Anna Wintour’s daughter: My mom threw out the tree before Christmas

I don’t know much about Vogue editor Anna Wintour. I do know she was the “alleged” subject of The Devil Wears Prada, I know that she “allegedly” hates Kim Kardashian, I know that she told Oprah to lose weight to earn that Vogue cover (she admitted it!) and I remember the disdain she showed on 60 Minutes when described a trip she once made to Minnesota. Wintour saidI’d just been on a trip to Minnesota, where I can only kindly describe most of the people I saw as little houses.”

If Anna Wintour is such a judgy piece of work that she even told the Mighty O to lose weight, can you image what she must be like as a mom? I’d always assumed she didn’t have any kids, but she does. Wintour, 64, has two grown children from her marriage to child psychiatrist David Shaffer, which ended in 1999. She has a 28 year-old son named Charles and a 26 year-old daughter named Bee Shaffer. Judging from Bee’s Instagram, I think Charles lives in Minnesota, which explains his mom’s outrage at being subjected to seeing fat people there. Bee lives in NY and works in television as a segment producer for Seth Myers.

Anyway Bee recently Instagrammed the following photo of some bags and presents sitting around lonely with the caption “My mom threw out our tree before Christmas Day because ‘it was too messy’” Can you imagine? I guess the maid couldn’t sweep up the falling needles fast enough, or someone failed to place the ornaments in perfect geometric formation.


But! Wintour wasn’t entirely grinch-like this Christmas. She gave her daughter a Downton Abbey mug and some nice pjs. Bee wrote “Pjs and downton… AW knows me well!

Bee seems pretty normal, judging by her Instagram. I guess Anna Wintour must not be all bad, but I’m suddenly very grateful for my own mom.




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93 Responses to “Anna Wintour’s daughter: My mom threw out the tree before Christmas”

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  1. smee says:

    A.Wintours always looks the same – like she’s going to work at some high-end architects office (too much color for a law office). When she wears a formal, it’s just a long version of her day look (complete with little sleeves). Boring.

    • Harriet says:

      As an architect I object to that! Lol! We architects have never seen a shade of white, black or grey we don’t like!

    • Ally8 says:

      She also has the same hideous strappy old-lady shoes made in multiple colors. An example of her boring and controlling ways. You can see a pair in the first photo.

  2. It'sJustBlanche says:

    Crazy but I’ll say one thing, she looks amazing for 64.

    • Pri says:

      Agree. I’m never impressed by her choice in dressing up herself. But she looks great face-wise for her age. I’m guessing she does something to it and she’s smart for not going overboard.

  3. AlmondJoy says:

    Nice gifts I guess… I was assuming she would have given her a stiff, high fashion ensemble.

  4. pretty says:

    wow her dauther is so gorgeous. her husband must’ve been very handsome cause i do not see her face on her daughter

  5. bowers says:


    • John Wayne Lives says:

      Totally. I bet her ex husband says things like “Well, thats just your mother. ” to their kids alot.. sad.

  6. Eleonor says:

    What strikes me most about her daughter is that she looks like she eats real food, and is not some superskinny starved high fashion girl. The girl’s got a sweet smile

    • TheEntrepreneursWife says:


    • Hannah says:

      My first impression, too! If you’re married to a child psychiatrist he prevents you from messing up your child’s eating habits, I guess.

      • wiffie says:

        Yeah, not always the case. Mom in law is a psychologist, and the whole family has a history of eating disorders and food issues. Not a bad doc, but it can be different when it’s your family. Luckily for bee she seems cool, but just because you’re not stick thin, doesn’t mean you don’t have warped views of food and body issues.

      • Eleonor says:

        @Wiffie: that’s true, but the girl looks healthy (at least to me) and that was surprising.

      • Hakura says:

        It sounds like maybe *he’s* the one who really raised them, or at least managed to keep them ‘down to Earth’ & normal. I just can’t see AW managing to raise happy, emotionally healthy, kids on her own.

      • Denise says:

        Ha, usually it’s the mental health professionals whose families are amongst the most messed up! I think Bee is exceptionally well-adjusted considering her parents (going by nothing but minor media tidbits, of course!).

