Tom Hardy is on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook now: will he get cheesy?

Tom Hardy is on Twitter now!! You can see his Twitter feed here – his description of himself is, “I dress up for a living – its my vocation. I dressed up as a dude called Bane just to beat up Batman once and Catwoman took me out with a rocket.” Which is adorable. Only it’s “it’s” not “its”. But I’ll forgive him, it’s (not its) a common mistake. It looks like Tom began tweeting yesterday and he’s already learned how to retweet and post photos and such. I’m assuming he’s going to use Twitter mostly to promote his work and maybe to interact with fans a little bit. We’ll see.

Tom also got a Facebook page AND an Instagram. On Facebook, he posted this message:

Tom here! I’m working on stuff that I hope you enjoy – I’d like to be around for a long time to come in my field and bring you a range of diverse and interesting projects and people in the arts and on the ground, along the road. Best as always

[From Facebook]

And there’s a video (a Vine video, I think) on his Instagram – go here to see it. My guess is that this self-promotion is mostly for his ITV documentary, Poaching Wars. Tom went on the ground in Africa to see how elephants and rhinos are being poached. I can’t talk about this too much because it will upset me. These poor elephants.

Anyway, enjoy your Tom Hardy. He’s been doing back-to-back projects, but we probably won’t see much of him again until next year. Unless of course he turns into a Twitter-obsessive and he ends up tweeting endlessly.

UPDATE: Holy crap, Tom just Instagram’d a photo of his dog. He knows how the Internet works!!

Photos courtesy of ITV’s ‘Poaching Wars’, Twitter.

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83 Responses to “Tom Hardy is on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook now: will he get cheesy?”

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  1. blue marie says:

    that puppy photo gets me every time.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      The puppy photo destroys me.

      So sexy, so talented, AND he obviously loves animals. This is why he’s my forever dong.

      • mmd575 says:

        Love him, and this ridiculously sexy lips. I can never get enough! And the puppy photo + his lips is too much!

  2. T.fanty says:

    That’s quite fun. I’ll bet his grammar is consistently terrible but he’s quite lovely.

    (I wonder if I can tweet him the name of my dentist)

    • Sixer says:

      Don’t diss the snaggletooth! I like it!

      • T.fanty says:

        I just keep thinking that in a few years, it’s going to go brown. Teeth matter. Cumby’s little tic tac teeth cause me a little stress, too, so it’s really just my issue.

      • Lindy79 says:

        “Tic tac teeth”
        I love that!!

      • Sixer says:

        @ Fanty

        I can get with that, since my teeth are dead and getting deaderer thanks to chemo. I’ve two implants already. That they were free (after a slight contretemps with the local NHS trust) because they were a result of chemo doesn’t make me feel much better.

      • T.Fanty says:

        @ Sixer,

        Crap. Have I been massively rude? At this point, I would like to clarify that my teefs are far from perfect. I just have a weird tooth obsession (don’t get me started on Gwen Stefani’s baby-teeth in an adult head).

        If you still have my twitter handle, PM me? I’m worried I’ve been offensive now.

        (P.S. Sorry to hear about the chemo. My mum just went through it and all of her nails fell off. Chemo is horrifically weird).

      • Sixer says:

        You know what’s funny? I almost said something like “Teeth issues? Essex girl’s gone native in NYC!” but I thought the humour might miss and I might sound rude. So I didn’t!

        Not offensive at all, principessa. It’s my bad. I thought we’d had a conversation about it but it must have been elsewhere/with someone else.

        Brief round up so if I forget again, you at least know. Lymphoma once. Then lymphoma relapse. Two lots of chemo. A long time ago and all good now. Except failing teeth. On the plus side, the hair on my legs never really grew back, so I don’t need to wax!

        Sorry about the Twitter inaction. My current account is mostly for my business and shared with a partner. There’s been some shenanigans (my line of work is worryingly childish given the people involved) and I need to separate out business from personal. It’s going to be a great deal of faff but I will get around to it. Until then, though, Twitter is strictly professional for me.

      • EscapedConvent says:


        Sixer, I hope you don’t mind my butting in here with my “Me too.” Chemo does indeed do a scorched-earth thing on one’s teeth.

        I’m so glad to hear that’s all behind you now & you’re well. 🙂

      • T.Fanty says:

        Hey there,

        Not a problem re: the twitter thing – I just wanted the opportunity to apologise privately if need be. I can’t have risk losing my Sixer!!

        Sorry to hear about the cancer saga (but bonus on the leg shaving. I usually let mine grow until small children become entangled). Glad to know all is well.

