Jennifer Garner on her first marriage: ‘We didn’t have a shot. We just imploded’

These are photos of Jennifer Garner and Steve Carell on the set of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Those of you who watch Showtime’s Ray Donovan may recognize 15 year-old Kerris Dorsey, who plays Bridget Donovan on that show. (If you’re not watching it, start now! Ray Donovan is incredible and Liev Schreiber is so hot in motion.)

These on set photos are pretty amusing, and include the on-screen family reacting to some kind of car accident. In some of the pictures, Garner is holding a real child and in others she’s got a stand-in doll.

Garner is also sporting new bangs for the role, although there may be another reason for that. In her recent interview with Allure Magazine (Kaiser covered the highlights here) Garner said she had a ‘huge’ forehead and worried about whether it would look more prominent with Botox. She wouldn’t rule out using it though. She also had some nice things to say about her first marriage, to Scott Foley. Here are some quotes from the interview which we didn’t cover in our earlier story:

On whether she would do Botox
I’m old enough to know policies don’t necessarily last, so be careful what box you stand on. [It may be time to try Botox but she’s a little scared] because I have a big forehead, and I don’t want it to be like this slab, a big glacier.

On her first husband, Scott Foley
Oh he’s a great guy. We were full-on grown ups, but looking back I’m aware we did not know what hit us. We didn’t have a shot. He’s a really good guy, and we just imploded.

On Reese Witherspoon
Reese is one of my go-to mamas. She has such a big heart and a good head on her shoulders. She’s one of the people I go to and say, “Hey, what do you do about X, Y, Z,” and she always has an answer.

On her haircare routine
I have no idea how women who go to an office in the morning do it. I don’t use hair-care products, and I don’t blow dry. I don’t even know where the blow dryer is. So the thought of having to incorporate that into my morning just seems crazy to me.

On if she talks beauty with her girlfriends
If I get to sit down with my girlfriends, and I’m happy to include Jessica [Biel] among them. It’s hard not to talk beauty if you’re sitting with Jessica Biel because she is the most gorgeous person on the planet.

[From Allure, print edition, September, 2013]

That last quote was from the video behind-the-scenes of Garner’s photoshoot and interview. I guess we have confirmation that she’s besties with Jessica Biel.

As for what she said about Scott Foley, it was very diplomatic. She was responding directly to a photo of the two of them together in 2000. (That photo is here.) Did you remember that Garner was married prior to Affleck? I didn’t. I mean I knew about it at some point, but I forgot. She was married to Foley from 2000 to 2004, and married Affleck a year later in 2005. In between there somewhere was Michael Vartan. Some say there was overlap in those relationships. Whatever happened, she strikes me as a serial monogamist, which isn’t a bad thing.

Photo credit: and FameFlynet

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73 Responses to “Jennifer Garner on her first marriage: ‘We didn’t have a shot. We just imploded’”

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  1. Val says:

    Loved Michael and Jen’s chemistry when they were in Alias together. He’s so hot.

  2. Moneyball says:

    Yup, Ray Donovan is the coolest- VERY enjoyable and well done- Mickey was into twerking before Miley 🙂 Kerris was also the daughter in Moneyball- she was so sweet playing that song- very talented girl. I’m not sure how much overlap there was with Jen & Michael V, but Scott seemed really hurt judging by some of the stuff he said back then. I wonder if they are email buddies like Ben & Jennifer Lopez?!

    • mccora96 says:

      Oh, wow! She was wonderful in Moneyball. It’s great that she’s getting more roles. Ray D is pretty hilarious, but you can definitely tell that some of the Breaking Bad folks are part of the mix…so, so good. The actors put on a clinic each week, especially Liev & Jon. I wonder what Jon’s Fox/Tea Party buddies think of all the wild stuff he does on that show. LOVE Scott (I’m STILL sad The Unit got cancelled) & Jen G seems fine (I gave up on Alias, though!), but there was some shady stuff to that “new” MV romance timeline.

  3. MeowuiRose says:

    That photo of her with the doll makes me lol….tehehehe.

  4. Elisabeth says:

    Why do celebs get this info released like it’s news? who cares about who she was married to 1000 years ago?

  5. Barrett says:

    I love Scott Foley!

    • Inconceivable! says:

      Me too! I think it never worked because he was the big star when they first got together, then the dynamic shifted. Nonetheless, between Jen & Scott – I’ll always root for Scott. 🙂

  6. Lucy2 says:

    That was a nice way to answer about Scott. Lol at the last photo.
    I tried Ray Donovan and gave up after a few. I don’t like Voight, couldn’t stand the wife’s awful attempt at a Boston accent, and was just kind of bored.

