Ireland Baldwin defends her father: ‘What my dad said was wrong’


Here are some newish Instagram photos of Ireland Baldwin attempting some Khaleesi Realness. It sort of works for her – Ireland looks older with the white-blonde hair and she really does look like she belongs on Game of Thrones now.

Anyway, Ireland decided to chime in on her dad’s not-so-casual hate speech and his series of epic meltdowns with the paparazzi over the past week (and over the past years). As I discussed yesterday, Alec screamed “c—ksucking f-g” at a pap and it was caught on camera. Alec tried to pretend he said “fathead” but the LGBT community is all “we don’t want him” and MSNBC suspended Alec’s show for two weeks. Alec not only wrote a quickie apology post on MSNBC, he also posted a lengthier, self-pitying HuffPo essay about how the paparazzi are super-evil and all that jazz – you can read it here. As for Ireland, she took to Twitter to defend her dad:

“Sometimes we let our tempers get the best of us. Tempers are like wildfires. Something or someone can easily fuel the fire. It takes a lot of strength for someone to release their anger. It takes a lot of strength and SUPPORT for someone to grow and become a better person. We all say things we don’t mean. We all say things we can’t take back.

For someone who has battled with anger management issues, my dad has grown tremendously. My dad is far from a homophobe or a racist. From what you’ve read and from what media has been shoved down your throats, he has a kind heart. Having paparazzi following my mom and I has not been thrilling. Paparazzi can bring out many confined feelings of anger and spite out of anyone.

“My point being, what my dad said was WRONG. What my dad felt WASN’T. Boundaries have to be made. Paparazzi have jobs to do, but some of them jeopardize people’s lives and cross a line. My dad has an INFANT CHILD to protect. All the parents out there should understand. You would do anything to protect your baby. Now, let’s all quit acting like children. Let my dad be and let him have his room to learn and enjoy his family.”

[From Ireland Baldwin’s Twitter]

Before you roll your eyes at Ireland and Alec’s drama queen theatrics, I think it’s good to keep one thing in mind: Ireland has been a victim of her father’s emotional abuse and non-stop rage all of her life. If we all know about the “rude, thoughtless little pig” incident (from when she was just, like, 12 or 13 years old), think about all of the crap he’s been saying to her all of her life that we’ve never found out about. What I’m saying is that I read Ireland’s Twitter explanation/plea as a statement from someone suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, someone has grown up with an abusive, rage-soaked parent, someone who doesn’t even know how a real father is supposed to act.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.

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116 Responses to “Ireland Baldwin defends her father: ‘What my dad said was wrong’”

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  1. RobN says:

    The amount of crap she’s going to take from future boyfriends is really very tragic. She’s annoying as hell, but I wouldn’t wish her understanding of male-female dynamics on anybody.

  2. Tapioca says:

    Anyone who knows the answer to the question of how screaming *homophobic* slurs at a pap actually serves to protect an infant child can e-mail it to

      • Tazina says:

        I would go crazy with the constant bullying by the paparazzi. He needs to learn how to deal with the paps who harass him everyday – put some headphones on man and listen to jazz or whatever. There needs to be some laws in place when there are small children involved. His wife is afraid to leave their apartment with the baby for fear of invasive paps closing in on her.

        The phone call from eight years ago? Wow, can’t believe it’s still being referred to. I have two sons and I’d like to hear someone say they haven’t blown their cool at least once while they were children. A “rude little pig?”….oh please – that’s nothing….mountains out of molehills…..People need to leave this guy alone and stop with the nasty insults. Hopefully Alec will learn how to handle these goons and peace will prevail.

      • deehunny says:

        @Tazina. I tend to agree. Though i don’t have children and I never was spoken to like that growing up, parents aren’t perfect and people make mistakes. Ireland acknowledged that her father does have an anger management issue. I don’t think he’s a homophobe… I think it is unfortunate that gay slurs are used everyday for defamatory language, but that’s all I think that was.

      • Alexandria says:

        My dad calls me a bitch (I can be a big disrespectful bitch) during our heated arguments and says he doesn’t want my love, but my respect (he’s old-school, from a military family). We still say “I love you”, but he means that “I’m sorry’s” and “I love you daddy’s” don’t make up for snotty behavior. We have a perfectly loving relationship, and I’ve never felt abused or suffered from the emotional affects.

    • MaiGirl says:

      Thank you! I am so sick of the world making excuses for this kind of thing. There is no “rage” exemption from slurs, and Alec is old enough to know way better than this. Somewhere in his psyche he harbors racist and homophobic beliefs, or these phrases wouldn’t come to mind, REPEATEDLY, when he gets pissed off. And yes, I weep for Ireland’s future if she thinks this is normal, which she clearly does.

      • Sullivan says:

        I agree that there is no excuse for Alec’s behavior. His daughter is a teenager. She’s a kid defending her dad. In time she’ll see her father more clearly. Right now, she’s probably torn between feeling embarrassment by her father and wanting to stand-up for him. This is just the misguided loyalty of a 17 year old.

