Sharon Stone, 56, hasn’t had a facelift & doesn’t want to be an ‘ageless beauty’


I used to think Sharon Stone was aging naturally and well. But then many of you claimed that Sharon’s appearance isn’t merely about good genes and healthy living – many believe she’s undergone some quality face work over the years. I’m sort of at that point with Sharon too – I believe she’s had some work done and I believe the work has been astonishingly good. Anyway, Sharon covers the new issue of Shape, and at 56, she’s still comfortable enough to wear a bikini on the cover. I could not and I’m decades younger than her. In the interview, Sharon talks about plastic surgery, aging and how she’s never had any face work done. Do you believe her?

Aging gracefully: “This idea that being youthful is the only thing that’s beautiful or attractive simply isn’t true. I don’t want to be an ‘ageless beauty.’ I want to be a woman who is the best I can be at my age.”

Is she really saying she’s never had work? In her new cover story, she touches on the fact that many surgeons have tried to get her to go under the knife for a face-lift. Her biggest concern with plastic surgery is that everyone is starting to look the same. “We’ve got 400,000 girls with beachy blonde hair, the same nose, gigantic lips, implants in their cheeks, and little Chicklets for teeth. Are they really prettier?” she says.

She wasn’t always confident: “There was a point in my 40s when I went into the bathroom with a bottle of wine, locked the door and said, ‘I’m not coming out until I can totally accept the way that I look right now.’ And I examined my face in the magnifying mirror, and I looked at my body, and I cried and cried and cried. Then I said to myself, ‘You’re going to get old now. How do you want to do that?’ And I thought, ‘I’d like to age like a dancer.’ I want to keep my body in shape like that. I want to do the work. I like to dance and stretch. And I like going to the gym.”

Her workouts: “Every time I exercise, I do something different based on which areas need to get in motion,” she says. She credits her physique to total-body stretches, strength training, yoga, and dance. She proves you can fit in a workout anywhere, and we mean anywhere. “Sometimes I do a series of standing leg lifts and circles in the tub, using the water as resistance.”

She loves meat but she doesn’t drink: “I like porterhouse steak, rib-eyes and New York strip. This works for me because I have very low cholesterol and low blood pressure. It’s not good for everyone; you have to talk to your doctor about that. I also eat fish and cheese. I like clean food prepared as simply as possible. I used to love wine, but I don’t drink at all now. I think, at a certain point, it’s better for women not to have any alcohol because it can make your face, breasts and midsection get very bloated.”

She likes who she is now: “I’m not trying to make myself look like a girl because I’m not a girl anymore. I’m very happy about being a grown woman. I think there’s a lot of sexuality, and glamour, and allure, and mystery to being a woman that you just don’t have when you’re young.”

[From The Daily Mail & Shape]

I stopped drinking for similar reasons several years ago, although now people think that I’m, like, an alcoholic on the program. No. I’m just vain and I hated the way alcohol was making me puffy, tired and irritable. But I don’t eat anywhere near as much red meat! Goodness. Some people can eat a lot of steak, and while I do crave red meat a few times a month, I can’t do it all the time.

As for the plastic surgery… well, she’s never confirmed that she’s had work done and she doesn’t seem to be explicitly saying that she’s NEVER had work done, so what we’re left with is some sort of oddly worded half-denial. I think if you have to play that fast and loose with the wording, you might as well admit you’ve gotten some subtle, quality work.


Photos courtesy of Shape, WENN.

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64 Responses to “Sharon Stone, 56, hasn’t had a facelift & doesn’t want to be an ‘ageless beauty’”

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  1. Jennifer12 says:

    She’s nearly sixty, and shows no sign of aging? It’s impossible. Her surgeon must be a genius and at least didn’t overdo it.

    • NYC_girl says:

      I think it’s impossible to tell what kind of work a person has had done by looking at a magazine cover. It’s been retouched to hell. Judging by the two other photos of her, her eyes don’t look stretched, and neither does her neck. I’m no expert on plastic surgery but she doesn’t look like she had work done. You would have to be face-to-face with the person to really see what’s going on. I think she looks good. Drinking and smoking is the worst thing you can do for your skin.

      • ya says:

        Ya – Iooks like she’s doing a bit of botox and maybe some fillers – she’s probably doing stuff like lasers and chemical peels too.

        But who knows about surgery. They can do a lot with non-surgical treatments nowadays.

        Also good makeup makes a difference – she’s overdrawn her lips in the candid photos for instance and topped that with gloss – so that will make her lips look fuller than they actually are.

    • Monica says:

      Do you seriously see “no signs of aging”? You need to look at a young girl, or even someone in their 30’s, they’d never have that many wrinkles around their eyes… I don’t know why people say these sort of things sometimes, does it make you feel better to imply that she’s had surgery? I don’t get it..

