“Octuplet grandmother says her daughter IVF doctor shopped” links

– Octuplet grandmother says her daughter’s IVF doctor promised her he wouldn’t do another procedure on her, so Nadya Suleman found someone else to do it for her [Radar Online]
– Best TV Shows Ever: The ’90s [Television.AOL.com]
– Oscars’ Best & Worst Fashion [Moviefone]
Obama’s recovery plan passes the senate [Bild]
– What the hell kind of shoes is Paula Abdul wearing? [Cityrag]
Tobey Maguire out with his daughter, Ruby [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
– What is up with K.D. Aubert’s eyes? They’re freaking me out [Bastardly]
Solange won’t share her umbrella [Hollywood Rag]
Hilary Duff says she doesn’t regret ripping on Faye Dunaway for her looks [Popcrunch]
Inglourious Basterds teaser of the teaser trailer [Agent Bedhead]
– That film in which Jude Law plays a transsexual is said to suck, and not in the sexy way [Defamer]
Britney’s assistant Felicia comes back to help her out [Evil Beet]
Halle Berry to go bald for role [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Whitney Houston and Ray J spotted out together again. He recently said they were just friends. Yeah right, he just wants to keep his dating reality show! [PopBytes]
M.I.A. was having contractions at the Grammys, still performed [Candy Kirby]
– One Life To Live’s Phil Carey Dies [Bitten and Bound]

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14 Responses to ““Octuplet grandmother says her daughter IVF doctor shopped” links”

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  1. Diva says:

    WHAT? NO!!! First Clint, now Asa????

  2. xiaoecho says:

    That photo of Granny makes her look like the psycho granny in a horror movie

  3. Annie says:

    Oh Hilary Duff…..

    She grinds my gears. And not in the good way. Can someone please remove Ed from our presence now? Thanks.

  4. rules says:

    I thought ray j was dating kim kardashian?

  5. LOLA says:

    you know this octo granny is beginning to make it very clear why her daughter is such a breeding machine. clearly she wants children who she thinks will love her unconditionally unlike this mouthy critical bitch.

    I get she’s wacko, but that’s her own mother maaaaan. If that person doesn’t stand by you who will?

    And ps granny, quit caring for them and then complaining. Dumbass.

  6. Diva says:

    Ray J had SEX with Kim Kardashian years ago and the tape got out. He’s been linked to Whitney a couple times since. And now he’s got his own dating style show ala Flava Flav.

  7. Chiara says:

    Suleman family in desperate need of therapy.

  8. Trillion says:

    Mia is the coolest female on the planet to me right now.

  9. Gracie says:

    How can the grandmother walk away from the helpless babies? That would be an act so cold-hearted!

    She’s in a bad situation. If she helps, she’s enabling, if she doesn’t help,she hurts the little ones.

  10. Ricci says:

    Meany lady

  11. latvian lady says:

    From the earlier photo of Nadya Suleman you can see that she’s obviously had plastic surgery done on her nose and lips. Probably to look like her idol and mother of many kids, Angelina Jolie.

    And plastic surgery, even bad surgery, like hers, ain’t exactly cheap. How could an unemployed student and mother of 6 afford it?? She is so obviously not putting the kids first!!

  12. santa says:

    LOLA – Maybe she was once a loving, uncritical mother, but if your grown daughter started pumping out fatherless babies whilst (supposedly) disabled, not contributing to bills, spending money on plastic surgery and further IVF whilst taking welfare payments and then bitching about her childhood whilst you’re at home arm deep in the dirty nappies produced by the offspring SHE, not you, CHOSE to have, I’d be a little p****d too.

    I really feel for the grandmother – she thought her years of mothering, scrimping and saving were over and now she’s exhausted, bankrupt and torn between caring for her grandchildren and wanting to bitch-slap some sense into her wayward daughter.

  13. gary says:

    How can you be so damn immature and have so many kids even when you can not provide for your other six kids.
    Stop milking the state and grow up.

  14. There is so much to this story, thanks for the update!