    • kim says:

      Totallay agree on V and the wife. Why did the wife have an English accent in the pilot then week by week try a more boston accent? The whole boston Catholic is over board. Not watching the show anymore. Disappointing.

  7. bammer says:

    Lol at the name dropping of her celeb friends. The always unpleasant pap calling Jessica and obnoxious arrogant drunk Reese. Is she friends with Chelsea too?

  8. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    Foley is so much more hot than Affleck. With the bangs, JG looks like Hilary Swank.

  9. Maya says:

    Wasnt it a known fact that Jennifer cheated with Ben while she was married?

    • blue marie says:

      I think it was Michael V. she cheated with, not Ben.

      • Quinn says:

        I’m pretty sure it was Vartan, yeah. I can’t believe I forgot about all that! Must be getting old…

    • Pixiestix says:

      There were tons of rumors she followed Affleck around the set of Daredevil & was forever in his trailer — not sure anything happened, but it was all while she was still married to Scott Foley (& he was dating JLo) which is an odd way for a married woman to act.

      Love Foley & Vartan. She’s being diplomatic, yes, but she also very much got exactly what she wanted in the end:: Affleck.

      • Aras says:

        There’s this series you can find on YouTube with Jon Favreau. The name escapes me now (I just Googled. It’s called Dinner for Five), but in it he talks with his celeb buddies. One of the episodes contained Jennifer, Ben, Kevin Smith, and Colin Farrell, and they were talking about Daredevil.

        From that video you could tell that Jennifer was positively smitten with Ben, though he was with Jennifer Lopez at the time and Jennifer was married to Scott Foley. She was so giggly with Ben and would direct her questions to him and all of that.

    • Violet says:

      I remember hearing she cheated on her husband, but I can’t remember the details. That’s why I don’t particularly feel sorry for her whenever I hear the rumors of Ben screwing around.

      • Debbie says:

        Yep karma!

      • JoJo says:

        I was just going to mention that Dinner for 5 video clip on YouTube. I’ve watched it, and the way body language/eye contact coming from Jen to Ben (and not necessarily vice versa) was so blatant and palpable, it was kind of uncomfortable to watch. It’s so obvious she was smitten.

    • kim says:

      Yup back when she had good hair

  10. Justpassingby says:

    She was so hot and beautiful, pre-Affleck!

    • Rhiley says:

      Agreed. Granted, I was probably much cuter 13 years ago as well, but she and her first husband were really adorable.

  11. jaliah24 says:

    The Reese name drop is hinky- sounds like a PR plant, picture or no picture. Ray Donovan is my new fav show- I don’t like Voight either, but he is killing it as Mickey. Seeing Scott reminds me that I can’t wait for Scandal to start up again!

    • truthSF says:

      Ugh, he’s terrible in Scandal. That man has only emoted one bland expression in every episode he starred in.

      • jaliah24 says:

        Well, ok, fair point, but that is not necessarily a show I watch for the acting (although Kerry W is so talented, she even delivers cheesy dialogue well). Scott’s character got a bit better by the end of the show, but I’ve seen him do better work on other shows. Plus, Olivia Pope’s clothes are to die for- it’s handled!

      • holly hobby says:

        Scott Foley was great in Grey’s Anatomy. He played the guy with the terminal cancer who Teddy married to give him health insurance. His death was very sad.

  12. Sunlily says:

    “on the set of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day…”

    O_O Hollywood can kindly fuck off. Please leave my childhood classics alone.

    • Esmom says:

      Yeah when I told my teen kids they were making this into a movie they basically said the same thing!

  13. Kerris Singing says:

    Eh, Reese has been exposed, so Jennifer gushing about her won’t help. I hope this movie is good because the book has very nice memories for me. Here is Kerris Dorsey singing in Moneyball and- she has bangs!

  14. Helen Graham says:

    I was a huge Alias fan back in the day (still am) and I can’t forget Scott’s interview on late-night TV about Jennifer appearing in her knickers for a big Alias episode. It had been heavily promoted everywhere. He seemed really angry and defensive…VERY off. They announced the split a few months later and it wasn’t a shock to me at all after that! It’s been years and I still remember wondering what was going on when I was watching that interview.

  15. Cool Phosphorescent Shimmer says:

    Jessica Biel, the “most gorgeous person on the planet”????

