awful!

  24. Anon33 says:

    I absolutely disagree. The darker color completely washes her out and ages her. Her skin looks positively sallow here and the lack of color in her makeup isn’t helping.
    Outfit is great though.

  25. Yelly says:

    Glad to see her settled. She looks great. Best of luck to her!

  26. crtb says:

    I am so happy for her. It is always nice when people’s dreams finally come true. She looks so pretty pregnant. What a glow!

  27. Meggin says:

    Love the darker hair on her!

  28. NANALU says:

    She looks Amazing and Super Happy! She’s got that Glow πŸ™‚ Best wishes Love and to your baby and your Man πŸ™‚

    Love you guys in that Show – Client List.

    Can’t wait for more!

  29. Esti says:

    Love the outfit and she looks very happy, but hate the hair. As others have said, she looks like a teen who decided to go goth and dyed her hair in the kitchen sink. Way too dark and matte, and the aggressive bangs (which might work in a better hair color) just exaggerate the effect.

    It just occurred to me: I know a lot of women don’t use the normal chemical dyes while pregnant, maybe she starte using one of the “natural” dyes and that’s why it doesn’t look as professional as her normal coloring jobs?

  30. RHONYC says:

    she looks bitchin’, straight up!

    very Maison Martin Margiela maternity sexy. i dig it. πŸ˜‰

  31. EG says:

    She looks great. Happy and healthy. The most appealing thing about her treatment of this pregnancy in the media is that she isn’t super-smug like some celebs (Hilaria Baldwin, for example). She just looks glowing and sweet. Go JLH!!!

  32. Bodhi says:

    I’d be a lot more jazzed if she showed up at an event for cloth diapers!

  33. Eleonor says:

    I think she looks like she’s wearing a wig. Love the dress.

  34. It'sJustBlanche says:

    That cut is great on her. I don’t know but there’s just something about her. I have a soft spot. She seems genuinely decent.

  35. Crabcake says:

    She looks gorgeous. I’d put her at closer to 7 months but maybe she just has a large bump! Whatever it is, she’s carrying really well.

  36. Jen says:

    Those bangs are AWFUL. They make her look like Heidi Fleiss.

  37. Claudia says:

    I like her ‘love’ necklace, I actually want to get one. Any ideas on where she got hers?

    Her hairstyle is cute and her outfit suits her so well. It looks like she’s enjoying her pregnancy.

  38. Suze says:

    If you had just shown me the last two photos I never would have guessed it was Hewitt.

    She does look extremely happy, though, so congrats to her.

  39. Daria says:

    I like JLH, but I think this cut & color look harsh, and age her considerably. Looks like TV Anchorwoman hair. She looks much younger and fresher with the longer style.

  40. Veeeeery Veerytas says:

    Wow, I missed this story entirely. Who’s the daddy?

  41. Devon says:

    I’m going to say mid December. I’m due in mid January and jealous of her bump! I just look fat in most clothes.

  42. ThatGirl says:

    I’m the only one who thinks she looks terrible? I think her makeup job is awful, it makes her look tired and older, and the bangs…..I usually don’t have a problem with bangs like some people, but these are atrocious. Ages her even more. The color might be okay, but I can’t get past the bangs. I haven’t seen her look this bad in a long time.

  43. Camille (TheOriginal) says:

    Her makeup isn’t good at all, but otherwise she looks cute. Liking the hair.

  44. Jayna says:

    I saw her in a movie the other day. I can’t remember the name. But she is really a natural as an actress. She always does a good job.

  45. jasmine says:

    She looks great, but would look better with a softer, lighter, brown…also looks like it’s going to be a boy! I don’t know but she’s carrying very high…I’m usually right, several months back I knew as soon as KM popped it was a boy and I knew really early Kim’s was a girl…my bump did not look like JLH’s when I was preggers with my daughter…time will tell!

    • Cyndi says:

      Her bump is almost exactly like mine, (18 yrs ago) until the baby dropped. And I had a girl. (o: