LeAnn Rimes wears a splint to Mason’s soccer game, just like Brandi Glanville


Here are some photos of LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian at Mason’s soccer game. Mason’s team won. I know that because LeAnn was tweeting about it. The paparazzi always manage to get photos of LeAnn and Eddie (and the kids) at the soccer games… does she call them and give them Mason’s game schedule or something? The paps can’t be THAT lucky, right?

You might notice that LeAnn is showing off a different kind of accessory – she got a splint for her hand injury, which occurred during her sad little European tour. First she had to cancel a performance because she was “sick” and then she broke her fingers? What are the odds? Also, didn’t Brandi Glanville already break her hand several months ago? SINGLE WHITE FEMALE. At least LeAnn switched the hands – Brandi busted her right hand, LeAnn busted her left hand.

In other LeAnn news, she’s taking part of this year’s annual “Opry Goes Pink” event. The Grand Ole Opry turns their stage “pink” every October for Breast Cancer Awareness month and this year, LeAnn gets to “flip the switch” to turn everything pink.






Also: LeAnn has also been posting photos (on Twitter) of her niece. The photos are pretty funny, especially the one of LeAnn getting up in the baby’s face. I wonder if that’s scary for a baby, to have LeAnn’s (Falcor-like) face breathing on you? LeAnn posted one photo and wrote, “I got some baby practice in today! Now for some other practice LOL”. Interesting. Is Eddie not putting out?




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and LeAnn’s Twitter.

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186 Responses to “LeAnn Rimes wears a splint to Mason’s soccer game, just like Brandi Glanville”

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  1. RocketMerry says:

    Cray times infinity. This woman needs some serious therapy; her illness is so severe it has gotten really concerning. It’s just not harmless fun to watch at all. It’s just sad.

    Let’s hope she can solve her problems without dragging others further down in them (especially the kids, present and/or future).
    Although sometimes I do wonder if she’s not just trolling us all and faking all her cray.

    • Erinn says:

      Exactly. But I doubt she’ll ever get help because she thinks she’s completely sane.

      Her story for the broken hand was such bs too – I’m pretty sure she punched a wall or something – the scenario she described kind of defied gravity. It happened miraculously after Eddie left the tour.

      I’ve also heard rumblings of her getting snarky with the boys – things aren’t going to go well if this keeps up.

      • Christin says:

        Those boys are approaching ages where they will get snarky, too. It is all just a brewing stew of you know what that will boil over one day. Someone used to being the center of attention will not like it when both boys start lashing out and thinking every adult is an idiot.

        Keep good notes, kids, as we want to read the book someday.

      • atrain says:

        She probably thought that getting injured would get Eddie to run back to her side. Since he didn’t, she knows she needs a more serious injury for next time.

      • littlestar says:

        Erinn – where did you hear/read of those rumblings? I don’t doubt it. They are at the age where they are going to get annoyed by her extreme “friendliness’, along with the pap shots and her constant need for attention. Kids are pretty darn perceptive.

    • aemish says:

      Co-sign on that one…

    • JrzGrl says:

      Oh please. She and Brandi both suck and are pathetic. No clear winner here.

    • JrzGrl says:

      Oh please. She and Brandi are both ridiculous and are absolutely pathetic. No clear winner here. Both hideous skeletons. LeAnn simmer down and Brandi go away.

      • briargal says:

        Actually it is LR who should just go away. She is clearly not the winner here! Her marriage and her career are both tanking. She lies constantly and needs some real therapy–not the “rehab” she supposedly went to.
        Brandi is doing well for herself, appearing in a TV show, writing a book and she got rid of a cheating no good louse that LR wanted so bad! Clearly Brandi is the winner here!

  2. CT says:

    The photo where she’s feeding the baby is my hands-down favorite. Everyone is dressed, but LeAnn is pantsless (of course), and the baby’s mama looks worried. Haha.

    • Dinah says:

      I was just about to comment on this- mama looks like she’s ready to catch the baby or snatch the baby away at any moment.

      Wonder if Leann was drunk during this time-because it seems she spends much of her time that way as of late, and I cannot imagine why Mom would appear so nervous about a *sitting* adult holding a baby otherwise.

    • aemish says:

      You’re right! Eddie doesn’t look too at ease himself there in the background…

  3. lucy2 says:

    That last photo is hilarious. The baby looks like she’s putting her hands over her ears to block Aunt Leann out!

    I instantly pictured her seeing the photos of Brandi’s broken hand, sighing, and picking up a hammer. Cray cray.

    I will say she looks better with the weight she’s gained back.

  4. m says:

    Well you know what they say about the mistresses obsessions with the wives…

  5. Teresa__Maria says:

    Not that it is a bad thing, but she seems to be gaining weight recently. She looks so much better now compared to the times she tried to copy Brandi’s body and looked like prop for human anatomy class, but … I still wonder what is the real reason behind that?Because I refuse to believe anyone in her circles deliberately chooses to gain weight.

    • Stef Leppard says:

      I think it’s just hard to maintain that extreme level of thinness. She gradually started eating more and working out less, I guess.

      • briargal says:

        Probably a combination of alcohol and no more laxatives. Don’t forget how Brandi outed LR’s use of laxatives.

      • Dinah says:


        Correction! She is drinking more and forgetting to take Ex-Lax. 😉

      • Dinah says:

        Sorry, briargal- meant for Stef Leppard, LOL.

      • briargal says:

        @Dinah–That’s okay. But you made me wonder at first if I did say it wrong. You definitely said it better than I did! Glad we agree!

    • DGO says:

      She had lipo after hooking up with Ediot. The fat tends to come back in the upper body afterwards. Looks like that’s what happened to her. That and alcohol bloat.

