Salma Hayek’s daughter sees ghosts, talks to them in three languages

Salma Hayek has spoken about her daughter on Rachel Ray’s TV show, saying that she is convinced she has a sixth sense and sees ghosts.

The actress also has her hands full with Valentina, her daughter with (Francois-Henri) Pinault. At 16 months, the girl already is trilingual – she speaks English, Spanish and French – and seems to have developed a sixth sense.

“Last night she saw a ghost. I’m convinced,” says Hayek, “Last night she woke up and her eyes were open. And she’s looking at one specific point and she’s going, ‘No no no no, au revoir,’ which means goodbye in French … And she’s looking at someone, but there’s no one there.

I was so scared, and I’m like, ‘Yes, au revoir, whoever you are, get out!’ And then she started saying it in English: ‘Bye bye, bye bye!’ I guess she was trying in different languages to see what nationality this ghost was to go away. It was terrifying!”


I can’t believe little Valentina is trilingual, and can say ‘goodbye’, ‘au revoir’ and ‘no’. I have a child exactly the same age as Valentina, and she says ‘juice’. That’s it. She also doesn’t say it with meaning, anything can be juice.

This story reminded me that when I was a child I used to have dreams about things that were about to happen. For example, I once had a dream about a fire at the end of my street, then a few days later the shops at the end of the street did burn down. And no, I didn’t light the fire! Various people I know claim to have had similar experiences when they were small, but not as adults – are children just more open to this? Psychics often suggest that only people that have open minds about ghosts and fairies will actually see these things.

So, while some of you might think Salma is crazy, perhaps Valentina did see a ghost. Obviously her language skills aren’t up to explaining to Salma what she did see – unless she was trying to tell her mother to go away.

Salma Hayek is shown at the airport with Valentina on 1/19/09. Credit: Bauergriffin

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24 Responses to “Salma Hayek’s daughter sees ghosts, talks to them in three languages”

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  1. Kelly says:

    Wow i thought i was so weird growing up & now i find out it wasnt just me who would have weird dreams that came true? Good to know!

  2. sissoucat says:

    She was dreaming with her eyes open. So what.

    A lot of so-called psychic experiences are just our interpretation of random events. I dreamt of my barn burning about every night for a while. It never happened. If it had, I now would be convinced I had a foresight.

    As for being trilingual, most probably it means that Valentina understands 3 languages, which is very possible if she’s daily exposed to all of them.

    And some babies start talking really early, with or without meaning. That doesn’t make them any different from late talkers though, in the long term.

    I’ve heard once that late talkers end up being more talkative than early ones. Not sure about it though.

  3. xiaoecho says:

    Its pretty normal for young kids to see spirits. Unfortunately as they grow they learn its not acceptable

  4. geronimo says:

    Lol, doubt if the kid was trying out different languages to communicate effectively with the ghost! Think that’s probably just Salma’s interpretation. But having the vocab, sure, I know babies of that age (one younger 11mths) with bilingual parents who have a range of basic words in a couple of languages.

  5. Larissa says:

    having a range of basic words in a couple of languages doesn´t make a child bi or tilingual,lol, neither an adult for that mather!
    she is basically repeating words at this stage, even tho linguistics skills development may very, she´s too young to understand the concept of different languages, let alone nationalities!
    I think Valentina just wanted to have some privacy and was telling her mom to go away, lmao

  6. mojoman says:

    well, I have had few dreams which are spot-on. remember dreaming about a good friend of mine divorcing his wife, woke up so upset I cried a little. A few weeks later, met his wife @ a bazaar and she just blurted out she is splitting up! Apparently I was the first one she told (not even her family). Then another time i dreamt another girlfriend of mine (whom i havent been in contact for a long time) got pregnant. So I emailed her and told her that, guess what..she was ten weeks preggo that day. Maybe its ESP, god knows.

  7. gg says:

    Who was it that had an entity in their house a short while back? I wanted to follow up on that. Was it Kaiser?

    I’ve never seen a ghost, and “fairies” seem like a longshot, but a close friend of mine sees a Confederate soldier sitting in my den frequently. When he first appeared, she mentioned he was sitting right there near us. She didn’t know that I’d just moved my Dad’s collection of Civil War memorabilia (actual personal items of soldiers, like a bible, cross, minnie balls, knives, etc.) to my house, into that room.

    Made me think there’s something to it.

  8. Jen says:

    I grew up in a bi-lingual household, and I would go to the market with my grandmother to translate her orders, since she only spoke English. I was 22 months old.

    I think when you grow up with multiple languages, your capacity for learning is amazing…especially in the first few years.

  9. barneslr says:

    “A lot of so-called psychic experiences are just our interpretation of random events”

    You just don’t know that, and shouldn’t state that as if it were fact. There are too many things that I have personally seen/experienced for it to be written off so blithely. She may or may not have had some sort of encounter, but you could not possibly know, based on that article, what actually happened.