    • Katy says:

      That’s my first thought – I was wondering if Anna is a judgy bitch to her own kid for not being a modelesque waif. I hope not, the girl seems sweet.

  7. Kim1 says:

    Much ado about nothing
    My uncle gave away his kids Christmas presents after they threw a party without permission.One of the partygoers took his prized Corvette and totaled it.

  8. Miffy says:

    Sorry but I love this woman. Would hate to work for her/be parented by her but I love a good waspy story!

  9. truthful says:

    her daughter is very pretty, no comments about “Anna Coldfish Witnour, NOT surprised though.

  10. We Are All Made of Stars says:

    What happened to Bee being a lawyer and thinking that fashion was a pile of bullcrap? Has she settled into the lifestyle?

    • gemma says:

      She works in TV. Did you read the story?

      • We Are All Made of Stars says:

        Seems to me that working in *TV* is different than working in the field of law, which she seemed to strongly desire at one point, no? And there she is, all sussed up and voguing at the camera with Mommy, despite her former assertion that “there’s so much more out there than fashion.” She seems to have changed her mind and opted for a career closer to the media-driven world her mother inhabits. And yes, sweetie, I read the story. Hence the comment.

    • Gai says:

      I wouldn’t say that being a segment producer for Seth Meyer is anything close to Anna Wintour and Vogue. And as far as her being “sussed up and voguing” for the camera, is it possible that she is supporting her mother? Dressing up and having your picture taken does not mean she is into the fashionista lifestyle.

  11. marie says:

    I’m loving Anna’s floral dress. It looks very fresh and seems comfy.

  12. MinnFinn says:

    An able-bodied 26 year old that is living with her mother should not be complaining about anything concerning her living quarters – Period.

    • QQ says:

      BOOM! SAY THAT AGAIN!!! And if it’s Anna’s house then more the reason for Anna to do what Anna wants, f xmas to be honest, i didnt and dont ever do a single thing in my house, cause is tacky/ a stupid expense/ tacky/ doesnt go with my taste or decor and i’m a single chick my family is always threatening with coming to vomit decoration crap in my house and My response remains the same: TRY and get past the gate without my say so.

      That said I like that Bea looks normal, Lord knows I know what having a mom like that (into looks and weight) does to your brains and looks etc

      • Steph says:

        Wow you’re a whole big bowl of Christmas cheer.
        Anyways, I just think it’s silly to get the tree in the first place if you don’t like how messy it’s going to be. She should just have a very nice fake one.

      • The Original G says:

        She doesn’t live with her. I guess you can get a passive aggressive Christmas other places too.

      • IamEROK says:

        I LOVE YOU QQ. That is all.

      • Gai says:

        How in the world are you still single?

      • GByeGirl says:

        I don’t do Christmas decorations, either. Well…I have lights around an archway that I keep up all year, and I hang stockings, but that’s it.

    • msw says:

      Does she live with her? Sounds like she makes her own money. Maybe she was just there for the holiday.

    • emmie_a says:

      MF: Where did you read that she lives with her mother? I didn’t read that in the story but maybe I missed something. I was thinking she was at her mother’s house for the holiday and wondered why there was no tree…

    • Lunchcoma says:

      I imagine she doesn’t live with her mother, and is just spending Christmas at her mother’s place (which, at 26, I suspect she still thinks of as “her” house). And, no, it ultimately isn’t up to her to dictate the decor of a place she doesn’t live, but it’s not as if this is an epic tantrum. It’s one comment about something I imagine is a longtime, well-known quirk of her mother’s.

    • Gai says:

      Nothing says she lives with mother. Maybe that is where the family gathers for Christmas.

  13. Shijel says:

    I’m also surprised by the fact that her daughter does not have the model dimensions. She’s a pretty one.

  14. Zbornak Syndrome says:

    Why not just get an artificial tree? Or did she mean the look of a Christmas tree is too messy? I find this hilarious!

  15. nebi says:

    AW, always the worst dressed. And the most predictable hair style.

  16. Tiffw28 says:

    Her size probably looks normal because Anna is a stick! I bet her daughter is still pretty thin. She seems refreshingly normal for having a mom like Anna.