    • Anne De Vries says:

      I noticed that too and I think she looks a lot better like this. Her legs look nice

      • respect says:

        Sorrry, but she looks just as bad as before. Not worrse, but equally unhealthy. She was unhealthy in the way she lost the weight (laxies) and the same in the way she gained it back (patron). There is no perfect weight…there is healthy and not healthy at any size. The real ugly shines from the inside. Girlfriend is one upset away from boiling a pet.

    • Bitca says:

      Haven’t visited Jezebel.com in a few years, but am sorely missing one thing they did very well: the Jezzie eds didn’t allow body-shaming.

      Please clarify what it that “looks awful” to you about Leean Rimes?

      Remarks like that do not ease the stressful prospect of my dad seeing how much MORE of his daughter is facing 50 than the lean, smug 48-year-old he saw during my previous visit.

      Between metabolic changes, & skipping workouts, I gained almost 20 lbs this past year. –Which is so depressing am on the verge of giving up, buying long empire tops, enormous sweaters, & a few pairs of jeans that are 2-sizes too large. 🙁

  6. Anna says:

    That looks like a hat of Brandi’s LOL.
    Leann looks a lotttt better and healthier since she gained weight.

  7. Sunshine says:

    Leann is so vile and she looks so manly butch in the photos at the soccer game.

  8. Persephoneo says:

    Just Say Jenn has a blind about these two that is so crazy, it has to be true. Wow, these two are cray.


    • brin says:

      Get your popcorn ready, this will be epic…Edzilla vs. Mega-Stalker!

      • respect says:

        The minions are on a code red all over the web…thanks for confirming that jenn knows whats up, wewe. Bless her psysco heart.

    • Macey says:

      I dont know about that one but I do believe Ediot has been trying to destroy her since he found out that it was her that leaked the vids and articles that made their affair public. I dont feel one bit of pity for her tho even if it was all true only b/c its just karma coming back around. think about all the others that have received her C&D letters, the law suits to everyone she comes in contact with, and of course the treatment of BG and her kids. they’re both vile human beings and perfect for each other in my opinion.

      • Erinn says:

        Yeah I have no sympathy either. I might have SOME if she hadn’t been the one to sneakily make the affair public. She has spent every ounce of energy ‘winning’ him and then keeping him. She could just as easily walk away but she’s turned the relationship into an obsession. She’s a piece of crap. He’s a piece of crap.

      • respect says:

        Careful what you wish for, it just might destroy you.

      • TheTruthHurts says:

        True. If you want to play with fire, prepare to get burned. LeAnn.

      • Midnight says:

        Wait a minute and let me digest this. You mean MeMe is the one who leaked the pics, videos and stories of the affair to the press and when Brandy was nine months pregnant? If so, her karma is not good. And Ediot is only with her because Brandy threw him out and he had no place to go? And he only pays child support, if any, if and when he works and it’s on a sliding basis? WHTH was Brandy’s lawyer? There’s no way in hell shoulda taken that deal. IMO MeMe is only doing a realty show because it’s as close as the RH series and Brandy can’t be better at something and outdo her. What a shame. I should be ashamed, but she had better hope her money doesn’t run out, because when it does, I’m thinking Ediot is out the door. Although I can’t see him having any affairs, she keeps him on such a tight lease. And she should wear longer shorts. Her cellulite is showing.

    • Jacqueline says:

      Scathing!! Who would have guessed. Damn you for making me feel a shred of pity for Horse Face!

      • briargal says:

        No shred of pity from me. This wicked broad certainly deserves all the misery she is in. She has been a vindictive, lying manipulating sue happy person her whole life. Noone is more important to her but her. About time someone made her miserable. I detest her and EC is despicable but my main concern is for this marriage to end ASAP and get those kids away from this wicked witch of the west!

      • emmie_a says:

        Eddie’s (supposed) behavior doesn’t surprise me at all. Did you really think he was a loving and devoted husband? And I feel ZERO pity/sympathy for LeAnn. She’s getting her just payback for all the times she tortured/taunted/mocked Brandi. Sometimes you reap what you sow.

      • respect says:

        Focus…pity won’t win yoz anxything;-) horrid is as horrid does.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      That is such a disturbing post. It’s like Gaslight. She’s already unbalanced and insecure and he plants stories just to humiliate her? I hate to think what he is saying to her about her body (which is fine!).

      I don’t know much about this guy. Why is he famous? Does he actually work?

      • ncmagnolia says:

        I started to maybe feel one teeny, weeny shred of empathy for her, then realized who I was about to waste my sympathy on. She has behaved hatefully towards everyone in her life since she was a teen, suing her father and mouthing “I hate you” to him every day in court. She is a serial stalker and a man thief. She has tried to ruin any blogger or journalist who didn’t give her a flattering review. As we all know, she destroyed Brandi’s marriage, family and home and continues to SWF her and make her life a misery.

        So then I thought again and said, “NAH, self”. Upon review, I realize I have not One.SINGLE.F#@K to give about Leann the Luck Dragon. Happy Karma, home wrecker.

    • bettyrose says:

      Yeah this is kinda what I thought was going on. I do feel bad for her. She has the emotional development of a teenager and she’s completely lost in a world of adult decisions.She’s the one least likely to emerge from all this unscathed.

    • wiffie says:

      Oh wow. That blind is messed up!

    • TheTruthHurts says:

      No one should feel bad for her. This is her KARMA at work. She is getting back exactly what she & Eddie did to Brandi all while she laughed and enjoyed it to no end. Now that it’s happening to her we are supposed to have pity for her? I don’t think so. I bet Dean wouldn’t think so either.