        And NEVER worry about offending me. Nobody enjoys a little Essex bashing more than yours truly.

      • Sixer says:

        There. See? All is good. EsCon – I trust this is true of you?

    • Lucija says:

      The grammar mistake actually bothers me quite a lot.

      • T.fanty says:

        Usually, it would, but he strikes me as the type who writes EXACTLY as he talks, and part of Hardy’s charm is his imperfection (exhibit A: Sixer’s snaggletooth rebuttal above).

      • Sixer says:

        What Fanty said. Lust aside, it’s the precise reason why I find Hardy irresistible and Hiddleston so terribly aggravating.

      • Chloeee says:

        I think leaving out an apostrophe is the most forgivable grammar flubs. Now the “their there” “your and you’re” drive me nuts.

      • T.Fanty says:

        The apostrophe bothers me less than excessive tweeting of “u.” If you’re not Prince, wishing me heaven, I don’t want to see it.

      • Samtha says:

        Anyone else and it would bother me. Tom gets a pass from me because he’s so wonderful and adorable in general.

  3. Sixer says:

    Even his text speak is adorable. Even his spare tyre is adorable. How is he so adorable but so um… I want to say menacing or powerful but I don’t quite mean either, as an actor?

    I think he’s moved up to number two on my hit list.

    • T.fanty says:

      I think all the animals help. I need to stop being attracted to men who can’t dress.

      I just started watching Stuart: A Life Backwards. It’s SO good.

      • Janey says:

        As something of a completist (masochist) I have watched “This Means War” I think, with the necessary precautions, it is not terrible. I have provided a handy list for your use:

        1. Gather the local chapter of “The I wish Tom Hardy would call me naughty society”
        2. Pour alcoholic beverage of your choice (this is very important)
        3. Look at the DVD, sigh.
        4. Finish alcoholic beverage
        5. Pour another
        6. Start DVD
        7. Marvel at Tom and his actiony, fighty skills
        8. Pour another drink
        9. Marvel at Tom

        Repeat points 7-9 until the movie ends or death occurs.

        Snark aside – Hardy actually gives a well-judged performance in the film, it’s just a shame nothing else in the whole production is as well-judged.

        edited to add – this should be down there somewhere.

      • Sixer says:

        Janey’s a terminal case. I’m jus’ sayin’!

      • Janey says:

        The Hardydong is powerful indeed.

    • Sixer says:

      Perhaps. Although I am more people than fluffy animals.

      As an actor, I love the power in stillness thing he has.

      • T.fanty says:

        He is very interesting. He’s definitely a type, and I think stillness is a nice way to describe it. Did you ever see the movie he did with Witherspoon and Pine? I’m curious about Hardy but have no desire to waste an hour and a half of my life on that tosh.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        His physical stature also helps to convey that intensity. Still, even with that concentrated strength, there is something really gentle about him as well.

        I just love him so so much.

      • Sixer says:

        @ Fanty

        He’s taken lessons from the Michael Caine school of Acting By Micrometres.

        Do Not See That Film. It has been on Sky endlessly and since both sons like both actors, they’ve watched it in my presence countless times. It hurts to watch it.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I endured Chris Pine for the sake of my darling Drunk Uncle this summer. Once a year is enough to expose myself to that talentless brick.

  4. Lindy79 says:

    It seems to be mainly promotion, and for a very good cause so good for him.

    (Bless you for posting a puppy picture, that will NEVER get old)

  5. Stephanie says:

    I love this man.

    • OutstandingWorldCitizen says:

      Me too! He is friggin’ gorgeous with an amazing mouth. I cannot believe people are being such grammar snobs. He’s not penning a novel he’s Tweeting, FB’in and Instagramming. Social media outlets should not be used to gauge intelligence.

  6. Elodie says:

    lol! reminds me of his MySpace pics, hilarious selfies!

  7. MeowuiRose says:

    I heae that incredibly sexy voice of his when I read his tweets. So I get a Fassy, Hardy AND Hiddleston post today!?! I don’t know if I have enough time OR energy! I will start with Fassy to get my cardio in, move to Hiddleston (as Loki) to work on my endurance and then stretch and wind down in Hardy’s arms.

  8. My favorite actor promoting a cause I feel super passionate about (I was in South Africa last year and found out about the horrors of poaching) = I DIE. Tom Hardy can do no wrong <3

  9. Gwenhamara says:

    Love him. Lots. If you haven’t seen him in Wuthering Heights then please check it out on You Tube. He will melt you right into the ground with his portrayal of Heathcliff.

