We heard that the Batfleck was kicked out of the Hard Rock Casino in Vegas last month and banned for life from playing blackjack there. He was also the subject of two security alerts sent out in Sin City for allegedly counting cards. You would assume that after that high-profile incident Affleck would realize that he needs to cut back on gambling, especially blackjack, and that he should keep a low profile for a while. He might still be doing that, because this story is dated from before the Vegas incident. So maybe he learned his lesson, we’ll have to see. According to Radar, Affleck was spotted playing high rollers blackjack at casinos around Detroit last month, where he’s filming the Batman vs. Superman movie. So it sounds like he’s been on a gambling binge:
While filming Batman Vs. Superman in Detroit, Affleck has been flying solo at nearby resorts during his time off, in order to satisfy his gambling need.
An insider tells Radar that Jennifer Garner’s husband has been spotted at both the MotorCity Casino and Greektown Casino-Hotel in the Michigan capital.
Specifically, on April 16 – nearly two weeks before the 41-year-old was barred from play at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas “due to moving his money with the count” – he was trying his luck at MotorCity.
Affleck has “been playing blackjack in the high roller room all by himself at the table,” the source told Radar, adding that the actor had been betting every day that week.
And the multi-millionaire isn’t playing with small change.
“He only uses $500, $1,000 and $5,000 chips,” the source claimed.
With that kind of cash at stake, the movie star is always being watched vigilantly.
“There’s a security guard who stands behind him to watch and protect him,” added the source. “But it’s not his own personal bodyguard, it’s the casino security.”
This is not good. Affleck has some addiction issues and it’s a bad sign to me that he’s gambling so much. I’m worried about him and I’m worried about his marriage. This is what he does when the going gets tough, remember? He starts to go off the rails. Still, at least he’s gambling and isn’t partying with strippers. Although those things are in no way mutually exclusive, are they? But maybe he cut down or stopped after Vegas. He may have gotten the message.
Maybe Ben is just a gambling addict, though, this may has nothing to do with his relationship or with his ambivalent feelings about his career. I’m still confused as to why he took a superhero role after he worked so hard to be taken seriously as a director. He talked so much about trying to escape his tabloid and action hero past and yet here he is playing Batman for a sackload of cash. On some level he’s got to be conflicted about that.
All pictures are from this month. Photo credit: FameFlynet
Does he need the money or something?
Of course he doesn’t need the money. Ben isn’t the only one. Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio,and Matt Damon all love the excitement that gambling brings. It’s a high. They get off on it. Although,Ben Affleck may actually have a problem.
Gamblers are in a league all their own and although they always seem to have money at the end of the day their addiction bites them. I have serveral friends who gambled themselves into bankruptcy and then some. If you go one or twice a year, it’s just cards. When you go wherever you are it is a problem. Love Ben but it is a problem.
Addictions often trigger other addictions. A person with an addictive personality has the tendency to become addicted to anything that gives them pleasure. Hence, a person with an addiction to one thing (in this case gambling) often has addiction issues with other things (substance abuse?)… I don’t believe its just cards. I think it started as “just cards” and Ben felt he was in control of it. But, I think Ben’s demons run deep, I think he’s struggled with them for years but “just cards” triggered “just one drink” and its spiraled, and the demons are out again. He doesn’t look well. The eyes give it away, they have a dead look.
All good points. And addiction never ever goes away, even when you’ve addressed the issues. Moderation is never an option for an addict.
Of course it’s not just cards. Have you seen how bad he looks? How bad he looked at the Oscars??? http://www.laineygossip.com/Jennifer-Garner-joins-Ben-Affleck-at-Oscars-Vanity-Fair-party-after-presenting/29570
I guess Lainey’s latest blind is right. http://www.laineygossip.com/His-ups-and-downs-blind-riddle/29657
I thought Ben looked drunk in the ‘Pumping Gas’ photos. He looks like he’s on a jag.
The above posters are right. An addict may quit ‘their drug of choice’, but so many say they can ‘handle’ – insert other substance or activity here – , and down they spiral. I hope Ben pulls out and gets clean.
He may have taken the super hero movie hoping for a steady flow of cash ala RDJ. Since he likes to gamble he’ll need it.
RDJ is a much better actor, so I hope Ben’s not mistakenly thinking he’s on the same talent level
I think it’s a mistake for Affleck to put on the cape, he has put himself in the position of having to deliver a good movie or everyone will blame him. The limitations of wearing a mask and his range as an actor do not bode well for this film, a man’s chin can only do so much.
I think people tend to forget that Ben’s been in rehab. He has an extremely addictive personality and while Jenn Garner and fatherhood have slowed him down a little in past years, I would assume he isn’t in a 12-step or other recovery program. Lainey’s implied he also has a problem with pain killers.
I love, love Jenn Garner and Ben’s adorable little family. Dude, take a look at your beautiful girls and precious, duck-lipped baby Sam and get a hold of your demons.