  3. Kiddo says:

    I think loving children defend their parents and there is is something nice to be said about that. On the other hand, “It takes a lot of strength for someone to release their anger” is patently false and demonstrates naivety or a skewed/distorted view of what strength actually means.

    • T.C. says:


      It takes a lot of strength and maturity to hold back your anger. Alec Baldwin never learnt that.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      @Kiddo and T.C. – I completely agree with both of you.

    • Dawn says:


    • Hakura says:

      I agree with you both, as well. If it ”takes a lot of strength to release your anger’, then Chris Brown deserves some sort of Olympic medal for weight lifting.

    • Azurea says:

      I think she worded that awkwardly. In fact, the whole thing is written awkwardly. You’d think that a girl her age who’s attended expensive schools would have a better command of the language.

  4. blue marie says:

    Dude has severe anger issues, what he said/continues to say is not okay.

  5. madchen says:

    Her mother did most of the raising and while Kim doesn’t exactly have the sanest of reputations, I’ve never read anything that would indicate she was an angry parent (aside from her feelings about Baldwin).

    I think Ireland probably has a good handle on who her father is. I doubt it’s any kind of Stockholm syndrome. She can love him and still know that he can be a rage filled assbag. With the public visitation struggles her parents had, I can believe she’s likely had decent, court suggested therapeutic help. She probably has an emotional toolkit for handling her father personally as well and can separate the utter jerk we all get to disparage from the guy we don’t see when the cameras and mikes aren’t in his face.

    • LadySlippers says:

      I wouldn’t dismiss Stockholm Syndrome out of hand completely. Her ‘opinion’ kinda reeks of it.

      Also, pretty typical for kids raised by an abusive parent to defend that parent and lie for them.

      (Y’all gotta go read Lundy Bancroft’s books & blog. He has another book about children of abusive parents, very enlightening)

      • Meredith says:

        Re : Ireland not knowing how a real father is supposed to act.

        I knew a woman (a recovering alcoholic) who had been raised by two alcoholic parents. She told me once that she came to a point with her own two children where she realized she had no idea what a “real” mother was supposed to do in certain situations and actually had to sit down, think about it and then go against what she had been raised to believe was true. Her alcoholic parents didn’t teach her anything she could use. Same thing here – Ireland wants desparately to believe that Alec is a “good father” so she rationalizes his behaviour to fit.

      • madchen says:

        Her comments are so carefully worded though. She simultaneously defends him and agrees that his comments are horrifying. I think this would be a double edged sword for any kid, especially one who’s in the public eye.

        In general I wouldn’t disagree w/how abused children often behave toward their abusers but Ireland was raised in LA w/her mother and Alec lived in NY. Her mother was ferocious when it came to protecting her and we saw very little of her when she was growing up. I would think that despite the fact that Alec saw her three or so times a month, her mother would be a serious mitigating factor in how Ireland learned to deal with him.

      • Lisa says:

        My parents are both extremely difficult people: both have pretty severe Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They are both controlling, and my father has severe anger issues. They are still married, so I was raised by two people with serious personality problems. At this point in my life, I don’t talk to them or have any other communication with them.

        HOWEVER, my parents problems are not all they are. My father is angry, yes, but he is also hard-working, self-reliant, generous, and helpful.

        I read Ireland’s comments as 1) not defending Alec’s behavior and 2) stating that there is more to his character than his behavior. I think that’s fair.

        PS: I have been in therapy a long time, and one of the things my therapist and I frequently work on is having a more even-handed view of my parents and not writing them off as bad people because they were bad parents.

      • Stef Leppard says:

        Stockholm Syndrome requires isolation. Ireland was never completely isolated with her father, so she does not have Stockholm Syndrome.

      • Abbicci says:

        @Lisa, thanks for saying that. While I wish everyone could have perfect parents and a perfect life, we get what we get.

        The time I realized I was an adult and not a child anymore was when I realized my parents did the best they could with what they had. We all are made of both flaws and our shinning qualities. It looks like Ireland can see her parents for what they are and love them. She sounds pretty mature to me.

      • Lauren says:

        @Lisa your comment is exactly what I am going through in life right now. I am in intensive therapy and now it is finally starting to click for me with help that my father may have been a bad parent but there are other parts to him. Just because he was a bad dad doesn’t make him a bad and evil person. It is taking time but I am finally starting to come into this understanding/ trying to move on from all the physical and emotional abuse of my childhood. I think being able to look at my father this way / realizing his different parts and how they don’t always relate to just being a bad parent has helped to relieve me of the pain/ self blame I have given myself. I have learnt that some people just hurt others and that it isn’t anything that could have been done by the victim to stop the rage and horrible things because that is just who the abuser is. So thank you for sharing your experience and thoughts on the matter.