      Sharon clearly has had botox in her forehead, I don’t know why she wouldn’t comment on that, it’s quite obvious but I suppose it’s so common in Hollywood that it’s implied. Other than that, she definitely hasn’t had anything done around her eyes or cheeks, that’s a whole lot of wrinkles, even for a 56 year-old. A no “life-style lifts” cause her neck is REALLY showing signs of aging. Especially considering this is perfect light, perfect primer, perfect make up, perfect angles, etc.

    • cinders29 says:

      Jaysus….when did 56 become “nearly sixty”?

  2. Cherry says:

    Who needs plastic surgery if you’ve got photoshop? Yeah, I’d be just as comfortable as she is in a bikini on the cover of Shape if they photoshopped half my legs off and removed all the lines from my face.

    • Alice says:

      I had to check the year on the cover to see if this wasn’t an old issue from the 90’s she looks so young. I’d die to see the original photo.
      Also, one more time, what’s the need for that pose? what is she supposed to be doing? who is she suppose to be?

      • Monica says:

        I bet if you just pick up the magazine itself you’re gonna see some less than perfect spots.. It’s hard to see in this cover photo, I’m looking at the other two shots. There she’s definitely showing age.

    • ya says:

      True! Ya would love to see the original photos.

  3. QQ says:

    It could be good injectable work (a la princess buttercup!) or simply not letting em touch her lips? Either way i buy what the hot bitch sells me

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Me, too. I’m 56, and when I saw the cover photo, I said, ” no way has she not had something done,” mostly because of her neck. But that’s just airbrushing or photoshop. If you look at the “real” picture, she looks about right for 56 with lucky genes and a healthy life.

      • Nia says:

        I agree. My cousins looked that good at 56.

      • StaCat1 says:

        Agreed. For someone not to far behind her– but not looking as good certainly. I truly do not think she has gone under the knife (perhaps botox- but she def has not had alot). I think she has been vigilant about sunscreen and taking very good care of herself. Genes, good habits and money to have a facialist, trainer, nutritionist makes this 56 without surgery very viable.

        I like her message overall though about our society and aging women. Why look like a 20-30 year old..jst be the best 50- 60 year old you can be.
        I totally agree with her comment about surgery turning out the SAME look. It’s true. And they aren’t any prettier!! Anyone can buy THAT look.

    • Sherry says:

      Yes, I’m going with injections for her as well. She’s probably been getting them for years. I think Kathie Lee Gifford (60) said she started getting them in her 30’s to prevent wrinkles. Plus, it’s not like she ever let herself go and then wham! she’s looking great again. She’s been on a good maintenance program for decades and it shows.

    • Ice Maiden says:

      Yes – like a lot of celebs who say they’ve never had plastic surgery, she’s probably not lying, in the sense that she’s never gone under the knife. Which isn’t to say she hasn’t had work done – these days there’s lots of things a woman with her money can do which don’t involve general anesthetic. Either way, she looks fantastic, so whatever she is or isn’t doing, it’s working for her.

  4. lucy2 says:

    She has to have had something done, but it was well done and very subtle. She looks amazing. That pose on the Shape cover? Not so much.

    • blue marie says:

      + 1, I like the shoes though.

    • Suzy from Ontario says:

      Yeah, I don’t think an older woman who’s confident in themselves and their sexuality needs to pose like that …should be beyond that. I know it probably wasn’t her suggestion but really? Sexy can be subtle and just as powerful. She looks great on the cover (which I’m sure is photoshopped so she looks her best) but she also looks good in the other photo where you can see some lines. I can’t stand all these women with duck lips and cheek implants. My husband calls them Madams because they look like an old puppet named Madam that used to be on a kids show on tv when we were young. ha! Here’s a pic of her I found on Pinterest:

      And Sharon’s right…they all start to look the same and it isn’t pretty. I don’t know how any of them think those duck lips are attractive! ugh! Sharon was very pretty when she was younger like when she was in The Quick and the Dead (gorgeous), and she’s aging better than I expected her to, but like someone said…she hasn’t starved herself so she looks like a walking skeleton. Her body and face look healthy and toned.

  5. Talie says:

    Good genetics mixed with some minor injections probably. She had her boobs done years ago.

  6. Falula says:

    I don’t know whether she’s had work, although I’d lean to yes with just about every celebrity, but there is a noticeable difference in the cover photo versus the other photos you have here. Without the photoshop of the Shape shoot, I’m more inclined to believe she hasn’t had work since I can actually see signs of aging on her face. She still looks amazing without the photoshop, obviously.

