Here’s a photo of Liam Hemsworth with his mom on Monday evening outside the Chateau Marmont. Is this a calculated move? He’s publicly hanging at a paparazzi hotspot in the wake of his epic (and predictable) breakup from Miley Cyrus. In yesterday’s post, I noted how Liam was chatting up a mystery brunette in Las Vegas on Sunday night. Now we know the identity of this chick — Mexican actress (and singer) Eiza Gonzales. She and Liam partied together until 2am at a club. The Mail has photos of them together on Monday morning. E! Online ups the ante with a picture of Liam kissing Eiza. Poor Miley.
I am on Miley’s side in this breakup. She’s immature, but so is Liam if this is how he’s going to handle the end of a four-year relationship. I feel like Miley’s self-absorbed to the degree where she never even considered she and Liam would ever end. So what if Liam told Miley to keep the engagement ring? No use will ever come of it.
Four years. That’s 1/5 of Miley’s entire life. E! Online says the split was “Miley’s decision, after coming to grips with Liam being what she believed was less than faithful to her.” Radar Online still insists Liam was so “mortified” by Miley’s VMA act that he was done with her first. If that was the case, he could have broken up with her instead of making Miley do it when he acted like a d-bag in Vegas.
I don’t know much about Eiza, but she does show a fondness for pap hotspots herself. Here she is outside Bootsy Bellows a few months ago.
Here’s Eiza at a Univision event in July.
Oddly enough, Us Weekly is still sticking to its January Jones story, but I don’t think anyone’s listening to that tune any longer. God, leave January alone.
Just for kicks, here’s Eiza in 2010. I don’t know if she and Liam will become a real thing or not.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Pacific Coast News & WENN
It’s been over for months. They just officially announced it for maximum publicity for her new “heartbreak” song.
This^^. This has been over for a while and Miley is getting a lot of publicity mileage out of it.
I agree as well.
^^^ This! A thousand times this. You want to know how long it’s been over, watch her unraveling. That’s the time line. I think he’s been very decent by not confirming or talking about it. He as let her try to come to grips with it and said nothing. Yet everyone gives him shit. I don’t get it.
Perhaps everyone gives him shit because of that Oscars after party thing with January. That was a douche move. No matter how crass Miley became, she didn’t deserve to be cheated on.
+10. It isn’t fair that he’s being raked over the coals by some posters. He absolutely didn’t have to wait months to publicly start his new post-Miley life, nor did he have to uphold a dignified silence – it was decorous and polite of him to do so in the first place.
He waited until she came out with her “Boyfriend destroyed me” song to play into it which is fine. I love his brother so I give him a pass on leaving because I would’ve left Skeeter McTwerkins awhile ago.
He gave her more than enough time. She took that time and acted like a fool. He gave her space and tried to help, but had to cut the cord. If he cheated he’s a jerk, but i’m not convinced he did.
We don’t even know that he cheated with January though. Unless something else came up, that I didn’t read about, what I read was that he and January shared the same limo on their way back from a premiere/party, presumably because they shared the same agent/rep (or something), and Miley stayed and kept partying.
He hasn’t been seen with her publicly (January) since then, and it’s just the tabloids that have been saying that they were bumping uglies with each other–and I think that’s because January (in the gossip/tabloid world) has that reputation–that Bobby Flay incident.
And that’s not enough for me to say that he cheated on Miley–especially since their relationship’s been OFF for a long time.
Yes, even if it has been over privately, the girl still has public pride and shame that he should have been aware of.
That Oscar thing is looking more suspect as time goes on. Especially when you find out that they left with Chris in that car, suddenly it’s not so sleazy of him.
How has he let her get to grips with it? He dragged her along to his movie premiere just last month. Or are you suggesting she forced herself on him and the poor Liam couldn’t get rid of her? Eye roll. Come on! He played along for whatever reson right up until recently and now he is already showing of his new piece. I am not even a fan of miley but let’s face it his behaviour is every bit as trashy as her vma performance.
I think it has been over for a long time. They both kept quite for career reasons. I don’t see her as a victim at all…her career had a LOT more to prove than his. He has at least 3 more Hunger Games films in the pipeline, he isn’t going to fade away anytime soon.
i don’t care who you are… if you were ENGAGED to someone & in love for more than four years you don’t move onto someone else in a day or even 3 months. unless you have been seeing that person for a long while before. i’m pretty sure he was cheating on miley.
totally agree. they have been over for a while and now, with the “official” announcement, he’s free to be seen with another girl (out in the open, not “sneaking around” as he did with JJ).
Yes he does, but he has such bad taste in women. Hopefully this Eiza is not going to be a serious long-term relationship.
Yep. No sympathy for Miley, in the least; especially since reports say she also has had a new partner for a while.
I do think, however, that Liam was a bit silly in going public with his “single guy” act so soon. Makes the general public have a wrong perception of him.
