Kim Kardashian spent Christmas Eve visiting sick kids, partying with Yeezus


Kim Kardashian had a busy Christmas holiday. For Christmas Eve day, she and some of her family visited the LA Children’s Hospital and spent time with sick kids. Which is nice. I have no shade for that, quite honestly. Would I prefer to think that those sick kids would have rather spent time with real celebrities like Brangelina or Blake Shelton? Sure. Of course. But since Blake and Brangelina weren’t around, it’s nice that Kim donated her time and effort to spend time with some sick kids. Even if she did post photos of it on her Instagram, making “sexy” duck faces with children. Still, no shade.

Then after the trip to the hospital, Kim and her family threw a big party… I guess at her mom’s house. There was a photo booth, so Kim and everyone at the party took a lot of photos and Kim posted a bunch of them on her Instagram. Kanye West was there. And I’m pretty sure Kanye was wearing lip gloss. Either that or he’d been kissing on Kim and her lip gloss got transferred on him. Anyway, cute photos all around. Even if Kim looked especially dead-eyed in the Christmas party photos. I don’t get it – did she have holiday cheer and she just tried to hide it for the sexy-face photos? Or is she really morose these days?

Also – a bunch of designers sent Nori some designer swag for baby’s first Christmas. Kim was bragging about it on Instagram as well.





Photos courtesy of Kim’s Instagram.

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89 Responses to “Kim Kardashian spent Christmas Eve visiting sick kids, partying with Yeezus”

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  1. Jules says:

    What asinine photos. How old is she?

    • QQ says:

      God yes is so cringe worthy

    • Petee says:

      I think she is 32.Stupid photos.She just need’s to go away.

      • klue says:

        She’s 33 & yes she’s embarassing. Nori’s gonna be so mortified by her mum. She’ll be the annoying mum who thinks she’s still got “it”. Like Amy Poehler’s character in Mean Girls

    • zinjojo says:

      Duck face, duck face and more duck face. I guess it’s like a Pavlovian response for her anytime she sees a camera!

      • Evelyn says:

        She probably salivates too

      • Tiffany :) says:

        To be fair, I think that is the only face she can make anymore. All other facial expressions require the use of facial muscles that she can’t move anymore.

      • Kate says:

        the little toddler at the hospital was imitating her with the duck face (sigh). mother please grab your child

      • We Are All Made of Stars says:

        I know, right? And in a picture with a baby??? Oh Duck Face, why did you have to become the new hand-on-the-hip-while-looking-up-at-the-camera-and-doing-sexy-open-mouth-face of the social media generation? Whhhy?

    • gg says:

      Duck, Duck, Goose …

  2. MelissaMelissa says:

    I hope everyone here had a lovely Christmas.

    Every time I see a story about Kim and Kanye, I can’t help but imagine what the tabloids would be like if they ever break up. I remember how the family (and media) was head over heels about Lamar and now the rest is history.

    Anyway, Kanye managed to look slightly less angry than he usually does.

    • Hakura says:

      @MelissaMelissa – “Anyway, Kanye managed to look slightly less angry than he usually does.

      I was just noticing how his expression was almost *exactly* the same from one pic to another (& his skin looks *oddly* perfect, although that could be photo editting). But maybe Ms. Reindeer isn’t the only one who’s been dipping into the botox?

  3. Quinn says:

    Suck in those cheeks, gurl… Cause it’s all about the sick kids!

    • gefeylich says:

      Right. Who thinks they spent an hour shoving all the hospital personnel out of the way, hustling the sick kids into formation, setting up the shot, bringing Kartrashian in, taking the shots, getting her out in five minutes, and then dismantling everything with has much possible bother to the hospital?

      And afterward all the kids were asking “Who was that lady with the chola hair and makeup? Why didn’t she leave us any toys?” Answer: They’re on eBay, kids.

