Ireland Baldwin complains: Modeling is ‘much harder than I anticipated’

Here are some photos from Ireland Baldwin’s DuJour Magazine editorial, photographed by Bruce Weber. The name of the piece is “Luck of the Irish” so that’s why Ireland is dressed up like a wee Irish lass. The photos are striking, but does anyone else wonder if Ireland really has what it takes to be a full-on model? Sure, she’s gotten a lot of magazine work so far, but it’s not like she’s working runways or major campaigns anywhere. So far her “career” seems to be a few write-ups in major magazines where she just talks about her famous parents, then she’s off to pose for selfies on Instagram. Still, Ireland thinks modeling is hard!! Super-hard, you guys.

Ireland Baldwin has found modeling “much harder than I anticipated,” she tells Du Jour magazine. “It really takes a lot out of you. Though, it is really fun and I never thought I would meet all these lovely people.”

But she hopes to follow in the footsteps of her parents Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger: “My end goal is to act, write and direct . . . I grew up on my parents’ movie sets and so desperately wanted to be in their position. I would love to be in a comedy or remake of a classic novel.”

[From DuJour, via Page Six]

Here’s the thing – as much as we chuckle and roll our eyes (“Try working a real job 60 hours a week, Celebutante!” we mutter), I do believe that modeling is hard work and I believe most models get treated like crap. I couldn’t make it as a model, even if I had the height or the body for it, just because I couldn’t put up with all of the creepy perv photographers and the insane stylists and all of the extra people who treat you like you’re either an animal or a blank mannequin. Now, all that being said, Ireland has barely faced any of that. She’s been “modeling” for about a half a year. She’s gotten some magazine editorials. And already, she’s complaining about how hard it is. This does not bode well, Ireland. And if she thinks working in movies is going to be easier? Hahahahaha.

Photos courtesy of Bruce Weber/DuJour.

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70 Responses to “Ireland Baldwin complains: Modeling is ‘much harder than I anticipated’”

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  1. brin says:

    I doubt she’s treated like crap.

    • Aussie girl says:

      I too doubt she is treated like crap. While she is a pretty girl I just don’t think she is top model material. I hate to sound totally ANTM judge but there is no presence behind her eyes or no facial expression or feel

      • Victoria1 says:

        Smizing! Hahahaha yea I agree, posing for selfies isn’t modeling. And just because your parents are actors doesn’t mean you have to be one either…

      • mayamae says:

        To mention something else about ANTM – they absolutely hate models who say they’re in it because they want to be an actor.

        I have no idea if she’s got what it takes to me a model, but I think her look is a bit too commercial. Maybe she should get an education – why don’t celebrity’s children ever go to acting or film school instead of expecting it to fall in their laps?

      • bluhare says:

        Me too Aussie girl. She hasn’t come up through the ranks, she hasn’t had to go out on go-sees, she hasn’t had to deal with pervs (one mention of her dad should take care of that), so all she’s talking about is showing up, sitting around, and posing. The fact that she isn’t any good might be why she said it. She can’t come up with the “je ne sais quoi”.

      • Tara says:

        Yeah… She looks like a passable sewing pattern catalog model.

  2. Lulu86 says:

    sure it could be hard, but no one is forcing her to do. or is this hollywood brats version of flipping burgers?

  3. Fatty Cakes says:

    Well…based on the pictures above, I would say that, while she is beautiful, she doesn’t seem to be a natural model. So I can believe her when she says it’s hard. She probably needs a lot of direction.

    Also, to be fair, isn’t she like 17 or 18? Not many people that age know what it’s like to really have to work.

    • Granger says:

      I don’t agree. Most of my friends had good (and often hard) jobs at that age, to save for university. I started waitressing at 17, first in a Chinese restaurant that was open until 3 a.m. for all the drunk people coming out of the bars; and then at a diner that attracted a lot of regulars in the form of middle-aged alcoholic men. In both cases, I was on my feet for eight hours straight, and spent as much time fending off the aforementioned drunk men’s advances as I did waitressing. It sucked. But it gave me my own money and helped pay for school.

      Sorry, but THAT’s hard work.

    • hunter says:

      Agreed, she doesn’t look like she has any idea what she’s doing and she doesn’t (sorry) have the face for it.