  17. Jayna says:

    One year something was wrong with our tree. It was shedding horribly. If that was the case, I get it. We made it to Christmas, though, but took it down immediately the next day. It’s probably just the three of them Christmas morning anyway. More importantly is no wrapping? She is Anna Wintour and it looks like a bunch of shopping bags and poorly wrapped presents. Talk about no holiday spirit.

    • Thinkaboutit says:

      Are we seeing the same photo? Looks like they’re all wrapped, even the ones in bags. I see some gorgeous floral paper and some craft paper tied up with ribbon…

      • Jayna says:

        I guess you’re right. They are wrapped and in the bags, but why are so many presents just sitting in bags? I guess it’s just me., but it all looks bland and just not what I would expect of her.

      • Shannon1972 says:

        Don’t see anything wrong with that. I keep mine in shopping bags until Christmas just for convenience – easier to transport and keeps them organized and neat. Many times, they are the only bags that will actually fit the gifts.

  18. Thinkaboutit says:

    I’ve seen these two out dining together several times and they seem to have a lovely and normal relationship. Not sure why anyone would assume that Anna would treat her kids like she treats her minions. Or that she must impose strict dietary restrictions on her daughter since she likes her cover models ultra slim. People don’t look at powerful men and think “oh he must be the worst dad!” It must be tough to be a super successful woman….

    • Shannon1972 says:

      Not only that, but most people have based their opinion of AW on a book (or the movie) written by a very disgruntled ex-employee. I don’t know anyone who works in the NY fashion industry who believed it (none of my friends even read it). We should all be able to write books about our ex-boss and land a book deal because of who we worked for. I’ve got some great stories too – where is my agent? Lol

      I’m sure AW is tough, but according to the documentaries I have seen about Vogue, it’s my beloved Grace Coddington who is feared, even by Anna! 🙂

      • P.J. says:

        @Shannon1972: While I LOVE your idea of all of us writing tomes on our horrendous former employers-God, can you imagine???-all you have to do is watch ‘The September Issue’ (Vogue documentary featuring the lady herself) to know that just about everything “rumored” is true! While AW is hardly a fire breathing monster, all her staff, including Grace all admit right on camera that they fear and don’t dare ever question/push her.

        There’s even a significant amount of the film that is devoted to Anna coming in and in a manner of seconds essentially vetoing an entire spread that Grace had worked tirelessly on for months. After making a bit of noise about it to others, she admits that although she is heartbroken, she knows her place there and it’s ultimately Anna’s decision. So you see, Ms. Wintour is HARDLY in fear of anyone at Vogue, much less her own creative director 😉

      • Caz says:

        Grace’s autobiography “Grace” is a must-read for anyone really interested in Grace and the Grace/Anna dynamic. After reading it, I think the public Anna scary personna is a put-on enabling her to keep her distance.

        US Vogue wouldn’t have any PR presence if it wasn’t for the Nuclear Wintour angle. She was caught smiling at Harper Seven, after all 🙂

        LOL in a nice way that this article is considered newsworthy.

    • emmie_a says:

      I think in the documentary, “The September Issue”, about all things Anna & Vogue, they showed snippets of her and her daughter and they really did seem to have a good relationship and a very normal mother/daughter vibe. The documentary also showed a different side to Anna… We all know her as the mighty and powerful businesswoman but her family thinks fashion means absolutely nothing so they sort of look down on her achievements or don’t celebrate her success. And you can tell that it hurts her that they don’t see what others see in her.
      (I think all this is in “The September Issue” – but I’ve seen quite a few documentaries and news stories about her so I’m not positive)

  19. Renee says:

    Bee’s real name is Katherine BTW and she is pretty in a quiet sort of way. That top photo is just awful. They look like something I’d see in a kaleidescope. Why a 64 year old woman thinks these ridiculous prints look good on her is beyond me.

    • emmie_a says:

      I think she looks great in prints – she can pull them off and she knows what looks good on her. I wish I could wear prints but they just seem to overwhelm me!

