Olympian Brian Boitano comes out as gay after being named to the Sochi delegation


I have vivid memories of being a little girl and watching the Olympics with my mom. She always loved figure skating, and at the 1988 Olympics in Calgary, I remember how everyone had hyped up Brian Boitano. I don’t really remember watching his particular gold-medal winning routine – that part of my memory has been washed away (because I’m old). But I remember the feeling of Brian Boitano’s victory, and how Americans loved this sweet ice skater who triple-lutzed his way into history. In the years that followed, Boitano managed to gracefully retain a cult-like celebrity, especially when Trey Parker and Matt Stone devoted so much South Park love to him. Brian now lives in San Francisco, writing cookbooks, hanging out with friends and family, doing cooking show specials and generally being a cool guy.

Well, Boitano is in the news again. A few days ago, Pres. Obama finally announced the members of the official American delegation to the Sochi Olympics. Pres. Obama will not be in attendance, and neither will VPOTUS, FLOTUS or Dr. Jill Biden. Instead, Pres. Obama is doing a not-so-subtle “screw you” move to Pres. Putin and the gay-hating Russian government. Our American delegation to Sochi includes iconic tennis champion Billie Jean King (lesbian and LGBT activist), Caitlin Cahow (hockey playing medalist and lesbian) and Brian Boitano. When I heard Boitano’s name, I was all “HUZZAH, take that Putin! We have a gold medal winning ice skating champion who is gay to boot!” But you know what I never realized before now? Brian Boitano never really “came out” publicly. For real. He’s just doing this now.

Brian Boitano is finally out and proud! the Olympic figure skating gold medalist came out as gay on Thursday, Dec. 19 in a statement.

“I am many things: a son, a brother, and uncle, a friend, an athlete, a cook, an author, and being gay is just one part of who I am,” Boitano, 50, said in his statement released to Us Weekly.

The announcement makes Boitano the third openly gay athlete named by President Obama to the official, 10-person, U.S. delegation to the 2014 Sochi Olympics. The former champ joins tennis legend Billie Jean King and women’s ice hockey payer Caitlin Cahow in representing America’s LGBT community overseas during the sporting event. It is assumed that Obama is sending a symbolic message of protest to host country Russia; He told Jay Leno back in August that he had “no patience” for its controversial, anti-gay propaganda law.

“It is my desire to be defined by my achievements and my contributions,” said Boitano, who has competed in three different Olympics (1984, 1988, 1994). “While I am proud to play a public role in representing the American Olympic Delegation as a former Olympic athlete, I have always reserved my private life for my family and friends and will continue to do so.”

“First and foremost I am an American athlete and I am proud to live in a country that encourages diversity, openness and tolerance,” he expressed. “As an athlete, I hope we can remain focused on the Olympic spirit which celebrates achievement in sport by peoples of all nations.”

70-year-old King’s significance following her athletic career is a story of activism: She was the first female professional athlete to announce she was gay back in 1981. Cahow, meanwhile, is a two-time Olympic hockey medalist. Other delegates appointed to the U.S. Olympic committee includes former Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano and former speedskater Bonnie Blair.

President Obama, meanwhile, will not attend the 2014 Sochi Olympics, and neither will wife Michelle Obama nor Vice President Joe Biden. His decision mimics that of other world leaders including German President Joachim Gauck and French counterpart Francois Hollande.

[From Us Weekly]

Well… sure, okay. Good for him! I don’t think anyone is going to have a problem with this because, seriously, everyone has known he’s gay for years. He never flaunted it and never lied about it, but I guess I thought he acknowledged it decades ago? Still, better late than never. And how dramatic for him to issue a public “coming out” statement just a day after being named to the American delegation to Sochi.

Also: I love the way Pres. Obama is handling the Sochi situation. Some people thought America should boycott the Sochi Olympics because of the anti-gay legislation, but it was clear that boycotting was never seriously under consideration. So, if we were going to participate, let’s make it the splashiest, most rainbow-flag-waving moment ever. That’s what Brian Boitano would do.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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81 Responses to “Olympian Brian Boitano comes out as gay after being named to the Sochi delegation”

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  1. carol says:

    Didn’t we already know? BTW if you haven’t already watched his cooking show, you should! He’s delightfully hilarious!

    • LadySlippers says:

      I’m pretty sure most skating fans figured this out ages ago….

      • Moiselle says:

        Agreed. When he was skating a decade or so ago (was it really that long??) it was kind of a given. No one cared then so why is it a big deal now? Because he’s going to Sochi?

    • woodstock_schulz says:

      LOL, his cooking show is awesome! I loved the episode where he was cooking for Kristi Yamaguchi’s (sp?) family!

    • atorontogal says:

      It’s a big deal now because Putin has declared open season on homosexuals.