      • bettyrose says:

        I know, it’s just that Brandi ended up better off. If anything she did Brandi a favor. But Leann’s career is sputtering and her earlier fame will always have a footnote on it. Plus her self esteem is taking a beating. When will karma catch up with Eddie?

    • Hakura says:

      I guess I’m a big softie, but I admit, for a moment there, I felt some sympathy for LEANN. But you ladies are right, she doesnt deserve my pity, or anyone else’s. She’s getting what she deserves for her complete greed & selfishness (to the point using children as chess pieces in her twisted game against their mother, which is just indefensible). You get what you pay for.

      • Kate says:

        Read the other Just Say Jenn blinds. Search, “Suzy” “Marge” “Margaret. There are many.

  9. brin says:

    Mason is so over it! He is the only natural one in the pics.
    Wewe and Ediot are so posed and fake.

    • Masque says:

      Yep, compare these photos with the ones from last week. Last week Ediot looked completely distanced from her and everyone noticed and commented. This week he’s almost as clingy as her. Methinks someone got raked over the coals and has his allowance threatened if he didn’t play his role better.

    • respect says:

      Mason is my hero.

    • gogoGorilla says:

      I just think it is creepy how she is touching Ediot in every picture, like she can’t bear to ONLY be sitting six inches away. There has to be skin contact. Ick.

      She is so creepy.

  10. janie says:

    She is so sad to me… it’s like watching a bad movie play out. I don’t understand why she isn’t happy with her life? She got the guy of her dreams, so what’s the problem? Why is she never satisfied?

    • karmasabiatch! says:


      As Brandi stated so eloquently of Leann, “Nobody wants to hear someone cry over getting everything they ever wanted”. For reals.

    • gogoGorilla says:

      She is never satisfied because she knows she got him by default. She also knows that he is a chronic cheat. I think she is terrified to let him out of her sight. “How you got him is how you will lose him” and all that.

  11. Miffy says:

    What. A. Gent.

    ‘Look, baby, I know your hand is broken but this is my chair. I have it set up in the shade and everything… but here, you can sit on this rug I found.’

    • mrspatrickbateman says:

      She’s choosing to sit on the ground with that certain style of blanket because that’s what Brandi does.

      • Annie2 says:

        oh, ok. That is a pretty crazy, obsessed comment. I don’t know who is the craziest: Leann, Brandi or the posters here who wish ill will towards a human being that they do not know. Wow

      • briargal says:

        @Annie2–Obviously you haven’t been following this whole saga or you would know about all the SWFing this wicked person has been doing. No, we don’t know LR personnally except that she has twittered so much that her life is an open book and we do know how evil and mean she is. Learn all the facts before you put down these commenters.

  12. Savanna says:

    Oh my god I am a horrible person but that is one ugly baby.

    • crab says:

      No your not! I was thinking the same thing!

    • bbb1975 says:

      I thought the same

    • Nadeni says:

      I saw other pictures and the baby is really cute but this is a funny picture. Hands cupped on the ears and that face. She kind of looks like Chris Farley.

    • TheTruthHurts says:

      noooo, the baby is beautiful. It’s the sunglasses that are horrible. I hate sunglasses on babies. Get them a hat instead.

    • Hakura says:

      Aww, I thought she looked SO cute in that last pic, her face was adorable. But there are some so called ‘ugly’ babies that are so unfortunate looking, they become cute.

  13. Macey says:

    she’s so predictable with her “injuries”. first yahoo calls her out for her fake injury after the pics posted of the baby w/o the splint that she so bravely sat for 4 hrs to be fitted for but then by the next day she no longer needs it. then the day after that with the paps present she submits an article about being there for the game thru all the pain and “is careful not to lift anything heavier than her keys’ with her “broken hand”.

    She truly has the most amazing immune and broken bone recovery system that Ive ever seen. She managed to get over the flu, vertigo, pink eye and a fractured bones all within 24 hrs of the illnesses and injuries. she should donate her body to science when she’s gone.

    • Dinah says:

      Wait, she said she sat for four hours??

      I have had hand surgery & can tell you that an occupational therapist can whip up a splint in short order. They heat, mold, trim & apply velcro straps. Boom! Finished in 10 or 15 minutes. And FTR, I so do not believe there were any fractures- she was papped at the airport using both hands to move a suitcase. Such BS.

      It seems to me that she displays drug seeking behavior ( frequent illnesses/injury requiring medical attention that resolve(s) too quickly in proportion to the ‘severity’ of the complaint) in addition to her insecurity, immaturity and extreme neediness. I’d bet she’s popping, as well as tipping, and judging by the bizarre behavior & tweets, it’s happening simultaneously too often.

      • briargal says:

        Funny! Good name for a book by her–“Popping, Tipping and Tweeting”.. Gosh could add Lying and Cheating and…. the list goes on and on!

      • Dinah says:

        Briargal, you are funny! Please, though, don’t give her any ideas! You know that if the contents didn’t thoroughly incriminate her, she’d be all over it, copying Brandi in a heartbeat. 🙂

    • tracymd says:

      Oooh, oooh, I know. Maybe she could donate her body to science now! lol

  14. matia says:

    If I were brandi I’d take advantage of that new law against pap pics of kids and get a lawyer involved against GSI the photo agency that suspiciously always has photos of leann everywhere

    • Macey says:

      It doesnt go into effect until Jan 1, 2014. LR already used one of her fake twitter accts to confirm the effective date. that was kind of funny to watch.

  15. Christin says:

    Both are only children. They do not have nieces and nephews in the factual sense. Someone can be like a sister, but they are not in fact your sister. Therefore, this child is not a niece of Falcor.

