Lupita Nyong’o in caped Ralph Lauren: one of the best looks of the Globes?


Lord, I how I wish Lupita Nyong’o had won Best Supporting Actress. Just think about how magical it would have been to see Lupita glide on stage in this caped Ralph Lauren gown and give an acceptance speech in her soft, seductive, accented voice. It makes me want to cry that Jennifer Lawrence and her butt belt got that time instead.

Anyway, Lupita knew she was going to be one of the best dressed ladies of the night. She came to the red carpet early, she posed for every camera and outlet, and she was utterly charming. When she spoke to Guiliana Rancic, it was like a hush fell over the E! platform – everyone was enchanted by this beautiful woman. I saw that some people were making comparisons between Lupita’s Ralph Lauren cape and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Tom Ford cape from a few years ago. If I remember correctly, the Tom Ford cape was actually a cape, right? As in, it detached and Gwyneth could just go without the cape? Lupita’s cape is built-in. And besides, it’s not like Dame Goop OWNS cape-wearing. And Lupita’s Ralph Lauren cape was just better. I loved her whole look. The cameras did too – except the cameras kept getting caught on just her face, because even when she’s wearing a magnificent cape, you still can’t tear yourself away from her face.




I’m also including some pics of Chiwetel Ejiofor, Steve McQueen and the rest of the 12 Years a Slave group celebrating their Best Picture win. I was so disappointed that 12YAS was shut out from everything BUT Best Picture.




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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108 Responses to “Lupita Nyong’o in caped Ralph Lauren: one of the best looks of the Globes?”

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  1. SnarkGirl says:

    Simply stunning.

  2. Ice Maiden says:

    The dress is beautiful, but maybe a little ‘heavy’ for such a fresh and carefree young woman.

    My very favourites were Cate Blanchett, followed by Helen Mirren.

    • Spooks says:

      I liked Goop’s Tom Ford dress much better. But Lupita’s face, flawless.
      Cate had the best dress hands down, but I think her hair, makeup and jewellery were too light for such a dress.

      • Anna says:

        Gwynnie did it first, and she did it better. She DOES own the cape, simply bc every caped dress for the next decade will be compared to hers. That said, I do Like Lupita’s/ Ralph Lauren version, even if it does seems like a twist on what GOOP has done.

        My faves were Helen Mirred and Jiulinna Marguiles.

      • Ice Maiden says:

        I also preferred Goop’s Tom Ford dress – though I know it’s almost sacrilege on this site to say anything positive about La Goop! I have a feeling that Lupita’s dress would look much better in ‘real life’ as that kind of orangey red colour doesn’t always photograph well. I thought Cate’s hair and make-up were perfect, as was her dress.

      • LadyMTL says:

        Yep, Goop’s Tom Ford dress was way better but then, the originals usually are better than the “remakes.” That said, I did adore this look and Lupita made my best-dressed list nonetheless. (With Cate Blanchett).

      • Florc says:

        Was tthinking the same thing. Goop’s white cape was much better. I think I just can’t stand a cape that’s off the shoulders like that. And the shade is wrong. A slightly different hue and it would be lovely.

        Lupita is getting too much hype too quickly. That’s hard to sustain without backlash. Flash in the pan syndrome.

      • Anna says:

        I also think that a cape is too much of a statement for a total newcomer. Thus Lupita fails to make it ‘her own’. The dress wears her, while GOOP in a cape was all GOOP.

      • Esmom says:

        I think I liked Goop’s better too but I thought Lupita really made this one her own. I thought it was dramatic but fresh and mod rather than heavy.

      • JojoAnn says:

        I’m pretty sure Lupitas choice was inspired by traditional Maasai wear for married women. They ordinarily wore (and those in rural areas still do) a light fabric wrapped around the body from the underarms and in cold weather a cowhide fashioned into a shift dress. And then a cape thats made of a thick red fabric, sometimes called the “Maasai blanket. So I am certain that if she ever does indepth interviews on this, she will mention how evocative of Maasai fashion that dress was. From the design right down to the particular shade of red. To be clear, she isnt Maasai herself but her roots are Kenyan, it is something she would have been exposed to early in her life.

      • Anna says:

        Or by GOOP….

      • Leah says:

        @jojoann i am assuming Lupita did not design the dress herself. But for your info Masai and the tribe lupita comes from the luo are very different. Its like saying a brazilian is honouring an argentian or the french the english. Different culture and language. Luos have their own strong tradition and culture Masai just seems to be the tribe every westerner knows about.