    • Elle Kaye says:

      Ireland needs to rationalize his behavior, it is a defense mechanism for her and it is how she copes with his abuse. If she were to believe that he was willingly cruel, abusive, and hateful towards others, then she would have to believe that he was the same towards her, and that is too painful to acknowledge at such a young age. Instead, she justifies his behavior so that he doesn’t have to be responsible for it…other people cause him to react explosively.

      He has manipulated her well. It’s the old, “baby, if you didn’t make me so angry, I wouldn’t have to hit you,” line of thinking.

      He needs to take responsibility for his own actions. There is always someone out there who will make him angry. He either needs to learn how to deal with it via meds and counseling, or he needs to wear headphones and have guards walk him around.

  6. Sloane W!yatt says:

    Oh man, Ireland Baldwin doesn’t know any better; she thinks her Dad is normal. Maybe with a few years of therapy under her belt, Ireland will realize her charming, rage filled alcoholic, good ol’ Dad is No Good!

    • LadySlippers says:

      Sloane, I’d bet she does know that it isn’t normal but you can still hear Alec’s ‘logic’ all throughout her comments regardless. I wouldn’t put it past Alec to ‘ask’ (read force) her to stand up for him.

      It’s the ‘logic’ that is showing the smoke & mirrors of his behavior. This ‘logic’ drives him even when he’s calm which is why I stated over and over that the rage (as are the insults/slurs and all the other behaviors) just another tool to manipulate and control people. It’s the ‘logic’ behind all his thinking and thus all his actions that should scare the bejesus out of anyone. They stay (surprisingly) very much in control.

      Read the Bancroft book and you’ll see what I mean. It’s more frightening when you see the big picture.

      • nicegirl says:

        I am going to look up the book. I ALWAYS need to learn MORE.

      • Sloane W!yatt says: It’s an amazing blog! I picked up so much from just one of her posts ‘AVOIDING PEOPLE WHEN YOU GO BACK TO HIM’ because I see a very close friend in this. What a great tool to help people you love! Thank you, Lady!

      • Hakura says:

        @Sloane – I was curious, so checked out the link you included. It was… very impressively insightful, but hard to read… I usually avoid such things (books, websites, ect) that cover very painful subjects like these (only because I’ve always had the problem of ‘over’ empathizing, ending up emotionally ‘stuck’ with all the pain I hear that others are experiencing. (But it happens to me a lot with fictional stories too, getting too emotionally invested in a specific character. I’m a dork, I know. Always been like that).

        But that’s not the point. It makes me nauseous to hear these poor women, stuck in a situation where there truly isn’t a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer to guide them… Like a commentor said, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. ='(

      • Sloane W!yatt says:

        I’m sorry, Hakura…..I get emotionally invested with fictional characters too! I cried for 2 weeks after Robbie Benson’s performance in ‘Ode to Billy Joe’; I definitely avoid murder stories and the like as well.

  7. MonicaQ says:

    If someone shows you who they are–believe them. (Thanks Maya)

    Seriously, I watched Beetlejuice for the first time last night (I grew up watching the cartoon, never saw the movie and my husband was horrified so we put it on after the Denver/KC game) and my brain kept saying, “Wow, he still looks like an asshole.”

    • Hakura says:

      @MonicaQ – I watched the cartoon too, growing up. Always loved Lydia’s ‘goth’ style (& back then, it hadn’t really ‘taken off’ as the ‘popular thing’, yet.) Upon looking back now, I can see what an incredily *bizarre* cartoon it was. xD

      I never saw the live-action version, either… I tend to try to avoid ‘live action remakes’ of cartoons (especially beloved childhood cartoons), with only a few exceptions every now & then. (The live action always seems to disappoint, seeing as they normally have trouble recreating everything done in animated versions completely.

      But even if I had been interested in seeing it, knowing *he* is in it would’ve prevented it. =/

      • ChicagoGirl says:

        The film came out years before the cartoon. It’s not a remake; the cartoon is an animated adaptation.

  8. bammer says:

    I’m not quite sure how screaming racial and homophobic slurs is “protecting” a family from being photographed. Alec is a celebrity. When out in public, he might get his picture taken. It’s an annoyance but the perks of being a celebrity far out weighs a few pictures. He must like being a celebrity because he has no problem collecting millions of dollars from credit card companies to shill their products. They put him in commercials which raises his profile even more, increasing the demand for his pictures. So, he participates in the same cycle of celebrity that he claims to despise. Hypocrite, thy name is Baldwin.

    • Jackson says:

      Very well said.

    • Kiddo says:

      Also, I have plenty of nasty names I can conjure when angry: A*hole, F* face, POS and so on. Why would your ‘go to’ insult be disparaging against gays? It rolls too easily off the tongue to be an aberration, especially since it happens with frequency. And I agree, they follow Alec because he gives them what they want, so then they follow Alec, and the cycle goes on.

