Paula Patton hasn’t hired a lawyer, she’s ‘open to reconciling’ with Robin Thicke


Here are some photos of Paula Patton at the Vanity Fair Oscar after-party on Sunday night. She didn’t go to the Oscars, but Paula was out and about consistently during Oscar weekend, attending (and presenting at) the Spirit Awards, and then making the Oscar party rounds. Her dress is Celia Kritharioti – it’s pageant-y to me, but I’m also relieved to see that her boobs aren’t jacked up or squished in something much too tight. At the Spirit Awards, she did wear a canary yellow dress that was much too short, but it was fine. It was a good outing for her first post-split red carpet, and bonus: she got flirty with Jeremy Renner.

So, is there any chance that Paula and Robin Thicke are going to get back together? Or were these outings just evidence that Paula is acting like a single lady? I don’t know. I do know that Robin is still acting like he wants her back. While performing in Atlantic City on Sunday, Robin dedicated a cover of “Let’s Stay Together” to Paula and he’s been telling his audiences: “I want everybody here to know that I’m trying to get my girl back.” TMZ says that Paula isn’t falling for his act, though. At least not completely.

Robin Thicke can cry all he wants on stage about his love for Paula Patton … but it’s not going to change her mind about leaving him … sources tell TMZ. For that … he has to do something else.

Sources connected with the couple tell us … Paula is unimpressed with Robin telling both TMZ and thousands of concertgoers he’s trying to win her back.

Here’s the good news for Robin. Although she TOLD him she wanted a divorce, she hasn’t hired a divorce lawyer yet and she’s open to reconciliation.

BUT … before she takes him back, Robin has to prove his loyalty to her … by his actions. She’s keeping tabs on him at his concerts, watching who he hangs with, which parties he attends — especially the after parties — and what photos surface.

We’re told Paula knows photogs have their cameras trained on Robin, and she views the paparazzi are her private detectives. You know the drill, Robin.

[From TMZ]

Yeah… that’s going to blow up. You might as well hire that divorce lawyer now, Paula. It will save you some time and energy. Robin is “behaving himself” right now, but as soon as he hits up a club (my prediction: within the next week), there will be incriminating photos and tons of stories about how he got this girl’s digits and how he was making out with that girl, etc. Just hire the lawyer now, girl.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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74 Responses to “Paula Patton hasn’t hired a lawyer, she’s ‘open to reconciling’ with Robin Thicke”

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  1. booboolarue says:


    • CynicalCeleste says:

      +1. a pr game designed to keep the post blurred lines media train chugging. After they reconcile, she’ll probably get pregnant, that should keep the momentum going for awhile.

      • katy says:

        Agree 100%

      • Michelle says:

        This all day. It’s really gross.

      • Maureen says:

        I was thinking this, too, right from the start. The only thing that messes with this theory is that she’s lost a TON of weight. Paula has always been healthy and thick. But you can see it on her face and all across her chest and shoulders. That’s a sign of real distress. So this really does feel like a PR game … but her rapid and drastic weight loss is real.

      • Joh says:

        Agree 200%

    • idk says:

      Why did these two make this public? Unless they knew 100% they were going to get divorced, why put this out there? “Oh we are having problems, we’re separated, but we might get back together”…ok and we needed to know that because? The reason most celebs announce their divorce or separation is because they don’t want rumors of cheating to circulate when they are seen with another man/woman. In this case, the reason for them telling the media makes no sense.

    • Selina says:

      Maureen, I agree with you on her weight loss being a sign of genuine emotional distress.

  2. Grant says:

    How’s that “open relationship” working out now?

    • paola says:

      I think it was always an excuse to justify his behaviour.
      ‘Open relationship’ is the magic definition for not getting judgement from people when your husband sleeps around. It’s embarassing when there’s pics everywhere of your husband groping on some girl’s ass and saying ‘open relationship’ makes you sound less foolish i guess.

