Obama jokes that he got bumped from US Weekly cover by Jessica Simpson

President Obama’s ego might be a little bruised. Why? Well it seems he’s not as important as Jessica Simpson – or rather, Jessica Simpson’s weight. That’s right – according to US Weekly, Jessica’s slightly expanding frame is of more interest to readers than seeing their new president’s face. The cover of the magazine features the Obama family, with a cute picture of First Lady Michelle Obama, along with daughters Sasha and Malia. Where is the president? Well his face has been pasted over with an image of Simpson performing in an unflattering outfit last week.

The president was obviously a good sport about it, though from his rather dry tone he did seem to appreciate the ridiculousness of US’ decision.

President Barack Obama joked that he was crushed to be cut from the cover of Us Weekly to make room for Jessica Simpson’s controversial curves. (Watch the video above.)

“Yeah, it’s a little hurtful,” he quipped when Matt Lauer showed him the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands now, featuring a portrait of his family. (Obama is featured in the picture that runs next to the story — which focuses on Michelle — inside the magazine.)

“You got replaced by Jessica Simpson!” added Lauer, who sat down with Obama before the Super Bowl aired Sunday on NBC.

“Who’s in a weight battle, apparently. Oh well!” Obama said.

[From Us Weekly]

A few websites have mistakenly used the headline, “Obama calls Jessica Simpson fat.” Excellent job not paying attention. He was saying it related to Us Weekly’s story (they talked about her weight issues), not actually calling her fat.

There is one rather large consolation for President Obama. As Kaiser noted, he’ll be on the cover of Vanity Fair next month. One Vanity Fair is worth about a hundred US Weeklies. Not that Obama seemed broken up about the past job. But what a stupid choice on US’ part.


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28 Responses to “Obama jokes that he got bumped from US Weekly cover by Jessica Simpson”

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  1. geronimo says:

    Obviously Obama’s being a good sport about it but it seems such a rude and disrespectful thing to do….

  2. If you just read the story about Obama’s comment, it sounds mean. But if you watch the video from the interview, it’s obvious that he’s just repeating the headline on the magazine cover w/ no meanness in his voice.

  3. boomchakaboom says:

    I saw this interview. Obama was just reading the title of the J.Simp story. It’s really amazing how ordinary comments and behavior can be sensationalized in the press to imply something completely different than what they actually meant.

  4. boomchakaboom says:

    I guess it’s a good reminder to not get all your news from websites devoted to clever commentary. 🙂

  5. Tiffany says:

    Haha I love how Obama can joke around, and i definitely love seeing him on the front cover of all these magazines! but really, everyone needs to get over Jess’s weight!

  6. meg says:

    I think it is completely ridiculous and inappropriate that the president of the united states is commenting on whether or not he is on the cover of a gossip magazine.

  7. photo jojo says:

    It could be the resolution on my monitor at work (shhh!) but it appears they stretched that photo of Jessica as well. Tacky!!

  8. NotBlonde says:

    He’s so…I dunno. Normal? It’s like he’s your dad or something. That is totally something a father would say..”Who’s in a weight battle, apparently”. Dry and hilarious.

  9. Annie says:

    haha. I was thinking the same thing NotBlonde!

    There’s something really genuine about him.

    And come on, no one really thinks he was actually offended by the whole thing, the man has greater things to worry about, like, you know, our failing world economy maybe?

    He’s just making jokes cuz he’s that kind of guy. And I dig it.

  10. vdantev says:

    Ha!! Joke or not, I can see it happening because of the screwed up nature of the press in this country.

    Meg, pull the board out of your duodenum, you’ll walk better.

  11. Cari says:

    hahaha Good one vdantev…

  12. rbsesq says:

    Meg, get over yourself. Obviously, you’ve hoisted yourself up onto the high horse that President Obama refused to ride.

  13. J-Lin says:

    Meg is obviously deploying those filthy right-wing tricks. Get over yourself. If you don’t like laughing with the President instead of laughing at the President, got to the Fox News Website.

  14. MARIE says:


  15. rbsesq says:

    Yes, Marie, because heaven knows the new President and his family are hardly newsworthy when compared with stories such as Jessica Simpson’s weight or the state of Jennifer Aniston’s love life.

  16. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I’m tired of spelling.

  17. Annie says:


    let me put this in a way you’ll understand:


    Second, I know! How dare we lose any potential “Whose ass is bigger” cover.

    Not that he’s the man in charge of our country or something. I mean, who wants to know about him anyway? He’s such a waste of space! I’m missing my Jessica Alba Sweden/Switzerland updates!

    (Heavy Sarcasm was used in the making of this comment, please proceed with caution.)

  18. daisy424 says:

    The cover shot is great, I adore their smiles. A peek into the WH looks like fun! Sounds like they’re off to a good start.

  19. Sauronsarmy says:

    LOL at “Jens breakup Alone again!!!”.

  20. NotBlonde says:

    I know right, Annie? I mean, the leader of the free world is totally not as important as Jessica Simpson’s yo-yo dieting and Jen’s Breakup.

  21. boomchakaboom says:

    *Too-shay, all those who responded to Meg’s and Marie’s shallow, insipid comments.

    *Can’t add the accent over the “e” so, phonetics for me.

  22. xiaoecho says:

    It’s a gossip mag. If it was the NYT that would be different

  23. Dirty Martini says:

    I can’t decide which I’m more disgusted at……..that the presidency of the U.S. is now called on to address covers of gossip rags and being displaced by c List starlets with bloat……

    or that I along with others are even commenting on it.

    Get back to ya on that one…..

  24. cheetahstripes says:

    The article was about Michelle so it’s appropriate that just Michelle (and the kids) are on the cover. Obama sounds like he has a great sense of fun and was goofing around when he was discussing the US Weekly cover, good for him.

  25. Howie says:

    Is Sarah Palin posting here?

    Our President is awesome and he’s going to be on lots of magazine covers. GET OVER IT.

    And he’s pretty nice to look at, too.

  26. chessie says:

    Obama has such a great sense of humor!

  27. Cameron says:

    This is such a non story. Matt brought the topic up and the president having a sense of humor read the Jessica headline. End of “non” story. He was joking. If he had been all pompous and said I don’t comment about gossip mags., I’m sure it would have cause the same snit.

  28. charmingtail says:

    Obama is a goof!!! He is nothing at least Pres Clinton was a Rhoades Scholar and Pres Carter was a rocket scientist… Obama is just a lawyer…with c+ grades…. I hope he is impeached and Sec of State Hillary Clinton is placed in the White House where she was supposed to be before ACORN stole the elections for Obama.