Cara Delevigne dresses up as a creepy clown, wishes for a ‘curvier’ body

Cara Delevigne

Cara Delevigne appears in her third spread for I-D magazine while dressed as a clown, and the publication does describe her as a “supermodel.” Cara has achieved the criteria of being a household name, so I think she qualifies to be a supermodel just as much as any of those homogenous Victoria’s Secret models have done. If this spread is any indication, then clowns are a strength — as is the offbeat appeal of one Cara Delevigne.

Cara claims that she was not only channeling clowns in this shoot but also Charlie Chaplin. That’s pretty damn cool. I dig Cara “Coke Dropper” Delevigne for unexplainable reasons. Okay I lied. I adore Cara and adore her so hard, and it’s because she entrances me in the same manner as Kate Moss has done for decades. Cara’s a mess, and she’ll end up in rehab. Hopefully she’ll be better for it one day.

Sadly Cara wants to move from modelling into acting. She wants to do so very badly, but I’m not sure that she’ll ever be able to manage it because of the inherent basis of the movie biz against models. Remember Cindy Crawford fondling Billy Baldwin’s booty on a moving train in Fair Game? Exactly. Now Cara admits she’d shave her famed eyebrows for the right film role. She wasn’t too bad during her 60 (non-speaking) seconds in the latest Anna Karenina remake, but I don’t see an Oscar-winning career in her future. Still Cara persists and tells I-D all about her dreams:

On wanting to leave modelling: “I mean that I need to do things professionally or as a hobby that I realIy care about and I need a really creative outlet where I can push myself harder. I find it unnatural to not be passionate about my work.”

She’s playing a minor part in Michael Winterbottom’s Amanda Knox biopic: “I’m always scared of the future, but Michael is an incredible director and I’m working with an incredible cast. With acting, you’re essentially learning on the job. I do get anxious, but with acting I can use that anxiousness. Michael told me that you can’t teach natural talent and natural ability. He’s never seen a bad actor go to lessons and become good, only a good actor become an even better one.”

What would she do for a role? “I don’t care. I’d shave all my hair off and my eyebrows, I’d gain weight, I would do anything, sky dive, jump off buildings, do my own stunts, I want to learn all there is to learn.”

Her dream roles: “Cat Woman and Martha in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.”

Why do her fans love her? “I have no idea … because I love them so much? My relationship with all of them is so weird and important.”

On fame: “I’ve had a few odd men creeping around my home and that’s never fun.”

On the paparazzi: “I tried to punch one in the face the other day. I’m worried that I’m going to get into trouble one day. The pictures never tell the whole story, they don’t show the provocation from some of the paparazzi, and how some of them just want to provoke you and force an extreme reaction from you in order to get their story.”

Her life mantra: “Work hard, play harder … don’t worry be happy.

Her main source of insecurity: “My body because I’d like to be curvier.”

Who’s her dream date? “That’s easy. Eminem.”

[From I-D magazine]

Perhaps Cara is correct in that most celebrities are not able to dictate the manner in which they get papped. Still there are only so many ways to dictate how one is portrayed while dropping a baggie full of white powder. Is it coke? Is it heroin? So many possibilities.

I’ll give her this — Cara is one hell of a model. Who else could pull this off?

Cara Delevigne

Cara Delevigne

Photos courtesy of I-D magazine

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23 Responses to “Cara Delevigne dresses up as a creepy clown, wishes for a ‘curvier’ body”

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  1. GiGi says:

    Her nose is different but her face reminds me so much of a very young Janet Leigh. Other than that I’m indifferent to her. She’d probably do well as an actor – who knows whether she’d be any good or not, though.

  2. Hannah says:

    Oh Cara, you’ll get curvier eventually. Trust.

    She sounds a bit cliched but seems nice enough.

    • missy says:

      hahaha i don’t think she meant that type of curvy. i think in modelspeak curvy means big boobs. thats why so many in the industry label lara stone as curvy when she’s just thin with big boobs.

      • jelynn says:

        She (Lara) may be thin but her hips are 2″ wider than her bust. She’s definitely an hourglass and, therefore, curvy. You can be thin and curvy at the same time. It’s about body type, not size.

  3. Pri says:

    I never liked her much. Don’t know why.I didn’t know much either. From your excerpts she doesn’t seem to be the absolutely dumb sorts. If she persists this way she could grow on me. 🙁

  4. Aussie girl says:

    What she would do for a role; shave off her hair or eyebrows, gain weight, jump off a building. How about learn how to act? Now she could well and truly have acting talent,I just thought it was amusing. Can you imagine her winning a oscar for her role as the fat, shaved haired women that jumps off a building.

  5. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I. Hate. Clowns.

  6. crab says:

    Clowns scare the bejeezes out of me!

  7. Singtress says:

    A household name?
    I pay attention to loads of stupid gossip. I know who waaaaay too many people are — and who they sleep with — even if I have never seen their reality show or such.

    But I have no idea who this clown is.

  8. Tessa says:

    I get the impression that Cara is pretty smart. She grew up in the best schools and was probably constantly surrounded by super intelligent and creative people, so modeling is just not “enough” for her. She needs more. She’s bored. Boredom and money are a terrible mix. If she’s serious about acting, she should try it.

  9. annaloo. says:


  10. Nev says:

    Eminem? ugh.

  11. mk says:

    I’ll believe she wants to be curvier, ‘specially if she likes the ladies. Also, she comes from a set of intelligent and accomplished sisters, so it pleases me to hear she’s articulate when sober. You’re growing on me , Cara. <3

  12. smee says:

    SHAVE your eyebrows? Seems a little extreme.

  13. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Her dream role is “Cat Woman”?

    Um, yep that sounds about right for her.

    I think she should stick to modeling for now.

  14. Florc says:

    I thought there was more to the criteria to be a supermodel other than a model who’s somewhat a household name. And she’s not that well known compared to names like Kathy Ireland, Cindy Crawforn, Heidi, Tyra, Kate Moss, and the list goes on.
    And if she wants to be curvier she needs to quit coke.

  15. Grant says:

    She’s about as much of a household name as that VS angel who shaded Taylor Swift a few days ago. Read: not very.

  16. Eleonor says:

    When I saw the picture I thought it was a post on Lady Gaga…

  17. serena says:

    She should stick to modeling. Also, shaving her brand eyebrows? Not smart.

  18. Dommy Dearest says:

    This is called modeling? I did this in a school play with makeup very close to that.

    They can throw a wig on a cow and call it modeling.

  19. Claudia says:

    Err, I don’t think she pulled off that photo shoot.