    • Bryan says:

      What a shock….. Not! What male singles skater isn’t?

      • jaye says:

        Scott Hamilton, Lloyd Eisler, Michael Weiss. That’s just a few, I’m sure there are more.

      • bettyrose says:

        Ugh, it’s ridiculous to assume all male figure skaters are gay because so many of them are not, but it’s not ridiculous to have already thought Brian Boitano was gay because he never really hid that fact. I mean, did he?

        If I recall, though, Chris Bowman (who I just loved at one point and RIP) who was not gay had a tendency to say unfortunate things because he was sick of assumptions about his sexuality.

  2. Pam246 says:

    I thought he came out years ago too. Sorry for the stereotype but considering that he’s a figure skater from San Francisco I think most people made that assumption.

    • JojoAnn says:

      Stereotypes come to being for a reason. No doubt there may be a gay sprinter out there but its no coincidence that the bulk of out Olympic athletes are divers, figure skaters and gymnasts.

  3. Tessa says:

    These Olympics are going to be such a mess.
    Side note: Brian… love ya… but we already knew. Like, 25 years ago…

  4. Karen81 says:

    Worst kept secret in history.

    Btw Putin could care less that Obama is naming openly gay athletes to be delegates to the US. It’s really a silly exercise. I cannot stand many of Putin’s policies including on alternate lifestyles but this all about making us feel better, it doesn’t change the situation in the Soviet …..I mean Russia at all. Far from it, it might make even worse.

  5. Dorothy#1 says:

    Love him!
    I just hope all the gay athletes are safe while they are in Russia.

  6. blue marie says:

    I’m sorry but all i can think is “What would Brian Boitano do?” (this will be in my head all day) Good for him, but I had thought he was out years ago as well.

  7. Tiffany says:

    *crickets* Ummmm…okay…..all kidding aside I do not announce to the public I am heterosexual, why should gay people have to announce theirs.

    • Mich says:

      Um. Because it gives other gay people hope, courage and strength to also come out and be true to who and what they are instead of living a closeted life of shame and fear?

    • Kim1 says:

      You are not famous but everytime you mention your husband or boyfriend you are telling people you are straight.Everytime a straight celeb anmounces an engagement or mentions they are dating someone they are Announcing they are straight.

    • Karen81 says:

      To me, it all depends on the delivery. If it’s like Jim Parsons who said it a matter-of-factly and didn’t make a big deal about it, then more power to them! But if someone grandstands and makes it into this huge drama, then yes I find that annoying. Like you, I don’t find someone’s sexuality as being all that important. It’s really not that important, it’s what you are. I am more worried about the size of a person’s heart then who they sleep with. But for some people, they just have to make it a big deal.

      Hell I got that in my own family. My cousin is gay and he wants it own anytime/anywhere possible about his sexuality. All the time. It just wears you out especially since nobody in the family has ever once stated something negative about it. I guarantee you at the family Christmas party he will make everyone uncomfortable talking about things you really should not discuss with family. Meanwhile his boyfriend (who I adore) will come up to my husband and talk about the Blackhawks and then he (along with my hubby) will talk about how we think Mad Men should end. 🙂

      • mj says:

        So your cousin’s boyfriend’s behavior is cool because he talks about heteronormative things and therefore seems more “normal”? Not being straight *is* very much so still a big deal in most societies. We’re still censored, mocked, and bullied. Yeah, your cousin should not be talking about the beej he received in front of the children, but the rules are the same for everyone. You can’t just tell us to act “normal” because sexuality “isn’t a big deal.” It is, especially when so many of us live in a place where we are questioned, our acts are delegitimatized, we are harassed, beaten, and bullied. And if you doubt the legitimacy of what I’m saying, provide your email and I’ll gladly supply you with a list of links containing both horrifying and beautifully brave and all very real news.

    • Jaded says:

      Well, I can’t imagine what it would be like to grow up feeling ashamed and afraid and maligned by people like Duck Dynasty for something I had no control over, my sexual orientation. So in a way coming out is a way of validating that you’re actually a good person,
      and being gay or lesbian shouldn’t impact how society perceives you. It’s a liberating, cathartic process, and benefits the person as much as society in general who come to accept seeing successful, good people for what they are, not who they choose to sleep with.

  8. ncboudicca says:

    I love Brian Boitano. That is all.

  9. Merritt says:

    People are being really jerky about this with all “didn’t we already know” comments. I don’t think he thought he was keeping it hidden. But a person does have a right to their own privacy. So the “better late than never” comment is out of line. No one is obligated to come out publicly.

    The figure skating establishment is very conservative, even now. There are very few out skaters. When Galindo came out in the 1990’s he though more people would come out after him. But that never happened. While Brian was not out, he was not heavily closeted like some skaters.