    • Rosalind says:

      I also disagree. I worked hard from 15 years old. My 16 year old daughter also works her ass off at her job, maintains good grades, and is a varsity cheerleader. So it really depends on the person. I think Ireland is a very pretty girl but she’s missing that spark that makes a supermodel. She just sounds entitled in this interview. I’m sure a lot of teenagers who are juggling work, school, and sports while saving for college would love to switch places with her.

    • Di says:

      To be fair though, even models work very hard and at a young age. A close friend, who was discovered selling fruit to foreigners as the bus passed their village market, left home, knowing no one to be a model abroad at 14. Probably illegal in this day and age but she spent her life and she worked exhaustively to get where she is today.

      Even by model standards Ireland isn’t working all that hard. No one who is working that hard has the time for instagram and seemingly endless beach vacations.

    • Fatty Cakes says:

      I was mainly thinking of “hard” in terms of difficulty more than effort or time spent. Since she doesn’t seem to be a natural model, I can understand why she would consider it to be difficult. I’m not sure why I assumed most kids in this day and age would be different from my family (we all worked as teenagers) and not have to work until adulthood, especially considering today’s economy.

      Anyway, while I now recognize there are plenty of teenagers that do put in long work hours, I still think a 17- or 18-year-old’s idea of “hard” doesn’t compare with what they’d consider it to be 10 years later or 20 years later.

      It’s all relative, though. She’ll obviously never have to do manual labor, but I think/hope she’s going to look back on her comments as a 17/18-year-old and realize they were stupid.

  4. swack says:

    Boo hoo. Poor, little rich girl.

  5. Assistant Rachel says:

    Not really impressed with these pics… She seems so stiff and unnatural.

  6. Tessa says:

    These look like senior pictures taken for the yearbook. She’s not a model. Tyra would cut her, let’s be honest. There is some talent involved in modeling. Cara Delevigne looks almost average in her everyday life, but her editorials are incredible, and she transforms when she steps onto a red carpet and poses. Some girls just have it.

  7. NerdMomma says:

    It doesn’t sound to me like she is complaining. She also sounds grateful. That said, I find her pretty but not striking, so I don’t think she’ll get work unless it’s based on the publicity that comes with her parents’ fame.

    • emmie_a says:

      Yep. She’s somewhat pretty but not model material. I’m guessing she has already gotten jobs based only on her name — and that will only take her so far.

  8. stellalovejoydiver says:

    If she wants to be an actor or a director why not go to college?

    But wait going to school is so hard, so better cash in on your parents fame.

    • lucy2 says:

      Ezactly – if she wants to do those things, that’s great – go study and figure out how. Or at the very least, get an assistant job on a movie set and learn there.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Good point. A million girls would kill to be given the opportunities she’s had as a model simply because of who she is. Now she wants acting and directing to fall into her lap as well.

  9. taxi says:

    Another case of the mother being prettier than the daughter, as with Christy B, Goldie, Demi M,
    Tippi, to name a few.

  10. janie says:

    I think this “interview” is ridiculous! Modeling is hard? She’s only modeling because of who she is, nothing else. She’s a lovely girl, but if her name was Jane Doe she wouldn’t land in a magazine. Did she graduate from High School? I’ve never heard anything mentioned in that regard? She just showed up one day.

    • Sabrine says:

      People think she should be some kind of clone of her mother and I wish they would stop. She’s an individual and a combination of both parents.

      I’m sure modeling is hard – I never did any work around the house when I was young or anywhere else. She’s 17 – what comes out of her mouth is not what a mature adult would say and should be judged as such. She’s just finding her way. Cut the kid some slack.

    • Bubbles says:

      Modelling is much easier than any real job, and some of them make millions for looking pretty. Gisele is worth, how much? And all that for being born under a lucky star. They should all follow the Kate Moss rule of not talking.
      And the kid is 17 and old enough to know that if she puts herself in the public eye, she will be judged.

  11. NM9005 says:

    And as expected she trots out the ‘but what I REALLY want to do is….’. She hasn’t been in the business for so long and already her passion is something else. To say that acting is easier when, just like modelling, she has basic or no experience just shows what she wants to be: FAMOUS. The easier the better. Why don’t these kids talk about the hard work it requires to succeed in any business?

    Seeing her recent interviews, her aspiration comes from making her dad laugh and giving in to other people’s pressures and watching horror films. Okidoki then.

    Why did she actively work on a modelling career when she could have done some acting gigs? Why aren’t these celebrity spawns going to some kind of acting school, lessons? They just flow into whatever profession gives them fame and they get geared up to do acting or singing. Now she’s introduced as ‘the aspiring actress’ despite not being talked about for auditions whatsoever. Working is out of fashion I suppose, aspiring is enough.

