Justin Bieber defended by crack smoking mayor Rob Ford: ‘He’s 19 years old’

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber’s weekend was about the same as any other. He hopped onto a private jet to his latest exotic destination. In this case, he headed to New York to watch the Seattle Seahawks stomp all over the Denver Broncos in the Super Bowl. Justin’s everpresent daddy, Jeremy Bieber, was with his son because that’s the way daddy rolls. Ever since Biebs’ started making the cash, daddy doesn’t stray one bit.

Once Bieber’s plane touched down in New Jersey on Friday, the swaggy one’s plane was searched because it “reeked of marijuana.” Bieber was taken into federal custody for hours, but of course authorities came up empty handed. Bieber whines about how everyone assumes the worst about him, but he still gets away with everything. That’s how it always works when it comes to this kid, and I have no idea how he does it. Let’s catch up on the latest swaggy updates, shall we?

* Once Justin finally departed the airport, he immediately went skateboarding inside a nightclub. For real. Hollywood Life has video of Bieber showing off his little toddler tricks while the music pounds away and the crowd gazes upon him adoringly. Bieber also handpicked several girls to take back to his hotel, which I guess means that Chantel Jeffries has been given the boot. Biebs was spotted drinking Bud Light.

* This update is super gross, and I’d encourage you to not click (even though you will) on this NSFW photo of Justin and his buddy, Kahlil Sharieff, enjoying a stripper’s fake (?) knockers with their mouths. Are they breastfeeding? I don’t know. If you really want to see the picture, TMZ had the goods. I have no words.

* Bieber has received some support from a very unlikely source. Crack-smoking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford stepped out to defend the little brat: “You know what, he’s a young guy. At 19 years old I wish I was as successful as he was. He’s 19 years old guys, think back to when you were 19, you know.” I will think of those words more as a testament to Rob Ford’s mental state than anything else.

* This week’s issue of the Enquirer says Biebs may have given himself brain damage through his sizzurp addiction. The tabloid has spoken to a rehab doctor who has never met Justin in his entire life. Even though Bieber having a “sippy cup” of sizzurp is troublesome, the “brain damage” angle is pretty tasteless.

* Bieber loves his daddy so much because daddy lets baby do everything. Here’s Bieber’s touching Twitter tribute: “I have the greatest Dad in the world. He’s taught me how to love, learn, and stay true to myself. I will forever be grateful because he was my superehero #batman.” Sad.



Photo courtesy of Fame/Flynet & Justin Bieber on Instagram

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31 Responses to “Justin Bieber defended by crack smoking mayor Rob Ford: ‘He’s 19 years old’”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Yes, that upstanding, mature mayor whose excuse for smoking crack was that he was in a drunken stupor. Oh, well then, that’s fine! The Biebs must be ok. We can all relax.

  2. Nicolette says:

    Why am I not surprised? A crack head defending a punk ass. What a world we live in.

  3. Hello Kitty says:

    As a Canadian, I’m sorry that we released the Biebs onto the world.

  4. MrsB says:

    That part about his words for his father really is sad. Forget about the mother who raised you as a single parent while daddy was nowhere to be found. So she wasn’t the one who taught you how to love, but the one who came around after you made it, he taught you how to love? He obviously has a warped view of what love is.

  5. melina says:

    When i saw ”Tom Ford” i thought: Why does Bedhead call a famous designer mayor and why on earth would he say anything about Bieber?

  6. vv007 says:

    I am actually more annoyed at Usher for unleashing this on the world. Wasn’t he the one who discovered this kid?

    However, the entire city of Toronto and its jacked voters do owe humanity a HUGE apology.

    • Mia says:

      Discovering wasn’t the problem, lack of appropriate mentoring was

    • ORLY says:

      I’m from a Toronto voter, I’m not ‘jacked’ and I owe humanity nothing. I didn’t vote for Rob Ford but his supporters will tell you that he lives up to all his campaign promises and that’s why they will continue to vote for him.