    • The Original G says:

      I agree Renee. I think she’s finally stopped trying to make those little prints happen? They were a disaster at the Met Ball.

  20. Dana m says:

    Maybe she gets allergies with a real tree in the house like me.

  21. The Original G says:

    And that, ladies and gentleman was how the Grinch stole Christmas!

    All the Whos in Whoville still had a great time.

  22. Barbara says:

    My first thought was why is she still living at home…

  23. shellybean says:

    That’s the most depressing pile of presents I’ve ever seen.

    I don’t like this woman. She seems like a huge bitch, and I don’t even think she dresses that well. I canceled my subscription to Vogue years ago, and what’s weird is I’ve gotten it in the mail the last two issues after not getting it for years, and I did not subscribe!

  24. Valois says:

    My birthday is on christmas and my parents didn’t even built up our christmas tree.
    *lies crying under the table*

  25. P.J. says:

    I love Bee! If you’ve never seen “The September Issue” (that glorious documentary that followed Wintour around in her personal and professional life at Vogue in the year leading up to their biggest issue’s release) you see Bee at home with her mother and she is a TOTALLY normal girl who brings out her mother’s (relative) silly side 🙂

    I believe she’s home from college in the film and not only do you see her lounging around in sweats & pjs, she’s (gasp!) seen eating cereal on the couch (Wintour’s worst nightmare) while talking to her mom and all the while expressing her total disdain for the “ridiculousness” of the fashion industry and how serious it takes itself, how she will NEVER take part of it carrer-wise (in spite of Anna’s frequent pleading/protests) and that she is determined to carve out her own path, which she’s clearly done. Essentially, the girl is awesome 😀

    • Faye says:

      I was just about to pose this! One of the things I most loved about “The September Issue” (which were surisingly many) were the scenes with Bee. There was this one scene they shot in Anna Wintour’s home, and they ask Bee if she wants to go into fashion, and she basically smirks and says, “Hello no, I want to be a doctor” or something like that. It was amazing.

  26. taxi says:

    I’ve never noticed before, but for a petite woman who appears to have small bone structure, Anna’a facial features are huge. Compare to those of her daughter in the same pic.

  27. K says:

    AW has the worst personal style, considering her profession and status in the industry.

  28. Nance says:

    Did she call her mom “AW”?

  29. tessy says:

    She looks like my ex-sister in law who was the kind of person you want to like you when you first meet them, but after you get to know them you really don’t care if she likes you or not, you just want her to stay away… she and her brother were pretty screwed up too.

  30. Judy says:

    I think the daughter looks a lot like Anna
    Kendrick in that close-up. I love that floral cheongsam style dress that AW is wearing in the top pic, I’d look so much better in it. . IMO she doesn’t pick stuff that looks great on her, she must have an alter ego that she chooses for.

  31. Hakura says:

    I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m a little offended by some of the comments… While I truly think AW’s daughter was only staying at her house for the holidays, some people here are acting like it’s some sort of *mortal sin* to be in your late 20’s & still live with your parents at home. There are *tons* of legitimate reasons people do this.

    One reason being that in a lot of places, the costs of rent/homes are going up, & the salaries & available jobs are going down because of the recession. It’s not unusual at all for young adults to need time to put money away before being able to strike out on their own in that regard. It’s also helpful for emotional support, if one isn’t keen on living by themself.

    I’m 27, & still live at home. I have severe clinical depression, & it has deeply affected all aspects of my life for 10 years now. Of *course* I’m not happy about that, but due to my current circumstances, I *have* to live at home. I just hate to see so many people putting that down, like it’s pathetic to be my age & living with your parents, or that anyone who does *must* be taking advantage or lazy >=/

    • Harriet says:

      As someone with an Asian background living at home isn’t such a big deal to me. I live in my parents house but they live in another country, the house is basically mine to live in apart from the one or two weeks scattered across the year where they come to visit. When people get judgy about this fact- I like to point out to myself (mentally) the colossal savings I have been able to make by not having to pay rent in my 20s to get a place of my own.

