“Terrence Howard claims Robert Downey Jr. stole his paycheck” links


Terrence “Baby Wipes” Howard shades Robert Downey Jr. [LaineyGossip]
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RuPaul is the same age as Tilda Swinton. [A Socialite Life]
I love Suri Cruise’s tights! [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Duck Dynasty is raising money for St. Jude’s. [Reality Tea]
Everly Tatum has her first tooth! [Wonderwall]
Lindsay Lohan is still desperate for attention. [ICYDK]
Tim McGraw & Faith Hill are not divorcing, y’all. [CDAN]
I wish Angelina Jolie was on Twitter. [Bitten & Bound]
Jessica Simpson is made of lies. [Amy Grindhouse]
Courtney Stodden is so proud of her Louis Vuitton bag. [IDLY]

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59 Responses to ““Terrence Howard claims Robert Downey Jr. stole his paycheck” links”

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  1. Miss M says:

    True or not: Keep burning your bridges, Terrence. Well done!

    • T.Fanty says:

      Blimey. While Lainey does rightly point out TH’s douchebaggery, I still think there’s something to this. I think RDJ looks out for RDJ first, then people he likes second, then everyone else can go f*%k themselves, as far as he’s concerned. I don’t think he tried to screw TH, but I’m sure he didn’t care much after the fact.

      • lunchcoma says:

        I can buy that. I think it’s common knowledge that RDJ’s salary meant there wasn’t much to go around for the other Avengers, for instance.

        I think my deciding factor here would be whether RDJ does, in fact, owe Howard anything. If there were some favors exchanged, then sure, he looks pretty bad here. If Howard didn’t have anything much to do with his casting and the two men also aren’t friends…I don’t know if RDJ has an obligation to be thinking about Howard when he’s negotiating his own paycheck.

      • MisJes says:

        Yes, I agree with you both.

        While this was both unprofessional and unwise of Terrence, I could easily believe that Robert’s astronomical salary for The Avengers might mean that other actors had a pay cut forced upon them, which would leave a bitter taste in their mouth.

        And I can definitely believe that Robert, just like any other actor and their team, looks after Robert first – history be damned. That’s the industry. Business and friendship doesn’t always mix, and it certainly doesn’t when contract negotiations are in play.

      • Dommy Dearest says:

        That’s exactly why the actors in the Avengers aren’t too keen on returning. Hemsworth in particular. I’m a comic fan and whatnot but the movies have made Stark much more important than he actually is. Since it’s Disney they won’t actually let Stark’s personality really be what it is in the comics which if they did- promise you not everyone would love Iron Man the way they do.

        Remember that Iron Man was the first film that was a great success for Marvel and it started the movies that lead to the Avengers. With how well the first movie did (Iron Man, not Avengers) it set up how much he was going to make. Howard was forgettable as Rhody while Don does an amazing job as the character- in my opinion. Howard needs to get over himself and RDJ as I’m sure this has happened to him before but he throws shade at RDJ to get more press. Didn’t Howard’s movie just come out? That christmas one? Coincidence I think not.

      • Erinn says:

        I agree, though in this industry rdj SHOULD look out for rdj first. Ironman is the only superhero franchise I bought into. Can’t stand any of the other superhero actors to be honest.he brings in a lot of money, so increasing his salary makes perfect sense. The only reason I’ll even consider watching the avengers is for him.

      • MaiGirl says:

        I think that’s what happened as well. Terrence is pretty douchey, and I have always found him as creepy as he is talented, but I don’t think what he’s claiming is very far-fetched. RDJ cha-chinged, and didn’t really care too much of others cashed in as well. I think he should have kept his mouth shut, though. RDJ has way more powerful friends than Terrence does, which is part of the reason why he keeps getting the big paydays.

      • Bridget says:

        Blame Marvel for being tightfisted, not for RDJ wanting to be compensated for the fact that he MAKES those movies – and Iron Man, whether you feel its true to comic book canon or not, is by far the mpst popular character, and his standalone movies have been obscenely successful.

        That said, Terrence Howard got fired because he’s a total dick. He’s extremely well known for being a dick and for being unpleasant to work with, why do you think his star faded so quickly? RDJ didnt get Howard booted from Iron Man, Howard got himself booted.

    • V4Real says:

      I can’t stop laughing at the headline RDJ stole my paycheck. Yo have yall seen my check? Yeah Robert stole it I think he’s on his way to the check cashing place.

      That being said Howard was the highest paid actor of IM because he was more credible at that time as well as more popular than Rob. RDj walked away with only five hundred thousand. What they are leaving out is that RDJ didn’t sign a contract with Marvel until after the success of IM. That’s how he was able to negotiate a higher salary. They say he was contracted for a four picture deal but it was only three. With the success of IM the studio knew they had a winner in RDJ and of course he’s going to be paid more. As for Howard being instrumental in the hiring of Rob that’s laughable. It was Favreau. Favreau also didn’t care much for Howard because of his attitude. Like someone said down thread it’s the studio execs who makes these decisions. Who are kids going to see Rhodes or Stark? The studio knows that Im was successful due to Rob not Howard. But as much as I love Cheadle Howard fit the role of Rhodey better. He’s an attractive douche.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        That’s what I was wondering. How is it RDJ’s fault that he didn’t get a higher paycheck? They aren’t friends. RDJ isn’t in charge of his salary. Why would RDJ even know how much Terrence was getting paid (unless that douche was going around bragging about it)? And he was in the movie for ten to fifteen minutes, if I’m going to be generous.