Eh, I guess being considered Miley’s fiancée for too long may build up quite an unmanageable amount of frustration.
Still. A bit unprofessional, Liam.
you are seeing with your ears & not your eyes. i haven’t seen miley or even heard of, for that fact, her being with another guy. liam has been pictured making out with another woman fresh out of a breakup. not to mention the january jones incident. i do feel sorry for miley. that has got to be a kick in the teeth.
Donna, it has already been reported by some that Miley is seeing someone new, too. This isn’t even a fresh break up, it’s months old now. And the Janurary Jones incident – is nothing more than speculation and pot stirring on behalf of the media. There is zero proof of anything other than the two of them sharing a car, with Liam’s brother.
I thought there were witnesses to him and J making out in a hallway? Would have to go back and read the old posts here to remember correctly.
I actually think Liam was nice enough to let Miley decide when to announce it and she, of course!, picked a time that would best suit her career. He’s not being a dog, he’s finally moving on from a disaster.
I agree with what you’re saying, I think they’ve been over a whole but does no one else think its kinda tacky and Douchey for this to come out the next day? Makes him seem like a cheating idiot
He just left the sinking ship
absolutely. With all agreeing the timing of Miley’s hair change, then going off the rails is evidence they were broken up ages ago.
They were single when he shared a car with January Jones and his brother too.
Liam’s side, not Miley’s.
I love how people say he helped her time it for her record, but he had no problem trotting her out, hair cut and al for his movie premiere. He cheated and its not a stretch to think JJ would be capable of it. No haircut or bad dancing is an excuse for being betrayed by a fiancé. Every gossip site reports the cheating as true. I give her credit for trying to hang on and work through it, twerk and all.
LOL @Rubydoobiedoo: Yeah, because gossip sites never lie. BAHAHAHA This whole Liam cheated story is Miley’s camp trying to save face, it’s so blatant. Miley didn’t try to work through anything, everything she’s done has been about self promotion as always. She’s an attention whore.
Damn Eiza, you don’t need any work done to your face!
The stench of eau de famewhore wafting of that Eliza chick is suffocating
This Eiza chick and Elsa Pataky give me a similar vibe. They could totally do photo ops together. What’s with the Hemsworth men? Famewhore siren call.
That’s exactly what bugs about this chick: she’s a Five-Alarm Famewhore.
For goodness sake, Miley and Liam broke up months ago, but held off on the announcement until a time that suited her album release. It’s probably a relief for him to finally, after months, be able to go public with his new girlfriend (if she is that) and stop having to pretend with he is still with his ex-fiance. Likewise for Miley.
This choosing teams business is ridiculous, as far as I can see they both got something out of this arrangement.
They’ve been broken up for a while, they’re just going public now. He’s fine.
well she’s beautiful
She should be – she has definitely paid for some of her appearance.
Yeah that’s gotta sting a bit for Miley.
Call me superficial but it’s always easier for me to deal with an ex moving on if I think his rebound isn’t as pretty as me.
Yeah, I’m a terrible person but every little bit of consolation helps during a break-up.
EDIT: @ Erinn-really? I’ve never seen her before so I had no idea. Do you know what she’s gotten done?
Wait, just did google image, she looks like a completely different person. Nose job for sure, maybe lip injections and some other stuff…
before and after
yeah, that looks like 2 completely different people.
She’s only admitted to the nose job that I’m aware of, but honestly, she DOES look like a completely different person. There’s a decent amount of work that’s been done.
If I were Miley, those before and after shots would really cheer me up. She was less pretty to start with than Miley, IMO.
Then again, knowing my ex’s brother had married a much-surgeried Spanish model might cause a few winces.
woah, the before picture really does give a lot of perspective. this was a girl hell bent on fame and altered every bit of her appearance for it. Liam, step away from the light. Gawd, these Hemsworth boys are silly with women aren’t they? I agree that Eiza gives off the same man eater fame whore vibes as Elsa
Oh, I’m more offended if she’s uglier! If you leave me it better be for someone spectacular!
The nose job is a definite. Her teeth are a completely different shape, and her lips are MUCH plumper.
The rest of her face (the fact that her chin, jawline, and eyes look different) could be due to growing up from adolescent to young woman/weight loss/better makeup. Or it could be surgery.
Whatever it is, she looks good now, but her face bears little resemblance to the one she was born with.
I don’t know much about how much weight lost can contribute to your physical appearance but she did have to lose a lot of weight to do a role of an anorexic girl in a telenovela. I’m not saying she hasn’t done anything else besides the nose job but its something we should take it in consideration
Your point is a good one, and probably contributed to her more defined chin and cheeks. But still looks like she got a nose job, lids/eyes done, and some lip injections as well.
I’d say definitely weight loss/age is a factor in the face shape change. The rest is obviously a good surgeon. She is gorgeous now- wow.