    • Tulip Garden says:

      I wonder about that. Was “open” actually fine with all involved as long as no one knew? Meh, whatever, these two don’t really interest me. I have a feeling most of the world feels the same way so either public embarrassment has spurred this separation on or a need to stay in the headlines. Who really knows or cares?

      • Tammy says:

        Until he started humiliating her publicly, (the twerking with Miley Cyrus, the photos that surfaced and the fact she kept hearing he was screwing every girl he could after his concerts), they had an open relationship. As long as it was private and something that happened occasionally, she ignored it.. now she cant.

    • Dani2 says:

      I just can’t get my head around the whole open marriage thing. My mind always comes back to the thought that your spouse isn’t enough for you if you’re in an open marriage and if they’re not enough for you, then you should get a divorce and have all the casual sex you want. I just feel like it’s lazy and like it trivialises marriage itself.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        I don’t understand the “open” marriage thing either.

      • gg says:

        Because it goes against the normal basic human nature to have only one person you are committed to. Having more than one person in your marriage is destined to fail.

      • Dani2 says:

        @GG that would be a good point if open marriages didn’t fail as well.

      • Dena says:

        @Dani, I have friends in open relationships and I every single case (about five couples that I know), they all got married very young. Like, under 20 yrs old. They’d kill me for saying this but from the outside looking in its pretty clear that they’ve outgrown their marriages – they’re all in their 30’s or older now – but don’t want to admit it. The love has faded to liking or friendship but there’s enough caring there that they don’t want to separate. Or, in one case, they’re staying together to raise their kids and will end it when they’re out of the house. Some of them are just too stubborn to admit that everyone was right when they told them not to get married so young. Some of them can’t pull the cord for financial reasons.
        Given how young they were when they got together the “open” marriage thing with Thicke/Patton doesn’t surprise me. I think the moral of the story is to think long and hard about getting married young. *waits for everyone who got married at 18 and its’s been 25 years to jump all over me*

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I don’t get it either. If you don’t want to be monogamous, fine, then don’t get married.

        @gg what a sad way to feel.

      • lunchcoma says:

        Some people don’t want to be or can’t be monogamous, but want the benefits of a long term relationship. It’s not something that interests me, but I know couples who it works for. Obviously those relationships fail sometimes too, but that happens with any form of relationship in a society that allows divorce.

      • Dani2 says:

        @Dena See I agree with you, it sounds more like a friendship to me. You care about your spouse, you’ve shared a life together but you want something more. I just don’t like that people who support it act like it doesn’t have it’s pitfalls. I once read a story about a lady who was in an open marriage for about ten years, both her and her husband had extramarital relationships but her husband fell in love with his girlfriend and divorced her and now has a traditional marriage with that lady. The thought of my boyfriend sharing a huge part of himself with some other lady or guy makes me jealous as hell tbh. I just feel like if it doesn’t make you jealous then you’re probably not as in love with that person as you might like to think. *shrug* Hence why it sounds like a friendship to me, sorry if I’m offending anyone but I feel that there’s a very sad aspect of open marriages that a lot of people don’t like to acknowledge.

      • Luca26 says:

        I know a happily married couple that have been in an open relationship for like 40 years. It works for them I don’t judge and I don’t want to know the details. My only point is that it can work if there is mutual respect. It’s not for everybody but the divorce rate amoung ‘monogamous’ couples is high so I don’t think that it’s fair to say it doesn’t work at all. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of long term couples that have happily open marriages but no one knows about it. The problem here is that Robin shows zero respect for his wife and he flaunts his womanizing.

      • bluhare says:

        I think there’s a difference between an open marriage and a willingness to do threesomes with your partner and someone else. I think that was where they were, and Paula did it because either she liked it or Robin got another woman with her permission. They’ve been with each other since high school so I can see the “what am I missing” thing. That being said I think he got carried away, took it too far, and embarrassed her.