    • AnnE says:

      Sorry posted comment 1 comment up.

    • Nadeni says:

      Yep. She said on Twitter that it was a best friend since childhood that calls a sister. So therefore calls the baby her “niece.”

    • TheTruthHurts says:

      Of course not. In true LeAnn form she had to make it all about her. Instead of saying “my friend and her baby” she has to make it that it is HER niece. No LeAnn, she is not your “niece” and those boys are not your “sons.”

    • Funcakes says:

      I read that she is bringing people out of the woodwork to give the illusion that she has some sort of family unit for that abortion of a show she’s filming. Can you imagine how many bridges she has burned if she has to fly out a fake sister.?

  16. Jennifer says:

    What a guy will do to earn money for his family. Makes me appreciate my freedom even more.

    • AnnE says:

      Ironically he is only earning money for himself. Ex wife and kids got shafted in the divorce thanks to new wife’s $ and lawyers shenanigans – he only has to pay child support IF he works and it is on a sliding scale – so never more than he can afford to pay.

  17. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    If Leann was my aunt, I’d never go near her. Especially since I know that at almost every family outing we have with her, she’d always try and call the paps.

    On another note (because of the baby), I had the weirdest dream last night. Maybe because I’m such a loonie–who knows–but I had a dream that Angelina Jolie was my aunt–but the dream was that I was carrying Vivienne (as a 9 month old baby) around a hotel–just going for a walk.

    I think it’s because I’m also a fraternal twin? But it was so weird–because I was carrying her, and went on this elevator full of college kids (wtf??), and they looked at her, looked at me and started saying twins run in the family and I said “Yeah, her dad’s got twins on his side, and on my side there’s a set of twins in every generation”–which is true-my cousin just had a set of fraternal twin girls (although they’re looking more and more identical as they get older).

    I’m such a weirdo.

  18. Mandy says:

    Oh no, that poor baby. LOL

  19. Baylor says:

    A bit random but here goes:

    LeAnn has tweeted that she has figured her and Eddie’s Halloween contumes for this year and that it will be “hilarious.” Great!

    Let me see maybe…
    A Parody of themselves
    Psych ward patients

    Any guesses?

  20. Deaane says:

    Funny how she can hold a baby, bend her fingers around objects and lean with her full body weight on her hand one day and then be supposedly in pain and wearing a brace the next, She was papped the day after this soccer game with no brace, carrying her purse and bags after having been grocery shopping. She even told a person who questioned the lack of brace on Twitter, that she had to take it off for filming. Why would she have to take it off to film her “reality show”? If it’s really broken, you’d wear the brace for as long as you had to in order to prevent re-injury. Does she have no idea of what a liar she looks like? Oh and when I see the photos of her incredibly dirty feet resting on top of the water jug that the kids drink from, it makes be want to vomit. She always looks so greasy and dirty now. It’s like she’s so afraid to leave Eddie alone, for even a few minutes, that she’s forgoing bathing so that she can keep an eye on him.

    • briargal says:

      I think they started filming their ‘scripted reality show’ before she went to Europe on her wildly successful (?) tour where she cancelled after partying at a pub the night before the Dublin show. So her hand wasn’t injured in the filming they had already done and so no splint with the filming starting up again. Actually I don’t think the injury was as bad as she has made it out to be. Saw a pic with her and her splint but she was holding a metal water bottle and carrying her purse and a blanket with her arm. She is such a liar.

      • UsedToBeLulu says:

        Pain meds? They can do magical things if you take the strong ones.

      • Dinah says:


        No. This is a well- documented pattern with her. Some injury or rapid onset illness that garners attention or give her a reason to get out of something which disappears as thoroughly and quickly as it came, only to resurface at some other opportune moment.

        You’re kind to offer the benefit of the doubt, though.

      • Hakura says:

        @UsedToBeLulu- Ain’t that the truth… After dealing w/depression 10 years, I’d probably live on them if I could. (That’s horrible, isn’t it?)

  21. Samigirl says:

    So last week no splint was needed, but this week it’s totally necessary?

  22. Jessica says:

    I am not a particular fan of Leann’s (I think she and Brandy are both awful), but what exactly are you accusing her of here? Deliberately breaking her hand to emulate Brandy? Pretending that she has a broken hand so that she can wear a splint because Brandy wore a splint? That is a little far fetched for me.

    • Dinah says:

      New here? Just google “Leann stalks and copies Brandi”

    • briargal says:

      Obviously you not aware of how much SWFing this wicked broad has been doing her whole life! She doesn’t have an original thought in her head. Every thing is copied from someone else. From a CD covershot to copying Brandi all the time. Do I think she purposely broke her hand to wear a splint to copy
      Brandi–no. But then I don’t think she broke anything. Do I think she hurt her hand punching something–yes! She claimed she spent half a morning at the doctor’s just for them to put something on her hand that you can buy at a store. Everytime she is sick(?), it is always so much worse than anyone else has suffered. She will do anything for attention and publicity–good or bad!

    • Deaane says:

      There are levels of what she is being accused of. Some think that she fabricates everything. Most think she is exaggerating for attention. ALL of her illnesses seem to morph into something horrible and debilitating She’ll tweet for days about a multitude of ever evolving symptoms. .Her fractured fingers morphed into a “broken” hand. She compared her pain from a root canal, to that of someone who had Stage 4 cancer. That isn’t normal and is what causes people to doubt the extent of her injury.