  10. rep says:

    Yeah, i don’t get the i have to announce to the worldm i am gay either. If you are you are. And Yeah I’ll say it, why is it such a celebration?

    • Serena says:

      Mostly becausr of what`s happening in Russia maybe. it`s not a “yay you`re gay“ (whatever it`s fine) but the `screw you`- move pres obama is playing as kaiser said. so the celebration.

      • bettyrose says:

        This, exactly. On a side note, I’m so tired of the “why do they have to announce/celebrate their sexuality” pseudo-arguments. Turn on the tv for just a few minutes and count how many images you’re exposed to that celebrate the marketing potential of romance. Ads for jewelry as romantic gifts, ads featuring happy married couples, shows featuring happy married couples, ads featuring happy nuclear families . . . it’s only been like FIVE MINUTES in history that gay couples have also been allowed to publicly and legally enjoy their relationship status.

  11. Frenzy says:

    Ah duh!

  12. Serena says:

    Lol take that putin!

    • Karen81 says:

      Putin could care less. He still a more trusted world leader then Obama, just look at the polls especially after he ran circles around our president over Syria.

      And like I said, this could make it worse in Russia not better. This is all about making us feel better. About what I don’t know.

      • Merritt says:

        It is a stretch to say Putin is more trusted. I have serious doubts that other world leaders trust Putin. No high ranking French officials are going to Sochi. Putin puts off a lot of leaders with his nonsense.

      • doofus says:

        “He still a more trusted world leader then Obama, just look at the polls”

        what polls do you refer to?

      • Mich says:

        What BS. How much world experience do you have? Not a lot based on your comment.

        This Republican talking point is so filled with hypocrisy it makes me sick. Accuse Obama of being a Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Nazi/Fascist/Dictator but embrace an ACTUAL Communist dictator. Pathetic and beyond ignorant.

      • neelyo says:

        I’d like to see these polls too. Link please?

      • Esmom says:

        @Mich, thank you. My dad and his family lived (and many died) through Soviet oppression and bloodshed during WWII. He is no fan of Obama but loathes Putin with the fire of a thousand suns.

      • Jaded says:

        Putin is not “more trusted” than Obama. I have many Russian friends who emigrated to Canada to get away from the madness, and the stories they tell about the crushing complicity the Russian government has with major crime is like something out of a horror novel. Mark my words, Putin and his senior leaders are all in bed with the mega-billionaire Russian mafia who control the economy. He’s made himself filthy rich and I rank him along the lines of a Berlusconi, self-righteous on the surface and evil inside, caring nothing for the welfare, education and medical care of his people.

  13. Meggie says:

    Yeah, not really news but good for him.

    I used to have a crush on him when I was a youngster. He had pizazz! He could skate! In my little kid head, I wanted to marry him and have little sequined babies!

    Well I also wanted to marry Micheal Keaton as batman.

  14. Gia says:

    Brian Orser fo’ life!!!!

  15. marina says:

    And in other news, water is wet.

  16. V says:

    Hunh. I thought this was public knowledge as well… maybe this is similar to that whole Tiffany situation with Jonathan Knight from NKOTB, meaning this was something the fans have always known, but this is the “official and public” acknowledgement for those who aren’t fans.

    I could have sworn I saw something with Kristi, Brian and Scott talking about it during one of those “things I’ve struggled with” moments during on of Scotts ice skating specials, but maybe that was a dream?

  17. The Original Mia says:

    And water is wet.

    Love Brian. Was always a fan. Will always be a fan. Those 80s skaters were the bomb!

  18. Sumodo1 says:

    I met Scott Hamilton when I was a reporter in Hartford, CT and the US Championship was held there. We talked for about an hour over coffee. We were both in our 20s and Scott went on to win at Nationals and at the Olympics that year.

  19. RobN says:

    So we totally overlook the human atrocities going on in China, the President and family go to their Olympics and have, presumably, a great time and represent the U.S., but now we’re making a stink over Russia’s policy on gays? Does anybody think that China’s policies are somehow more acceptable?

    I’m not for politicizing the Olympics at all, but let’s aim for a little less hypocrisy.

    I realize that everybody thinks we’re making some sort of statement by sending a bunch of gay athletes, but you’re pretty naive if you think Putin cares.

    • Myrto says:

      It doesn’t hurt that China is going be the next super power and also that the Chinese own most of the American debt. So of course nobody will say anything against China. And the Olympics have always been political. Always.
      Meanwhile, Russia is an easy target (for the record: of course their gay policies are horrifying) because of the persistent cold war mentality. Do we really think Obama sent a bunch of gay athletes on purpose? Really? I hate to be cynical but I don’t think he cares that much.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yeah, I don’t know how I feel about this. I am appalled by Russia’s policies, of course, and I’m glad the President and Vice President are staying home, but the rest feels sort of like a stunt to me. Something to make Americans feel good about Obama sticking it to Russia. There’s something sort of childish and undignified about it that seems unsuitable for a world leader.