  4. daisyfly says:

    The amount of work she’s had done to her face is so blatantly obvious on her face in those photos, she might as well have put perforation lines on where her old jaw, nose, cheeks, and hairline used to be.

  5. lisa2 says:

    OMG it is catching..that baby is doing the duck lip thing too.. NO NO NO.. please NO

    nice that she spent time with others. All I got left.

  6. Tiffw28 says:

    Notice how the visit to the hospital was not even a week after everyONE ( even proK sites ) was saying they are no longer selling magazines and their days are finally fading because of their superficial ways- same thing happened ( charity work ) after the backlash from the divorce to the hump so Im side eyeing this a whole thing. Kim does nothing out of the kindness of her heart everything she does is a calculated move. I also love how it seems like the photo booth has added in photo shop lol

    • emmie_a says:

      I agree — Every single move that family makes is orchestrated for the public/press. They are all gross.

  7. Jem says:

    Wow photo booth looks fun. Do celebs not smile at Xmas?!

  8. Dani says:

    I don’t understand why it’s so hard for her to smile? Oh wait, I forgot she can barely move her face anymore.

  9. Allie says:

    I’d be more impressed if they didn’t have to share the fact that they visited the children’s hospital. Do it for the children, not for the publicity.

  10. Erinn says:

    Not going to shade her. I’m sure the sick kids appreciated that a stranger took the time to visit them even if it was only Kim. Whether or not it was for publicity as long as she made a kid smile I’ll say good for her.

    • lucy says:

      Nope. Not having it. Any alleged “adult” who wears A T-SHIRT DEPICTING THE GRIM REAPER to go visit sick kids in a hospital at Christmas deserves no accolades. KK is not only a dumpy dimwit raised to believe that self-obsession is a celebrated value, she flaunts her bad taste like she’s doing the world a favor.

      There really are no signs of intelligent life in Kardashianville.

      • Dommy Dearest says:

        She really drives down the intelligence of the Hobbits. Frodo needs to excommunicate her stat.

    • Sue says:

      @ Erinn
      Anyone who donates actual time, energy, money to those less fortunate get no shade from me, at least not when it comes to their deed.

  11. annaloo. says:

    I think there’s something about being with a very dominating partner that breaks the spirit of a woman, it’s probably why everyone says she looks so “dead eyed” in her photos – there’s a truth there. I’m no fan of Kim and the rest of the Kardashians, and there’s a lot of other factors: being a new mother, having one’s life int eh spotlight constantly, etc… but I know when I see a woman disappearing into a man, and I think it’s happening here.

    • Anon33 says:

      Totally agree.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I think she is disappearing into plastic surgery. Her face is dramatically different from before she had her kid, and I have yet to see the sides/upper part of her face move. She can’t even smile showing her teeth anymore.

    • Chrissy says:

      Totally agree except every thing you mentioned has been her choice. She doesn’t have to live in the spotlight, be with Kanye or have had the baby. To a major extent if she’s unhappy, SHE has the power to change – no one else is at fault, not even her mother. She’s 33 FFS!

    • Hakura says:

      @annaloo. – I think you may be right. Kim’s only purpose in life is to be Kris’ ‘meal-ticket’, always calling Kim her favorite, then proceeding to live *through* her like some sort of puppet. I honestly believe Kris raised her to think she was incapable of making her own decisions, to have to rely entirely on Kris (or someone else like Kanye) to make decisions for her.

      She has *no* self esteem, no sense of ‘value’ for herself beyond her appearance (which has been hard on her after gaining weight during the pregnancy, considering how tiny she was before). I believe this is what sent her over the edge with the cosmetic surgery. She’s obsessed with her appearance, but doesn’t even *see* the reality of it.

      Without Kris running her life, it’s not hard to imagine she’d feel ‘lost’, afraid to make the wrong decisions for herself (I’m sure Kris probably used things like calling her stupid or slow to get the point across) & Nori. She probably feels absolutely useless right now. =( I do feel bad for her, honestly.