    • Cindy says:

      As suggested please google Leann Rimes is a stalker. There are websites showing several of the exact same outfits worn by Brandi which Leann copies and wears for her pap shots within days or weeks. Here are some other things Leann copies of Brandi since the stalking and SWF ing began: Leann went to Brandi’s plastic surgeon and got the same size breast implants. She went to Brandi’s dentist and got all new caps. She had plastic surgery and botox to change her facial structure to be more like Brandi’s (high cheekbones). Brandi tweets about jewelry and shoes she likes. Leann shows up wearing the same things: rings, bracelets, purses, shoes, bikinis. Leann copies whole outfits and is photographed in the same poses wearing them as Brandi. Leann uses Brandi’s hair stylist, Brandi’s dance workout studio, Brandi’s favorite restaurant. Leann traded in her vehicle and bought the same brand and color truck Brandi drives. Brandi tweets about favorite movies, flowers, sunsets, interests like dermatology, psychology etc. Within minutes or hours Leann tweets the exact same thing. This stalking and copying of Brandi has been going on almost daily since Leann met Eddie, about four years ago.

    • karmasabiatch! says:

      Jessica – if you are new to the subject of Leann’s pathological SWFing of Brandi (which she has also exhibited in the past with other women she felt insecure about; google Leann & Piper Perabo, then look at the cover pic of Leann’s album Spitfire), then I can see why you’d feel that way.

      However, she has in the past faked her leg/ ankle in a brace immediately after Brandi has the same injury, mimicked a burn of Brandi’s, employed the same dentist, dermatologist, hair stylist & even the surgeon who did Brandi’s boob job (with instructions to give her Brandi’s EXACT cup size) and stolen friends of Brandi’s to be her paid “BFF’s”. I know, crazy, RIGHT? Yep. But all documented. LR is a complete narcissist, bully and likely has Munchausen’s syndrome. All in all – a nightmare for anyone Leann wants to become. She’s a very sick and mean-spirited chick who needs constant attention to remain relevant. Don’t blame you at all for your disbelief.

    • karmasabiatch! says:


      Sorry Jessica (and other peeps). Looks like Dinah, Deaane, briargal and Cindy already BEYOOTIFULLY summed up LR’s psychosis for me. Sorry for what amounts to a dupe post, folks. *ducks head*

    • briargal says:

      Just went to Brandi’s twitter and seven hours ago she posted a pic of some really neat shoes that she would love to have. Want to take bets to see how long it will be before little miss copycat wears some just like it?

    • renie says:

      Yes. This is leann, not a normal person.

  23. tarheel tina says:

    She looks like she is my size. which isnt fat, but its hollywood fat. Like you don’t fit into sample sizes but a nice size 7/8 pair of jeans which is fine. She just needs to adjust her style to match her size. Unfortunately Miss Leann, short shorts need to be replaced by cute capris to not look stumpy at this weight.

    anyway, i think the splint was a cry for attention for an injury that looks like was caused by a punch to the wall.

    • Yep says:

      Yeah, I saw her twit pic about her hand injury when it occurred. Looks like a ” Fuck you EDDDDIIEEE” and trying to rip the wedding band off. Maybe he drove her to it cause hes a “gas lighting” bastard also.

    • renie says:

      Yes. This is leann, not a normal person.

  24. Dia says:

    Her body looks fine to me, it’s that unfortunate face that I find appalling.

    I thought when you break your finger, you have the wear the brace everyday all day because you risk re-injuring it. In the photos where she was with the baby she’s not wearing the brace. Do you think we are stupid Meann?

  25. Rita says:

    The “blind” items by Just Say Jenn are fantastic and written by Jenn who gets first hand information emailed to her every day.

    I thought maybe it was Liz sending Jenn the info but her latest blind convinces me that it’s been Eddie. Other than controlling LeAnn with some mental f-ckery, why would Eddie be driving LeAnn off the edge in such a public way??

    Answer: Eddie realized early on that it was LeAnn who set him up in the “Restaurant Finger Sucking” video as well as placing a pap to catch all the photos of Eddie meeting her for that Malibu tryst where LeAnn stayed in the room after f-cking Eddie to eat sushi with DB. He also knows that it was LeAnn who revealed his affair with Scheana while Brandi was 9 months pregnant with his son.

    (Meanwhile, the butler’s finger prints were found on the candle stick suspected of being the murder weapon.)

    Eddie never wanted LeAnn for anything other than an immature thumping and giggles so when Brandi threw him out, Eddie had no place to go but to LeAnn. Now, Eddie is taking his revenge by publically leaking info to drive LeAnn over the edge.

    They are two narcissists swimming in the vindictive sludge of their snow globe….. and isn’t that what makes for a truly trusting and loving relationship?

    • brin says:

      Well said, Rita!
      Leann’s snow globe life is melting away and more and more sites are finally picking up on it. JSJ is amazing and Celebrity Laundry did a scathing story as well.

    • briargal says:

      Your post is right on! If it wasn’t for the boys, I would wish LR and EC a loooooong marriage. Think of us having all this to talk about for years and all the suffering LR would have to go through. They both deserve all the misery they can give each other. But the boys certainly do not! The most important thing right now is to get those boys out of this crazy woman’s life and away from the craziness of this sick marriage.

      • briargal says:

        Meant to add to the above comment that unfortunately Brandi will not be able to have a life without the witch LR being in it. Because LR believes that everything that goes wrong in her life is Brandi’s fault. So all her snide remarks will continue as will all the minions continuing to harass Brandi. But I am sure Brandi would be happy just having her sons away from the loon.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Correct me if I’m wrong, but once the kids hit a certain age–around 12, 13, they can choose which parent they want to live with right?

    • Cindy says:


    • Stacey says:

      Ri-ta! Ri-ta! Ri-ta!