Immature boy, …gauche girl….relationship doomed.
I don’t support him at all. There were so many reports over the last year about him being so devastated with her behavior. Well, if it’s true grow a pair and move on.
He enjoyed the attention that surrounded the relationship. I don’t doubt for a second that he thought it’d boost his career.
That being said, I do think Miley is immature as well. I think she held on to the idea of marrying him regardless of what a mess the relationship had become.
And I think that him publicly moving on so quickly is a bit callous. If I’d spent four years of my life with someone I wouldn’t want to see pictures of him out and about with some fame-whore seeming girl that quickly.
I think that it’s unfair that Miley’s the one getting the disproportionate share of the criticism. She is immature and all, but it’s not as if he’s been great either (e.g. January Jones).
This kid is just so gross. We all know guys like this. Guys who are too cowardly to end it. Guys who dont want to look bad or have to feel bad. So they emotionally withdraw, treat the girl like crap, humiliate her just to force her to do their dirty work. But the problem is they always leave tiny glimmers of hope so if the girl isnt bright enough to see the truth, she goes through a hellish roller coaster of hope then dispair.
What a pathetic little boy.
Isn’t this exact scenario what “He’s Just Not That Into You” is based on?
Guys are cryptic, cowardly assholes but the woman is to blame for not “seeing the signs”?
He’s not hot anyway. I’ve only ever found him attractive a couple times and it was always the exception to the rule. TBH, I actually think this chick is out of his league.
Oh my God, Rosie – you have nailed it like nothing has ever been nailed before. Where were you when I was in college? I could have used a wise friend like you (although I probably wouldn’t have listened).
Nailed it! She’s well rid of him.
People think they just broke up cause this is when they made it public. While actually, as it was clear to ANYONE and as Blindgossip revealed weeks ago, they have been done for a while now, and only kept it going for the sake of publicity. I pity them, and all the celebrities who behave likewise. They exchange happiness and freedom for a minute or two more of stardom, when eventually nobody gives a flying f***
To play devil’s advocate: It sounds like they broke up quite a while ago and just didn’t make it public. I believe Miley and/or her people were stalling on the announcement. Liam was probably going along for a while, but I imagine he was getting fed up. And I can’t blame him.
^^ Agree! and I know I read the blinds too much (and take them as gospel sometimes) but wasn’t it Emma Watson he had a one night thing with and not JJ? And if so, GO FOR IT – he is YOUNG and HAWT! Miley is disgusting.
Yeah, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that their relationship finally ends just as she releases a break-up song. I don’t really understand the inner workings of the celeb pr system, but maybe she offered him a cut of the single’s profits if he held back on announcing the break-up til the song was released.
i think he checked out of that relationship months ago. Either it was PR or her refusal to accept the end that dragged it out this long.
Career-wise, Miley is now being raked by several singers because she can do better than tacky nonsense. I believe Elton is right about imminent meltdown.
I’m pretty sure the dragging out was PR related and timed to coincide perfectly with the drop of her new heartbreak song.
I have a feeling this chick is as much an attentionwhore as Miley just a bit older. She is hotter than Miley though.
Personally, I don’t believe for an instant that either Miley or Liam was solely in control of when their breakup was announced. Both have publicists, agents, and managers. Liam’s people probably said “Let’s keep you together while she explodes this summer, it’s good publicity for you” and Miley’s people wanted the breakup timed with the breakup song she’s released, thus maximizing tabloid/radio exposure.
I think they’ve been “done” for months. I don’t blame Liam for moving on.
I totally agree. The problem is, with the advent of blind gossip sites or even just gossip sites, the public is now able to read the signs. They made us open our silly, naive eyes to the intricated plots of Hollywood. We (at least, the majority of us) cannot be fooled anymore, and we can detect a PR-stunt when we see it. Just think about the Cuoco/Cavill situation: I sort of think that the public was so disgusted by their fakeness, that they scared off the PR management into reconsidering the couple. My point is: these celebrities think we are all dumb, so they try and profit from our candour. But the tables have turned, we’ve been offered insights on the reality of these so-called couples and we don’t buy it anymore. I hope they’ll get it someday.
Totes don’t care about this relationship status in the slightest but he needs to lose some of that hair. Facial and otherwise. I like a little scruff on a man but he looks like a furry little hamster in that last picture. Shave and a haircut!
If Liam didn’t like how Miley has become, he should have ended it months ago.
I don’t like either of them, but he’s a wad.
That vest and that beard screams leprechaun to me…
A part of me thinks they have been over for longer than we think and delayed announcing it for “Wrecking Ball”. I am ashamed to admit I think that is actually a really good song.
I hate that I like it too! And as much as I find Miley annoying, I think this girl is too fame whorey. Get over yourself, girl.
I agree.