      • TG says:

        I agree @Hakura and I think further proof that Kim had been raised to not think for herself and let Kris control her can be found in her first marriage. Why would she sneak off and secretly get married at 19 if she was so close and open with her mom? Only someone desperate to escape and make a decision for themselves does that and as you can see it was a bad decision because her husband was controlling as well but that is typical for abused people to go from one abuser to the next. Which is why she has landed with Kanye, yet another controlling person in her life. It is actually very sad that weird disfunctional relationship Kris and Kim have. It is sick IMO.

  12. Ag says:

    Poor sick kids.

    I hope she donated some money to the hospital. Otherwise, what’s the point of her being there?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Like with the ebay auction for disaster relief in the philippines for the typhoon, she is probably selling these pictures and keeping 90% of the profit for herself.

      • Hakura says:

        I didn’t hear about that… That is absolutely disgusting. =(

      • Tiffany :) says:

        It is disgusting. And she tried to defend herself by saying it is ebay’s policy to only require a 10% donation to advertise as giving to “charity”. As if that makes it any better to keep 90% of the profit for yourself.! Just because it is legal doesnt make it dignified or respectable.

      • jwoolman says:

        Tiffany- it’s even worse than it sounds. She gets an equivalent reduction in eBay fees according to the percentage donated to charity (in addition to the tax deduction, which represents a substantial discount at her income level; deductibles aren’t free, but a higher percent tax bracket means a higher savings). Plus she very likely got much of the stuff for free in the first place. So she’s pulling in quite a bit of profit on her eBay sales. The small percentage going to charity is a marketing trick many companies use to encourage sales.

    • MinnFinn says:

      In other photos of the visit before she donned the hospital gown, her shirt had a big skull printed on it. Who wears solid black with a skull to visit a kids hospital? She’s an effing idiot.

      • ParisPucker says:

        omg. i don’t think I even have the words – did that SERIOUSLY happen?!? Thanks for pointing this out! OMG I DON’T EVEN HAVE THE WORDS! She’s beyond absurd and it infuriates me that despite her years of pathetic antics, this b*sh has more money than most of us will see in a lifetime. IT’S LITERALLY MAKING ME ANGRY! And those kids… her doing pucker face around these kids fighting for their lives. I don’t know what it is about this whole combination of events, but I don’t think I’ve been this disgusted with her and her whole brood until now. CELEBITCHY STOP POSTING STORIES ABOUT THESE LEECHES – ON – SOCIETY! This has to stop, for reals.

  13. Peppa says:

    Kanye looks drunk and/or high in those photo booth pictures.

  14. Dawn says:

    So really Kim makes me want to puke when she makes those god-awful duck lips. STOP IT KIM you look beyond stupid. We all know you are 33 and way too old for such nonsense but then your whole life is made up of nonsense and making money off of it. So do we know that Kim didn’t get paid for this? Why would children know who she is? What kind of parents would aspire to have their children use her or anyone in her family for a role model? She sells sex and apparently duck lips and nothing more. Yuk.

  15. Lynne says:

    The pics not published are what she was wearing, google it. She was wearing a TShirt of the grim reaper, from the yeezus tour. She wore a skull to a childrens hospital. She was wearing it throughout the hospital outside without covering with the yellow gown and you can see the skull faintly on the pic of her doing a kissy face with the young child.
    Nice nightmare for sick kids who don’t even know what a kardashian is.

  16. Maureen says:

    I don’t watch this show and so I can’t keep the names of the two teen girls straight, but the tall one in the very first hospital picture at the top: she is SO exquisitely beautiful. Just precious. I hope against hope she will know her true beauty and never allow herself to go down the plastic surgery road of her older sister. It would be tragic to mess with that incredible face.