      • JojoAnn says:


        If you read my comment to the very end you will find that I note that Lupita isnt herself Maasai but that she is clearly inspired by Maasai wear.

        Theres alot of mumbling because she didnt pick an African designer like Kiko Romeo but frankly picking a design so evocative of “home” is good enough for me.

      • Anna says:

        Well, she’s wearing an off the rack Ralph Lauren piece with no alterations, she had no input into its creation, so I’m not sure how we can definitively (or ‘clearly’) say what her inspiration was one thing or another when we obviously cannot read her mind.

        By that standard we can say Gwynnie was CLEARLY inspired by the Cossacs

        As Leah says, Maasai culture is as much evocative of Lupita’s “home” as is Czech culture for a Russian.

      • LAK says:

        Jojoann: why would Lupita wear a Masaai dress (inspired or otherwise) when she’s Kikuyu and her own traditional dress is just as beautiful.

        Lean: Lupita is Kikuyu NOT Luo. Her surname is a very common Kikuyu name.

        Anna: Masaai’s are the most well known *to the west* tribe in Kenya, but Kikuyu and Luos are actually the biggest tribes in Kenya. To the west, the tourist Masaai seem to evoke Kenya, but to us east Africans, they are just Masaai and one of many, many tribes in East Africa.

        If Lupita wanted to evoke home as Jojoann is suggesting, she’d wear a Kikuyu inspired dress (or actual Kikuyu traditional dress.

        I’m sorry, but the lack of this basic understanding about our culture really gets to me when many people really try to learn as much as they can about the rest of the world and nothing about us except broad, sweeping, tourist generalisations that aren’t true except that Masaai is the most west friendly tribe, and since the advent of Obama, people now know alittle about the Luo.

        Fact: there are more than 50tribes in East Africa. Each completely distinct and separate from another. And they would be horrified to have their cultural identity swept under the rug in service of generalisations.

      • LilyT says:

        @LAK THANK YOU!! I am Ugandan American, and it is infuriating how little most people in the western world (especially
        Americans) understand about Africa and make so many ingnorant oversimplifications. Unaware that there is a VAST cultural and linguistic difference between a member of the Masaai tribe vs. the Kikuyu, the Luos and so on. Thank you for pointing this out.

      • Leah says:


        Thanks for your posts, my boyfriend is half kenyan so it annoys me to see westerns generalise about africans.
        On another note, Lupita calls herself Luo in interviews. Hence why i said she is a Luo because according to herself she is one. I am aware of the different tribes in kenya as is why i took exception to the idea that she would come dressed as Masai just because she is kenyan. She claims her name is very unusual in Kenya.

    • B. says:

      LAK, Kenyan, living in Kenya here. Lupita is Luo. Her surname is NOT a ‘common’ Kikuyu name.

  3. dahlianoir says:

    I wanna be buried in that dress ! ( a tardis blue for me though)

  4. Sonia says:

    I still can’t believe that Jennifer won over Lupita. Have voters at GG even saw 12 years a slave and Lupita’s performance?

    • Leah says:

      Why is everyone on this site upset about Lupita is it just because she is pretty and has become the darling of this site? Personally i don’t get that that was the biggest upset about TYAS. Obviously she did great but Chiwetel WAS that movie, he literally carries it, the movie would not have worked that well if you had a lesser actor in that central performance. Him and of course Steve Mqueen. Its absurd when a movie that is crowned Best movie doesn’t get a single award in the other major categories.

      • CC says:

        Not because she’s pretty, but because she deserved it more than Jennifer who just got her 2nd Golden Globe for an overplayed role.

      • V4real says:

        People are upset b/c Nupita turned in a much better performance than JLaw. And it is hard to believe that 12 Years won best pic but not one individual from that film won an award. I know it does happen remember TLOTR and Crash at the Oscars. Also IMO Chewetel turned in a better performance than Matt. M. The GG are just giving away awards as they please and not to the well deserved.
        IMO the only reason Bryan Cranston and BB won was because the show had ended, not b/c he/it was the best. It was a going away present for the series.

      • Anna says:

        Ditto, CC.

        There are a lot of problematic aspects to Jennifer’s role and casting, even if she portrayed the character the best she could with the material.