  10. barneslr says:

    Something I’ve always thought was interesting, but was never followed up on…a nephew of mine, when he was very young (2 1/2, 3 ish) would just pipe up randomly and talk about the family he lived with before he was part of our family. He would say things like “I was a man, but my skin was dark” and other strange comments (we are Caucasian). His parents never pursued it and eventually he outgrew it, so who knows? But I always thought that was a rather unusual thing.

  11. Elle says:

    I grew up in a bilingual household and went to a bilingual school therefore I fully believe little Valentina truly does understand 3 languages. I think people who raise their kids only speaking one language sometimes don’t realize how much a kid can learn at such a young age. My own mother only spoke to me in French up until I was about 5 (my father is from France hence why my parents were determined to have their kids be able to communicate with dad’s side of the family). And I grew up in the US so I naturally learned English when I was around my babysitter. My first sentence was “Ou est le book?”

  12. Vanu says:

    It is possible to be tri-lingual from an early age. Growing up my parents spoke two different languages to me at home, and then I spoke a third language when I started nursery/school.

  13. lunamarysol says:

    Who knows what Salma believes her child capable of, but I worked as an interpreter for many years for an early intervention program that served children with disabilities from ages 0 to 3 years. Many of the youngest children knew to turn to mom and speak Spanish to her and to respond in English to the therapist. (I threw them for a loop at first, as they realized I was able to speak both languages.)

    It was very interesting to see that even young children with disabilities could understand that there were two different languages and knew which people spoke each one. I never did see any make the classic interpreter mistake of turning to the non-Spanish speaker and speaking animatedly to them in Spanish when on a roll. 🙂

  14. Larissa says:

    I am trilingual myself, and Valentina will grown up to be one too, not just yet tho! even tho we can understand and respond to as many possible languages before the age of 3, doesn´t mean we are bi or ti lingual,or that will accomplish full compreehension of any of the languages learned through out that period of time, in the many years to come.
    Multilingualism is much more complex!
    speakers are as sufficient in one language as they are in others and have as much knowledge of and control over one language as they have of the others.
    At such an early age she doesn´t have enough knowledge and control of any lunguage, therefore she cannot, YET, be considered bi or trilingual. Taking it in the appropriate context, that is! lol

  15. caribassett says:

    Huh. And here I was just plain happy when they could tell me they were hungry, or tired or whatever. I really need to raise my standards 😉

  16. Annie says:

    I think that is absolutely amazing!

    My children are going to be at LEAST trilingual and I will require it! It’ll be one of the best tools I can give them.

    I myself feel blessed that I’m even bilingual and can’t wait to become trilingual, than quadrilingual etc etc!

  17. sissoucat says:

    barneslr: if you have any evidence of real paranormal stuff, more than a simple coincidence, by all means contact the James Randi Foundation and claim the $1m prize :

    Until someone, hopefully you, wins it, it will be a scientific fact that paranormal doesn’t exists.

    Everybody is entitled to his/her opinion about paranormal, and I only gave my opinion, like others – but if you wanna talk facts, here you go.

  18. Orangejulius says:

    I remember having dreams that materialized the next day…even down to minute details. They stopped as I got older.

  19. Melanie says:

    It kinda sounded like she was describing a night terror to me.

  20. MoJo says:

    @Melanie, it doesn’t sound like a night terror, but I only say that because it sounds like only Salma was terrified.

    But I think it’s sweet that this is how Salma interprets and remembers it, even if there probably is some rational explanation. Don’t rain on Salma’s fun! I’m wicked jealous that Valentina’s parents are encouraging her being multilingual. My parents know about four languages each and speak two of them on a regular basis but only reinforced my speaking English. 🙁

  21. Aww. I buy that Valentina is tri-lingual. People tend to underestimate the capacity of the human mind, especially early on in development. If she’s in a fluent household, she probably understands concepts and object recognition in different languages. I think it’s really cool that Salma wants to teach her baby at such an early age. And for the hatahs – she might not be able to verbalize beyond “mommy”, “cookie” and “byebye!”.

    As for seeing spooky spirits . . . I’m not so sure . . .

  22. Ana says:

    I for one, have always gotten a crazy vibe from Salma.
    But seeing her breast feed that starving baby melted my heart.
    I wish I could speak another language. I am half Mexican and I can’t speak Spanish. Never had a conversation with my grandparents who can’t speak English.

  23. Timon Weller says:

    Kids see so much more and includes ghosts, aspiritions, energys etc, than most adults as the brian at that age is less biased..
    As we get older our mind clouds what we can see.. 🙂

  24. Devra says:

    Maybe this would be a great book for all to read on the subject of “Kids Who See Ghosts”. It tells it from all sides and possibilities by a parent coach specialist Caron Goode. Check it out on Amazon.