  17. Denise says:

    I’m sorry, but shade all-around here. Duck faces with sick kids, because she can never bloody stop thinking of herself and what she looks like and how she wants to appear to the world. She would never do this if it wasn’t photographed and instagrammed, it wouldn’t be worth her time.

  18. umyeah says:

    Yup. She wouldn’t be doing any of this if it wasn’t being documented. Also, do we really want these kids to be looking up to Kim Kardashian of all people? Really?!!!!! And she must think that sucking in her cheeks will make people think, oh look how skinny she is. Ugh. That whole family plus kanye are all despicable.

  19. Inconceivable! says:

    Kim’s face changed SO much after having North. She was not seen for months because of the obvious plastic surgery. Is she still denying it??

  20. OutoftheLoop says:

    Kanye looks a tad like RayJ in the pic with Kim and her kid sister. Weird.

  21. Karolina says:

    Kim is boring. She can’t act, sing or dance. She steals money and runs together with her mom fake charities. She makes a duckface and wears a skull shirt while visiting sick kids in a hospital. She has the fakest ass, fakest boobs, fakest waist, fakest hair, and fakest face. She is a disgusting human being.

  22. Mylene - Montreal says:

    Make a Duckface with a sick kids !!! And i see her before she arrived there .. She have a skull shirt man !!!!! skull = dead …. SHE IS SO STUPID !!!!!

    And nice christmas party .. she pass her time takes pictures .. WOW .. this women his alien for me

  23. dagdag says:

    Sh…t, really sh…t. This makes me so angry, I can not even express.

    My younger brother and I were for some years in an orphange. I remember, being about six years old. We were piled up and the cute ones were in front. My brother was one of the cut ones.
    We still have a few pictures with soldiers holding my brother and smiling people in the back, We, the rest, just sat there. Brings back memories I don t care for. Really shi…ty. some tears. I really hate people f….ng with kids for PR.

    • Karolina says:

      I am sorry:(

    • Lady D says:

      I’m so sorry you had to go through that as a child dagdag. I share you extreme anger and pain towards adults that harm children in any way.

    • Caz says:

      Dagdag you have my empathy. Another example of Kartrashians using people for their own selfish purposes.

      Everyone. Boycott everything this family does. Don’t contribute any $$ to their pile of greed, vanity & fakeness. Call them out on every single BS thing they do. Maintain the rage. It’s working.

  24. Karolina says:

    I think it is so tasteless, in other pics you can see how these two were dolled up for this visit, totally inappropriate. Especially Kendall seems usually so low-key in the candid shots, so this was definitely played up only for the press. I used to think that Kendall has a good soul, I remember watching the show where Kendall was not keen on having a over the top sweet 16 party and wanted the guests to donate their money to a children’s charity instead of buying her presents. But I guess when your mother and your sister are materialistic, fame and money-hungry monsters you also turn out like that and do not stand a chance.

  25. Dommy Dearest says:


    I’d be disappointed learning that it was a Kardashian coming to visit me. Much rather have taken Santa Claus. He’s at least a positive entity when you’re a child. The reaper shirt is just tasteless. She could have at least dressed up like her people, lots of kids love the Lord of the Ring series and I’m sure they’d have loved to see Kim in her true Hobbit form.

    Her face in the one picture with Gay Fish gives proof of her surgery that she’s lying about. Kamel Kim.

  26. Joh says:

    I think Kris told Kim long ago that she had one talent…..
    Being pretty…….
    Can you imagine being raised thinking that is your only worth?
    It would explain so much….

    • idk says:

      That is probably 100% accurate. Now, imagine the pressure Kim is going to put on her own daughter with regards to beauty…

    • Isabelle says:

      …and she’s not even that pretty anymore, she has ruined her face with surgery and Botox. The duck face makes her look more absurd.

  27. xxx says:

    Is her face stuck like that? She looks like a reptile. And no, there is absolutely nothing thoughtful about what they did not. PR. i would notI want my child to hang around someone famous for making porn either ouyyyy

    • MinnFinn says:

      I would have blocked the door so Kim couldn’t enter the room if my child relative had been in that hospital.