At least we’ve moved on from photos of him “leaving the gym.”
Yes but this is worse – he looks like a terrible kisser from that shot.
I’m sorry but Karma is a “B” and Miley got exactly what she deserved. I think she had a good guy and she put him on the back burner, thinking he’d stay there for her while she went all crazy and narccistic, telling people her music comes first. I would be so hurt if I heard that out of the mouth of my boyfriend. He deserves so much better than her and I hope Miley’s music keeps her warm at night, cause that’s all she has now.
What the hell? Seriously? Did you just teleport in from the 50’s?
^^this. What fresh hell is this?
I agree with most above, they’ve been done for months, but I think maybe they didn’t fully know either … maybe both just let it lie to see what happened.
Obviously I don’t know, but I think he probably fully made his decision though with the VMAs, sick of her being so crass. He probably started seeing other women to force her to make the move. Yeah, it’s cowardly, but they are both very immature. I bet he’s relieved to be free now to play up like a young, rich, famous, good-looking dude would.
I don’t think either one should be blamed, they’re both equally young and stupid, and free to handle things how they like, it’s their lives.
Good for him, he did a lot of time in cell block crazy.
A. They’ve been over for a long time already & B. This is how youngins date, always a jump off waiting in the wings. No judgement for that.
I think she dressed like a tacky whore!! Plastic jewelry? Her dresses are tight as hell, leaves nothing to the imagination and got the typical plastic surgery all Hollywood girls get, so she looks generic.
I saw a comparison yesterday about her to Miley. She was the Mexican Hannah Montana! Lol. And keep in mind I don’t give a rate ass about Miley or Liam, just calling a spade a spade.
they both played the PR game with this relationship.
how it ended is still bitter sweet. i could understand any guy calling things of based on how Miley behaves.
on the other hand he gets out of this like its all her fault and people forget about his extensive flirting with Emma Watson and “sharing a cab” with January Jones.
This chick and Elsa Pataky give me similar vibes in terms of how they just love the camera
Umm.. her and Elsa can also compare plastic surgery notes too. Although I think Elsa has had one of the better if not best plastic surgery transformations I have ever seen. The only misstep were those horrible wonky hard obvious boob job.
Those Hemsworth boys do have a type.
Seems to me – based solely on the pics on this site – that he let her know how into her he was a long time ago – which was not at all.
You can’t force a young, famous dude (or dudette) to settle down if they’re not ready to.
I do think Elton John is right – she’s going to crash and burn…….
I agree over and over that it had been done for a while so I’m not angered by this. I think Miley has been sucking Biebers face.
Girl has a good nose job but I doubt this will last. But you could say the brothers like the spanish ladies what with Thor’s wife now this.
She’s not Spanish, she’s Mexican.
Thanks for the correction, I didn’t want to be insulting to either culture.
I like telenovelas much, especially the ones made by Televisa, a Mexican company. (Side note: I live in Europe. Telenovelas are my guilty pleasure.) Last year Eiza played one of the protagonists of a cute primetime show called Amores verdaderos. The show had good ratings both in Mexico and in the US, and Eiza and her character became very popular.
At first I wasn’t enthusiasic about this chick and her generic Barbie doll style, but she was adorable in AV. She’s not the best actress ever, but she’s very animated, fierce and likeable. And I envy her sweet and silky speaking voice.
Eiza seems fun and harmless, and I hope Liam boy budget boy is worth the trouble and scrutiny she may have to face in the future.
Typical Eiza:
Harlem Shake
Gangnam Style:
Man, the way Lainey just wrote an article about this you would think SHE was in a relationship with Liam. It’s not like he’s the the first 23 year old to get cold feet and handle it poorly, to say the least, but they’ll both get over it.
I read Lainey regularly, and I don’t know what Liam and Robert pattison have done to earn her wrath. She is out for blood!!
I think the problem with Lainey is her annoyance with the double standard. The public and the media have all been dumping the blame of the demise of each of the relationships on the women, instead of pointing out that there were, in fact, TWO people to blame when each of the relationships went south.
Neither Liam NOR Robert were the most faithful boyfriends around — FACT — at least that little tidbit was well known here in the L.A. bar scene.
Saw ET last night where this girl was mocking miley, has the same tatoo on her same finger, wore a bear costume and has actually been tweeting along the lines of “ala Miley Cyrus” Separated on a break whatever..I still wouldnt date a dude that had a ring on a another woman’s finger. Period end of story. Clear that shit up first. A dog with pretty eyes is still a dog. Also read another report where someone said his wandering dong was too much for her. He made appearances with her and let the world believe they were still together, any flack he gets for cheating is because of HIS decisions.
She was making fun of Miley? Nice. Classy. Not. Seems she & Liam are a true match and Miley is well rid of him.
