Anne Hathaway pays for everything with new boyfriend

saga 12 260109
Does anyone envy Anne Hthaway’s dating history? She spent four tumultuous years with con man Raffaello Follieri, her first real boyfriend, and now she’s dating a struggling-but-cute actor named Adam Shulman. Star is reporting that Shulman is really, really struggling, and that Anne has to pay his way.

I have to nitpick with Star, a tabloid that seems to think if they repeat the lie enough times it is somehow true. They report that Hathaway was paying for her extravagent lifestyle with Raffaello back when they were together, yet part of Raffaello’s “con” was stealing money to pay for his own private lifestyle. Not that Anne didn’t lose money in the relationship – it’s well-documented that she donated money to Follieri’s “charity”, but not that she paid for their apartment and lifestyle.

Anne Hathaway must be feeling a bit of déjà vu when it comes to her new beau, Adam Shulman!

The Bride Wars star spent big bucks on her con man ex, Raffaello Follieri, even shelling out $37,000 a month for his apartment in NYC’s Olympic Tower before finally dumping him in June. And though she’s been head over heels for struggling actor Adam since the two hooked up in the fall, Anne once again has to pay up for her man!

“Adam is not a swindler like Raffaello, but the truth is the truth: Adam is far from Mr. Moneybags, so Anne has to buy everything,” an insider tells Star. “She leads an extravagant lifestyle — she has to fly all over the globe and show up at black-tie events. The only way for Adam to fit into her life is if she foots the bill.”

Still, adds the source, “He feels bad that Anne has to pay, so he does little things for her, like buy her books, give her love notes and cook her meals — little things to make her feel special.”

From Star Magazine

Anne is probably a naturally generous person, and I’m sure this Shulman guy is nowhere near the epic douche Follieri was, but Anne might want to stop dating and regroup a little bit. It’s perfectly possible that Star is making a mountain out of a molehill – after all, Anne’s “dates” for most of her red carpet appearances the past few months have been her family members, her management people or she’s walked the carpet solo. It’s not as if she’s got a “kept man” in Shulman. Plus, I don’t see Hathaway staying with some guy who can’t keep up with her for very long – she seems very, very high-maintenance to me.

Anne Hathaway is shown at the SAG Awards on 1/25/09. Credit: WENN

saga 12 260109

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35 Responses to “Anne Hathaway pays for everything with new boyfriend”

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  1. Annie says:

    Oh geez.

    I’m all for independent women, but come on, use me once, shame on you, use me twice? Goddamn, I’m an idiot.

    I always thought her to be more sensible than that.

    But since it’s Star, I’ll take this with a grain of salt.

  2. kate says:

    i like her black bag.

  3. kiki says:

    good for him Anne is the female George Clooney if she wants to shower her lovers with $$ by all means do so.

  4. Baholicious says:

    She’s about as independent as my left tit.

  5. daisy424 says:

    @Baho, LMAO!

    Does this girl ever learn?

  6. tigerlille says:

    Kaiser, just curous, why do you suspect that Anne is “very, very high maintenance?”

  7. Cinderella says:

    I agree, she pretty much is in a George Clooney situation.

  8. Kaiser says:

    Tiger – I guess I’m basing it on several things – in most interviews she seems very diva-ish and self-important. Also, I read that Vanity Fair piece about Follieri and they made it sound like Anne is a “buy me more things!!” kind of girlfriend. All of it is just my opinion, naturally.

  9. lilirose says:

    She is the door next door kind of girl…average look, she is “deja vu”, not interesting at all.

  10. bevtastic says:

    Obviously I don’t know Anne Hathaway personally, but I have to say that if I were rich and famous, I’d have no problem sharing the wealth with whatever boytoy I was dating at the moment. Maybe she just wants some companionship and has the where-with-all to invite him along? I don’t see how it can be played as him using her if she’s the one asking him along and paying his way. Besides, it was noted that he tries to reciprocate in little, inexpensive ways, too. The poor girl got hoodwinked by her last guy (as did everyone else, including the Vatican!), but I don’t think that means she’s a schlub for paying her guy’s way. At least she doesn’t date men on the basis of what they earn!

  11. The Old KC says:

    I think they would say this about Anne even if she paid for one lousy lunch out with this guy. “Oh, she picked up the bill!” No matter what she does, she’ll be remembered as being “that girl who got taken”. Kinda sad. She was featured in SELF a few months back and I really respected a lot of what she had to say. She came across as being very open to examining why she was taken advantage of and determined to make healthier choices in the future. I like her.