      • Amy Tennant says:

        Exactly! I can’t imagine those words coming out of my mouth like that, simply because they’re not part of my vocabulary. They aren’t there to be used. I think they either reflect actual prejudice, or at the very least insensitivity.

      • Sloane W!yatt says:

        I personally like “F*cking Rat B*stard!” Slurs are NEVER a go to when enraged unless you are a bigot. Period.

        FYI, I’m learning so much about getting past that kind of toxic anger residue and instead reinforcing my best self from It’s a total game changer.

      • Kiddo says:

        I have to say my favorite is A*hole. It’s the most descriptive. But I actually can’t remember any time, in the recent past, where I’ve said anything like that to someone’s face. If someone almost ran me over with their car, it might be something I say under my breath. But I’m not famous, nor do I want to be. I’m not followed by legions of fans or press.

      • Rant says:

        I’ve always felt that people who resort to racial, sexist, homophobic slurs are too dumb and uncreative to come up with a proper insult. 🙂

      • Hakura says:

        @Kiddo – Sounds like you’re a better person than I am xD If someone almost ran over me? I’d probably yell 2 sentences worth of curse words strung together. And if they even bothered to look, they’d see ‘the bird’ in their rear-view mirror.

      • Thiajoka says:

        He could have said, “Why don’t you assholes leave me and my kid alone?” Hell, he could have even added the f-word and it still would have been understandable. Yeah, I’d probably get irked with people trying to get up in my baby’s space and say something rude to them–just no reason to make it that hateful. I think this is at least the second time he’s made a slur–one might have been racial–and if he’s as liberal as he claims to be, that crap just doesn’t fly with us. So he will NOT have an audience left to watch his little show.

      • Amy Tennant says:

        Don’t get me wrong. I’ll use the OTHER F word as every part of speech, but I won’t say a slur.

  9. smee says:

    For being a teenager, she looks pretty dang hard in those pics.

  10. feebee says:

    I don’t necessarily think Alec Baldwin is either, either but it’s unfortunate that when wanting to insult someone because you’re so angry you’re trying not to physically throw them through a wall then people resort to sexually based insults, to degrade their subject. Or in the case of African American, the N-word is the lowest form so that’s the one!

    It’s inappropriate and unacceptable and there needs to be more examples made of people to get the message through. Until that happens it will still register in the brain as okay to go there and when you’re out of control that’s where you go.

    I’m not defending Alec Baldwin, he needs serious therapy for his anger issues.

    • LadySlippers says:

      FeeBee, AB had a post yesterday and I encourage you to read it.

      But I cannot state strongly enough — his issues are WELL beyond anger issues. It does *look* like that’s his issue but it goes far deeper than that.

      Please read an excellent book by Lundy Bancroft (he also has a blog) ‘Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.’ Bancroft’s full time job is to provide counseling for domestic abusers and his experiences and conclusions are quite startling and eye opening. He demonstrates the thought process and the mind games these men play. And how therapy often backfires and makes them worse (unless the therapist knows about the mind games abusers play).

      It’s a must read for people in the mental health field. I’ve also personally handed out many copies myself. It’s just that good of a book.

      Bancroft has honestly done a huge service to the victims and survivors (mostly women and children) of domestic abuse.

      • KateNonymous says:

        Interesting, because my long-standing take on Baldwin has been that he has an incredible need to control people around him (I definitely felt this with Basinger when they were married, specifically in an interview he gave shortly after Ireland’s birth). The anger is part of that, but I’ve always seen it as a question of control.

  11. MissNostalgia says:

    Whatever….the evidence (of which there is an abundance) says otherwise.

    • LadySlippers says:

      There is an abundance, I don’t disagree at all. But it’s still an issue bigger than just rage. There is a heck of a lot more going on than meets the eye. Re-read Ireland’s statement. You’ll probably read it differently than I did but her comments are laced with the f’ed up logic her father uses. The f’ed logic is behind the rages & the slurs. You gotta treat the source of the problem in order to fix it (assuming you can fix it even though there is little evidence for recovery). The rages & slurs are just one of the many symptoms.

  12. Gia says:

    Lol at everyone clutching their pearls. Insults are supposed to offend people. A lot of Paps are horrible people and say disgusting things to garner a reaction like Alec’s. They got what they wanted. Everybody chill. He’s clearly not a racist or homophobe. He just had a potty mouth.

    • lunchcoma says:

      This is far from the first time Alec Baldwin has used homophobic slurs.

      Beyond that, using those words suggests that there’s something wrong with being gay, and does so using words that have often accompanied discrimination or violence against LGBT people.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Gia, if this were a one time deal. Yup, you’d be correct. However, Alec has a pattern that covers decades now of this type of behavior. It’s well beyond just an angry moment.

      Also, plenty of celebs are papped much worse AND just as aggressively (if not more aggressively) yet they don’t lash out.

      His insults and slurs are just part if his repertoire in order to control and manipulate.