Yes they had pics of her dancing with a bear..twitter comment was something Spanish and “Miley Cyrus” and she has the same tattoo on same finger. Sorta sounds like Leann Rhymes and Brandi Glanville stalkerish.
So can he leave the spotlight – and let it all be Chris H – Liam is no leading man!
Some reports are saying that things came to a boil this past weekend, that they weren’t broken up but on the verge for a while. This past weekend Miley wanted Liam to join her but he instead went to the Floyd Mayweather match in Vegas. That is when Miley unfollowed him on twitter on Saturday and on Monday morning her people announced the split. I think they had a huge fight over this Vegas trip when Miley probably gave him an ultimatum and he (wanting to be out of the relationship for a while) took the out and spent the weekend partying like a single guy. And now he is rubbing this new girl in Miley’s face. Both Liam and Miley are essentially immature kids but Liam is being particularly cruel.
No matter when they broke up, I think it’s super uncool for Liam to carry on publicly with this new girl. A 4-year relationship deserves some respect and discretion. I actually feel quite sorry for Miley. And these kissing pictures will not help Liam’s popularity at all with the tweenies who actually love Miley since they grew up watching Hannah Montana
Miley is still very young and annoying but not a bad person. People change, relationships end…it’s a common, sucky experience. So in that sense I feel for Miley. irregardless of when it happened or why it still can’t be easy to see photos of your ex fiancé kissing someone else.
Read her recent interview, she’s not a good person at all she’s trashy. You cannot blame that on youth only. She’s in for a lot of heartache, this is just the beginning. She’s selling it cheap and that attracts cheap men. Liam was smart to get out now. BESDIES….Miley moved on before he did anyway with that freak Mike Will.Made.It, but you keep thinking she’s heartbroken.
Same old story, guys don’t have the balls to leave their girlfriends and instead they cheat on them. Disgusting.
Well, it may not last because she seems like she is in it for the photo ops, but as far as him – I think he would stay. She has the same funky chic ultra femme feel that Miley had when he first got involved. He isn’t into faux punk girl or tank girl, not that Miley should stay something she isn’t connected to, but it isn’t a shocker if the person you attracted before doesn’t stick around in the after…
He did go about it in a douche way, however.
I agree 100% with CB and Lainey. Aren’t most of us women here? Can’t we see how the Aussies are trying to write this story? They are publicly shaming her. The proof is in the pudding. He couldn’t wait five minutes, much less five weeks.
To answer your myriad of questions, Jennifer:
1. Why yes, I am a woman. I don’t see why that should sway my thoughts on the matter in any particular way. My sex is irrelevant to my opinions.
2. As one of these Aussies you speak of, I have to say that not only am I not trying to write any kind of story, but merely state my feelings on the situation using the information presented. Besides – I don’t see how my nationality has any relevance to that.
3. I for one have not shamed Miley in any way. Read my comments up thread and you will find that is the case. It is unfair to generalize.
Finally, 4. It has been widely reported that Liam and Miley broke up months ago, but have been waiting for the most beneficial time to make the announcement. It is no accident that this news coincides with the release of “Wrecking Ball”. If anything, he has been decorous and polite to have waited so long, months in fact, to begin a new public life post-Miley. It can’t have been easy (for either of them) to uphold that facade for so long, and he did so with dignity. So yes, I think it must be a huge relief to have this out in the open, and he probably couldn’t wait any longer to move on. There is nothing wrong with that. In any case, by some reports – Miley too had already moved onto someone else within that time frame.
And before “But, he cheated!” is thrown into the mix – He was seen sharing a car with January. His brother Chris was also in that car. Their supposed tryst seems nothing more to me than the media running amok with some very fortunately angled photographs.
I don’t get all this out cry that as women, we should feel bad for Miley. I sympathize with Liam. I think he has wanted out of his relationship for a long time. Relationships run their course, especially when you are 23 years old. Its how the cookie crumbles sometimes. He wanted out. They are broken up. Why should he put his life on hold for his creepy ex girlfriend Miley?
Meh, I am a woman and consider myself a feminist, but I think it does us absolutely no favors to automatically side with the female just because she’s one of us. These were two people who weren’t meant for each other. She quit twitter once for him, but obviously she can’t stay away and that’s just one silly example of how they were very different people, which might work in movies, but to work in real life it would take a lot of effort and often sacrifice. Miley is obviously going trough a lot of changes and he doesn’t seem interested in sticking by her for that. Does that instantly make him a horrible person? No, I think it’s only natural, not everyone is meant to take that path. I don’t really care about either hemsworth, but I think there are some attempts at a character assassination here, particularly by my girl Lainey. I’m sure this relationship was over a while ago behind the scenes and Liam, out of some courtesy stuck around til Miley could unleash her wrecking ball. And the whole January Jones thing irks me! Now, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t believe in sisterhood, but to assume that two people sharing a limo ride or even being good friends constitutes a physical relationship is really reaching and a really horrible attitude. Why should women have to keep a distance from members of the opposite sex so they arent gossiped about? Yes January has a history, but this kind of speculation is good for no one and is a minor version of extreme attitudes found in countries where speaking to an unrelated man is grounds for punishment. Whatever, it’s just really weird that I find myself defending last song boy and sparkles this week.