  20. Mimi says:

    Suck it, Russia! Not an Obama fan, but I have to say “well played, sir”

  21. St says:

    Oh honey – Russia and Putin don’t give a crap how many american sportsman or actors will come out. And who will show un in their Sochi. They really don’t. It’s a good spectacle for american media. But Putin does not give a crap. And he will not change his laws. Nothing will change at all.

    • another nina says:

      No, why? We adore Boitano, thanks for sending him. Who the heck cares whom he is sleeping with. He is a hero in a figure skating world.

  22. BluRnnr says:

    If we really wanted to be even more sassy, we should send Johnny Weir and all his crazy outfits. Hehehe. Johnny is awesome. Also, Ross Mathews.

    • another nina says:

      In fact, Johny is going there as a commentator. And he stressed that he is going to a sport event and would stay away from making any political statements.

      • BluRnnr says:

        Ah, I hadn’t seen that, cool. Despite my somewhat sassy comment, I wouldn’t expect him at all to make political statements.

  23. maria says:

    Arent the next Olympics supposed to be in Dubai or some other middle eastern country with similar anti homosexual laws? Just wondering if its going to be another uproar like this. Brian Boitano is adorable and i always get that south park song stuck in my head when I see him

    • Boxy Lady says:

      I don’t know where the next winter Olympics is but the next summer Olympics is in Brazil. I don’t know if there are laws against homosexuality there but I do know that prostitution is legal. In fact, I read that the prostitutes in Rio are taking lessons in foreign languages in order to better accommodate the athletes.

      • Brown Eyed Girl says:

        oh wow. Olympic village better keep some antibiotics and condoms in the commissary if prostitution is legal there. I always thought athletes had some ritual where they performed better if they hadn’t had sex. maybe thats just boxers or something. i saw it on a documentary.

  24. missykittens says:

    These athletes are being used as pawns for president Obama to make a point. He is saying that he doesn’t accept intolerance, yet he is being intolerant of Putin’s views. Yes, Putin is wrong in his views but Obama is putting these athletes in a potentially harmful situation just to give Putin the finger, while staying safe in his own country. immature… I’m liking Obama less and less. He doesn’t seem to make good decisions.

    • another nina says:

      In July of 2013, Russian Olympic committee sent a clarification to an International Olympic Committee that Russian anti gay -propaganda laws don’t apply to attendees, athletes, spectators during Olympic Games in Sochi. I specifically researched after seeing all these mulling @ Celebitchy about supposed dangers of Olympics. So, no worries.

    • Kim1 says:

      I didn’t realize Obama was Forcing athletes to put their lives in danger.Is he threatening them?

      • Brown Eyed Girl says:

        no but the US is being passive aggressive by sending/announcing gay athletes to a host nation that is not gay friendly. I honestly like it, because Putin got the better of Obama earlier this year with the whole Syria thing and his editorial. The US is standing up to him in a way.

  25. YouMustBeKidding says:

    I had no idea there were so many Republicans and Faux News-Parrots on Celebitchy!

    Missykittens–you ARE joking, right? WE, the people of the United States as represented by our President’s gesture, should NEVER tolerate the idea that someone could be put in jail and/or a life-threatening situation for saying anything about being gay.

    We have laws about that. Oh, and this little thing called the Constitution, too.

    “He doesn’t seem to make good decisions…” What a passive-aggressive, Snidely Whiplash-like comment. SO much evidence at how much better off we are as a country, but that can’t be swallowed by haters who manage to choke down the tea, er, koolaid well enough.

    Well I call bull pucky. Didn’t they use to say, if you like that other place or that other world leader so much, why don’t you go live there?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I’m a democrat, but I have to say, you are the one who drank the Koolaid if you think our country is “so much better off” now with this limping economy, health care debacle, IRS scandal, NSA scandal, CIA scandal, the president having the lowest approval rating in history and all the rest.
      Why don’t we stop sniping at each other and acting as though anyone who doesn’t think exactly the way we do is stupid, immoral, un-American or all three, and try to find some answers. Both sides need to climb down off their high horse and get back to work.

      Also, non-Democrats have as much right to be on a celebrity website as you do, and to live in America as you do.

      Both parties are just embarrassing.

  26. MsAubra says:

    water is wet

  27. bored_01 says:

    I don’t understand why progressive nations are not boycotting this olympics. I certainly will not be watching it or supporting it in any way. So tired of people who are all for equal rights until it interferes with their favourite tv show or sport or whatever.