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17 Responses to “Botox Useless as Contraception: Nicole Kidman Pregnant at last”

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  1. BReal says:

    Does anyone else wonder why Nicole and Tom adopted first before having any biological children and now with other partners they are having biological kiddos??? Which one of them can’t really have their own children? I bet Tom!!

  2. someone says:

    Im not sure I believe this story, I’ll just wait and see.

  3. Kolby says:

    I don’t know why she even feels as though she NEEDS Botox..she’s not old! Anyway, if she is pregnant, good for her!

  4. jess says:

    god. i can barely understand anything urban dk types. stop trying to be ted from eonline. its annoying.

  5. wondering says:

    years ago i remember hearing a report that tom cruise was sterile which was why he and nicole decided to adopt.

    but…here’s my question for nicole: it seems that you are never with the two children you have currently — why add a third one?? sure, tom is probably uber-controlling but she is STILL the mother of their two adopted children!

  6. Kiwi says:

    Yeah I remember reading that Tommy has a genetic condition which fully explains his small stature, his dyslexia and that weird tooth thing, where he only actually had ONE front tooth instead of two – remember a few years back he had braces and all kinds of work done? Previous pics show the tooth thing clearly. See this link for a good pic This condition, which in its extreme form causes a cyclops-like appearance, pushing everything into one in the centre of the head (I’m not kidding about this – google it, it’s called holoprosencephaly,) also causes sterility, and explains why his father was mildly intellectually disabled.

    So, to cut a long story short, Tom is the sterile one. Try googling with key words Tom Cruise, holoprosencephaly – inneresting…

  7. Action says:

    I don’t understand why people post their my spaces pages if they are set to private! What’s the point?

  8. van says:

    I agree with wondering…why is she never with her children? She was always with them before. Maybe she and Tom struck some kind of deal. Another blogger says Keith is not really interested in them. And funny about Tom’s 1 big front tooth, which lines up perfectly under his nose. I could never figure out what was strange about his teeth til now!

  9. van says:

    and jess you’re right about Urban DKs style…’if baby talkative’ WTF? midwifery memo????

  10. Carol says:


  11. Geez says:

    Oh please, that controlling midget probably refused to let Botox Queen near their adoptive children. Perhaps it was in the divorce clause, so you can’t blame her for not being with them.

  12. FArrah says:

    we post our myspace page because if we dont post a url adress we are not allowd to make a comment

  13. Anonymous says:

    Jess and Van … get a GED

  14. You are so dumb FArrah-Troll says:

    You don’t need to post a URL

  15. FArrah says:

    let me see if it works with out a url adress

  16. FArrah says:

    i cant take my page off

  17. Action says:

    I have a myspace. I have an MSN space. I have my own personal blog space. I don’t post it here, nor do I need to. Geez, how old are you Farrah? (And really, not just what your myspace says? Which I highly doubt.)