Excellent post and I agree with you completely.
@Hally. No offense but meh back at you. Not sure why you think he, Liam, stuck it out of courtesy. He trotted her out for photo ops for his new film merely weeks ago. How is that courtesy? That seemed more like Miley helping him, lets face it her being there helped bring publicity to his failed attempt at leading man status ( the movie bombed). The fact is whatever is going on with Miley she is a bigger star and hence the power is on her side. I am surprised you claim to be a feminist and cant see that. I also wondering if he is so courteous as you claim, why he is already making out with a new girl in front of paps, literally a day after his people confirm they split.
I am not sure in what world that translates as courteous..
Anyway i wish them both well but i find it ridiculous that people here act like he is a gentleman or something like that. He is acting every bit as immature as her. I dont agree with this blaming miley for everything, he is a grown man of 23 and not some victim. But like i said i wish them both the best for the future.
That last red carpet appearance was painful. It was clear BOTH of them were half-arsing it, doing it because their publicists both made them do it since it wasn’t time to announce their break-up yet. It’d look really suspicious if they’re supposed to be fine and still engaged and she’s in town but a no show at his movie premiere.
But, seriously, the movie was co-starring friggin’ Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford. And, in no way, on any planet, ever, does Miley Cyrus have more star power than Harrison Ford.
Miley might help in the tween world and maybe even in the music world, but she carries no weight in the movie industry and even less cache than that with movie audiences, especially the audience this film was geared to.
Quadruple post
@plesaciu true miley is bigger in the teen world. But even so her new song is número UNO on the billboard chart. Liam carries no weight at all, he is the lead in the biggest flop of the year. So teen or whatever world, miley has a thriving career mr Liam not so much. And let it make it clear I am not a fan of either but it’s very delusional to think he is bigger in whatever world you are talking about.
I think Lainey is full of crap on this. For one, she used to slam Miley every other week when she was acting and doing Hannah Montana. And two, it is widely known that Miley already has boyfriend as well, a rap producer she works with.
I second that. Miley and Liam were officially publically broken up when he was photographed kissing Eiza and I would guess they broke up much before the actual announcement. So as far as I’m concerned, Liam has every right to move onto that beautiful Latina he has been spotted with. She is a major upgrade! He owes Miley nothing now and its silly to think he should put his life on hold for some ex girlfriend.
Yes it hurts to see an ex move on quickly after a break up but that is reality. Would Lainey and CB rather he hide his romantic relationships so Miley can be delusional and think he hasn’t moved on? I don’t think thats right either.
I also feel bad for Liam. If you have ever been stuck in an awful relationship that has been in a death spiral for a long period of time, you know just because you put the final nail in the coffin and officially ended it, that you could have been checked out mentally and emotionally months prior. So, its not heartless to date someone right away-especially if you were the one who wanted out! I hate the shaming going on with Liam. He doesn’t need to live his life and make any decisions based on Miley anymore. They are over.
I appreciate all your responses. I will say that it seems to me that LH and his family are blaming the final breakup on the VMA performance when there are probably a variety of reasons behind it. This is the problem that I have with the Aussies. It seems disingenuous.
I stand by the 5 minutes / 5 weeks comment. It’s a crap way to end a long-term relationship.
I don’t recall seeing Liam or his family directly commenting on the situation anywhere, especially blaming the demise of the engagement on the VMAs. We have a handful of insider tidbits from supposed “sources”, but nothing that can be accurately accredited to coming from The Hemsworth’s. If anything, there has been dignified silence.
If anything, it is Miley who is being disingenuous in this whole situation. She has been making statements regarding the health of her relationship, their happiness and planning a wedding this entire time, despite the fact that they clearly had already broken up months ago! I believe she wanted to wait until “Wrecking Ball” dropped to announce the split, and Liam graciously agreed.
And again, I don’t agree your five minutes/five weeks comment. There are CLEAR reports that Miley had also moved on to a new relationship. The split has been announced, there are no more secrets. After waiting MONTHS to come out publicly with his new life, why should he have to wait? He has been affable enough already.
I believe that Miley and Liam started having big troubles in their relationship in February, but they tried to work it out for a few months- partially because that’s what their publicists or people or whatever wanted for them. But I believe they finally broke up a month ago, before Miley’s VMA performance, and just delayed the announcement.
I don’t know if Liam cheated on Miley or not during the relationship. He could be innocent and every cheating rumor that we’ve heard about him could be tabloid b.s. Or, he could have cheated. There have been multiple reports about him cheating with different women, not just January. We’ll never know. I refuse to judge him for it without having enough evidence that he did anything.