    • EscapedConvent says:


      I’m thrilled another person thinks this about his Heathcliff! His is absolutely my favorite Heathcliff of all. He tore my heart out.

      I only wished there had been a stronger actress for Cathy, but that’s a minor thing.

      That was the first time I saw Tom Hardy in anything, & I’ve loved him ever since.

      It’s on Netflix too.

      • T.fanty says:

        I don’t know if I can get past the bad wig on the Netflix cover image for that movie. I want to watch it, but WH is always done so consistently poorly that I don’t have the heart.

        Plus, nobody will ever own my heart like Olivier’s aristocratic, not-at-all-Northern Heathcliff.

      • Sixer says:

        I haven’t seen it either, but I do think Hardy is perfect for Heathcliff.

      • Minnie says:

        I love Tom but Heathcliff? Isnt Heathcliff supposed to be so dark complected that people speculate that he may be “gypsy” or Indian. Its kind of essential to the story because it underscores his Otherness.

        I dont doubt that he nailed the brooding but how do they deal with his skin? Black-face?? Aaaargh!

      • EscapedConvent says:

        No, no blackface. The darkness was oozing out of his pores. Ha!

        Give him a chance. He’s a wonderful, moody, angry Heathcliff. He sold it.

      • bluhare says:

        Another thumbs up for Wuthering Heights. He hadn’t hit the mainstream US when I watched it and he was compelling. I couldn’t decide if he was handsome or not, but he was definitely sexy. Love him.

        (Wasn’t Cathy the woman he is/was engaged to?)

      • Lindy79 says:

        @ EC. Same here. It was my first time really paying attention to Hardy and I loved it.

        Heathcliff is such a hard character to get inside, and while I’m not sure he got it 100% but he was one of the best I’ve seen.

        (Have you seen the Ralph Fiennes/Juliette Binoche one? Cathy with a French accent and then she plays her own daughter *stunned face*…The soundtrack was beautiful though)

  10. Ellie66 says:

    Oh he sure has a pretty mouth 😉 Lol!

  11. Amelia says:

    Gah, I barely got through that promo without crying. And it was only 31 seconds! I’m such a sucker.
    Tom Hardy’s definitely moved up into my Top 5 because of this. Next year I’m riding the London-Surrey 100 in aid of Save the Rhino, so I’ll definitely be tuning in.

  12. bns says:

    Now I have to join twitter, too!

  13. jen says:

    As soon as celebrities get on Twitter and Instagram I look at them a little sideways. Of course that’s not fair, since they should be able to enjoy the same things we all do, but I somehow respect those that keep it to themselves, or have private accounts that only their friends and families can see.

    And the fact that he doesn’t know the difference between its and it’s makes me shudder (but he is pretty much a giant chav so it’s to be expected).

    • Marty says:

      Tom is a sweetheart, I love him to death. But the last time he tried Twitter out for a week, he almost totally killed my lady boner for him. So we’ll see how this goes…

  14. fan says:

    I really really hope he will NEVER get his teeth fixed. It’s such an adorable flaw and his refusal to get them fixed to “make” it into the Hollyweird heaven is just great. BTW, there’s a thing called “dental hygiene” and if you are into it, it will keep your teeth healthy despite being crocked. It just takes a few minutes a day.

  15. Fatty Cakes says:

    Haha, he’s gonna be soooo cheesy. As long as that doesn’t leak into his performances (and I’ve yet to see that happen), I will continue to think of him fondly.

  16. GeeMoney says:

    Hot hot hot! Just started following him.

  17. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    The only way I will ever accept the Hardy dong being on twitter, facebook (oooh, I know whose page I’m going to stalk now, but not actually ‘like’ it–I’ve got too many family members who would make fun of me for it), and instagram, is if he tweets, facebooks (?), and instagrams himself half (the full monty would do) naked everyday, preferably alone…..and puts up some new pics with him cuddling that little puppy. I died seeing those.

    And I just saw “Warrior” (on netflix) and my God….despite those godawful tattoos, I so would. I would hit it so hard, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Now we just need him to talk dirty in one of his films (or real life, I’m not picky—I still remember Colin Farrell’s *ahem, “video”), a la Le Fassdong in Fishtank.

    Oh Tom’s *trying* his best to usurp Liam Neeson from the top of hit list…….

  18. lady mary. says:

    itsssss Tooooooom hardy ,hurrah ,oh let him get cheezy ,dirty ,any f*king thing ,i hate it when him and his beautiful lips are close to ending on the milk carton for absconding ppl,now we can see him regularly huzzah,hardy ,be cheezy ,slutty anythin (well he always was a cam whore wasn”t he)thanks Kaiser for this post)))

  19. Ginger says:

    Follow, follow, like!!!!!