His history with rehab is evidence of his addictive personality, but I’m not convinced Lainey is a credible source of any problems he has with painkillers. Let’s start with the fact that a) She lives in Canada (Vancouver or Toronto) and b) She does not know Affleck personally to be able to attest to whether he takes painkillers (unless she has invisible superpowers and is able to follow him everywhere).
Don’t take my skepticism personally – I just have my doubts where Lainey is concerned.
So what if she lives in Canada? She’s a well-known blogger in the US as well, and she goes to Hollywood galas etc, interviews American celebrities, has sources in the US. And she was the first to hint he’s had an injury http://www.laineygossip.com/His-ups-and-downs-blind-riddle/29657 a gossip which was later confirmed on many other sites. American ones, if that matters. BTW, after all the shitstorm that went down in the media after Bey’s family elevator accident, she was invited to CNN as a commenter.
Amen to that
I just don’t see him being a good Batman. It seems like a cash grab.
He’s definitely a big fan of the series. Kevin Smith bought Ben’s house in the early 2000s and mentioned that Ben had a ‘BatCave’ installed.
Is it really gambling if he can count cards though?
That’s why the casino provide him with a security guard – to guard THEM from him winning anything by nefarious means!
Of course it’s gambling, he has no control over the cards dealt to him and, no matter how skilled he is at playing the cards, it’s still the exact same game of chance for everyone. On top of which, in blackjack, other players at the table influence the game, so there is always randomness and chance on top of the usual statistical probabilities of the game itself.
Some people, including me, simply like to gamble. Cards are a skill, and it’s fun. The environment is fun, the people around you tend to be into having fun, and it’s a good time. It’s probably a nice break for him from having the kind of wife who looks like she says no a lot more than she ever says yes.
There’s no evidence that he’s about to gamble away the family fortune. There’s an old gambling saying that they never threw anybody out of a casino for losing, so I’d assume that Ben is doing just fine.
THIS!!! My Father used to go the his VFW Post and play cards three or fours times a week after he retired. He loved it! He never gambled his money away, always had a set amount.
I know this isn’t a popular opinion on this site, but I love Ben…I think he is so sexy!!!
After Brad, Ben is my second choice!
wow, same here, brad one, ben two! he looks really hot in that blue t-shirt
hee hee.
I dont think doing a super hero movie and being taken seriously have to be mutually exclusive anymore. This isnt Clooney’s Batman. The Chris Nolan has really turned the super hero movie genre around. They can be silly like Guardians of the Galaxy, or they can be dark and serious like Nolan’s Batmans or Man of Steel.
He is just a dude with an addictive personality. We will hear about him entering a “program” for gamblers in a few years when his marriage starts to crumble
I want that Chevelle. That is all.
I think that Afflect is a comic book fan. But I think the main reason (apart from money) he is doing there movies is because he wishes to be a superstar and basically all the biggest stars are doing comic book movies these days. But he is more suited for Batman than movies like Argo and Gone Girl. But he just just focus on directing and producing since he is not much of an actor and has no charisma.
Probably has to generate the huge payday cuz of his gambling losses. Vicious Circle. Get help, Ben!
He’s clearly got a gambling problem.
And for all his success, riches, and lovely family, he hardly ever looks truly happy.
Detroit is neither the “capital” nor the “Capitol” of Michigan, Radar. Lord. Get a map.
Signed, a bitchy Michigander
If my husband was a gambling addict, I’d rather he partied with strippers than gambled. It’s not a kinder, gentler addiction, and addiction visits hell upon anyone who cares about the addict. I’d far rather be cheated on than have to deal with an addict (again).
Just a small correction for Radar. Detroit is not the capitol of Michigan.. that would be Lansing.
I love Ben. I am amazed he has directed three great movies and done a phenomenal job at directing. He’s a very intelligent guy. All the rags on gambling. Now he’s falling apart, blah, blah. Maybe he is just playing and winning and not spiraling.
I had no idea until reading an interview that Ben and Matt used to leave where they lived and travel by bus or train (I can’t remember) to NY for the day to audition for roles alone. Ben was 14 and Matt was 16. He said looking back he can’t believe they would go off alone to New York City like that at their ages. I guess I love how far back their bond goes and their strong friendship and how they really have each other’s backs. Really true friendship like that for that many years is a rarity, especially in their business. I mean their close friendship spans over 25 years now. And I love that they are working together again on different projects.
Did anybody see the clip they did recently for two charities, the Eastern Congo Initiative and Water.org and that you have the opportunity to win a trip and a stay at a four-star hotel and a night at some event with them? it’s cute. I love them together. Matt: “Or the fact that Ben’s left eye twitches every time you say the word Gigli.” LOL If you are a Ben or a Matt hater, you won’t like it. I love how they always rib each other and hit below the belt.
I didn’t realize that clip was three months old, so chance to donate $10 and be flown out to LA and hang with them is closed. I guess someone already won.
I had the biggest crush on him from age 11 to 17!