I think they’ll both be ok, though. Break-ups happen. Who knows, they might not be over for good. This is the third time that they’ve broken up since they’ve been together.
Cheating sucks but can you blame him if he did?! Miley is foul!
The Eiza girl is a tall glass of water. Young, beautiful and successful. What 23 year old guy man wouldn’t choose Eiza over Miley?
Miley acts crude and vulgar. She has no class and has ruined her looks. Liam has every right to get off that sinking ship in my opinion. More power to him for it. Why should he stay with Miley if he doesn’t want to be with her? Just because they thought they were in love at some point?! I mean come on, they are young, they have no kids, and they arent married. If he isnt feeling it anymore, he has every right to leave and find happiness elsewhere. Miley’s behavior cost her her engagement and relationship. Obviously its was a turn off to Liam. She should take this as a life lesson and rethink her pathetic career decisions.
“Cheating sucks…!”
…except for the fact that we don’t know if the cheating actually happened at all! All we know was that Liam and January shared a car…with Chris as well.
The whole cheating angle has just been some story run up like crazy by the paps and the media.
Cheating sucks, but can you blame him if he did?
I hope you felt the same about Kristen Stewart, as well as Simon Cowell’s mistress. 🙂
Oh come on! It’s not like they just broke up yesterday and he’s already moved on. It’s more likely that they’ve been broken up for a while. He AND Miley are allowed to move on.
Good for him.
I was just wondering recently that if they broke up some 6-7 months ago and just stay together for careers and PR then eventually he or she would want to date other people. But couldn’t because they would be labeled cheaters by press. And as we see Liam was labeled.
I wonder if it was Liam that finally demanded official break up because he found another girlfriend and wanted to be officially free. And who knows Miley could hook up with some producers from the recording studio because she is like so street ya’ll or who knows who. We just don’t know it.
Liam is not the only one who moved on already Miley is supposedly dating one of her producer its shame that all January jones did was shared a ride with Liam. And she being branded with a scarlet letter for all the blinds items and tabloids chatter about Liam and January there only one picture of them together . Its a good thing that Miley and Liam are over she too busy trying to take over the world with her crap music and Liam is too busy not selling box office tickets unless its the hunger games .
I’m not sure if anything went down between him and Jones, I doubt it. I think she went for Chris instead. But Jones has already earned her Scarlet Letter waaaaaay before that. She’s stated in interviews she finds married or taken men more attractive. She still has yet to release baby daddy’s name due to his marriage.
This is kind of weird to me since he was so PDA-phobic with Miley and now he jumps into full famewhore mode? I wonder if this is smoke and mirrors for something/someone else.
Am I the only person who fails to see the appeal of Hemsworth? His eyes are sooo beady and close together. He looks like a hillbilly someone scrubbed up for the night and put in a suit, when the whole time he can’t wait to get back into his wifebeater and trucker hat. Yick. Just not my type I guess – I think I might even get the Cumberbatch thing more.
He “moved on” since the Oscars. Douche
Meh. It doesn’t bother me so much. Maybe in his mind the relationship was over a long time ago so he doesn’t feel like he’s moving on too quickly.
I never believed the January/Liam story…
I think it ended months before the announcement. And I think Liam and January didn’t hook up on Miley’s watch(no hard evidence like Kristen Stewart’s Mini-Cooper pics. I bet Miley’s ego is sorely bruised with the Liam/Eiza make-out picture-24 hours after the break up announcement. It’s nirvana for the gossip press – Brad/Jennifer/Angelina or Chris Brown/Rihanna/Karreuche Tran 2.0. Let’s see it Miley is the grown woman she claims she is. She can’t hide behind her work forever; she’ll eventually run into Liam or Eiza at some point. As for her Bangerz pressers, if her people put a gag order on the media about her break up (and Liam’s new girl) it’s proof she’s really not taking it well. Some reporter or paparazzo will lob this grenade at her to get the money shot..her bird flip recently proves Miley can’t deal with the paps well. Finally if Miley engages in a Twitter fight with her ex and his next…it would put her back to Hannah Montana maturity level and wreck this new “grown” image she wants.
Everybody knew this relationship was dead for months. Miley chosed to keep the relationship for publicity reasons. Miley loves attention and she is getting the attention she never gain before. Its totally calculated. She released wrecking ball and makes everybody think about how Liam wrecked her even though she didn’t write the damn song. USweekly release the Liam and January thing and on Monday Miley release the end of the engagement with that stupid victim statement. Liam might be a douche and cheated but Miley isnt a saint. She has rumours about hook ups for months too. Expecting a lot of shades in the coming months because she can’t helped. She is a victaim!