        She should only take him back if he agrees to counseling and even then she should make him work for it.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        Oh, I understand the biology and science of “open” marriage and, to some degree, I understand the enticement. However, I am in agreement with Dani in this post. Gaining that freedom does have its cost. IMO, the losses outweigh the benefits.

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        You guys are misunderstanding GG. I believe she thinks that an open marriage goes against the natural desire to be committed to one person and that open or poly marriages are destined to fail.

        Just because I know she isn’t into that kind of thing. 😉 Pretty sure she is a one guy kind of gal.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh, dear, TheOriginalTiffany is right! I completely misread what GG wrote. Now I see. Never mind. :-0

      • Valois says:

        gg would you mind giving me a link to the studys? A friend of mine recently said something similar but couldn’t remember where she’d read it.

        Personally, I’m fine with Open Relationships (even though I’d never even try it), as long as both are into it. However, I’m pretty sure a lot of those relationships are actually what one partner wants…and not both of them.

  3. Leah says:

    She looks better more relaxed and genuine somehow. She always looked like she forced a smile on the red carpet with robin.

    • elisa says:

      She really does look more relaxed. I think she also looks prettier, like a weight has been lifted from her. I hope she doesn’t take him back. She can do better.

      • Mel M says:

        Agreed. She looks better then she has in a long time, she looks like a different person. I’m happy for her and hope she stays far away from that slim ball.

    • loma says:

      I second this, totally. I’ve only seen her in Precious but I thought she was so graceful in that movie. Then she started press for that movie with Tom Cruise and her red carpet photos were such a turnoff… then came the photos and press with Robin Thicke who has got to be the most thoroughly unattractive man ever. He’s so gross to me, even before his shit was all over the news.

      That top photo of Paula is beautiful. I hope she can ditch Robin Thick for good because he is a minus in her life.

  4. paola says:

    Ohh girl. You almost got everybody’s sympathy back when you ditched him. Going back? Bad decision if the man is a serial playboy.

  5. blue marie says:

    She needs to call a lawyer and get it done. She looks better without him.

    • bella says:

      she does, doesn’t she?
      so relaxed and lovely.
      here’s my photo assumption on her with her douche husband:
      she always looks painfully uncomfortable because she doesn’t feel HE believes her to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
      she exudes self doubt on his arm.
      she throws him to the curb…regains self respect…it’s written ALL over her!

  6. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I say, Paula, make him think that he has a chance with you, and then turn him down FLAT—after you get some ‘I’m sorry for being such a dick in public’ JEWELRY’…..

    • V4Real says:

      What if this is nothing but a publicity or PR stunt. Maybe she was feeling a bit embarrased about the backlash she and Robin were receiving for his past discretions. Perhaps they did have an open relationship and participated in threesomes. As long as nobody knew about it they were fine. They could be using this divorce play as a way to make her look like she has a backbone and she’s not condoning his behavior. She’s probably thinking all the bad publicity could hurt her career. Think about it, Robin and Paula were not really on anybody’s radar until “Blurred Lines” made him popular outside of the urban community. He became a household name in music, thus increasing his the media interest in his personal life. What he has done recently were probably things he had been doing for years but now the media is watching his every move and it’s hard to keep things under wrap as they have done in the past.

      I had heard rumors years ago about their open relationship. Most of the world had never heard of Robin Thick and he’s been in the music industry for years. He was considered a R&B singer and he has written songs for other artist. I had been a fan since his single “Get You Alone.”

      I can see them pretending to step away from the marriage for her sake. Then later after everything simmers down they get back together. This is not the first time they seperated but it could all be an act.

      • bluhare says:

        As I said up thread, I think threesomes are different than an open marriage. I thought open marriage meant you got with people without your spouse present.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        I’ve heard the rumors too–and I do think they were in an open relationship–both of them. I think the issue was that Robin wasn’t being discrete. Maybe he could get away with being sloppy because he wasn’t a household name, but now he can’t. And he didn’t behave accordingly.

