Jennifer Love Hewitt on being pregnant: ‘this is no longer my body’

These are some photos of Jennifer Love Hewitt and her fiance, Brian Hallisay, out in New York city yesterday. They look a little disconnected from each other, but it’s raining, they’re probably in a hurry to find a cab, and Brian looks annoyed to see the paps. We just saw Jennifer’s new darker hairstyle with flattering bangs. I think the style translates to casual wear well. She’s adorable here in a hoodie and skinny jeans.

At an event earlier this week, Hewitt dished to ABCNews about her pregnancy and wedding plans. She said that she’s due in December, that she doesn’t know the sex of her baby yet, and that she feels like she’s no longer in control of her body. She didn’t complain much about it, though, and sounded rather matter-of-fact.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, 34, told ABC News last night at a Pampers event in New York City that she is due in December.

If that wasn’t a big enough gift, the birth of Hewitt’s baby will come with another big surprise โ€“ the gender of the child. “I don’t know,” she said of whether it’s a boy or a girl. “It’s one of life’s greatest surprises and we wanted to keep it that way.”

The biggest transition for Hewitt, who announced her pregnancy and engagement to “Client List” co-star Brian Hallisay in June, is that she’s amazed by the changes to her body.

“You wake up in the morning and you go, “Wow, this is no longer my body,” she said. “What’s going to happen today? It teaches you to not be in control and I’ve been a control freak for a long time.”

She’s also suddenly a sweets person.

“I like cake all of the sudden,” the “I Know What You Did Last Summer” star said. “I never was a cake person.”

Hewitt said her and Hallisay are just so excited to meet their baby and that they are definitely waiting until after the birth to start the wedding plans.

“Yeah, let’s tackle one big life thing at a time,” she added.

[From ABCNews]

I love that she admitted she’s due in December. So few celebrity women will admit when they’re due. She didn’t give a specific date or anything, but it’s nice to know the month. That would make her five months along as we were speculating about in the last post. It’s a little strange to me when people don’t want to know the sex of their babies, but I respect that. I want her to have a little girl for some reason. She just seems so into girly things that it would be nice to see her with a daughter.

When she said “this is no longer my body,” she wasn’t bemoaning the loss of her figure so much as saying she’s going through a biological process she can’t control. She’s also not oversharing about her bodily functions either, like Jessica Simpson regularly does. Hewitt is sweet and harmless, and she’s going to be a great mother.

As for her wedding plans being delayed until after she gives birth, that doesn’t sound like her. It seems like she would push for a pre-baby wedding, doesn’t it?

Photo credit: FameFlynet

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34 Responses to “Jennifer Love Hewitt on being pregnant: ‘this is no longer my body’”

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  1. Mrs. Peacock says:


  2. SolitaryAngel says:

    “This is no longer my body”…girl is right about that! I felt like a big walking incubator; never knew what I was going to want to eat, whether it would stay down, if the boy was gonna play soccer with just my kidneys or whether it would be a free-for-all in there. It was an amazing experience and I would never take it back, but one *does* learn quickly that one is no longer in control of one’s body (especially during labor). Natural childbirth, 27 hours labor here. Oy.

    I think she’s cute, and I wish her an easy labor and a beautiful baby.

    • MegG says:

      Can relate. I’m due in December and a first timer too. Having a hard time finding clothes and don’t know how to dress this changing shape, especially on a budget.

      • Poink517 says:

        Meg, I’m also due in dec with my first. I agree about the clothes – freaking hate buying maternity clothes. Anyway, congrats and good luck!

      • chaser says:

        On a budget? My rec – spend a little more on a good quality stretchy black dress with side rouching (my rec is Isabella Oliver) and then just wear what you already own over the top. Ie. floaty tops work well or belt a cardi over the top. Mix and match a few statement necklaces and scarves. Dress it up for dinner or work and layer with a tight tank top for casual.

        I didn’t spend much and I ended up loving my maternity wardrobe so much.

        Congrats. Motherhood is amazing!

      • Erica says:

        I’m due December with my second – congrats! I didn’t buy any maternity clothes last pregnancy because I had a bunch of maxi dresses that I wore over and over. And I got a belly band so I was able to wear my normal jeans/shorts and just put the belly band over them to make the waist elastic. I also had an old pair of leggings and I cut the side of the waist so that they would fit around my belly. I looked just fine in those clothes and didn’t have to spend any money

      • Meggie says:

        Hi, FTM here as well-due next month. I didn’t want to waste money on a bunch of maternity clothes.

        Jeans: thrift store maternity section. I found a pair of 7 for all mankind maternity jeans for $6. Awesome.

        Tops: extra long tanks and cardigans, a few flowy cut tops from my closet. I did buy one maternity top but don’t wear it often.

        I also live in dresses and skirts and yoga pants (thank god for stretch) from my non pregnant wardrobe.

        Think investing in staples (and bras) and then finding cheapies at thrift stores or clearance. Good luck!

      • dahlianoir says:

        Good luck with clothes, I ended up at 6 months crying like hell in a store because nothing was good enough.
        Damn you hormones.

      • Anonny says:

        Tunics and leggings. I made it through with 2 pairs of Boden maternity leggings (one of which I plan to save for Thanksgiving…shhh!), 1 pair of Old Navy maternity skinny jeans ($40) and about 4 or 5 tunics. Plus a dress from a consignment store.

        The clothing in mall maternity shops are expensive and cheaply made, so go online to find deals and sales. It’s also a monopoly in the U.S.: Pea in a Pod, Motherhood Maternity, etc. are all one company.

        As for bras, you’ll reach a point where your cup size stays the same but the band size increases. Don’t buy new bras! Just buy a $3 bra extender from any sewing store.