      • Dani2 says:

        +1 to what everyone before me has said. Personally, I love both Jennifer and Lupita so this is how I felt when jennifer didn’t win that Oscar for Winter’s Bones. It’s not about who’s prettier or who we like more – it’s about who we feel gave the better performance. It’s not just this site either, this same sentiment is all over ONTD.

      • Leah says:

        Well i don’t understand why you don’t share the same sentiment for Chiwetel. Its all Lupita after the GGs as if hers was the biggest upset, i can’t help to think its because she is more fashionable and glamorous than Chiwetel and Mqueen ( ironically kind of how JLaw was a few years ago). Generally other sites are focused on how the upset was that Mattew M won the best actor and why Mqueens movie wasn’t rewarded with best direction. So it is pretty much this site. I don’t read ONTD so i can’t speak for that. And for the record my comment has nothing to do with Jlaw. I could care less about her win. I guess i am just surprised that people feel so upset about Lupita. When you have actors who have demonstrated again and again for years that they are wonderful actors this year giving an outstanding career defining performance, such as Ejiofor.

      • jaye says:

        Well, I think that people are posting about JLaw winning over Lupita HERE because she’s the focus of the article. Chiwetel SHOULD have won, but he’s not the focus here.

      • Tatiana says:

        Having seen all the nominated performances, I think Sally Hawkins was the best of that line up. Lupita was very good but nothing note worthy. JLaw was fine but very inconsistent at times. But yeah, it was expeceted that Jennifer would win as she has the most important critics awards in the bag (Lupita only has LAFCA and a bunch of minor critics awards).

    • Andrew1 says:

      I agree with all of you pretty much, but I do have to say it’s not really Jen’s fault and I almost feel bad for her. She’s getting a lot of heat in the dress (which I thought wasn’t terrible, not great either) and now people are upset she won. I agree she shouldn’t have won, but people are bashing her pretty bad (not on here though). I understand being upset, but she didn’t beg for this like Hathaway did last year. Also, Jennifer won’t let heat get to her…she won’t get into a ‘why does everyone hate me?’ Mode like Hathaway did after her ridiculous campaigning.

      • Zadie says:

        Yeah, BUT Anne, as annoying as she was deserved to win, hands down. Jennifer didn’t.

      • Andrew1 says:

        Sure, I’m just saying she (Lawrence) doesn’t deserve all this hate…like it’s not her fault, and she hasn’t been annoyingly begging or anything. As a side note, I really really loved Jennifer’s performance and thought it was excellent, I just liked Lupita’s role better is all. I think it’s a genre issue. I mean American Hustle is completely different than 12 years, so I’m sure it’s a hard decision for a lot of people. I still think Jen’s win should be celebrated…she’s a great actress who owns the screen (and is under 25!). Anyway, I can almost bet 100% that Lupita will win the oscar.

      • Alexis says:

        Agreed. Anne was being annoying, but I saw the film, and she was amazing in it. As a major Les Miz nerd, I didn’t even like the film as a whole and I thought she was fantastic,

        I also don’t think people are really “hating” on JLaw anywhere near the scale of the Anne backlash last year. Most I’ve seen are of the sentiment: hey JLaw seems like a cool gal with a bright future in acting, but she didn’t deserve this one. How could people critique her? She didn’t award herself the award. If people are actually insulting her, I haven’t seen it here or elsewhere. It’s just a sharp turn from before, where people would only mention JLaw to praise her.

      • Alexis says:

        Relatedly, I get the vibe that American Hustle will be this year’s Crash or Slumdog. Wildly acclaimed in its year, questioned shortly after.

    • Marianne says:

      Or perhaps they just liked J.Law performance. I have seen both American Hustle and 12 Years a slave and like Jennifer’s performance more. Although I liked Julia Roberts performance more in August : osage County. But hey.

      • TC says:

        Ah people…the Golden Globes winners are not selected based on performance I’m sorry to say. While I believe Lupita gave the strongest and most compelling performance due the the emotional depth she have to achieve, all while maintaining a air of dignity in her character Patsey, the Golden Globes are all about “star power.” The HFPA loves stars. They love to showcase established star power and celebrate them because it gives them credibility and influence in Hollywood. And don’t forget the stars actively campaign for those trophies! Unfortunately Chiwetel, Lupita and even Michael Fassbender are not mainstream stars….at least not yet. The good news is, there are other awards ceremonies that are more focused on artistic merit. There are the guild awards: Producers Guild Awards (PGA), Writers Guild Awards (WGA) and the Directors Guild Awards (DGA). For acting, look to the Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG). While there’s politics in everything, the Guilds have less of it. The Oscars is also political, but they always play out much differently from the Golden Globes. I believe Lupita will be rewarded quite nicely before awards season is over. 😉

        Oh, and I thought Lupita looked stunning. She are Cate Blanchett were my Best Dressed of the night.

