John Cleese dumps lying, indiscreet, middle-aged girlfriend

Remember Barbie Orr? She was John Cleese’s “27-year-old” girlfriend who gave a tell-all interview where she discussed, in intimate detail, every part of John Cleese’s body. As it turns out, she’s not even close to 27, and she’s not his girlfriend any more. According to Richard Kay of The Daily Mail, Cleese unceremoniously dumped Barbie after her little tell-all, and after the discovery of her real age – 45.

By any standard, it has been a masterclass in the art of British reserve.

Already hit by a multi-million-pound divorce from his third wife, John Cleese was forced to squirm in silence when his new girlfriend revealed even more embarrassing intimacies about their relationship.

It was certainly toe-curling stuff as Barbie Orr let slip details about his not-so-subtle chat-up line, her opinion of his ageing physique and how she felt about sleeping with a man of pensionable age.

So no wonder – and to the relief of his supporters in Britain – the 69-year-old Monty Python star is telling friends he has dumped her.

Barbie, who claims to be 27 but as the Mail revealed is actually 45, breathlessly disclosed how Cleese fell in love with her after seeing a photo of her in a bikini on her website.

She also said he was ‘athletic’ in the bedroom and a ‘great kisser’. All that, Cleese could perhaps have taken on the chin.

But her references to his new teeth, his hair plugs (transplants from other parts of the body) to cover his bald patches and the fact that she ‘kept picturing him naked wondering what someone that old looks like, and would I actually sleep with them’ were a step too far.

The comedienne even quipped: ‘For his birthday, I was thinking about buying him a Zimmer frame.’

Cleese is no longer returning her texts and their brief romance is over, say pals. What finally put the kibosh on the romance, however, was the exposure that Barbie was not all she cracked herself up to be.

According to official records in the U.S., she knocked 18 years off her age. On her website, she claims to have been born in 1981, whereas in reality she was born in 1964.

It is the latest setback for Cleese, who claims he is paying his estranged wife Alyce Faye Eichelberger £1million a year while their lawyers haggle over a final settlement. She is also claiming half of his nine properties.

But of the excitable Miss Orr, I am told: ‘What she did to Cleese was undignified. He was very vulnerable.’

From The Daily Mail

Barbie Orr sounds like a world-class whack-job, but Cleese doesn’t look much better. I’d imagine it would be devastating for a sixty-something year old man to be happily dating who he thinks is a 20-something bimbo, only to find out she’s just a 40-something bimbo who wants to give interviews about your anatomy. Yikes. Perhaps Cleese can learn from the mistakes of his same-aged brethren, like Paul McCartney, and stay away from the Barbie Orr-Heather Mills types.

Note by Celebitchy: Barbie Orr suggests on her official website that the Mirror made up that interview in which she praised Cleese’s package and claimed to be 27, but she never quite accuses them of it. It’s all a bit suspect.

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21 Responses to “John Cleese dumps lying, indiscreet, middle-aged girlfriend”

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  1. Baholicious says:

    There’s no fool like an old fool as they say.

  2. geronimo says:

    Baho – you took the words right off my keyboard. Poor old John. And she sounds batshit crazy.

  3. Keekee says:

    Maybe next time around John Cleese will consider dating someone closer to his own age with at least a molecule of class. Or maybe he’s giving Hefner a run for his money!

  4. Mairead says:

    Sounds like your average kiss-and-teller, but because she sold her story to the Daily Mail and not the usual red-top tabloids, they had to fill it out with something other than “busty Barbie” the “gorgeous blonde stunna” who revealed “shocking” details of their “amazing athletic romps” etc etc etc.

    (wonder how much they paid her for it?)

    I’d say the ex-wife is laughing like a friggin’ drain now, well, if she’s anything like us on this site anyway *wink*

  5. Ling says:

    I think it serves him right for pursuing a woman that young and for such shallow reason. She’s a ditz but at least she got some exposure out of it; he’s simply a pig.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Ling, yes, but he’s a very talented pig!!! Yea…. I guess I’m a touch biased. It’s sadly true.