        And if I was Terrence, even if this was true, I wouldn’t be trying to throw shade on the Downey’s…..Susan has RDJ’s back. I’m sure she could do *some* damage (although she wouldn’t have to flex much–because dude’s already ruined his own career) to him.

    • jj says:

      Terrance Howard was paid 10 times more than RDJ in the first movie. I never heard him complaining about that. He is a creep and very delusional. I can understand the studio wanted to get rid of him. I just wish they would have replaced him with a more interesting actor, I find Cheadle boring as Rhodey.

      BTW, RDJ does look out for his Avengers colleges


  2. T.Fanty says:

    What’s the e-mail list? Is it a daily digest? I’ll happily sign up if it benefits CB in terms of advertising, if it’s just a daily list of posts, I don’t need it, as I’m swinging by regardless. ;D

    • Celebitchy says:

      Fanty it will be the top five stories of the day with an intro for each. We plan to send it out around 5pm EST.

  3. F says:

    And why not? Everybody thinks RDJ is such a perfect guy, who is really?

  4. Cali says:

    Wow, Get OVER YOURSELF Terrence! We get it, YOU were the Oscar winner (even though I don’t agree with your win) and you were paid more for the first Iron Man, but after the success of the 1st film the clear star was RDJ so how could you expect to still come out making more than him for the additional movies regardless of the contract? Doesn’t he know how Hollywood works and the so called pay cut that “Baby Wipes” complained about would not have really been a pay cut after all compared to what he’s doing now right? I don’t like this guy at all and much prefer Don Cheadle any day of the week who is a far superior actor!

    • Dinah says:

      Agree! Cheadle is far superior and Howard is an enormous dickhead.
      The film was titled “Iron Man”, not “Iron Man’s Friend, whatshisface”.

    • Violeta says:

      Little correction : Howard never won an Oscar, he was only nominated. His film only won for best song if I recall.

    • Andrew1 says:

      I think he should be happy that he was let go from the awful iron man sequels…like they were not nearly as good as the first one…or even good as movies period.

  5. Jackie says:

    As beautiful as McAdams and Gosling were at one time, there shouldn’t be a third time. Plenty of rumors of him treating her badly, trying to control her career. She took 2 years off, said no to good roles while with him and it killed her career. Don’t go back there Rachel!!

    • TG says:

      I think you are right about Gosling Rachel’s career trajectory. I adore Rachel and am so over Ryan. I will watch any movie Rachel does but I hope he gets back out on top.

  6. tifzlan says:


    Happy birthday! 53 and still fieeeeerce, hunty!

  7. The Original Tiffany says:

    Terrence is bat shit levels of crazy. My friends and I had the pleasure of hanging out with him for a couple months last year. We all lived at the same place and were linked up because of work. It was just amazing levels of crazy. I laugh almost every time I see a picture from those days or read about him because it was just so out there. He came to a party at my house for my hubby’s birthday so he’s in the birthday pictures.

    • YuYa says:

      It’s too bad he is so hot though. SIgh.

    • TG says:

      Thanks for the Terrance story. It is too bad because I used to think he was so hot but then I started reading about him and every time he opens his mouth he disgusts me. That baby wipes comment might have just grossed me out for all time.

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        Well, he took one of us on a ride that culminated in him driving the borrowed car and acting like he was in an action flick, scaring everyone in the car and ending up doing a 180 skid. He has created his own language (ahem?) and had wall papered the entire room in his writings. Tiny letter writing. OTOH, he had a rescued kitty with him. That is just one of many stories.

        Can’t be all bad. 😉

        PS-Ice Cube was the nicest celeb we met during that run.

  8. Dawn says:

    I could see how he would feel like that but at the end of the day it really is the producers who make the decisions who stays and who goes and who gets the big pay day and who doesn’t. I saw the KK & KW on SNL and they made KK to sweet because she is not sweet in the least and didn’t make KW sound nuts enough to be real. But it was still sort of funny. GaGa was funny as the Apple store genius.

  9. Stephanie says:

    Has anyone heard what is going on with Amanda Bynes?

    • hiddlesgirl85 says:

      That she’ll be released by Christmas?

    • TG says:

      No. Last I heard she was still in a mental institution. It is so sad and I hope she gets better. I liked her movies. I love that movie she did with Colin Firth called What A Girl Wants. I read that she exhibited signs of schizophrenia when she was a teenager. I wish her parents had cared enough about her then to get her help. I am convinced that a lot of these adults who were child stars end up with mental health issues due to not being allowed to be a child and not having parents who truly have their best interest at heart.