  5. GiGi says:

    She was just stunning! Even my kids were like, “Who is that!?” I also noticed that someone must have tipped off Amy Adams, who arrived in a red cape and then had someone carry it for the entire red carpet… she didn’t need to, there was absolutely no comparison between the two.

    So happy that 12 Years won Best Picture. I was ok with some of the other wins – there were a lot of great movies this year! But Gravity’s director’s win? Meh.

    • Hannah says:

      Well, there was somewhat of a comparison, given that both dresses were red and had a cape 😉

      • GiGi says:

        Right. By “no comparison” I meant that Lupita so completely owned that look, no one else wearing it would even be held in comparison.

      • Hannah says:

        Got it 😉 And I agree. Amy looked pretty hot though, I thought. But the dress looked a bit poorly tailored in the mid section.

    • V4Real says:

      @Gigi +1 on Gravity. How in the hell did this man win for best director over McQueen. If 12 Years won best pic we can assume that it was because of the director along with the cast. These award shows are just becoming more and more ridiculous.

      • Hannah says:

        Alfonso Cuaron did something nobody else had done before. He was responsible for this huge undertaking, overseeing this highly ambitious project. And pulling it off. That seems like an achievment to be awarded to me. (Not to take anything away from Steve McQueen).

      • Diana says:

        @Hannah: +10000.

      • Aly says:

        Because Alfonso Cuaron is a BRILLIANT director and people have never seen a movie like Gravity before? Because (just as I would say if Mr. McQueen had won) he deserved it. I was torn between Steve and Alfonso, but I am happy to see Alfonso get recognized for his amazing work. The fact that he is a Mexican man winning this honor is even more surprising. Hispanics are almost never seen winning these types of awards. They (along with most POC) are usually shut out from these kind of things. Good for him!

      • Tatiana says:

        Alfonso Cuaron win was pretty much deserved.

      • Lou says:

        Alfonso deserved it. No one has done anything like Gravity before. That deserves a director award more so than McQueen (who, don’t get me wrong, made a great movie).

        Stoked Alfonso got it. He’s fantastic.

  6. Mimz says:

    She’s too precious for words. I cant wait to watch this movie! And i have high hopes for her at the Oscars. J-Law has enough awards already!

  7. xboxsucks says:

    these bitches!12 years had the best performancers and only got 1 gong.
    lupita looks stunning,she ruled the redcarpet.

  8. Greata says:

    Lupita followed by Cate Blanchett.

  9. QQ says:

    Yes best dressed for sure! She looked amazing!

    • Dreamyk says:

      Others have compared her to Goop but I found it more reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn. Which in my opinion is the ultimate compliment. Lupita OWNED the red carpet.

  10. agentscully says:

    I have a bit of a girl crush on this woman. She is just so stunningly, eye-catchingly beautiful, it’s mesmerising. Sigh!

  11. Splinter says:

    I fail to see the magic of the cape. The dress and the color is nice, but the cape hides her arms. Don’t like.

    • j.eyre says:

      I did not think that much of the dress last night but I like it much better in these photographs. Maybe I did not like it in motion.

      The color is beautiful, though,

    • Audrey says:

      I’m honestly really disappointed by it

      I don’t like the dress at all.

      She’s stunning but the hype is also getting tiresome. All of a sudden everyone is mad at jlaw for winning. And I read comments mad at Matthew m cause tyas was supposedly more important. I think the struggle against aids is pretty important too….

      Over the tyas fandom

    • emmie_a says:

      Yeah I’m with you – I don’t get the magic in the cape dress. It’s nice and the color is great but it’s nothing extraordinary. Same w/Cate’s dress. Nice but she’s looked better.

    • kaligula says:

      I can’t believe I’m saying this but me too. I want to like it, and feel I should… It’s sartorial apparently? But in my heart I am disappointed. I wanted to see her in a royal blue ball gown type thingy. Her girlish beauty is not coming through in this. Oh well, I hope she felt beautiful in it and had a great time…. #Lupita

  12. blue marie says:

    She looks fantastic, I love her in bold colors.

