Johnny Depp has dedicated his life to supporting fiancée Amber Heard at her events. Here they both are at last night’s Texas Hall of Fame awards where Amber received the Rising Star award. That’s funny because Amber has regularly appeared in tv shows and movies since 2004. She also talks about Texas all the time in interviews, but it took getting engaged to Johnny for Austin to take notice. Austin is a great city though. You’ll never find better Tex-Mex cuisine than in Austin. Oh SXSW is this weekend too! Maybe Johnny and Amber will make an appearance.
I really didn’t want to start off with such an unflattering shot of Amber, but this was the best full-length photo our agencies had that showed Johnny’s questionable ensemble. He spiffed himself up with a jaunty hat, a cute little vest and a giant coat with big shiny buttons. Could he have paid attention to his scuffed-up shoes? Definitely. Nevermind that Austin sat in the upper 60s with 83% humidity last night.
I can’t tell whether Johnny is trying to look younger or older with his latest red carpet oufits. Because these getups make him look like a little old man in a silent film. I know it’s bad form to say someone looks old, but when a 50-year-old gets engaged to a 27-year-old, comparisons will be had. I also wonder if Amber makes Johnny leave the scarves at home for her events, but maybe I’m reading too much into that. It could be a case of Johnny deciding that the scarf trophy should be passed onto Jared Leto.
One more related tidbit: Amber was spotted showing off her ring recently at Whole Foods where she spent $300 on three bags of groceries. No word on whether she raided the bulk bins with her bare hands. I’m pretty sure she only does that with Johnny. They probably get stoned and land at Whole Foods with the munchies. Ahhh, youth.
Photos courtesy of WENN
Texas Hall of Fame…
Rising Star…
Is she from Texas?
๐ I chuckled too.
If that don’t sound like an award he bought for her cash money at the Texas Chamber of Commerce….
I don’t get why Amber Heard brought an old homeless guy to her special ceremony.
I seriously laughed out loud when I saw these pics (and I even felt a bit mean for doing so)–he just looks so f*cking silly.
She looks gorgeous here but so out of place next to him.
Everything’s bigger in Texas.
That reminds me. Has anyone seen my boo Johnny Depp? I miss him. I wonder what ever happened to him. *sigh*
Haven’t seen him in awhile. It is as if he fell off the face of the earth.
He fell off the earth and right into a huge pile of lost socks, scarves, and other crap. He was lost until this sparkle fairy found him and brought him back. Or something. It’s as good an explanantion as any.
I don’t think he’s coming back either.
I’m not sure why but in that top photo her reminds me of Dom Deluise.
JD is missing but that damn pirate is scheduled to make another appearance soon.
Really V4, they’re making another one? Boooo
Never saw so many mean spirited people. He looks great. Last time I saw so many disses on his partner was when he hooked up with Kate, and then Vanessa. Now, all of a sudden Vanessa is wonderful. You people are sad. Ever hear of someone having a relationship beacause they love each other, and not because of their screen credits? Shallow much?
I do agree he looks good hear, but she’s a try hard and no I dont like gap tooth Vanessa either.
Yeah cause there’s nothing shallow about a 50 year old hooking up with a twenty something.
This couple makes me scratch my head. I dunno, weird.
Me too. Thought he saw himself as an intellectual kind of guy. I guess he’s trading youth for brains on this one.
Boy, this ain’t gonna last
Whaaaaattttt? Why would you say that? ๐
The only thing I got from this story is that Whole Foods is too expensive. Trader Joe’s is better and cheaper. As for Johnny and Amber, Meh.
LOL That was the only thing I got from it too. Sure I didn’t read the all thing and just went through the pics…but only a couple of bags for $300!!? I don’t live in the USA but this seems too much for far too less, and I usually buy Bio and fair-trade a lot.
It really is, my friends and I call it Whole Paycheck. I live right next to one and rarely go there – sometimes I’ll grab a few veggies or bread but otherwise I shop at Sprouts, Trader Joe’s, or King Soopers. When I first moved to Denver from Wisconsin (no Whole Foods in my old town) I did 1 trip to Whole Foods to buy all my groceries and it was almost 100 bucks for two bags of food. Whenever I see people doing all their shopping there with a cart loaded up I just assume they are rich ๐ They do have awesome bacon though, expensive but so good.
Used to love this guy. I think some of it was because of his devotion to his partner and kids and the fact that they seemed anti-Hollywood. Now, not so much. That whole mid life crisis hit me as sleazy and desperate.
Well he did once speak negetively about America when he moved to France but where is he back living now.
I don’t hate the man but I have lost some love for him, Though, not about him splitting with his partner because relationships and marriages falls apart all the time.
I know he used to criticize the US, especially Hollywood, and said he wanted to live in France in many newspapers….and now he is back in hollywood!!! so hypocritical!
I guess he just got bored with the whole ‘American In Paris’ thing. I agree about sleazy and desperate. He makes me cringe now.
Texas Hall of Fame…Rising Star? How about ridiculous?
So an award for that movie she did…you know the one…where she played….yeah I’ve got nothing.
This ongoing trend of actresses maintaining/getting fame for a baby or marriage instead of their work continues to disgust me.