  12. Princess Lizabeth says:

    Wah, wah, wah. I play a sad song for her on the world’s tiniest violin.

  13. Downton fan says:

    Maybe is the theme of this shoot, but I’m surprised she looks so “common”. I’ve seen some of her instagrams and she really looks striking in some of them. Although she’s a pretty girl, there really isn’t much difference between her and someone you’d see at the mall. Now, her mother, that’s a whole different story. What. A. Face!!!

  14. Dawn says:

    Wow…I think some of you are being a bit hard on her. She is 17 and beautiful and has yet to grow into herself. I think she sounded just fine in this article. I am sure modeling is hard in its way. And of course she wants to follow in her parents footsteps because that is what she knows. Hopefully she will go to college first and maybe she will find different interests. If not, all the best to her as long as it is not handed to her and she earns her way.

    • NM9005 says:

      Modelling is hard because most girls start out very young when their bodies are still developing. Only those who are naturally un-curvy (like Gisele) continue modelling after 18 if they can pose well of course.

      Modelling is basically auditioning your ass off (Gisele auditioned for 42 shows in the beginning) which is just running around basically all day every day until you can book gigs. And don’t eat all day if you want to fit into sample sizes. Once you’re booked you have to stay in shabby rooms with too many people. It’s draining but….

      …this is for normal girls. They struggle. Baldwin is rich, already has connections and doesn’t have to live in crappy appartements with 6 girls. I fail to see what difficulties a rich girl has when it comes to modelling.

  15. Mabs says:

    Not feeling any wow factors. At ALL. She definitely doesn’t ‘talk to the camera.’

    • Lady D says:

      Yes. Whoever called her flat nailed it. Lindsay Lohan looks like shit 90% of the time, but damn she takes a good picture. Even her mug shots look good.

  16. Jayna says:

    Generic. But I am tired of her talking all the time to the press, on twitter. That open letter to her baby sister was narcissistic, wanting attention, because what do any of us care what is in that letter and why does she want us to read some long letter to a baby? Because it’s really about her, not the birth of the baby.

    Young and sweet girl, but kind of over hearing anything from her because she hasn’t done anything yet to warrant me being interested.

    • NM9005 says:

      I’m seriously trolling because LOL at people thinking she has something useful to say. She’s so full of herself and is accomplishing nothing to justify her ego.

      She has inherited the ‘acting gene’ apparently because:

      “When I was young, I’d fight everyone who insisted I’d be an actress,” she admits. “I’d say, ‘No way. I’m going to be a veterinarian. I’m going to work at Wetzel’s Pretzels.’ Recently I gave in and realized it’s something I want to work toward.” Being a film fanatic has no doubt prepared her for stepping in front of the camera. “My dad and I have seen every horror movie ever made,” she says. “My mom and I love watching romantic films and dancing and singing in the kitchen. Our neighbors love us for sure.”

      and “it’s going to be hard for me to play the beauty queen in a film, or the lead,” due to her height, and has accepted that she’s “best at being the funny tall one.”
      She’s so funny, in fact, that her father, Alec Baldwin, called it on the money that she would be an actor one day. “I’d say something funny and have my dad cracking up—and it’s really hard to make my dad laugh,” the striking 17-year-old said.

      But she’s going to do improv. Because comedy is WAY easier than modelling =/ Comedy is even harder than drama and improv is tough! Like Tina Fey said, Alec Baldwin is a master at any kind of acting: TV or film. He can do it with a range that is impeccable, natural and believable. That is a skill that takes hard work, continuous discipline and a passion for acting.

      17 or not, her quotes don’t convince me she’ll ever be as driven as her father or even the most average acting student tbqh. My friend is 18 and he loves acting since he was 14 and he is good at it. Age doesn’t matter, when you are driven it will show.

  17. MisJes says:

    I wish they would stop trying to make her happen.

    Let’s be honest here. She’s broken into modelling through good old fashioned, Hollywood tried and tested Nepotism. Were she not the offspring of Alec and Kim, I doubt she’d even get a look in. This much is clear to me from the above pictures. They look horribly forced. She has no natural affinity for modelling, the camera certainly doesn’t love her, and facially she is lacking.

    If modelling is too hard, she should try going to school, or finding a career in another field. Just because have contacts in the industry doesn’t mean you have to follow them up.