  13. Sisi says:

    the fabric is just so beautiful, soft and heavy. Compare the quality of this fabric to Lena Dunhams dress that wrinkled, crinkled and looked plain cheap, and it makes me love this dress even more.

  14. serena says:

    Damn it, I really wish they’d won more than just best picture.. Jennifer Lawrence already had a piece of the cake so just let others win! wtf!

  15. CaribbeanLaura says:

    I didn’t watch the awards. But my friend did and she’s not particularly a fan of Lupita, but she called me and was like “Laura your girl knocked it out of the park!!!!” And she did, she looks like a m#$$%@$*%*ing MOVIE STAR!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Kiddo says:

    The color is the dress. It’s gorgeously rich, striking without being disturbingly garish (which can sometimes happen with reds). It was definitely a standout and she pulled it off effortlessly. It was bold and classy.

  17. MrsBPitt says:

    Sorry, I didn’t really like the dress…it seemed to heavy…but the color was beautiful on Lupita…

  18. Faye says:

    I think Lupita won the night, fashion-wise. Her gown was beautiful, flattering, AND a bit “edgy” or “different.”

    She always looks gorgeous, but what I love most about her is how cheerful and charming she always seems on the red carpet. Is it necessarily always genuine? Probably not. Like the rest of us, she probably gets tired, finds her shoes uncomfortable, and gets annoyed by the repetitive questions of reporters. But she always smiles and seems happy to be there, and that’s a professionalism I appreciate and wish we could see from other actresses.

  19. Dani2 says:

    She is a goddess and I quite liked the dress but I wasn’t feeling the hair. It gives me vibes and I don’t like to be reminded that he’s making money as a musician ever.

  20. smee says:

    Lupita is the Aubrey Hepburn of our times. So elegant, ladylike and modern. I adore the part in her hair.

  21. lisa says:

    Best dressed – Sophia Vegara, Cate Blanchett, Lupia Nyong’a and Michelle Dockery. Worst dressed – Julia Roberst

    • Spooks says:

      I soo agree on Michelle Dockery. And Laura Charmichael. The Downton girls were among the best in my opinion. Nut, I hated Sofia Vergara.

    • Aly says:

      Sofia looked stunning. She is always a queen on these red carpets. Best dressed IMO, but damn if Lupita wasn’t a close second. Stunning in that red dress!!

  22. Jericho says:

    Hrmph, I wish I could pull off a dress like that and in that color. No flippin’ chance.

    Looking through the pictures and when I landed on the group shot, I thought: “Why the hell is Tanya Harding at the Golden Globes?” (white dress)

  23. NerdMomma says:

    Wow. Reallllly stunning. The fabric and cut are gorgeous, and she’s styled perfectly. Agree with many, Jennifer Lawrence has enough awards and if you look at the challenge of the roles…well, I’ll just say I hope the Oscars go differently.

    Normally I wouldn’t care for a cape, but I am utterly in love with this dress.

  24. lucy2 says:

    She looked absolutely gorgeous! I don’t know if I would have liked that dress on everyone, but she has such presence, it totally worked.

  25. Marianne says:

    Lupita’s dress looked too similar to Gwyneth Paltrow’s from (last year?). Just in orange instead of white. Its not a bad look, just expecting something different.

  26. LAK says:

    On a very superficial note, her lipstick is off.

    It’s the only part of her make up that is always off. I think Toronto is the only time she picked a shade that truly complimented her skin tone.

  27. mar says:

    I wish Lupita won. I still think 12 Laves will rock the Oscars.

    On that note, Lupita is my #2 best dressed next to Cate.

  28. mellie says:

    This girl is gorgeous and she rocked that dress…

  29. aquarius64 says:

    The dress was stunning – in color and style.

  30. vanessa says:

    She was one of the best of the night. Love everything about that dress. That being said, the Lupita worship on this site is getting old already. Are you on her payroll or what?

  31. Mew says:

    The most beautiful look I’ve ever seen. It’s just perfect.

  32. Alina says:

    Pure beauty!
    She´ll win the Oscar! I have this feeling 12Years a Slave will be the big Oscar winner

  33. ToodySezHey says:

    All I know is Lupito’s skin was glowing and flawless! And her skin tone compared with the red of the dress just made her POP!. I dont know if the design of the dress was the best but the color looked amazing on her skin with her make up. Homegirl has flawless skin.