  12. Rreedy says:

    Money can’t buy her love.

  13. tigerlille says:

    Kaiser, thanks for sharing your point of view. She always struck me as very down to earth, the kind of girl who might have been your college roommate, and certainly not your typical movie star. She has become an interesting person to watch. Are you a man Kaiser? As a woman, I find myself sympathizing and identifying with Anne since the revelations emerged about the true identity of Follieri. Maybe our differing perceptions are a function of our genders (assuming that you are male)?

  14. Kaiser says:

    Um… I’m a woman, actually. I can’t believe that doesn’t come across.

    And I don’t have a lot of sympathy for her with the Follieri situation because he was pulling the con for years, and she was with him for years. It wasn’t like she met a guy, thought he was nice and BAM he was a crook.

    It makes me really uncomfortable how she came out of all it smelling like a rose – she lived in the apartment that all of those cons paid for. All of those romantic getaways? Paid for by cons. She’s an accessory to a crime as much as she’s a victim.

  15. Phat girl says:

    It’s Hollywood, people. Celebrities don’t pay for anything. All she has to do is inform her agent that “new guy” will be accompanying her on her travels and voila, the venue provides tickets for both. When celebs have riders that require thousands of dollars of extras it really doesn’t seem like an additional plane fare is going to be a problem. And most restaurants love the celebrity presence enough for the publicity they are almost always comped. I don’t see either of them paying for jack.

  16. Sheila says:

    I’ve read one report where part of a movie’s expense was the ‘entourage’ cost of the lead actors’ friends and families. This included airfare, hotel rooms and meals. I cant remember where I read it, or for what star and which movie. I do remember the location was somewhere in Europe.

  17. adrseq says:

    if this is true……as long as he is not taking advantage, and expecting things from her, i dont think its so bad, as long as she does not mind.

  18. Zoe says:

    I’ve always loved this girl. She seems so sweet and not your typical Hollywood nitwit, she actually seems to have a brain. She’s goofy as hell too. She’s still growing up, screwing up occasionally like the rest of us.

  19. Zoe says:

    P.S. Kaiser, you’ve always been a full-blooded ZOMG BADETTE in my mind!

  20. TinaWithPom says:

    Whatever! It’s her hard-earned money to do with as she wants. If she wants to pay for (or make whatever film she’s working on pay for) her boyfriend’s expenses, so that he can tag along with her, then so be it. And, for the record, I think she’s a great actress and loved her performance in “Rachel’s Getting Married.”

  21. Jill says:

    if i had her kind of money i’d gladly pay some guy to cook for me. =)

  22. Aspen says:

    I totally agree with Kaiser. She made bad choices at the very least and turned the other way while felonies were being committed at worst. Then…she gets out of that relationship and it’s “poor little ANNE!” “She got swindled by that AWFUL man!”

    Aren’t they all just a bunch of pigs?

    Now she’s found some man in awe of her who does not make enough money to compete with her or operate in the relationship as an equal to her. This allows her to keep tight control over everything without risking embarrassment or disappointment.

    Not generally a formula for success in creating domestic bliss.

    I don’t think Anne Hathaway is a criminal. I think she’s a typical young American woman who has grown up entitled and with visions of sugarplums in her heads…unwilling to LOOK at the man she’s dating and make tough judgment calls and sacrifice temporary bliss to face reality.

    Looks good, feels good, I totally deserve it, and I’m not giving it up.

    After that blew up in her face, she did the typical, “Okay, I’m never going to let a man have any modicum of control in my life ever again,” instead of doing a serious self-examination to understand where she went wrong, to really own the red flags she overlooked, and to move on with a healthy attitude toward men and her own independence.

    It’s all very psych 101 and it’s all very sad, really.

  23. tigerlille says:

    Kaiser. Umm..I’m really oblivious sometimes. Many apologies for my stupidity. You even have a female icon.

    I think your judgement of Anne is pretty harsh. She’s a young girl, and pretty ditsy at times. How, exactly, should she have known? At her age, I had zero interest in money and how it was earned. She was with an older, more sophisticated man. Why would it have occurred to her to ask questions? Who would assume that their boy fried is a lying sociopath? What are the warning signs of that? What, exactly should have tipped her off?

    Ten Tip Offs That Your Man is a Lying Sociopath:

    1. He’s charming.
    2. He’s romantic.
    3. He has a lot of money and… ? …never seems to work?

    Kaiser and Aspen, enlighten me!