      • Ag says:

        Thrift stores and consignment shops. I had two dresses, a pair of jeans, a pair of black “dressy” pants, and roomy tops. You can mix and match and wear the same stuff over – hey, you’re pregnant, you can do whatever the hell you want. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Veeeeery Veerytas says:

      No, it’s your body, honey. No one else will want it for a few more months.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I dont mean this to sound as judgy as it probably will, but does anybody….anybody….get married before they have a baby now?

    • Lflips says:

      We’re not celebrities but my husband and I did!

    • booboobird says:

      got married in june.had baby in december.didn’t want to have a child out of wedlock ๐Ÿ˜€
      there was really no question that we were gonna get married before the baby was born. had a very low key wedding.just city hall with 2 witnesses and restaurant afterwards.cost of the whole thing – $200.

    • Jennifer12 says:

      My husband and I did. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

      My Sis and her hubs did too – 30 hour labour for her, ouch.

    • Anonny says:

      Not for me. Marriage is the #1 cause of divorce.

    • nc_magnolia says:


      I totally hear what you’re saying and dig the sentiment. I know there are always extenuating circumstances, but where motherhood sans marriage is concerned- it’s like the whole world is turning into trash. *smh*

  4. Lflips says:

    I think it’s strange that so many people do find out the sex of the baby. We didn’t with my daughter and the surprise was fantastic; I don’t want to find out this time around either.

    • MegG says:

      Guilty. This is an oopsie baby. My fiancรฉ was told it was unlikely he would have kids. Now here we are. I would’ve preferred to be married first.

    • booboobird says:

      makes sense finding out. it’s not like you could have a puppy(now that would be a surprise).the neutral baby showers i find hard to go to. found out all 3x.but then again by the 3rd time i was already a pro spotting the weiner:D have 3 musketeers. 3 babies and 12hrs (4h,2h and 6h) of birth experience altogether.
      p.s. i loved to come up with ideas to reveal the gender to my family and friends

      • Carol says:

        I have been all over the map. Wanted first to be a surprise; he was extremely premature and it was all a heart-wrenching experience. I think the woman in the bed next to me in the recovery room told me the gender as I was waking up. The next time my husband and I found out about boy #2 so we could at least experience the moment together. With boy number 3 we didn’t want to know, but the sonogram technician told us anyway (he thought it was cool that we would have 3 boys under age 3 and was gleeful in ignoring us as we said we didn’t want to know). I was extremely upset. With number 4 we finally got the experience of finding out gender as he was born.

  5. Crabcake says:

    I found out the gender with my first and spent the whole pregnancy envisioning this little girl… and when she was born she looked NOTHING and acted NOTHING like what I expected. So when I was pregnant with my second I decided not to find out and I swear things were different because of that. It was so much easier to just bond with the baby with no preconceived notions. I didnt have any little outfits planned, no room set up, nothing. It was so simple and easy. I dont think I will ever find out the gender again.

    • Jill says:

      What an interesting viewpoint! My mom had a similar experience to you, she spent her whole pregnancy with me envisioning a sweet obedient little girl dressed in pink and purple ruffles, and instead she got me LOL. I’ve been described as a “firecracker” and “feisty” and I won’t go near pink. I wonder if it would have been different if she hadn’t have known?

      • Crabcake says:

        Haha! That’s so cute! I guess it comes down to personality but I am certainly the type who benefits from not knowing. Its so weird because I don’t like surprises and I like to know everyone’s business! Hence the gossip sites… haha.

    • nc_magnolia says:

      Crabcake- that’s a really interesting angle to the whole “baby sex” argument. Makes a ton of sense, too. I like it!

  6. Birdix says:

    “Hewitt said her and Hallisay…” from ABC news???

  7. jacquie109 says:

    I find it weird not to want to know. My little girl wouldn’t show her stuff, but I knew she would be a girl. Would have been a real shock if she’d actually been a boy LOL.

  8. Willa says:

    I’m due in March and my husband really wants to know! I could’ve gone either way though.

  9. the original bellaluna says:

    She’s being honest: your body becomes “no longer your own,” but not in a bad way. Just in a new, amazing way.

    The postponed wedding doesn’t bode well for her, but I wish her well.

    (I didn’t find out the sex of either of my older two, but did with the youngest. It truly is one of the best, happy surprises in the world!)

  10. Nicolette says:

    She is so right about your body not being your own anymore during pregnancy. Everything seems to change not to mention things that are just odd like your shoe size increasing. Way before I had kids my Mom would tell me the story of when she was pregnant with me and could no longer wear a dress she loved because to her it had developed a wierd odor. She washed it repeatedly but nothing worked for her and she threw it out. When I was pregnant with my first I had the same thing happen with a sweater. No matter what I did it just made me nauseous to wear it. Why that happens I don’t know. And forget about the crazy dreams, the clumsiness and the cravings! My sweet tooth grew exponentially when I was pregnant. It’s an amazing experience and I hope she and all the expectant Moms here enjoy it and embrace it ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Angelica says:

    I like this chick. She’s busty and hippy and dresses her pregnant body like a champ. Which is crazy because I don’t normally like her non-pregnant style, but she’s surprised me. More power to her.

  12. Meg says:

    I hate her shoes, i am so ready for those shoes to go away.
    speaking of jessica simpson, will she ever release her son’s baby pictures? I though that was how she paid the bills. she was making more money off of that than her ‘singing’ and people didn’t even want to see her in a reality show anymore.

  13. Sophie says:

    Those shoes are the worst of both worlds: the ugliness of sneakers, and the discomfort of heals.