  34. AlmondJoy says:

    Simply FLAWLESS. Everything about her. The hair, the dress and the makeup. Usually people in Hollywood look like carbon copies of each other and its so refreshing to see her on the red carpet.

    To those tired of the Lupita love/obsession, I see nothing wrong with it. She’s classy and gracious and deserved to be featured. I think many would rather see stories about trashy celebs because it gives them something to complain about. This woman does not give you an opportunity to do that.

    We constantly get stories about KimK, so we need a little Lupita to balance things out 😉

  35. Kvan says:

    Bow down! She is perfection!

  36. Murphy says:

    Loved it.

  37. mom2two says:

    I thought she was easily the best dressed of the night. I think her hair is great, the makeup and everything. She has such stunning features that she does not need much to make her look good.

  38. Grant says:

    That color is breathtaking, just like she is.

  39. Janet says:

    Nyong’o could make a Pillsbury flour sack with three x’s on it look like haute couture. Some women just have it like that.

  40. flutters says:

    Lupito Nyongo was the night’s best dressed by a mile. The color is stunning, her hair & makeup are beautiful, the fit is fantastic, just pure elegance in the way she wears the dress. Perfection.

  41. danielle says:

    Beautiful. Have not seen a look I like more yet. Haven’t seen a pic of blanchett yet tho.

  42. Sachi says:

    Gorgeous. The colour is so wonderful and she was so eye-catching in that dress.

  43. jaye says:

    Love, love, loved the gown! I wish she had kept her hair close cropped all over, though.

  44. Bread and Circuses says:

    OMG, OMG, OMG.

    That’s SUCH a great dress, and Lupita (as always) looks amazing in it.

  45. Camille (TheOriginal) says:

    I loved her look from head to toe. Absolutely stunning. Best look of the night.

    And I find it odd, but to me she looks much more stunning in moving film (on camera) than she does in still pictures. It’s like the still photos can’t quite capture how truly beautiful she is.

    And I too was disappointed that 12YAS only won best picture as well.

  46. dontbuyit says:

    It’s a shame she didn’t win, she did an outstanding job as Patsey. Although most of her scenes was hard to watch. She looked beautiful, the dress was simply gorgeous. Everything from head to toe about this girl is stunning. One of the best dressed of the night.

  47. Ladyray says:

    Please Kaiser, tell me you saw this picture of Lupita and Jared Leto?! I’m shipping for them…Look at the way he stares at her

  48. Mairead says:

    So…much… Perfect… Cannot… Process…

    She looks beautiful and that dress is glorious and both the cut and colour are tailor-made for her. There is something a little Grace Jonesey about her, which is no bad thing.

  49. Sam H x says:

    I absolutely LOVED it!! It was even more incredible in motion. I thought she looked very regal and elegant. Boy, she really is stunning. I think I might have a girl crush lol.

    I think Jared Leto liked what he saw and looks enamoured at how stunning she is.

    I was rather surprised to learn not only is she talented but is also a graduate of Yale. Beauty with brains. What a killer combination.

  50. Cro-girl says:

    Good God, she is stunning. Just phenomenal.

  51. CarnivalBaby says:

    Love this woman! Even when she doesn’t get it just quite right with regard to fashion she still shines. Her performance in that movie was awesome. So far with everything I have read about she seems like a pleasant, intelligent, well-rounded woman. You may not be feeling her but she has it going on. I’m sorry she didnt win, but I also love Jennifer Lawerence, so I’lll give a pass, but it’s time Ejiofor is recognised for his body of work – he is excellent in everything. I am from the Caribbean – so I want McQueen with his Trinidadian and Grenadian roots to get the props. Here’s hoping!

  52. P.J. says:

    Yes! Just GLORIOUS top to bottom 😀

    Also, I love, love, LOVE that 12 Years a Slave “dared” to portray female (field) slaves as the dark skinned, natural haired ladies that they were! I cannot tell you how sick I am of Hollywood insisting that all women of color have long, non-kinky, silky hair in television shows and movies. (Even Kerry Washington’s “Brumhilda” in Django Unchained was wearing a weave!!) It’s disgusting 😒 I find this offensive not just as a mixed race woman of color but also as someone who celebrates natural beauty in all its beautiful forms.

    I just don’t understand the widespread fear of skin “darker than a paper bag” (Thanks Octavia Spencer for coining the phenomenon!) in the entertainment industry. It’s so hateful and bizarre.