Isla Fisher: Starring in a movie together is kiss of death for couples

Isla Fisher is promoting her film Confessions of a Shopoholic, which is out in the US this Friday, February 13. Isla, 33, has a new interview with Star Magazine in which she insists she’s never going to make a movie with her partner, “Borat” comic Sacha Baron Cohen. Fisher calls it “the kiss of death” to star in a movie with your partner. She also tells a cute story about how people sometimes pat her on the head and treat her like a dog because she’s short:

The film is about clothes, but it’s also a comedy. Have you always been funny?
I don’t know, you’d have to ask someone else. But I’ve never minded making a fool out of myself! When we were younger, we traveled a lot. I’m sure I developed these skills in order to fit in. Being little and having red hair, you get teased a lot.

Do you think you and Sacha will ever star in a movie together?
I really don’t think that’s a good idea. It seems like the kiss of death for couples. I wouldn’t want to tempt fate.

One striking thing about you two is your height difference – he’s 6’3″, and you’re what, 5’2″?
I’m used to it. It used to be hard when we went to a bar or something – people try to pick up little people physically, pat you on the head. It’s like when I communicate with a dog!

[From Star Magazine, print edition, February 16, 2008]

This movie looks kind of predicable but with funny moments, and it’s probably another mildly amusing chick film with a happy ending. I really enjoyed reading Fisher’s responses, though, she sounds like she’s quite a match for Baron Cohen and I bet they have a lot of fun together. After reading this I decided to watch an interview with Fisher and found a March, 2007 appearance she made on Letterman. (Link leads to video.) She was just as charming and witty back then as she is now. She even invited Letterman to her wedding, but admitted she hadn’t set a date yet. A year and a half and a baby daughter later and they still haven’t set a date. You get the impression that Fisher isn’t really worried about it, though, just based on her personality.

Fisher appeared on Letterman again last Thursday, (link leads to video). She talked about her 15 month old daughter, Olive, and told a funny story about how an agent once sent her a part meant for an older black man and told her she was perfect for it. She also showed a photo of herself doing a cartwheel on the beach and asked “what are the chances the sun would shine down on my crotch?” She joked “I always dreamed when I was a kid of coming on Letterman and showing my crotch.” She also told a story about how she once got mistaken for her boyfriend, Sacha Baron Cohen’s daughter at a party. Dave didn’t ask Isla about a potential wedding this time.

Here’s the trailer for Confessions of a Shopaholic:

Isla Fisher is shown at the premiere of Confessions of a Shopoholic on 2/5/09 and outside The Late Show that same day. Credit: WENN

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22 Responses to “Isla Fisher: Starring in a movie together is kiss of death for couples”

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  1. Annie says:

    I love her. I think she’s wicked cute. And makes a good point about the kiss of death.

    On a random, felt I needed to comment on the height difference they have:

    I feel ya girl! I’m 5’1 and he’s 6’2.


  2. Toni says:

    hahahaha I’m 5’4, he’s 6’3! I love a man taller than me 😛

  3. Diva says:


    Sheesh on the height thing, Annie… I thought 5’7″ and 6’4″ was awkward at times! Plus, I think I’m shrinking… he’s not!

  4. Syko says:

    I really like her and think she’s adorable.

  5. me says:

    what about will and jada pinkett smith? theyve been married for a long time and werent they in a movie together?

  6. HEB says:

    I LOVE her.

    And I wouldn’t want to work at the job I have now with my husband, it’d just be annoying.

  7. Baholicious says:

    LOL Diva, I’ve got the same height ratio as you! Assuming of course you and I aren’t the ones who are six-four…

  8. barneslr says:

    LOVED her in Wedding Crashers.

    I think she is probably right. I don’t know why, but it does seem that when real-life couples make movies together it just doesn’t work on screen. I wonder why that is?

    I’m sure there are exceptions (Bogey and Bacall…but then again, they met on a movie set. They weren’t a couple first; that came afterward), however, for the most part it just doesn’t seem to work well.

    She is probably smart to keep her career separate from his.

  9. Diva says:

    That could land us on a Maury episode of “World’s Most Unlikely Couples”.

    Oh, GOD… I SWEAR I only know that Maury does shows like that because when I’m in the UK I have no work to go to and sometimes there’s just NOTHING on over there, lol.

    I must admit, though, I do enjoy the “Are they a man or a woman” shows he does.

  10. Annie says:

    LOL @ Diva

    Let me tell you, it strains the neck. I have perpetual cricks.

    I have to like tilt all the way up, pull up a chair and like he STILL needs to bend down to kiss me.

    He calls me his little pocket girl. LOL. I’m TINY compared to him.

  11. MoJo says:

    Isla is exactly the kind of woman who deserves all this success. Talent, adorability (shush, it’s word now), cool attitude and pretty and… can I be her? Confessions is based on a book with an annoying character and is predictable and hokey, but oh, for her sake (and Dancy’s, yum!), I hope it’s good and successful! We’ve got to put little Olive through college!

  12. Lily says:

    oh really? I remember a certain movie….a Mr and Mrs Smith…..and I do believe all parties are alive and doing rather well.

  13. Annie says:

    Oh, you know what, I just thought of another one: Any of Ben Stiller’s movies. HAHA. Alright then. I guess it’s not the kiss of death?

  14. KateNonymous says:

    Yeah, it really ruined Bogart and Bacall’s careers.

    She’s right about a lot of movies (Bugsy vs. Love Affair, anyone?), but not universally so.

  15. NotBlonde says:

    I’m in her boat as well…I’m 5’4″, the bf is 6’8″, basketball player for my university.

    She adorable and I love her style of comedy. She’s been to clown school in Australia, she said in some interview. I think it was with Jay Leno.

  16. Syko says:

    You short girls always snag the tall guys, leaving those of us who are 5’9″ to date all the short men and be forced to hunch over like Katie Holmes to try (but fail miserably) to look like the guy is taller. I swear that’s why my knees are shot today, all that walking around with them slightly bent.

    Or it could be from all that time spent praying.

  17. Baholicious says:

    Too funny Syko!

  18. Christina says:

    ok she seems cute and adorable.. i never understood it… borat is funny and all but he’s kind of a tool and seems pretty immature… what is she doing with him?

  19. Annie says:

    Maybe that’s just what he wants you to think. 🙂

    And he succeeded.

    As for the short girls/tall men thing.

    Sorry Syko!

    I can’t help it! I love my men tall. It’s so sexy. 🙂

  20. vdantev says:

    Tall, small doesn’t matter to me so long as the chemistry’s there. Love redheads.

  21. Christina says:

    i dunno if i’d want to date a guy who makes a living by pooping in a bag or having someone’s ball sack on their face… maybe she SHOULD do that movie with him. :X

  22. snappyfish says:

    She is adorable. I think she was brilliant cast as Becky Bloomfield I just wish they had kept the character English.

    Sasha Cohen is a lucky man. She was the reason Wedding Crasher’s was so funny.