    • Anna says:

      Even with all of Rob Ford’s scandals this past year his been light years ahead of David Miller in terms of being a good mayor. and the mayor before that, Mel Lastman was (and is) such a douche.
      He’s getting Scarborough a friggen subway (something we’ve needed for years) not to mention all he’s done for the lower income areas of the city. Diss him all you want on his personal life, but if you don’t live in Toronto, don’t talk about how bad he is for the city when he’s done more to help us than other mayor in recent years.

  7. LAK says:

    Goodness, this kid doesn’t need anymore enablers.

  8. swack says:

    So many things to comment on. First, saw the picture of Biebs and his friend on the stripper’s boobs (from what I read I believe she has implants). It was the most nasty thing ever (and yes TMZ put it right out there only blurring the nipples). Second can we PLEASE stop using age as an excuse for bad behavior! I know 4 year olds that are better behaved than Justin. Third, “I have the greatest Dad in the world. He’s taught me how to love, learn, and stay true to myself. I will forever be grateful because he was my superehero #batman.” – Bedhead, this is beyond sad, it’s pathetic. I don’t know what to say except this is a slap in the face to his mother who raised him. Was she and is she the best, no because everyone has flaws and makes mistakes, but she was there for him. What a douchebag his father is. Apparently there is a video out there also (ROL has it) of him getting it on.

  9. Kiddo says:

    Biebs, meet your ridiculous future of buffoonery: Rob Ford, picture of health and sanity in adulthood.

  10. Cora says:

    That photo of Justin breastfeeding is going to give me nightmares. 🙁

  11. Oceansoul89 says:

    Yeah, when I was 19 I was pretty freaking responsible. I did not go out and party like a jackass. I may have smoke some weed but did act like an entitled spoiled little punk. I was living on my own, paying my bill and going to college. Age is no excuse for this kind of behavior.

    • dizzylucy says:

      I completely agree – there’s nothing wrong with having fun and enjoying your youth, but age is never an excuse for damaging others property, treating people horribly, or being a danger to others by driving recklessly and/or impaired. There’s being young, and there’s being an awful human being, and it’s pretty clear he’s simply the latter.

    • Oceansoul89 says:

      I need to correct my first post. It should say “I DID NOT act like a little punk.” Lol I haven’t had my coffee yet.

    • Vanessa says:

      I think I was worse than him but I didn’t have all the money in the world to get into too much trouble.

  12. Patricia says:

    Oh OK, mayor. You moron. So if someone is 19 and driving while impaired on drugs does that mean he can’t end up killing someone because he’s so excusably young?
    What Bieber did, DUI, is a disgusting thing to do and there’s no excuse in the world.

    • Rob Ford doesn’t care about DUI…he’s an old hand at that trick himself but gets away with it because he’s Mayor McCheese. Really I’m just waiting for the cops here to tie him to the murder of the drug dealer who took the video of him smoking crack.

      And I didn’t vote for him either.

  13. dorothy says:

    Awww, the musings of Rob Ford. I’m surprised he isn’t hanging out with Justin and his teenage crew. Canada must be humiliated by these two losers.

    • meh says:

      I didnt vote for Ford..in fact, I live across the country from where he is.. and i didnt give birth to Beiber, nor did I raise him. Why would all of Canada be embarrassed about this?

  14. HappyMom says:

    His father and Dina Lohan should meet.

  15. knuckles says:

    Not only is that picture with Bieber and his bro disgusting it’s beyond weird. I’m pretty sure they could both have their very own set of fake titties to suck on so why in the world are they sharing?

    Also you couldn’t pay me enough to have that pubestache anywhere near me. Revolting.

  16. rrabbit says:

    Below is what I think about Bieber.

    There once was a spoiled brat named Bieber
    He lip synced like a singer much cheaber
    His mansion was raided
    His popularity faded
    Clenbuterol popped just in he still is a weeper

  17. RubyGloom says:

    crack smoking mayor 😐 Dudes can get away with everything. I really hate this planet.
    Thanks 2014 , you’re awesome! :/