    • jwoolman says:

      In many cultures and times, the norm had been to live with your parents until you marry- and often after that. Multigenerational households, nobody going insane from being all alone as the sole adult all day with the toddler set… 🙂 Also there’s a real benefit for the older ones in the household (no “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” episodes as actually happened to me during an illness – the cats were useless). I’m afraid my mother would have driven me insane all by herself, though, she was a nice person but so high anxiety that it took a lot of energy staying calm around her. My brother often lived with my aunt or stayed over, which was very helpful when our aunt started gradually slipping into Alzheimer’s. He could keep an eye on her and help her deal with bills etc. until she needed 24/7 supervision in a nursing home.

      When my relative was having a recurrence of a serious depressive episode (they can happen out of the blue, no real way to predict), his doctor told him to not stay alone until the meds were able to normalize the condition. He moved in with the aunt and uncle for the duration. It’s a high-risk disease when it decides to hit hard.

    • Emme says:

      Hakura, those comments offend me too. I can relate to your situation as well. I am 30 and I live with my father and brothers. My father is a widower. I have had anxiety and depression since my teens, and that combined with student loans makes me reluctant to move out. I have lived on my own before — I have lived and traveled alone in foreign countries before — but people still judge me like you wouldn’t believe.

      The worst part is that it’s assumed that I am doing nothing with my life. I have friends, I work two jobs (one full time and one part time), I have plenty of hobbies, I volunteer, I do all the cooking, cleaning, and shopping for my family, I pay all my own bills and save money. I am responsible. I am well adjusted. I am happy. But all those things are negated when a family friend leans over to me, smirking over the top of their wine glass, and asks, “Are you STILL living at home?” Or when my best friend asks me, “Don’t you ever want to move out?” despite the fact that she is married to a cardiologist, is unemployed herself, and had her rent and entire education paid for by her parents.

      Life is not a race, not everyone starts out at the same place. So I have to smile when people reveal their ignorance and small-mindedness while trying to make me feel bad about myself. If I didn’t smile I’d probably punch someone, not gonna lie. Nothing satisfies people — if I didn’t live at home I’d be judged for living alone, or for being single at age 30, or for not having any children, or for being five pounds overweight, or for having brown hair, or some other ludicrous thing society comes up with in order to categorize people into neat little boxes so that life is more predictable and therefore less scary.

      So yeah, people are clueless and insensitive, and because of that it’s extra important to take care of yourself and your mental health because sometimes life is an uphill battle. It should be socially acceptable to take solace with your family at any age for any reason. You are not alone. 🙂

    • Suze says:

      I see this all the time. Not just on this topic, but on many different topics.

      People are commenting on a specific experience based on a specific article on a gossip blog. It doesn’t have anything to do with your situation. You are unique, what you do and how you live is unique, and, most important, it works for you. Please don’t get offended by random comments. People are not “clueless and insensitive” – they don’t know you or your situation and they aren’t commenting on it.

      People are very often going to post opinions that differ from yours, and prescribe life styles that differ from yours. This is always going to happen, to you, to me, and to others.

      You know that you are doing what best for you and what others say really doesn’t matter.

    • Sisi says:

      yeah the condescension in these comments is quite strong, and there are so many differents remarks all based on this single picture

      Christmas brings out the best in people it seems…

    • loveisthecoal says:

      Hakura, I am in a similar situation to you. I have lived on my own before, multiple times, but it just doesn’t work for me. I am not lazy or unmotivated–I work full time and pay all my own bills. I buy groceries for the house, and take care of the bulk of cleaning and other upkeep. Of course, it’s not ideal, but it’s the way it is for now, and people who don’t like it are welcome to kiss my…well, you know.

      People will always find something to judge–but with depression/anxiety you have to do what works best for you. Be well 🙂

  32. stanhope says:

    Just this….she ain’t Diana Vreeland!

  33. Little M says:

    I am no spring chicken myself and I live with my father and my brother. My dad is a widow and my brother and I are single so we are enjoying living like a family for a bit longer.

    My mother did not like Christmas trees either. She preferred “flores de pascua” which were the traditional Christmas decoration in my area. We did not have Santa Claus or anything like that but holidays were still happy and cozy and warm.

    Each family is different and Bee seems very fond of AW. So sweet.