  28. idk says:

    The photo booth pics look ridiculous. It honestly looks like Kim spent hours the night before practicing in the mirror…she wanted to get that “sucking my cheeks in” look down pat…and she did it ! She is obsessed with trying to look like Jennifer Lopez. She just needs to stop…she’s a “try hard” for sure.

    I really really hope she also signed a nice donation check or brought gifts for the sick kids, or what would have been the point of her being there? Most of those young kids SHOULDN’T be watching her show as it’s not a child-friendly show and therefore shouldn’t really know who she is.

  29. Soccer mom says:

    Did they photoshop the photo booth pics bc they look so fake and plastic. I can’t imagine looking at people that look like this all day long!! They would scare me but they think they look so good! Not sure how genuine the hospital visit was but I guess it’s nice.

  30. IceQueen says:

    Kim’s face is clownish, lol

  31. Lizzy1013 says:

    Why does she have to do a sexy pose in that group photo?just stand there!! Not every photo has to feature your “good side”!!! Makes me sad…

  32. Harriet Craig says:

    What up with the duck face? Anyhoo, they are really pimping out that Jenner troll.

  33. Palermo says:

    Who in their right mind would visit a hospital with seriously ill/dying children wearing a shirt with a skeleton head on it? A total dimwitted dumbass, that’s who. As for the photos above, total wastes of space, that’s all they are

  34. rep says:

    When did the duck face become popular? kanyee can’t like that look. It’s stupid a d childish. And it does look like she practised doing it because she came out hard with that.

  35. KevinA says:

    Jennifer Lawrence does the same in Kentucky last weekend. Differences? 1. She just showed, unannounced. 2. Plaid shirt, jeans and Keds. Doesn’t look like a PR stunt.

  36. Lucy2 says:

    Haven’t those kids suffered enough?!
    Seriously though, between the full hair and makeup prep, the permanent duck face, the skull shirt, and publicizing the visit, it’s just gross. If she wanted to cheer up sick kids, she would have done it quietly, or brought presents or something. This is just to combat their increasingly negative publicity.

  37. jwoolman says:

    When I saw the 4th picture down (also used on the table of contents page with Kimmie flanked by Kanye and Kylie- all I could think of was Zoolander’s classic pose in the male model spoof. Is that the duck face? She really looks silly doing it, not sure why she does. When she actually smiles, she looks nice.

  38. Brianna says:

    What’s with this new Nicki Minag/Amanda Bynes friend that has been hanging around with Kim lately?Reminds of the time before Kim was famous and she was photographed a lot with her “bestie” Paris Hilton.
    New Kardashian/fame whore protege?

  39. lisa says:

    does she really think she looks better without a nose like voldemort?

  40. Josephine says:

    Their party looked really depressing. Who poses like that at a family party? They are so artificial they can’t even turn it off for the holidays, with each other. They must be the most boring, awful people to be around – nothing at all real or fun about them.

    And it makes me really sad that even at a hospital she is posing, and posing hard. When you see other celebs do charity work, they look relaxed, and dressed down, and have genuine smiles. I always think that they look so different from their celeb facades, and rightly so. But she looks like she could be warming up to strip and do a porn. Honestly, I think she is dead inside and broken in every way.

  41. Gai says:

    Why are they famous? Haven’t they used their allotted 15 minutes? The same way I stare at a bad accident I click on the article and wonder “Why?” New Year’s resolution: Ignore all Kardashian articles

  42. lucy says:


  43. Lisa says:

    Look how she is wearing high heels and has her hair and make-up all done up before visiting the sick kids. She isn’t there to visit them. She is there to take pictures with them that she can post online for publicity. She is there for selfish reasons. If I had sick kids in the hospital, I wouldn’t want her going anywhere near them.