  7. reasonstobecheerfulpart2 says:

    I must say I’d much rather not read anything about JC’s personal life anywhere. Monthy Python have always been my Holy Grail, how dare JC do that to me to be one of those men?
    At least Michael Palin is still behaving. I hope 😉

  8. Annie says:

    He is quite talented.

    And I mean, to be fair, he’s pretty typical male. Heck, he’s a pretty typical person.

    Historically, human beings have an inclination towards those who they feel have strong assets genetically. Women want men who are young and athletic. And men went women are young and big breasted.

    You’re giving him shit for this, but I mean….there are a ton of women in hollywood who date younger men too. AHEM LINDA HOGAN. Now that’s just beyond gross considering he’s a highschool friend of her children.

    I’m not defending male chauvinism, I’m just saying, be consistent and don’t run off being hypocrites and talking about double standards and what not, when you’re applying them right here.

  9. reasonstobecheerfulpart2 says:

    On a sidenote: I am about her age, but could defnitely NEVER get away with pretending to be 20. Don’t know how she pulled that one off, but not bad 🙂

  10. Elizabeth says:

    I agree with you 100% Annie. My mentioning of his piggishness was in jest. On yet another side note, apparently Terry Jones was getting a bunch of flack for leaving his wife for a younger woman, that I find to be a much more despicable action. I still love him and the whole Monty Python crew though.

  11. Cinderella says:

    Barbie should hang out with Heather Mills sometime and learn how it’s really done.

  12. Annie says:

    Oh, lol, I wasn’t referencing you at all 🙂

    It was actually more generic, because society in general gets in a tizzy about the whole young woman, older male business.

  13. So is John Cleese going blind or something? Homegirl looks like she partied her way through 27 a looong time ago.

  14. stewie says:

    ewww! she deserves plenty for sleeping with that dirty old man!! even a hooker would charge him triple.

  15. Julia says:

    Did anybody else check out her website?! Oh my word, intellectual it ain’t! 🙂

  16. Ling says:

    posted by Elizabeth: “Ling, yes, but he’s a very talented pig!!!”

    No argument there, I assure you.

    Annie: Agreed.

    Is there a rule for the minimum age of a serious girlfriend/boyfriend? I’ve heard half one’s age plus seven, or 10 years older than one’s oldest child.

  17. sissoucat says:

    How shallow can he be, to dump her not because of her indiscretions, but because she’s not 27 ?

    Well, of course new teeth and hair plugs, that shows a really really deep man.

    Remember he’s a European male, he can be as ugly as he wishes, he’ll still get a lot of work… Hollywood pressure it ain’t.

    Anyway he always was my least favorite Python, too arrogant.

  18. karen says:

    Barbie did not lie about her age…she NEVER SAID she was 27…….the PRESS did!!!
    …the press has printed tons of lies about her…yet the age is the one you are thinking is the truth??? The Daily Mail said it!!! YOU THINK THAT is the TRUTH??!!!
    OH…and how sad is LIFE…that you would even care???
    she is an animal rescuer and comedian who cares about things…you??

  19. Blah blah blah says:

    Um, wah?

    Not going to bother feeling sorry for him. He’s divorcing from his THIRD wife, so he probably doesn’t have the best sense or taste in the romantic department, and reading his comments to her that he supposedly said upon their meeting–they were pretty pathetic. He was also stupid for believing she was 27.

    I’m sure he has plenty of money/friends/etc to make up for the loss.

  20. sldkfjwiej says:

    cleese is brilliant.
    but, he used her too.

  21. Sally K says:

    Who really cares. I bet that so many women have thrown themselves at him because of his ‘star status’. Barbie Orr is obviously one tacky lady. Anyone who kisses and then tells to the tabloids is tacky. He’s well rid of her.If he wants a young woman in his life , more power to him. I am 70 and I like to look at handsome young men but in my bed??? I dont think so. its a choice. I wish him luck, whatever he chooses to do. Thats a lot of money for a divorce settlement too.He must have a lot though, thats often a great turn on as well….