  20. Harriet says:

    Corny. Corny. Corny. ‘Not another celebrity going to Africa and weeping’ moment also comes to mind. I grew up in Africa, I feel strongly about poaching problems but all these documentaries have the same problem. A little angry glaring about the injustices of the cause, a little not-so-humble promoting and not much else.

    • mbrown says:

      Well, that not the Tom i know! He started the ´Tom Hardy’s fundraiser KORA-project’ for with he already raised 1,095 dollar (started a few days ago). They need another 1,500,000. He’s dedicated to make this happen!

  21. Toni says:

    Don’t have a problem with him on twitter. As long as he doesn’t turn into Hiddleston and other attention seeking celebs. The fangirls will be annoying but hopefully he can handle it, which I think he can( the block button is a beautiful thing).

    Also he is 1 of my top 3 UK actors right now. Tom, Fassbender, and Cumberbatch. Love all 3. I wonder if all 3 would ever do a movie together even though they all worked w/ 1 another before.

  22. Kya says:

    Don’t know why but sometimes Hardy screams gay to me. Hmmmmmm

    • T.fanty says:

      That might have something to do with the time he ‘fessed up to sleeping with a man. Although I imagine he’s less gay and more heteroflexible.

      *insert obligatory dismissive comment about the implicit homophobia in OP’s irrelevant observation about Hardy’s sexual preferment here*

      • Kya says:

        Never knew he fessed up. He just got a little more interesting to me.

      • Sixer says:

        He did backtrack on that a bit. But I think he’s had quite a few hazy periods where almost anything could have happened!

      • T.Fanty says:

        He backtracked, but it’s out there now and it won’t entirely go away. I hope that as the romantic leading man thing didn’t work out, he owns his complexity and his history. He’s fascinatingly flawed and that’s really endearing and makes him the performer he is.

        Plus, it fuels my fervent desire for he and Cumby to be locked in a torrid affair while TommyAnne stays home and throws Cumby’s ties on the fire in a drunken rage.

      • Kya says:

        I really liked him and Cumbys chemistry when I saw them in a movie together,stuart a life backwards. and when they did interviews together.

      • Chloeee says:

        I still would. I don’t care what a man has done in his past as long as no abuse was involved. However the fact that he owns it, makes him super hot to me. I don’t care if another man was involved.

      • Sixer says:

        @ Fanty: Agreed. And I think he probably will own it. Even the backtracking was more along the lines of “Oh, I don’t know. I did some sh!t and I said even more. Don’t go on about it,” than it was panicked retraction.

        I’d be more interested in some shirt-ripping with Fassbender. Ooh.

      • T.Fanty says:

        @ Sixer,

        Meh. Fassy doesn’t do much for me, and he and Hardy would be too much of the same. With Cumby, there would be a nice contrast. Thick and thin, posh and chav, cerebral and earthy – whichever way you would want to sell it, I’m buying.

      • Sixer says:

        See, I was thinking more of 100%, full-on, beast-on-beast action. Bite me!

  23. Melissa says:

    God I hope so, his old myspace pics were a goldmine.

  24. Style Spy says:

    Poaching is a huge problem here in Africa – I am so happy that someone has decided to bring attention to this horrifying problem …

    Just google the image of the baby rhino with it’s dead mother (her horn has been hacked off and she’s been left to die)

    I can’t even put up a link to it because I can’t look at it.

    The fact that it’s Tom Hardy – sexiest man alive IMO … well that helps too 😉

  25. Dommy Dearest says:

    He is my number one celeb crush, then Thor (I always worry about misspelling his last name so he is forever Thor). The accents man, plus he played one of my favorite villains, Bane. Yes please.

  26. Dinah says:

    Is it wrong that the header pic makes me want him to motorboat me ( and then some)?

  27. lady mary. says:

    our blssed blessed cam whore,this is goin to be fun,love those new pics

  28. miriam says:

    Stop posting pictures of him! I keep having to change my panties lol.

    I followed him on Twitter yesterday. The man is scrumptious.

  29. Vera says:

    I know he was Bane in the last film, but he would have been my choice for the next Batman.

  30. Katie says:

    I will forgive his bad grammar, because I want to wear him like a scrunchie.

  31. Sansa says:

    A real man

  32. Catherine says:

    They’re all gone. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. They’ve all been deleted since yesterday. Why, god, why??