  7. MrsBPitt says:

    She looks great on that cover, but I expect its photo-shopped quite a bit…Does she ever get any jobs anymore??? Not that I ever thought she was a very good actress anyway!

  8. AG-UK says:

    She did say 20 somethings getting things done as she isn’t she could have. Possibly genetics and not sunbathing a lot. She looks great though. With all the new things they have you can go longer wtihout having things done.

  9. Neffie says:

    Madonna needs to seek some tips from Sharon.

  10. Lukie says:

    I saw her in person about a year in a half ago in NYC, up close. with zero make up on. I absolutely believe she has had no work done. Makeup does wonders!

  11. Cleveland Girl says:

    She may not have had a facelift, but for sure she had her eyes done, peels done, botox done, etc. She looks great.

  12. Kali says:

    If we’re defining “work done” as just surgical, then I’ll buy it. But if that includes non-surgical procedures, then I’m more inclined to lean towards the liar, liar, pants on fire side of things.

    • Monica says:

      What’s a non-surgical procedure? Yeah, I’m pretty sure she’s had a facial here and there…

  13. Tig says:

    I think she looks great. I can only imagine the issues a gorgeous woman goes through in H’wood as she ages- it’s such a difficult environment.

  14. Stephanie says:

    The magnifying mirror is no one’s friend, Sharon.

  15. MrsBPitt says:

    One thing in her favor, she is an appropriate weight…she hasn’t starved herself down to 90 pounds…so her face looks soft, and round, and healthy (are you listening Sarah Jessica Parker)…

  16. lenje says:

    I must confess, a few days ago I was shocked to find I’ve grown way more grey hair than the last time I noticed. I couldn’t care less when they were only a few, but the last discovery made me think if I should finally succumb to the idea of dying my hair (never had in my life). Changing the side part to, er, hide a few streak doesn’t seem to work anymore LOL. I’m in my early 40s, and now I get that it is such a transitional age, and I’m still trying to find a balance, I think 😉

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      It’s hard. I’m 56 and I think I’ve found the balance, but when it first starts happening, it’s a definite adjustment to your thinking. It’s like you’re being punished for something you didn’t do, and changes are happening that you have no control over and don’t want. I’m not saying it’s hard like losing your job or being sick, but it sort of stinks. Eventually, you have to dig a little deeper and celebrate the things that are really important in life, and it’s freeing in many ways. I haven’t had any work done and doubt I ever will, mostly because I’m a big chicken, but for awhile I considered it. Now, I’m more comfortable, or resigned to it, and just try to be healthy and happy. There are more important things. But it stings a little at first!

      • HappyMom says:

        I’m 47-and I totally agree. I’m coming to grips with it-but it is not the easiest process. And I am WAY more understanding of the actresses (ahem,Courtney Cox) who go a little crazy with procedures trying to stall the inevitable. I think the hard part is that you still feel like you-and in your head you’re 35-but the mirror says otherwise.

      • bella mama says:

        47 here as well and I am in the midst of finding my balance. Its a crazy time feeling 35 and then looking in the mirror but at least I’m at a point where I’m getting more accepting of the whole process.

    • Lady D says:

      When I told a friend I was going to start dyeing my hair at 45, she laughed and said that was the age she stopped dyeing her hair. My older brother started going grey at 16. He’s had salt and pepper hair since his 20’s. He was completely grey by 40.

    • Monica says:

      I got my first grays when I was 25, by 30 I had quite a few, quite visible. You get used to it.. I’m kinda trying to just do the cool, natural, longer gray hair thing.. But if you’re not comfortable with it, my friend uses that gray hair pen thing – you just color your gray roots with it, so they don’t stand out so much, – it washes off when shampooing. People swear by those.

  17. smee says:

    What part of her face do you think she had plastic surgery on? If she had a lower lift, those vertical lines near her mouth would be gone; she certainly hasn’t had an upper or lower eye lift and her lips & nose look the same to me. I think it’s absurd that they photoshopped her into a shiny, smooth peach-colored doll in the top pic, but I’ve seen candid photos and it was all visible (lines, etc)

    I also agree with her on the age/alcohol thing – for men and women. The high meat intake, not so much.

  18. feebee says:

    That pose… no… not for Shape magazine. Maxim maybe but not shape.

    I hope she refuses the full face lift for as long as she can. Whatever little things she’s doing is working for her.

  19. Observer says:

    Omg what’s with that pose….? it reminds me of that lil’ kim poster…

  20. Ellie66 says:

    She looks great as for her working I saw her on a Law and Order SVU and she was in Lovelace but I can’t think of anything else. Booze does the same thing to me bloat and my face gets red. 🙁

  21. Original Tessa says:

    It doesn’t hurt that she started out as one of the most beautiful examples of the human species to exist on this planet.