    • kpoodle says:

      Yes^^ I have long held this same theory, but never could put it into words as eloquently as you. LeAnn was never meant to be anything more than a good time. Like most affairs, it was all about having fun, drinking, partying, having sex and sneaking around. LeAnn got too clingy and ruined his marriage. For that, I suspect he’s going to ruin her life.

      • Sugar says:

        @Kpoodle yup she crossed into that territory of ‘i won’t be ignored Dan’ & has been there ever since.

    • RdyfrmycloseupmrDvlle says:


      Heres what Ive never understood. You say, and Ive heard many many times, “After Brandi threw him out he had no place to go but Leann.”
      Why didnt he just go lye low at a buddies for six months until Brandi cooled off?? He didnt HAVE to go to leanns, did he? Surely he could have gone somewhere, his parents even? A place that wouldnt had been as combustable to his marroage as Leanns…..I think Brandi would have wanted to salvage their marriage had he not made such a foolish choice.
      can you give us any insight as to why he didnt go to a friends, his parents or rent a studio??? Why “he HAD to go to Leanns??”

    • KirstyM says:

      It must be bad when Just Say Jenn is almost (ALMOST) feeling sorry for LeAnn.

      What a disgusting man he is.

      Is LeAnn equally as vile or is she mentally ill? She has done some revolting narcissistic things but it sounds like she is spiralling into a vortex and her behaviour is worrying, really.

      God knows. She does look better with weight on, though. I can’t body snark for that, she certainly isn’t fat. But she looks like one unhappy insecure woman.

      How CUTE is that baby in the last picture.

  26. DGO says:

    BTW, that baby is LeAnn’s pretend niece. Guess that poor woman has to go around “borrowing” family members, like husbands and bonus sons, because she doesn’t have any of her own. Sad really.

  27. Leslie says:

    OK, I’m totally confused about the hand. I thought she broke her fingers. If you have a broken finger (been there), you cannot bend that finger for a LONG time. The bone has to heal. But she takes the brace off, bends her fingers around car keys, carries heavy stuff. Does she think no one ever broke a finger before and won’t see that she’s faking it?

    • Deaane says:

      Also, the supposed half a day being fitted for a brace is complete bull. Mine took 20 minutes at the most. Broken fingers and toes are extremely common injuries. She could have had a brace made in the UK very easily. Instead, she wore a gauze bandage and didn’t get the brace until she was home two weeks. She made it sound like she was being fitted for an artificial limb and then doesn’t even bother to wear it.

    • claire says:

      My theory: she punched something and bruised her fingers. But she’s gotta get tons of sympathy, a cancellation excuse and possibly manipulate Eddie, maybe some pain killers, so she turns it into a much bigger deal than it is, per usual.

      She then gets comfortable and forgets the epic injury story she’s told, therefore we see her bending it, holding heavy things, putting all of her weight on it.

      No big mystery. It’s just the typical fabricated life of Leann.

      • Hakura says:

        @Claire – People who turn their entire lives into a series of lies always end up getting tangles in it, eventually. The least she could do is keep post it notes reminding her. You’d think having said your hand was broken would be easy to remember. I think it didn’t get her the response she wanted from anyone, so she decided to ditch the brace, rather than be inconvenianced & uncomfortable (& put in the effort of remembering what she can & cant carry). Probably just assumed no one would notice.

  28. emmie_a says:

    So last week’s round of staged soccer pics showed her sitting on the ground, holding hands with Eddie. Same thing this week. Can she not sit by herself w/out Eddie holding her hand??? Am I the only one who thinks the pictures look incredibly posed and, not to mention downright stupid?? I mean who sits at a soccer game hanging onto their husband like that? Yes, LeAnn he’s all yours. Brandi didn’t want him. Take him. Far away. Out of sight.

    I wonder what the other parent’s think of LeAnn alerting the paps about the soccer games. I mean, the games are about the kids, it’s not The LeAnn Show. I’m guessing the other parent’s aren’t crazy about her antics.

    • Hakura says:

      @Emmie – I’d be very surprised if some haven’t already put in complaints about it. But (until the 2014 law goes into effect), I’m not sure if there’s much they could actually DO to stop it/her. I’m assuming the games take place on public property, so I think anyone (w/exception to those legally banned via offender status) can go, & for now, take pics.

      I’m curious, though. Does the new law strictly apply to pap situations? I mean, could a parent at the game take pics & sell them to be published, or does it mean pics of or including ANY child may not be published (& is that ‘period’ or just ‘w/o consent’?) Very curious… If there’s a loophole, you can bet your ass Leann will find it.

      Oh, & do pics already put up (like Leann’s Twitter/blogs) have to be taken down, like pics included from before the law goes into effect? I don’t know the particulars of the new law aside from not being able to follow/harass kids.

      • emmie_a says:

        Hakura: Good questions… I don’t know too much about the law but will have to read up on it. We all know how much LeAnn needs attention. Will she still go to the games if the paps aren’t there to record her hanging all over Eddie??

        p.s. That is the CUTEST little guinea pig!! I always think of Elvis when I see his pic bc his markings look like sideburns (unless it’s a girl!?)

  29. Rita says:

    OMG!!!! I was just hit by lightening and the bulb came on (Not really, it’s just a metaphor).

    We all know that now days TV sucks and blows at the same. So how about this for a new smash hit TV series called “The Blinds”.

    The story lines write themselves so we throw in some cheap dialogue with fake names and locations to cover our legal azzes and put on an hour show with three blinds every Wednesday night prime time. At the end of the show, viewers can call in and vote with their guess as to whom the blinds are about. We’ll change $1.00 per vote, like American idol.

    This show has everything: Gossip, factual drama, endless submittals by disgruntle Hollywood folks, audience participation, big profit margins, and staying power.

