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7 Responses to “Courtney Love says she’s lost 44 pounds”

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  1. m.a. says:

    *I* think she lost a lot of weight by using the “lyposuction diet”. It’s so much easier than that stupid “healthy diet and exercise” thing, ya know. She has hardly any muscle so I doubt she works out much, if at all. Even if she does, she lost the weight way too fast to have done it all the old fashioned way. I don’t know if going on a STARVATION and exercise diet would even make you lose 44 lbs. in, what, 2 months? Whatever she did, she doesn’t look HEALTHY to me, but hey, in hollywood, all that matters is that you are SKINNY, right? 🙂 Sigh…

  2. wondering says:

    I wonder if she ever bothered to read the instruction posted on the back of the tan-in-a-can that she uses: “WASH HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER APPLYING PRODUCT.” Her hands are TOTALLY covered in self-tanner! Am I the only one that noticed?

  3. Fabiola Thing says:

    She may have “changed her diet” (to meth and Red Bull) but there is no doubt that she had liposuction.

  4. Poor Boopie says:

    A skank is still a skank whether she’s dropped 40 pounds or not!

  5. camille says:

    Good for Courtney!

  6. Life says:

    She still has fat midget hands and the face only the Texas Chainsaw’s Leatherface could love!

  7. frewtloop says:

    If she lost the weight and didn’t smoke I may be impressed (despite the fact that the weight mentioned is surely an exaggeration). It easy to be thin when you smoke all the time because it stimulates the central nervous system and decreases food cravings.