  22. GeeMoney says:

    Photoshop or no photoshop, plastic surgery or none, Sharon Stone looks DAMN good for 56. My new goal in life is to look like her when I reach that age.

  23. Lee says:

    I agree that the lines on her face point to no surgery. I am 5 years younger and have no lines at all. However, I am not happy with my neck. My girlfriend is the same age and has more lines, but a tighter neck. She works out every day though, so maybe that’s why. Anyway, my point is that Sharon’s face looks natural and about right for her age. She’s just a very pretty woman who is still pretty as she grows older. It happens. There seems to be this idea that aging = ugly, and if someone is still pretty, it can only be because of surgery or “work”. In fact, aging can highlight the luck of good genes and great bone structure. And living clean too, of course.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Gah! The neck thing drives me crazy. My face is fine but I am starting to get that turkey neck thing. I don’t think working out makes a difference. I think it’s just luck of the draw/ genes. But if I could change one thing…

    • Monica says:

      Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. Aging kind of highlights what is wrong with your bone structure, I guess it’s the loss of any kind of face-pudginess 🙂
      But also as you age, it’s definitely important to think happy thoughts, as corny as that sounds. Nothing is more unattractive than grumpy woman 40 and up. A young girl can pout and look sexy, the same does NOT apply to an older woman. For some reason pouty just looks angry when you’re not 20.

  24. Hadleyb says:

    Yes she’s had work done. But I consider work : Botox, fillers, laser, ulthera, thermage, peels and whatever else they are doing in spas or ps offices.

    No work is just sunscreen, genetics, skincare and healthy eating. Those that do nothing AT ALL are very very rare. Yes there are exceptions but its not the rule. Also how many are wrinkle free, no sagginess and at their correct weight ? Being over weight will fill out wrinkles as well especially if you are older.

    • Monica says:

      I don’t think she’s had fillers. Those really change the way the face looks – Meg Ryan and Madonna have had fillers. Your face really never looks the same. I think she’s had botox and all the rest of the treatments you listed, but normal women have those too. I’ve had chemical peels (not worth it, really), I’ve had friends who had laser treatments. It’s pretty normal, I think.

  25. Beatrice says:

    I don’t believe for a minute that she hasn’t had something done, but whatever because she looks good.

    She’s so right about alcohol–I love a glass of red wine with dinner, but rarely drink because it really shows in the face. Also, the effect on my waistline is disproportionate to the number of calories–apparently, even one glass of wine slows my metabolism to a crawl.

  26. heidiho68 says:

    No work done?….please….lifestyle lift all over that face…line less forehead? Her eyebrows look great…shes avoided too much lip work which is good. Just great genes and lifestyle my ass!

  27. Lucy says:

    Whatever the case is, she has always been a beautiful woman and still looks great to this day.

  28. MissNostalgia says:

    She looks great, regardless; she’s awesome!

  29. Bread and Circuses says:

    She looks amazing. Whether it’s healthy living or genius tweaking, I really don’t care. She. Looks. Amazing.

  30. tibor says:

    Lainey talks all about this fab bitch and the cold laser

  31. Hootysgram says:

    She’s rapidly approaching the turning point…where things will start to go south. I held up really well til I hit 56 and then age just crept in. The neck is usually the first to go…then then jawline and eyes…and of course the hands are always tell tale signs of aging. If I had the money and the access these Hollywood types have…I’d be nipping and tucking til I felt it was too obvious.

    • Monica says:

      Well, her neck is kind of rough, you can see it in the two non-magazine pics above, but also in some candids. I will say that my mother has aged better than this, I think Sharon has a lot of wrinkles around her eyes for her age, not even in these pics – but in some posted online, candid shots, you can really see a lot of lines on her face. I guess it’s that California sun, when Sharon was young there really was no SPF.

  32. samantha says:

    NO, she certainly had some procedures done. It’s nice to see tha she doesn’t let herself go.

    I walked by her in Rome and she looked great, no deep wrinkles, no saggy skin and no discoloration.
    Nice even skin, healthy looking thin body, but not ugly bony like Angelina Jolie.
    I’m sure she had some laser work, some injections, but I think what looks great about her is that she didn’t go overboard and doesn’t try to look like she is 30 again, unlike Madonna and Nicole Kidman.

  33. Maritza says:

    That cover is definitely photoshopped, I’ve seen photos of her without makeup and you can tell she hasn’t had any facelift. She is aging gracefully, I imagine she must sleep with loads of creams and lotions but their working.

  34. Diz says:

    She should have had her upper lids done 10 years ago. A tiny sliver of skin would have made a world of difference and no one would have noticed then like they will now.