  18. wonderwoman21 says:

    That first picture definitely…isn’t good.

  19. Maya Memsaab says:

    Nothing striking about her as a model. Ireland Blandwin.

  20. snappyfish says:

    she’s a very pretty girl but surprisingly flat on film.

    that is one thing ANTM showed me, is that often pretty girls are simply pretty girls, but the offbeat looking girls are fantastic on film.

  21. Susei says:

    such a pretty young girl, but everyone can see she is no model material.

    Why is she so desperate for attention and fame? Honey, go to school and find your own way in life.

  22. Lisa says:

    I have never worked as a real model, but I did get a professional head shot taken for my business web site and marketing materials, and the whole process did give me a lot more respect for models and actresses and how much work they have to constantly put into their appearance. Obviously, there is Photoshop, but that doesn’t fix everything.

    Now, that doesn’t mean I think modeling is hard in absolute terms, but it does take work. And, as a previous commenter pointed out, Ireland is 17. When I was that age, I think I thought most jobs were pretty easy because my only experience with them was seeing someone else do them.

  23. Brooke says:

    apropos of nothing, though she is undeniably a pretty girl, she just doesn’t look good in any of these photos…whatever “it” is, she doesn’t have it. stick to instagram, chica.

  24. tealily says:

    I have no problem with the comment. All it’s saying is that she thought it would be easy and, surprise, it’s a job! She’s young. Easy things are hard when you’re a teenager and think you have better things to do. She probably didn’t think it would actually be work.

  25. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    An outdoor breezy beach photo shoot would suit her looks more – like Cheryl Tiegs did back in the day.

  26. Bread and Circuses says:

    She’s really pretty, but I don’t see the kind of facial bone structure that will make her sought-after by magazines. Given she’s so tall, I suspect she’ll wind up doing a lot of runway work.

  27. Justme says:

    What I’d like to know is if the theme of this shoot is “Luck of the Irish” why is everyone dressed in Scottish tartan and kilts?

  28. Sachi says:

    She’s pretty, but not photogenic. The camera doesn’t quite “love” her.

    And for everyone saying modelling is soooo easy, do you know what models have to go through to earn money? There are thousands of models around but only 20-30 of them will reach the heights of Gisele, Naomi, or Linda E.

    Editorial work like Vogue don’t pay at all. Models who walk the runways rarely get paid in cash. They get paid in designer clothing and accessories, but who needs those when they need cash to pay their agent, their rent, send money to help their families, and pay for other expenses?

    Models rarely see any money paid for hours and hours of work. It all goes to their agencies and their ‘expenses’ deducted by their agents.

    Good for models like Gisele who branched out and capitalized on her brand to start her own businesses. It’s rarely the situation for 95% of models, esp. those who get scouted at 14 years old, coming from impoverished backgrounds, and being told they’d get to travel the world and wear expensive, beautiful clothes.

    Ireland is lucky that modelling is a stepping stone for her, not a lifeline like it is for many models.

  29. Meggin says:

    She’s a pretty girl and not to be rude but doesn’t she look a lot older, like in her thirties or forties? Maybe it’s just me. Hate to say it but I think Kendall Jenner has more modeling potential.

  30. EscapedConvent says:

    The only thing really striking about her is her height. I would agree that she looks bland. Maybe that will change with age.

  31. Chutzpah says:

    She does a better job of it than Amber Le Bon

    But nepotism is nepotism neither on them have ‘it’

  32. Tails says:

    She’s pretty but doesn’t really make for a good model. Some of her shots are okay, but in the first one she looks like she’s been crying.

  33. shannon says:

    Actually I think she came off very sweet and grounded. I’m sure modeling actually IS hard, it’s not something I would want to do. Is it as challenging as being a brain surgeon? I’m sure it’s not, but it’s definitely work. And she’s very young – most likely this is her first real job. I don’t get the hate, she was gracious and kind.

    Also, what’s with all the ‘yeah, she’s somewhat attractive I guess’ comments? She’s obviously extremely pretty. Why do women have to hate on other women like this? What do you look like? She didn’t choose her parents, she got lucky being privileged. But she’s pretty and she seems very sweet. Also, she’s a kid who most likely does have insecurities. Call off the bitch attacks.

  34. Mrs. Ari Gold says:

    She has the most non-descript, bland face.

  35. Au de toilet says:

    Omg…what an abomination…only a dumbass can say something like that…look good…don’t talk…just don’t talk…!