Miley already has a boyfriend but nothing is ever good for her so she hold up the annoucement just to gain more attention and make Liam look like the villain. the USweekly source comes from her. Wait for her to go down in a spiral from now on. She has no limits.
This thing was over long ago. I don’t know who broke up with who, But based on what I saw at VMA…..I’m on his side regardless
Miley is smart she fed usweekly again with th January thing because the media would go back to the february car ride and make Liam the bad guy who cheat even if there aren’t any pictures of it. Good timing. I wonder what she will hold on to after Liam.
I’m not sure that Eiza is going to be a much more mature replacement for Miley, but maybe Liam doesn’t care right now and just wants to play the field for a while. I don’t think he needs to think about a serious relationship until he is really ready. Being an actor and moving around a lot has its relationship liabilities. However, it’s good that the union with Miley has ended. Marriage would have been a mistake for them.
LMFAO at all the Miley defenders. This girl is not a victim and I’m not convinced Liam cheated either. It’s clearly been over for a while, Miley’s public ‘shame’ isn’t his problem. She brought that on herself with her VMAs performance, guess she should have thought about that first huh? He’s free to be seen with whoever he wants, nothing wrong with that.
Don’t be daft!
100% agree, Jamie!
Not a fan of Liam Hemsworth but to all those reports of him “using” Miley Cyrus to go to his movie premiere made me laugh.
Liam? Famewhore? I don’t follow his news but umm the only time I saw him on any gossip sites was when he got papped. I don’t think he called those paps himself. I also don’t see him dancing in a vulgar manner or using a foam finger to pinch his own nipples because you know, Hey! I am an adult man! I know MORE about sexuality than you!
I think it is VERY obvious who is the real famewhore here. And never will I buy it that Liam was “using” her. It just doesn’t seem possible.
Oh yes, he really shows how he’s not a famewhore (eye roll)…It’s very visible in the way he’s being papped all over with a seemingly huge…famewhore. There will be a lot more to come from this one 😉
And the girl is just a plastic copy of “Hannah Montana”. Could it be creepier?
If he was not a he would have left her a long time ago.
Well…the pics evidently weren’t the first time they hooked up and girlfriend seems to have serious LRhymes type behavior..way to pick em Liam!
I’m defo on the bandwagon of whatever this relationship was at the start (and, being old and cynical – a relationship that starts that young is bound to end like this) this has for a long time been more of a ‘business arrangement’.
Like, seriously – perhaps they had emotionally separated years ago and Miley has gone on a re-invention spree and Liam has gone on to do…whatever it is he does. Stand around fancy women or whatever.
So, “Already moved on…” is bull, as well as “Cheated with January Jones” because how can you ‘cheat’ when you’ve already separated with someone.
It’s all silly, but it’s also really noxious. It’s a bunch of lies being badly covered up.
I am sorry the only reason this story is even being talked about is because of his relationship with Miley. I don’t buy he just met her in Vegas thing. I think he is saying that becasue of the image he is trying to potray. I do think Miley and Liam broke up a while aago and tried to delay the announcment until after his movie premiere and her album. I think he did not hold up to his end of the deal because of her VMA performance and wrecking ball video and forced her to announce the break up early. If some starlet who has a more wholesoem image becomes available Liam will leave this surgucally pieced together girl.
Gosh, this girl is beautiful !
His new piece tweeted on Sept 11th about how hard it was to be in love with someone that loved someone else..he sure falls out of love quick.
Here’s my theory. Not sure why I care lol. Miley started freaking and acting out after getting engaged like she was rebelling against being engaged. Went from one controlling situation to jumping right into another. When Liam was on the set in Philly of his movie w amber heard she got incredibly jealous insecure and acting out like a kid. Cutting hair for attention. Her hair actually made her very pretty. Kinda giving her self this androgynous look as a rebellion towards him?? I dunno. Than from that point it was her acting all crazy spring break and he was like uh whatever I don’t want to be w you anymore. Than they kept the relationship in a state of no one knew what was what. Until a carefully timed move like new album and movie releases. My take. Oh and guys always move on in like a nano second like you never existed. It’s about a year later they start realizing what they lost. Lol.
Well..Miley shouldn’t feel too sad. Liam is a totally loser. He’s nothing like his brother.
Guys move on from relationships at lightning speed because they don’t sit around with their male friends whining, crying, over analyzing, and eating buckets of Ben and Jerry’s like women do. They just don’t have that option. This is how they deal. Don’t think, talk, or deal with the pain, Sleep with a ton of random sluts until that gets empty and boring, Settle down with a nice non slutty girl. If that goes south, repeat cycle over again. Men are not that complicated. . . .
Ah hello???? Miley has been in a relationship with the guy that produced this god awful album remember him????
Mike Will.Made.It & Miley are a public couple now but they’ve been a couple for a while, quit blaming poor Liam. Lol.