LOL, my thoughts exactly. I’m not sure any amount of exposure is going to make her a “star”. She’s lovely, but so what? Being lovely and bagging an aging A-lister don’t make you a star. It gets you exposure, but it doesn’t make you a star. She has to have something to bring to the table on her own part and she’s got ZIP.
Clumping ALL of the excess material up around your ass is a great look and so very flattering. I’m gonna tuck all my skirts into my knickers from now on. I’ll be all like, ‘Yeah, I know! It’s called “Hearding”, moron.’
Obviously they’re trying to show a united front after all the lukewarm ‘meh’ and eyebrow raises their relationship received, and he probably does legitimately want to support her, but it looks like an over enthusiastic dad sitting front row at all of his kid’s mediocre talent show attempts. I can even see him, beaming like an idiot, trying to get a standing ovation going (only to be the lone figure clapping and standing in an otherwise silent audience) as she takes to the stage.
Something nice to say: I got an inexplicable pang of jealousy that she has $300 for groceries? My life. It’s fulfilling…
And I love that you were grasping for something nice to say at the end, just for balance. Hilarious!!!!
“over enthusiastic dad sitting front row at all of his kid’s mediorce talent shows”
She tries harder than Johnny — and that’s saying something!
At least she’s keeping those awful scarfs at bay.
you have a point…
He used to be stunningly good-looking, breathtakingly so, but now, much as I can hardly believe it, he’s giving me the creeps. And she comes over so brash. What happened, Johnny? I guess this is the real you after all. ๐
Johnny never was a “smart” actor actually when you read his interviews, or listen to him speaking he has difficulty making a point or being pertinent. Amber is by far smarter…Vanessa Paradis is not very intelligent as well and never has been. What made Johnny depp attractive was his look and the fact that he was a “rebel”…
Amber is certainly smarter in many, many ways, but I don’t think it’s in intellect!
I disagree. I’ve watched quite a few of his interviews. His shyness kind of gets in the way of him sounding articulate but if he’s passionate about something he’s quite well spoken imo.
What exactly are you measuring this by?
You don’t have to be articulate to be intelligent.
I really think that he is not bright …he may have charisma, etc but this is my opinion. Maybe it is because he smokes too much pot?
Maybe, not in your pictures, but i’ve noted in all the other sites that Johnny looked strangely comfortable and even very smily with her. That’s a point.
I don’t know if she makes him to let his scarfs at home or not, but he isn’t wearing too much scarfs nor necklaces or rings since he’s with her…it’s like he stopped hiding himself behind tons of accesories
He only remain wearing hats or caps, but i think that he’s ashamed of his terrible blonde hair that it won’t be changing anytime soon, because in his next movie about Whitey Bulger he’ll be also blonde
“Because these getups make him look like a little old man in a silent film. “—-> I finally realized why his style lately seems familiar to me. Lol.
Getting older is interesting — things that are boho and kinda zany when you’re young just look sad and a bit shabby when you hit a certain age. Ahem.
I miss ya Johnny. But we’ll always have Dead Man.
It’s the contrast to his youthful companion as well, it does him no favors, as others have pointed out, he looks like her father.
I like ’em together but they make me scratch my head a bit too. I’m definitely a Depp-Heard apologist though haha. Johnny looked much better with facial hair at her 3 days to Kill premiere. I’m so excited to see him in the coming weeks promoting transcendence. I’ll always be a depp fan-girl.
I find it so odd that she was honoured when in interviews all she says about Texas is that it stifled her creativity and she had to gtfo.
I’m very interested to see how these two work out down the road.
Sorry to be a cynic but the clock is ticking, their differences will undermine their passion I’m afraid.
He’s added a giant hat and coat to his oversized suits. Does he think these big clothes will make him look bigger? I think they have the opposite effect. He looks like a boy wearing Dad’s clothes. Embrace your diminuitive stature, Johnny.
hmm, I am kind of neutral with these two. I mean, I try to be.
I tended to like him with Vanessa but clearly things were not right there so maybe both are better off. Depp and Heard have been together for a while but they were not public until somewhat recently (was it 2013?) so things are still pretty fresh and new for him and Amber – they haven’t even been doing red carpets as a couple for that long. So I guess it’s just a waiting game to see how they adjust once the novelty of being “public” wears off.
I’ve never seen any of her work so I cannot comment. Depp can be fun and quirky but he’s gone to that well so many times that now it’s hackneyed and trite.
Anyway, all the best you crazy kids.
You look like a Little (Old) Rascal, Johnny, with that cap and in those clothes… And I guess that’s exactly what you are at this stage of your life. A Little Old Rascal.
Pft, I stumbled across a video about the texas film awards. Apparently they were 45 minutes late.
Depp has become so blah and ridic next to this Amber. It totally killed his persona. If he’d gotten back together with Winona, on the other hand, it would’ve been way more interesting and hot.
He looks so old next to her. It’s like she ate all his sexiness and now he’s all washed up. For the record-I don’t find her sexy…She’s just meh.
Inspector Closeau wants his outfit back.
love it! lol
Do I spy a feminine hygiene product falling down below her knees? She’s so classy – always has her big mouth open.