    • Jayna says:

      LOL Not on the planet, but she is really beautiful. I’m always reminded of it when she does a late-night interview. A striking girl.

    • Tessa says:

      I wouldn’t want to stand next to her.

    • Susan says:

      Jessica Biel is one of those stars who looks normal beautiful in pics but when you see her in real life, holy f*ck is she ever gorgeous. I saw her one time a few years ago (before she got bangs). She was flawless, her skin was so beautiful. Like, if she was not famous and walked down the street, people would look. And I do not like Jessica Biel.

  16. alyssa says:

    I was somewhat surprised by the Reese comment as she doesn’t strike me as someone Garner would go to for advice or hang out with….

    • candice says:

      Especially mothering advice for goodness sake. Reese is very seldom seen with her kids esp. the baby…

      • lucy2 says:

        I don’t know about going to her for advice, but I see pics of her with her kids quite often.

    • HappyMom says:

      I wouldn’t describe someone who pulled what Reese did as “having a good head on her shoulders”. Head up her ass is more like it.

  17. Tania says:

    Jen cheated on Scott with Vartan. Then cheated on Vartan with Ben.

  18. Mandy says:

    I totally forgot she was married to Foley!

  19. Debbie says:

    Well Jen when you screw around on your husband to climb the Hollywood social scene a marriage will implode.

    Just a little tip.

    • Mia 4S says:

      Funny that huh Debbie? 😉

      They say you can tell a lot about people from looking at their close friends…ummmm? Yeah I think it says quite a bit don’t you?

      • Debbie says:

        Yep! Lets see one is an arrogant lush who thinks she is above law enforcement and is allowed to drive drunk. The other thinks its perfectly fine and a great wedding gag to mock homeless people.

        Oh and then you have some one like mr and mrs Damon who won’t associate with her. Extremely telling.

        Never bought her sweet act. She is a social climbing twit who uses her kids and husband to stay relevant.

    • kris says:

      Debbie – What makes you think that Matt & his wife won’t associate with her? Do tell…

      • Debbie says:

        Several reports that Matt’s wife doesn’t like her and vice versa, they are never screen together and god love him Matt Damon throws some beautiful shade at jennifer in almost every interview.

      • Amberly says:


        Jen and Lucy were actually just papped together this weekend. X17 has the photos.

  20. Charlotte says:

    Foley is gorgeous. I’d much rather Foley over Affleck. I’d take Vartan over Affleck too.

  21. RF says:

    I really don’t like Ray Donovan. It’s just so offensive to me ~ soft porn with bad dialogue and worse accents. I call out Paula Malcolmson in particular. She is just terrible. How did she even get cast?

    • taxi says:

      Paula was good in Deadwood. Here, not so much. She is Irish, but the South Boston overlay isn’t quite right. The teenager, Bridget, is seriously irritating. I haven’t seen that actress in anything else, but I find her face seriously unpleasant. Voight kills it, even though I’m not a fan. Eddie Marsan is good in this – first time I’ve appreciated him & Liev is excellent. It’s a rough show, though. Definitely a very hard R rating.

  22. umyeah says:

    Liev Schreiber is the only reason I watch Ray Donovan. He is so hot in that show. Everyone else sucks.

  23. moptop says:

    She needs to lose the bangs. They are not her friend.

    • macy says:

      I respectfully disagree. They make her look younger and she looks better with them due to her high forehead.

  24. Kelly says:

    Really can’t stand her. I think she is totally fake. Marriages tend to implode when you (allegedly) cheat on your husband, just sayin

  25. henderswife says:

    So, she uses no hair care products AT ALL? Not even shampoo and conditioner? I’m not making fun of her or calling her a liar but that statement sounds pretty extreme. I also wish I didn’t have to blow dry my hair. Ugh, I hate doing it.

    • Eh, she probably means she doesn’t use styling products and mis-spoke minutely.

      I’m not a fan of hers, but this just seems like she picked the wrong term. It’s pretty obvious she doesn’t blow-dry her hair or use styling products. And I don’t mind that, either. She’s really frumpy off the red carpet, but I have trouble getting upset about that. Big deal.

  26. Susan says:

    Serial monogamist? She cheated on Scott Foley with Michael Vartan and then did it again when she cheated on Vartan to be with Affleck. Serial is right but monogamist is definitely the wrong word.

  27. RHONYC says:


    i smell ‘STARF*CKER’ allllll over Miz West Virginia.

    ew. 😐