  24. Aubrey says:


  25. Anon says:

    Kaiser: Um… I’m a woman, actually. I can’t believe that doesn’t come across.
    It comes across

  26. lodongs says:

    Why does it look like she’s rocking some treacher collins in the occasional picture?

  27. Jane says:

    “Are you a man?” Priceless!! 😀

  28. Kaiser says:

    Tiger – Follieri was being investigated and probed for months before the hammer came down, and the whole time Anne was defending him, and continuing to live on the largesse of a con artist. So, the argument is “poor Anne, she trusted him!” Bullsh-t. As soon as she couldn’t get anything else out of the relationship, and saw the danger for HER, she turned state’s evidence. And what do you think she told the FBI? If she was so oblivious to his crimes?

    Look… I don’t really care that much about her, but it pisses me off when there’s a double standard. If she wasn’t “poor little Anne” the famous actress, she might be under indictment.

  29. tigerlille says:

    I think that the FBI would have been happy to indict a Hollywood actress if there had been any basis for doing so. I don’t know what she told the FBI, but the fact that she cooperated with them does not make her guilty of anything. Are you suggesting that she gave them evidence in exchange for their not prosecuting her? That’s a pretty big leap. Follieri is the son of a con artist, and he fooled a lot of extremely wealthy people. I can’t see holding his girlfriend the actress to a higher standard than his investors. She is just another victim. Although I must say, that if I were her, I would have started asking a lot of hard questions the day John McCain showed up at the yacht.

  30. kate says:

    god, she bores me.

  31. MT says:

    Kaiser I totally agree with you.

    She enjoyed him spending a lot of money on her, while all that time she interduced him to people (some of them he conned.

    she helped him gain credibility in the USA, and got him involved in one of the charities she had contact with (which he conned too).

    She certainly was shallow and greedy to be attracted to his extravagnt gifts, and luxuries he offered her.

    I do think they should have checked her involvement with his deeds.
    Nobody knew who he was in the states, until she started to interduce him to people.

  32. vdantev says:

    Love the dress.

  33. tigerlille says:

    I obviously have a difference of opinion with the people who think that Anne Hathaway was cognizant of her former boyfriend’s criminal activities. There is nothing to be gained by continuing to discuss the matter, but I would like to make a few final points.

    Anne Hathaway is an wealthy young woman who can afford to buy herself any luxuries she wants. I find it odd that anyone would assume that the basis of her attraction to Follieri was the gifts and vacations that he gave her. I am not aware of anything known to the public that would suggest that Anne is shallow and materialistic.

    When all is said and done, all the assumptions and character traits that are attributed to Anne are pure speculation. None of us actually know her. It is beyond me why people choose to be cruel and judgemental rather than kind or compassionate, or to assume the worst of this talented young woman. Anne has made a remarkably successful transition from princess-themed movies for children to adult roles, while also managing to complete her college degree from reputable universities, and she has done it with grace.

    Follieri was working his cons long before he met Anne. Yes, his relationship with her did seem to help him gain credibility with some, and yes I am sure that he took advantage of his relationship with her to network, which is a pretty widespread business practise.

    I think that some of you are a little naive about how sociopathic liars operate, and underestimate their amazing ability to lead double lives. In the course of my career I encountered and worked with men who lied without conscience. Just about anyone is susceptible to deception at the hands of these people. My God, Follieri did business with former President Bill Clinton. And Anne Hathaway, a young actress who was in love with the man, should have known better? Ridiculous.

  34. sissoucat says:

    Her eyes are too big and dropping. First time ever I find an American Actress unattractive.. Well, good for her to succeed despite her looks !

  35. malivich says:

    Anne, the problem with being the crown princess is there is only one step up {Queen} and a very long way down. So if you don’t have your eye on being Cleopatra, you have a long swim down the river de-nile.
    Anne’s new money, so the old money tolerates her, as a novelty, a new toy to be played with, but with respect no. But the smell of freshly minted money draws the hound to bay {boy that sure sounds nice wonder what it means}.
    Every heiress hunter smells the green and they all are consummate actors in the pretense of love. Since Anne limits herself to her tight cliche of intimate friends, they are all finding the perfect match for her, in the spend now save later crowd.
    What Anne really needs is someone more mature, more cautious, and can not act like a lover; only be her lover.
    Of course I have my own canidate, Annie just don’t call me “Grandad”.