    We will hire Kaiser and Jenn as consultants as well as Gloria Alred for legal advice (cause we couldn’t keep her away from this anyway).

    As executive producer, I hereby nominate @brin to be co-executive producer to do all the work and get this show ready for the spring schedule. Do I hear a second on @brin’s nomination?

    • brin says:

      Rita and Cindy…I’m honored and accept this challenge! What should we call our production company…Snowglobe Meltdown?

    • TheTruthHurts says:

      I second that on Bree! I also think JSJ should be the series writer since she seems to be the only one with good blinds out there.

  30. Cindy says:

    LOL, I second that nomination.
    Oh and, Kaiser, “you in danger guurrll!!” for daring to call Falcor out.

    For all the posters feeling sympathy for Leann, please remember, she is suing a special needs teacher and family of eight. Leann and her fans called and harassed this woman and her daughter. Leann cursed about Brandi and berated the mom and daughter for their loyalty to her. Leann is suing them because she was caught lying about it to Eddie and Brandi. She is now deliberately prolonging her deposition and the trial and trying to drive the family into bankruptcy.

    • Hakura says:

      @Cindy – Omg, I’d never heard that! How was the woman loyal to Brandi in such a way that it gained Leann’s ire? Did she just refuse Leann when she offered her one of those ‘ditch Brandi & become one of my new paid BFFs’ things?

      • Cindy says:

        The woman is Kim Smiley and there is a fundraising page for people to donate for her legal fees, the page has the whole story. Leann stalked this woman and found one of her friends. Leann paid off the friend and took her out to lunch. During the lunch, while they were drinking, Leann got the phone number from the friend and called Kim and her daughter. She bitched them out, yelling and cussing because they had voiced support for Brandi on Twitter. Kim’s twitter was private, but Leann had gained access and disagreed with the tweets. The whole thing was witnessed by the people at the table and in the restaurant, and there were photos of Leann making the call. Kim was frightened by Leann’s threats and recorded the call. The details of the called leaked out and Leann denied it ever happened to Eddie. She was enraged when the call went public and sued Kim and her daughter, claiming it was a private conversation.
        Like the stalking and harassment of Piper Perabo and Brandi before her, Kim Smiley is enduring the wrath of the psycho Leann Rimes.

  31. Audrey says:

    I’ve been thinking she’s knocked up for weeks

    • karmasabiatch! says:


      Rumor has it Ed’s been snipped. If she could get preggo, she would already have done so by now. No way Ed’s gonna kill his exit strategy by knocking up Nostrils McStalker.

  32. DEB says:

    My GOD, Fatty, get yourself to a gym, lol!! 😀

    • Hakura says:

      She’s not fat, by any stretch of the imagination. I’m all for making fun when someone deserves it as much as she does (for being a perpetual total bitch), but her body looks much closer to her healthy weight. After seeing her ‘skeletor’ figure, this is a huuuge improvement.

      I’m not trying to jump on anyone, but I think calling that ‘fat’ is really wrong, & puts pressure/insult on other women of this size/build. It’s a very averge size, & there’s nothing wrong w/it.

  33. newtsgal says:

    1st. pic……That’s really nice Eddie, to sit your family beside the exhaust of that generator. What a bunch of idiots!!

    • brin says:

      LOL…and if they start feeling sick from the fumes, they can take a drink from the cooler that Leann props her nasty dirty feet on.

      • briargal says:

        Ewwww! Yeah those dirty feet and that’s two weeks in a row that they have been really dirty. And not just walk in the dirt for one day dirty–but like they are always dirty. Doesn’t she ever bathe??

      • Deanne says:

        This woman goes into public bathrooms barefoot. The fact that she uses the water jug as a foot stool is gag inducing. Does she wash her hands as rarely as she seems to wash her feet? No wonder the kids seem to be sent home ill so often.

  34. Christin says:

    Why mention frequent workouts, diets / detoxes, etc., when there is little evidence of results? Sorry if that sounds rude, but it is something I have noticed for several months and it is becoming more obvious. Maybe meds and other lifestyle choices offset the other efforts?

    • Jayna says:

      No. She just says it because she knows she is putting on weight every month and wants to throw out there how fit she is, how she boxes five days a week, ha-ha, when it’s more like once a week or every two weeks.

  35. Relli says:

    You know what I think of when I see these photos, PURE BLISS! So Happy!

  36. June says:

    I am going to catch hell for this but I find her statement about “now time for some other practice LOL” to be really tacky. I am not a prude and I love sex. However, it doesn’t need to be announced to the world. It is like when she made a cake with her and her husband in bed and said it’s made of his “favorite things.” I don’t get why she feels like she has something to prove. Maybe I’m just modest but I just don’t understand why she always has to draw attention to her sex life. I generally believe that someone who has to state that their relationship/sex life is wonderful over and over is usually trying to convince themselves. I just don’t see happy people announcing that they are happy all the time. Although she doesn’t seem like a great person I kinda feel bad for her. I might be wrong but she doesn’t seem to be comfortable with herself. It sucks not feeling good about yourself. That is the end of my rant. This is my first post on this site!

    • Deanne says:

      You aren’t a prude at all. It’s one thing to tell your friends about your sex life, but people who brag about it publicly are overcompensating. Just like people who have to reinforce their happiness constantly are overcompensating. She does both and it’s vulgar.

    • Christin says:

      I agree with you. People who brag or try to convince the world of their great life usually have a very different reality.

      While she’s in Nashville, maybe she can mend some fences, starting with her own father. He probably has to treat her with kid gloves to this day.