      • Gia says:

        Re: the paps; some people lash out physically, some hurl insults and some can deal with it. The bottom line, IMO, is that he’s not approaching a gay man and out of hate or fear is calling him names. He’s calling some shitty pap, that is following him and is in his face a cocksucker and a fag. Is it kind or considerate? No. And he didn’t intend it to be. I mean, my brother used to call me a fag all the time! We were teenagers but he wasn’t and isn’t a homophobe.

      • Kiddo says:

        You’re still missing the point that it simultaneously insults people who are gay.
        What if my best, most degrading insult, was to call people a Gia clone? Idiotic like Gia? Dumb like GIa? (I’m not saying any of those things about you, for the record)
        The point is that he uses historically hateful words that harm other people and not just the target. Do you think it’s all fine that he called a black pap the N word?
        Where does it end?

      • Gia says:

        I ‘get it’. I just don’t agree with you.

  13. gg says:

    Nothing to add about Alec. Just came on here to say the divide between her (new?) eyebrow and hair shade is too wide. Get out the bleach.

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

      It looks like her brows were dyed black and hair bleached to white with a gray tinge – natural colour would look better.

  14. lunchcoma says:

    I sympathize with Ireland Baldwin because she’s very young and appears to have rather poor parents, but after her Halloween costume Twitter fight, she’s really not a credible source on who is or isn’t racist.

  15. Leila In Wunderland says:

    I was actually expecting her to be raked over the coals for defending him, but that’s not happening. That’s good. When you’re young and you have a parent or grandparent who lets out a bigoted slur (or two) of some type, you’re torn between wanting to defend them (because nobody wants people to hate mommy, daddy, Grandma, or Grandpa) and despising the word they used. When you and your parents are also public figures, it’s probably a lot harder to deal with.

    Even if someone isn’t truly a homophobe, a racist, or a misogynist in the sense of hating or disliking those groups of people, it’s still possible for them to show those traits out of either ignorance or having a bad temper, and it’s still not ok. If people throw around words like that, I still think it shows either a hint of bigotry left in them, or a bit of a casual attitude toward social justice issues. So even though I can understand her wanting to defend her dad, Alec Baldwin is still a jerk and out of control.

    • Lady D says:

      I was invited to a friend’s for Thanksgiving a few years ago. My friend had her 94-year-old grandma for dinner as well. While sitting on the couch with her watching the news, she leaned towards me and casually said, ‘they should just send all the darkies to fight our battles in Afghanistan to get rid of them.” I was absolutely gobsmacked. I realized looking at her that at her age there was no changing her mind, and not wanting to upset her, I offered to make her some tea. I didn’t know what else to do.

      • KC says:

        Shes a nasty old thing isnt she. On a related note, I hate when people act like all old people are just sweet, harmless purveyors of wisdom. Well guess what people, the hateful assholes of today will be the elderly hateful assholes of tomorrow. Bad people live to ripe old ages too.

      • PinkyTuscadero says:

        +1 KC. Not a fan of the olds qua olds

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        When my mom worked at a nursing home, she had to take care of this racist old lady. How you could tell she was racist? If anyone (I mean anyone–white, black, asian) tried to go into her room to help her with anything at night, she’d scream “Get away from me, you f*cking n*ggers!”

        I was actually a little worried, when I started visiting my neighbors–both of them are 90 years old. I look white–especially if you have their eyesite, and so I was a little worried that one or both of them would be casual racists, but they’re not. They use the word “colored”–but that was the polite term for blacks (according to my mom the NAACP didn’t want to be called Negro because it was too close to the n word).
        They also have a black grandson in law–and God he LOVES him (and his new great granddaughter). Sometimes old people can surprise you–in good and bad ways.

    • Kortnee says:

      I definitely don’t think all elderly people are sweet and harmless, BUT I think its asenine to characterize all older people as “racist”. its a harmful stereotype that does not help anyone.

  16. Kortnee says:

    Ireland is beautiful. She reminds me of her mother, Kim.

  17. sorella says:

    Poor thing, she has likely been at the receiving end of his douche-ness and anger her ENTIRE life, so she knows no different and probably thinks the way he acts is normal and that his extreme anger EVERY SINGLE WEEK is normal. She likely will have relationships issues herself. But my main question is why is Ireland Baldwin even ‘quoted” , she is a nobody, what does SHE DO, besides being the Baldwin-Basinger offspring. She models, oh yeah, sure, she is really working alot as a model, isn’t she LOL. Ireland Baldwin is a nobody in terms of a public person, she’s just a famous-last name with no accomplishments of her own.

    • Jaded says:

      She’s only 17, give her a break. What had you accomplished by 17? What do you expect her to have accomplished? Win an Oscar? Become a Rhodes Scholar? Win a Nobel prize?

      • JillyRo says:

        She’s constantly on social media and is quotable only because of the name Baldwin. Either than that, I agree, she’s just 17 and her voice is not worth quoting on blogs or in mags, she has yet to do anything herself career-wise being only 17 so she should lay low in the spotlight.