        I also wouldn’t be surprised if this was a PR stunt, I don’t really know/follow Robin and Paula, so I don’t know what they’re like.

      • V4Real says:

        I too think threesomes are different from an open relationship that’s why I said they participated in threesomes and had an open relationship. Thicke probably did his own thing as well as slept with other women along with his wife.

        There just seems to be something off about his “woe is me” baby I want you back schtick. It doesn’t seem genuine. It’s just as bad as Miley’s fake crying when she was singing “Wrecking Ball” on The Today Show about her break-up with Liam.

      • anon33 says:

        I agree with you. The whole way this is happening, with him making pleas at his concerts-I don’t know. It seems very soap opera to me.

      • Tammy says:

        I did not think of that and it could very well be. I just thought maybe he embarrassed her with his public display and she had enough of that. I still think she was as into the open relationship, as he is, she is just far more discreet than he is and she has had enough of not even pretending to care about this makes her look.

  7. Hubbahun says:


  8. Christin says:

    As if she doesn’t already have photos showing his behavior…and thinking he can’t play good boy for a short time. Is she just mad he got caught again and again?

    I suspect she’ll likely take him back, unless a better offer appears for her during this ‘separation’.

  9. Beatrice says:

    Paula needs to take a cue from Liberty Ross.

    • Leah says:

      Well it hasn’t been that long yet.Liberty didn’t hire a divorce lawyer straight off either. Didn’t they even try couples therapy? either way it took a long time before she officially filed for divorce. Remember paula has been with robin since she was 16 years old so i don’t find it so odd that she is hesitating that final step.

      • HappyMom says:

        They also have a small child.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        I’m pretty sure she didn’t file for divorce right away because in Cali, you have to be legally separated for six months before filing for divorce….

      • prayforthewild says:

        You can file for divorce whenever you want, you don’t have to be separated for any length of time, legal or otherwise. It is six months from the time of filing for divorce until it’s finalized, and you have your status as a single person restored, in California.

  10. Pumpkin Pie says:

    I love Paula’s dress, I just love it.
    I hate to say it, I haven’t heard about Robin until the VMA incident and that infamous music video. I “hate” to say it because it’s so sad when it takes controversity and vulgarity to get people’s attention.

  11. Nicolette says:

    She will continue to be treated the way she obviously thinks she should be. Not much self esteem there.

  12. ray says:

    im sorry but this STINKS of publicity stunt, i saw a few people say it when the news broke and now after robin claiming to ‘win her back’ to his audience, im pretty convinced. how tacky.

    • CF98 says:

      I’m inclined to agree that its a PR stunt as well. Robin hasn’t done anything she didn’t know about to begin with why people think otherwise is beyond me.

    • Brasileira says:

      THIS exactly. They’re playing the game and it’s working. It’s the only way they’ll stay in the media…he won’t go much farther than those blurred lines. Yey, here we are, talking of them and where his every concert is going to be, because we’re watching what his next sleezy move will be, while she pretends to be hanging in there tough and smily. She’s actually laughing at us. cause, let’s agree she’s not such good an actress to even keep a straight face while pretending to be divorcing him.
      They’re still so absolutelly unninteresting to me though.

      • Tammy says:

        I doubt that, he does have talent…which he strayed away from with his Blurred Lines hit. He has been a hit in the R&B community for years.

      • ParisPucker says:

        yep, think you nailed this one on the head, including level-of-interest.

        He was smirking in all photos since the ‘news break’ and both seemed to be enjoying the attention! How pathetic and tacky to go this route if this is in fact, what this actually is.

  13. gg says:

    No shade at all on Paula – she is a very beautiful woman. But the “pregnant man” guy looked exactly like her when he was living as a young woman.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I think she’s beautiful only in certain angles. She does have a very ‘mannish’ look to her–she’s the type that has to be position JUST RIGHT, otherwise her face looks weird.