    • Hakura says:

      @June – Welcome to the community, June!! =D You won’t be catching hell from my corner, either. I’m nowhere *near* prudish about sexuality, & I know it’s ‘to each their own’ in a big way, but I really agree w/you.

      Not shouting it from the rooftops doesn’t mean you’re unsatisfied or a prude, it means you prefer to keep that sort of intimacy as just that, intimacy. I love my BFF, but while we do talk about things, I really don’t want to know TOO much. The only reason for someone to go on & on in public is bc they’re either unsatisfied, or not getting any at all, & doesn’t want anyone to know.

      After the lengths Leann went to to get Eddie (using sex), & all the bragging about the ‘romance’ between them (which I didn’t even see between them at the very *start* of the marriage), she’s desperate to maintain that ‘We’re so in love & hot for each other like honeymooners!’ image, & not appearing on fire for each other (which they NEVER do) ruins her delusional little fairy-tale.

  37. LeAnn Stinks says:

    She needs to swap that splint for a straight jacket.

  38. John says:

    She’s looking downright dumpy these days. I’m guessing there will be a pregnancy announcement soon.

  39. Tannita says:

    There are some pictures on just jared where she went shopping on Sunday and did not wear her splint. SHOCK!

  40. June says:

    I’m not claiming to be an expert on happiness…However, I think the best lesson I have learned in my 31 years on earth is that, for some people, it can be impossible to be happy if you are constantly comparing yourself to other people. There will always be people smarter, sexier, more fashionable then you. Period. All a person has control over is making themselves the best they can be with what they have been given. That’s not to say you can’t be inspired by others but to not accept yourself can drive a person crazy. I wonder if Leanne stopped comparing herself to Brandi and learned to love herself, even with her limitations, she would no longer feel the need to be so weird to other women. I don’t know her, so I am just speculating, but I would guess that is her problem. This doesn’t excuse her behavior but I do hope she learns to accept herself. Sorry to sound like I’m preaching… But I think this is a sad situation for everyone involved.

    • Hakura says:

      @June – I know you’re new here on CBitchy, so I just wanted to say that you don’t *ever* have to apologize for your opinion. The diversity & debate is what makes CB such an awesome community, & why I got reeled into it. =)

      I agree w/you here, too. She has major self esteem/self respect issues, which makes our society’s habit of making women feel like they’re *always* competing against each other, even worse. Because what you say about there always being someone ‘better’ is true, she’s never truly happy w/herself, which means she can never be truly happy w/anyone or anything else.

      God forbid this woman ever has children… She’d become an even more twisted combo of Kris Jenner & Dina Lohan. She’d pimp them out *&* compete w/them (if it was a daughter), then if they became successful, esp in the entertainment industry, she would resent them.

  41. Loren says:

    Forced PDA.

  42. Jennifer12 says:

    Leann is completely disturbed and it’s at a point where she can’t hide it. I think the boys are getting to be too old to be interesting to her anymore, plus they’re hitting back at her with “you’re not my mom”. Typical kid stuff, but Leann can’t deal because of the way she entered their lives and how hard she’s worked to replace Brandi. I can’t feel sorry for her or Eddie- they’re both completely evil.

  43. Leslie says:

    Some of those pix of her awkwardly holding Ediot’s hand look like a frightened little kid who’s afraid to let go of a parent’s hand for fear he’ll go off and leave her. They’re certainly posed and not natural. This is not the comfortable body language of a couple in love. It’s forced for the cameras.

  44. Jane says:

    I call total BS on her because DM has her shopping at William Sonoma with nothing on her hand. She is doing this for some epic sympathy. God, I just can’t with this woman.

    • emmie_a says:

      Jane: Yes! I remember seeing those pics and just looked at them again and she is carrying two bags in one hand and her phone in the other hand. We know she called the paps to Williams & Sonoma – so did she just forget to wear her brace?? Must be hard keeping track of all her lies. Next thing we’ll see the brace on the wrong hand. She is such a moron.

  45. Sonia says:


  46. Snowpea says:

    Ummmm well I am just gonna say it. She looks massive. She has put on at least 15 kg in a very short period of time.

    This is not about weight shaming. I am 5 foot 4 and weigh 60 kg so we are probably exactly the same weight and I am by no means a big girl, but by Hollywood standards, she is huge.

    Something is afoot here. She is very very unwell.

    LeAnn f you’re reading (and we know you are) please go and get some help. Leave Eddie, get into therapy, and then go on a very long holiday. You are one crazy messed up beyotch, but if you keep going down this path, mega bad stuff is gonna happen. You know it.

    *Edit: 60 kg is 132 pounds.

    • Jane says:

      In all honesty-I think she is pushing into the 140 lbs range.

      • JustNow says:

        I think she looks bigger than she did when she got back from Europe a couple weeks or so ago. The girl is eating and drinking and can’t stop herself. It’s just that simple. Nothing would convince me she is happy with herself. She’s not.

  47. skeptic says:

    Are her nostrils getting bigger?
    Seriously, those huge holes dominate every picture she’s in.

  48. MegG says:

    Really don’t feel sorry for Leanne at all.

  49. Caroline says:

    She’s getting fat~.~
    Cellulite much?

  50. Debbie says:

    Hm, it’s probably too late for this comment but — what up with the key around the neck? So prominently displayed (why not on the inside of her shirt), it feels like a “message”.

  51. Leslie says:

    I understand that LeAnn has a lot of different Twitter accounts that she uses to bash Brandi, and to send tweets to herself so she can answer them. Can you imagine all the time and energy this takes? When does she ever have time to interact with her husband, or even work? My head hurts thinking about how Twitter rules her life and stresses her out.

  52. Sapphire says:

    Damn, Rita, I can’t be the legal consultant?