  18. GirlyGirl says:

    Poor little piggy, your dad isn’t an angry racist homophobe, he just plays one on TV

  19. anonymous says:

    It must be a huge bummer when your Mom is the gorgeous Kim Basinger and you end up with just a regular face and only inheritated your Mom’ s coloring and that’s it. I wonder if she is bummed that she looks like Kim’s plainer, younger sister, not her daughter.

    • Jaded says:

      Ireland Baldwin is stunning – she’s a great combination of both mother and father, looks-wise. Your comment is silly, unfounded and mean. Of course she’s not ‘bummed’ about anything other than the behaviour of her uber-arrogant, narcissistic and bone-headed father, and is doing her best to mitigate the damage to his reputation.

      • JillyRo says:

        She’s cute, not stunning, looks like an average 17 year old. To me she looks like a Baldwin more (she looks like her uncle Stephen), and has a very, very small, wee part of Kim’s gorgeous looks, the coloring only really. And considering how stunning her Mom was, i too think the gene lottery did not turn out in her favor completely. But them’s the breaks, cute, but not stunning.

    • Thiajoka says:

      Really? Yeah, man, that chica is plug ugly! Eye-roll, btw. LOL.

  20. ChrisTEEna says:

    ok so anytime you insult someone when you are angry, you are being offensive. I dont think Alec Baldwin hates gay people.
    For example, if i say “you are a dirty dog” does that mean i hate dogs? no. i love my hound dog Potato, who was named potato because my dad thinks he’s brain dead stupid like a potato. Which I guess is something else someone could take offense at. darn. to be fair, we call him tater most of the time and hes the most loved doggy of the bunch.

    that being said, alec needs to know that he’s famous, he’s known for outbursts, and therefore people are going to follow him and try to get obscene reactions like he gave them .

    • GirlyGirl says:

      There’s a big difference between “You are a dirty dog!” and “c—ksucking f-g”.

      Maybe he hates bjs?

      • Kiddo says:

        The dog is not going to be offended or hurt by the put down. A dog already isn’t a human. Using those types of phrases dehumanizes the people who historically had these words hurled at them like weapons, with the intention of causing harm.

      • MonkSolo says:

        maybe he watched the Sopranos too much? Didn’t see anyone complaining about the language there. Even Eminem’s new album barely rated an article or two. Double standard?

  21. Palermo says:

    The words that come out when you are mad or drunk are the true feelings you have inside, sorry …

  22. kct says:

    I admire her for trying to support her dad. You can love the parent but not the issues he has.

    Regarding him, it’s clear he brings all of this on himself. He might be a nice guy in private, but dude is obviously a loose cannon and shouldn’t live in the city where he knows he’s going to be bothered by the media because he just can’t handle it. If your privacy and your family are your priority, take yourself out of the limelight of NYC and Hollywood and live quietly elsewhere.

  23. Carrie says:

    She looks like his grandmother. No Kim Bassinger looks there! Sad.

    • Jaded says:

      Carrie, she’s a lovely young 17 year-old. Why would you say something that cruel and obviously untrue? From all reports she’s a fine person who has stayed quietly under the radar, is just starting a modelling career, and isn’t being arrested for drug possession or falling out of limos drunk and half dressed. Both Kim and Alec must be very proud of her, she seems like a self-possessed and mature young lady.

      • Amy Tennant says:

        I totally see Kim in her most of the time, although from this angle the Baldwin is showing more. I do think she is a lovely blend of her parents physically.

  24. lovegossip says:

    I obviously don’t know this man (word used VERY lightly), but I get the feeling that he isn’t a homophobic, but just a complete and utter as*hole that doesn’t know how to control his anger and chooses the wrong (big time) words to express his feelings. (Again, used this word lightly also.) I have no idea why I feel this way, and if I am wrong and he is a homophobic AND an as*hole, well then, I will never watch another show or buy anything he is in anyway connected to. I can deal with an as*hole, just not a homophobic as*hole. While I usually don’t boycott things, I would make an exception here! 🙁

  25. sal says:

    Ireland translation: please lay off my dad. He needs his show because he pays for three women’s living including mine. I mean, I cant be expected to get a real job….

  26. homegrrrral says:

    I’m all for political correctness
    for example in this day in age it is wrong and a criminal offense to harass or bully someone for their sexual orientation

    however the paparazzi were in his personal space for him to call out an expletive should not be something he needs it apologize for

    people call others and mother f***** isn’t this equally if not more offensive?

    • Amy Tennant says:

      Actually, I’ve always kind of resented that most of the insults hurled at men implicate his mother in some way.

  27. Dommy Dearest says:

    I get a daughter defending her parent, I won’t shame that. I did the same for my dad despite his abuse of drugs and the like.