  14. kibbles says:

    Paula needs to do herself a favour and hook up with Jeremy Renner. I would love to see those two together. Mission Impossible connection. I think he’d be the perfect rebound guy for her.

  15. Dani says:

    Paula should just get with Renner. Her life would be so much better. Robin is such a sleaze. What kind of actually concerned man goes and announces to his audience that he’s trying to get his ‘girl’ back? 1) she’s a woman and 2) it isn’t a game.

    • lunchcoma says:

      I don’t get the feeling that Renner is Mr. Monogamy, either, though he seems like a much nicer guy.

      • Dani says:

        He might not be monogamous, but you don’t see him sticking his fingers in random girls butt cracks in the club. That itself makes him better than Robin.

    • Louisa says:

      I think getting involved in this would be Renner’s idea of a nightmare. If he ever became involved with another celebrity it would have to be one who values their privacy. This is a tabloid circus.

  16. lunchcoma says:

    This is unfortunate, but I’m now questioning whether this break up is the real thing or if it’s a tactic to keep these two in the news now that Robin is on minute 14 of his allotted 15 minutes of fame.

    • idk says:

      His father Alan Thicke has a new reality show airing soon. I wonder if this storyline will be in it?

  17. JudyK says:

    If she goes back to him, I’d say she has no self-awareness and no self respect.

    Unrelated, but I’ve never found her pretty, just attractive. That silver white dress she wore to the after-party is the most beautiful creation I have ever seen, and she is GORGEOUS in it, and I mean gorgeous. To me, that dress beats out every single dress worn at the Oscars. For the first time, I find her beautiful (and love her hair).

  18. Alexis says:

    She has been looking prettier and happier since the breakup. This has been good for her. I don’t really know what to think about them reconciling. I don’t know them. He could be a serial cheater and emotionally unengaged in the marriage, in which case she deserves better and should leave him. Or he could just be acting up because of the big hit and made a couple sexual transgressions in the past year while high on fame and other substances. Which is a horrible betrayal, but given their history and child together, may be worth working though if he’s really willing to put in the effort to be the man his wife and son deserve. There’s really no way of knowing.

  19. Hannah says:

    She just looks softer and prettier since she left her husband. Seems like it lifted a weight of her shoulders .

  20. Other Renee says:

    Hey she was a willing participant in their perverted threesomes. I don’t feel sorry for her at all.

  21. dizzylucy says:

    Nice of him to be on his best behavior now – but not when they were together!

  22. Mango says:

    If they had an “open marriage,” why does he have to prove himself by being loyal? Loyalty was clearly never important to either of them…? I’m confused.

  23. shump says:

    Guuuuuurl, you’ve got the out now, TAKE IT. And use his money to buy a decent stylist. Please?

  24. lisa2 says:

    I said this the minute this happened. I never bought this as a break up that was real. It always felt weird. His going on the Take Me Back Tour. Like what song is Robin going to sing to Paula tonight. Is he begging her. Telling the audience he wants his girl back.. PLEASE. If you want your wife back how is singing a song at your concert going to do that.

    I’m sure his tour is a bore. Once he does Blurred lines there is nothing really left. He had ONE really major hit..and I confess I love that song.

    but said it from the beginning. FAKE FAKE Stunt for PR.

  25. Kosmos says:

    I used to think Thicke was really cool, but not anymore, not after realizing what he’s REALLY like, so sleezy. Even if they reconcile, he’s never going to be redeemed in my book. I’ve kinda lost respect for him, seeing as he publicly humiliates his wife, who has unbelievably put up with this behavior for years. Robin thinks he’s The Man now that his songs are relevant again, and it seems he doesn’t know how to say No to women. or to remember that he’s a married man. If they do reconcile, she’s a fool. She’s still lovely and can find someone much better than him. But she may be unable to detach from him because they have such a long history of being together. I think he will cheat again and again, but just not as publicly, and they will eventually split anyway down the line.