  10. hiddlesgirl85 says:

    Terrence Howard is nuts, but I beleive that there is some truth to his story.

  11. LadyS says:

    Terence, you fool. Your career is dying and now you pick on a powerful actor…. Lame!

  12. Jazz says:

    STFU Terence! Producers make those kind of decisions, not the other actors!

  13. Kim1 says:

    Terrence is telling the truth but that’s Hollywood. RDJ was a drug addict who couldn’t get insured on a film for years .Mel had to underwrite his liability insurance in 03.He got off drugs again married Susan in 05 .Terrence was still Hot from 2006
    Oscars so he recommend RDJ. Terrence talked about this in October 2008 about the contract not worth the paper it was printed on.RDJ never disputed his account of the situation to my knowledge.

    Producers decided to cut TH salary to
    make RDJ happy.It happens,

    everybody can be replaced .

    • Bridget says:

      Except that Howard wasn’t the one who recommended him, it was Favreau – the director. Its easy to confirm, there was a lot of stuff written about the movie.

    • V4Real says:

      @Kim 1 we all know RDJ backstory but that doesn’t make Howard’s claim true. He didn’t recommend Rob it was Favreau. Howard has never had that kind of pull. Howard’s a douche who is hard to work with and think his shit don’t stink. He couldn’t even bother to give an interview to Essence Magazine to promote The Best Man Holiday. The rest of the cast showed up but I guess Howard think he’s to important to be bothered.

  14. Emmeline says:

    Something does not make sense here.. If Howard was under contract for 4 pictures for x amount of dollars . How could the producer ignore the contract and offer him less? I think that Howard may have not been under contract for them to do that.

  15. Moneypenny says:

    Did they just liquify that whole Jessica Simpson picture? She’s lovely, but this is silly. I assume Miranda Kerr is standing next to her (cropped out) with a tiny waist.

    • Diana says:

      LOL. Best comment!

    • Christina says:

      I don’t get the negativity around that picture. She didn’t post it and scream “Check out my body!” Her stylist posted it as a “behind the scenes” photo with a “guess who” and she re-tweeted it indicating it was her clothing company photo shoot.

      Now all of a sudden she’s getting crap for putting up a blurry photo to show off her body when I doubt that was her stylist’s intention in the 1st place.

  16. Jess says:

    Terrence is an idiot. Plain and simple.

  17. lucy2 says:

    I vaguely remember this whole story before so I looked it up – funny, back when IM3 was coming out, Howard said “Don [Cheadle] and Robert [Downey Jr.] get along well. Initially, they wanted Don for that role, but my agent pushed me in. So I never had any beef with Don about it.” Hardly sounds like he was the one bringing in RDJ.
    Here’s an interesting article on it:

    Whatever really happened, I think he needs to move on, because continuing to talk about it only makes him seem bitter and unprofessional.

  18. Pandora says:

    JayZ clearly needs to open Roca Casting in Hollywood to offer the same protection, legal and financial wisdom his sports agency does. Howard is clearly so intellectually challenged he signed a 3 pic deal without a locked in 3 pic paycheck. Effing moron with delusions of grandeur typically blaming someone completely unrelated for his stupidity and hilarious shock and awe at the fact that he got screwed by some Hollywood shark. LOLOLOL

  19. Kim1 says:

    Well George Zimmerman was just arrested for attacking his pregnant girlfriend.Anyone shocked?

  20. Megan says:

    Yea, good one Howard, because you name holds SO much weight in Hollywood that you can tell them who to hire *eyeroll*

    This guy should be trying to save face with all his past douchy-ness, instead he just says f^ck it and goes full on @sshole.

  21. ALJsMom says:

    Don’t yall know it’s hard out here for a pimp?

  22. Moi says:

    I loved Lainey’s opening sentence to her article. “This bitch.”. Yep.

  23. Sagal says:

    His career isn’t dying as some people have claimed. His movie that opened last weekend earned 30 million. And The Butler did great as well. He’s a successful actor, whether you like him or not. Iron Man 2 sucked anyway. I don’t get his complaint but Hollywood fueds are juicy.

  24. Jayna says:

    I believe him about being shafted on the pay but not getting Downey the job. But this guy is nuts and beyond egotistical. I still adore his performance in Hustle & Flow, but while he is still successful, he can’t handle he never became the Denzel Washington he thought he was going to be in the movies, an A Lister leading man in movies. Watching him on WWHL the whole interview is odd. Andy seemed a little afraid of him probably wondering if his temper was going to flare at a question. He has this intensity that always seems on the edge of being set off. But I think he uses that to his advantage in acting, because he’s an excellent actor.

    The interesting thing was he has his wedding band back on. and I thought I heard him mention his “wife.” He and his nutcase wife are apparently back together. Talk about soulmates. They can’t quit each other. I will not be surprised one day if he’s arrested for murder in one of their violent fights they have.

  25. WendyNerd says:

    Jesus Christ! Why are LL’s boobs so low?! It’s creepy!

    Also, did anyone else think RDJ looked a little like Peter Dinklage in that pic?