    What I will shame has to do with what I brought up yesterday in comments. Once again the writer of the article just seems to roll this off the shoulders as if it’s nothing. And yet if this was a Brown post, Kardashian, Cyrus, Bieber, etc it’d be full of little comments that are negative towards the person in question. It was brought up that people don’t treat anti-gay slurs the same they would a domestic abuse incident and that’s awful. It’s emotional abuse first and for most which is just as bad physically as the person still carries the scars (I know, the father of my kid said some horrible things to me as well as striking me but the emotional part has genuinely messed me up). So forgive me if I’m making this a bigger deal than some would want to see it as but hello, abuse is abuse. Alec has done it over and over again and during the time in which he went off on the journalist calling him a ‘fairy’ and a ‘queen’ he got nothing more than a slap on the wrist here by the writer and comments. What is it going to take to make people realize that anti-gay slurs is but a stepping stone towards worse behavior? The gay and lesbian community have worked hard at being treated like equals and respectfully and incidents like this just sh*t all over it. Is it going to take another Matthew Shephard incident?

    Oh they suspended his show, yeah that’s really going to show him. That’s really going to show all of the people of the world that nothing really happens at all if you decide to say something disgusting that nothing really happens. Now I do think that there is too much political correctness going on however this is repressing a collective group of individuals that have done no harm against Baldwin or anyone else. And to allow Baldwin to remain relevant is insulting. What’s his name that made a crude comment years ago about ‘nappy headed’ towards the basketball team had his show pulled and I don’t even know where he is now. It was insulting to that race and it was handled as it should (though if I’m wrong let me know as I’ll gladly take that part back). Pull Baldwin’s show completely off the air. Capital One already severed ties and brought on the amazing Samuel L Jackson. Don’t boost his ego by writing to the Huffington Post. Treat him as he should be treated and that’s with as much disgust as what spews from his mouth- which he chose to say. There are plenty of other insults to dish out that do not have anything to do with the gay and lesbian community.

    Sorry, this just infuriates me.

  28. Lisa says:

    You can set boundaries without resorting to slurs.

  29. homegrrrral says:

    when I was in junior high school we said the word f*g all the time in 1982. I’m ashamed that I didn’t know people across the country were being murdered while having that being used as the last word they heard before their life with ended

    As an educated person I’m compassionate I’m a parent of a male child who is young who knows maybe his sexual orientation will be homosexual

    well I mostly don’t use the same vocabulary I use in 1982 perhaps if I was protecting myself and my family I would use any ugly word that still remains locked in my psyche

    does that mean I’m secretly homophobic? as I said in an earlier post most: road rage people will say the word mother f***** does that mean we’re nation of misogynists and shouldn’t some organizations fine us for this version of political incorrectness ?

    this may be the tip of the iceberg for him personally but I don’t like the precedent this sets about what we can or cannot say in moments of extreme duress again this wasn’t an example of a calm cool collected strategic conversation or essay about his views on humanity.

    Eminem uses the f word liberally, and his defense is an outmoded vocabulary. and Alec Baldwin’s case he was being harassed by the paparazzi which can feel extremely threatening

  30. sauvage says:

    “We all say things we don’t mean. We all say things we can’t take back. ”

    I beg to differ. Strongly.

    We all might at some point say things that we are shocked about. But don’t tell me that all that contempt coming out of Alec Baldwin’s mouth isn’t real. I have learned to DEEPLY mistrust the statement: “I didn’t mean that.”

    Oh yes, you did. You are just too much of a coward to look into why you actually would say something like that.

  31. PinkyTuscadero says:

    I have an EPIC temper (irish like the baldwins). Yet, somehow, in all of my red-seeing, screaming freak-out rages I have never uttered one racist, homophobic, or sexist thing (except for the one time I called my boyfriend a pee u ess ess why. i do regret that one. that was 17 years ago and i have long since given up the drink).

  32. Geneva says:

    It was a very unfortunate slur…kind of more indicative of the times that Baldwin grew up in unfortunately – perhaps in the 70s or 80s it was OK to lash out at someone saying they were fat or gay or whatever…now it is only OK to call them a C—suck-ing fatty – I believe it was a stupid thing to say but I also believe it just came out from his anger, not from some deep seated thing. Wasn’t he just leaving a courtroom after his stalker was finally convicted. Have you ever had a stalker? I have witnessed someone who had a stalker and it is very, very creepy. Baldwin’s stalker said they had intercourse which I believe was her delusion. wonder what kind of stuff the Paparazzi were throwing out to Baldwin as he passed? I imagine it was pretty provocative and they know he can be provoked. I would say we need to move on from this..

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      But the thing is–he’s in his fifties. He KNOWS better than this. He KNOWS that the paps are trolling him, to provoke him in any way that they can. HE needs to learn how to control himself–I don’t care if he’s homophobic or not–he needs to learn that THIS isn’t okay to say to someone.

      I have aunts his age–aunts who had to go to segregated schools up until they hit high school. I don’t hear them going around, calling white people “crackers” when they’re upset. My mom (who is black) says the n word–but she NEVER uses any racial slurs of any other minority group. Or any homophobic language. She never goes up to some random person–and calls them a racial/homophobic slur.

      She just had to deal with this not long ago. She went out to a concert with a group of (white) women—one of those women was from Georgia. You know what she said in front of my mom, talking about some basketball player??? She said “He’s my n*gga.”.
      She’s from GEORGIA. She isn’t from some small town, where they never saw black people (like we’re at now)–she’s from the Deep South. And she still said it. If you were black, and she said that to you, would you be saying move on? If she said it more than once, to multiple black people, would you be saying move on still?

      I don’t think so. Alec Baldwin is a f*cking idiot, and a whiny b*tch.

    • lunchcoma says:

      I might give the occasional 90-year-old a pass for changing social standards, but Baldwin is 55. Most 55-year-olds work, and were working throughout the last decade or decade and a half when that term became decidedly not okay to use. Almost all those same adults can manage to refrain from using it in public situations that might affect their employment. Some still use it among close friends, but a lot of others have realized why it’s not appropriate and have stopped altogether.

      Add to this that he occupies a prestigious, well-compensated place in our society as an actor and now as a journalist of sorts. Part of what comes with that is having to be more careful than others about what you say and how you say it. As with life in general, Baldwin has been at this a long time, more than long enough to know better. He hasn’t changed his behavior because people keep giving him passes for incidents like this.

      • Geneva says:

        all good points above…he should know better by now. He hated the movie Team America as it made fun of him but … he is just very thin-skinned…very. On another note, however, I was at a gay wedding this summer..and one of the guests – who is gay – said that he was scolded by a work colleague because he said he was going to a gay a gay man going to a wedding for his gay friends he was chided by a straight woman because it is not PC to say gay wedding you must just say wedding.
        My friend said it has been legal for what like five minutes and now I cannot say gay wedding anymore..he was actually conflicted on that one. just saying..

    • Elle Kaye says:

      My grandfather is 88 years old. He loves Sam on Good Morning America, and is fine with gay people marrying. He was worried though, about how people responded to the children of mixed race families, because in his time they were outcasts. I told him not to worry, things had improved. He laughed and said he needed to get “up with modern times.” Alex should take a lesson and tolerance from him.

  33. Paloma says:

    I read where Kim finally left Alec when he started to berate his young daughter; a very smart move on her part.

    Poor Ireland has deemed herself her father’s protector; how very sad.

  34. marina says:

    She should just stay out of it.

  35. EscapedConvent says:

    I guess I’m tired of Ireland now. She seems pretty attention-starved.

    Alec should really duct tape his mouth whenever he is outside. I always defend him because I think his heart’s in the right place. But his mouth is someplace else.

    Yes, everyone does have a temper. But incredibly, I have been able to go my entire life without calling anyone a “c**k-sucking f**got.”

  36. Christina says:

    My dad has severe anger issues and I have had to deal with horrible comments all my life. While I do love him, because he is my father, I would not defend him in front of anybody. I loathe Alec Baldwin for calling his daughter a rude, thoughtless little pig, just like I loathe my father for telling me that he would crush my head like a snake’s when I was 14.

    • Sloane W!yatt says:

      Your Dad’s a f*cking evil dick who doesn’t deserve you! I’m sorry you had to deal with his lies.

  37. Angie says:

    My boyfriend grew up with a rage head father and it was interesting to see how differently the children in his family reacted to the dad. Some were deeply affected and ended up being hyper vigilant people pleasers, very conscious and aware of other people’s moods. But my boyfriend and one of his sisters ended up largely tuning the guy out. (I should add – the father was never violent physically.) The raging was just noise to them – they would literally roll their eyes at the old man when he went off. Now, no one can rattle these two. Anyway, my point is, Ireland may not necessarily have Stockholm Syndrome. It’s possible she has a real handle on what a rage filled asshole her dad can be but she also sincerely believes he isn’t a homophobe or a racist. There are lots of sides to people. People on this site may see him as scum after his inexcusable behavior but he may be a loving dad to her and she’s loyal to him. The reason she’s not calling him out may simply be because she loves him – not because she was emotionally abused or a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. I also think it’s important to note she wasn’t raised by Alec. She was raised by Kim, so she probably didn’t experience her dad’s crazy rages daily.

    • marina says:

      That’s really interesting. My mother was a rageaholic too. For years after I moved out of her house I still had anxiety on Saturday mornings that she was going to come in my room and ripped me out of bed to clean the house or whatever. I have always been a people pleaser and fixer-upper. Your explanation about your boyfriend’s family makes sense. When people get worked up over BS, I too roll my eyes and I’m usually thinking something like “get a real problem.”

  38. Lauraq says:

    I don’t think we can say he was emotionally abusive to her because we know he called her a name one time. When I was a teenager my mom called me a bitch and a slut on rare occasions when she was really pissed, but I don’t consider her to be abusive. And I certainly don’t let boyfriends talk to me that way.