Justin Bieber hopped onstage at Cannes & rapped to Tupac: funny or not bad?

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is having the time of his life at Cannes. He’s gone from shirtless horseback riding in LA to stalking around shirtless in a more glamorous setting. We can all lament the lack of class when Bieber attends a film festival, but he’s there to party. Just like Paris Hilton and so many others.

Bieber has been partying with Paris on Roberto Cavalli’s yacht. He also got to meet Jennifer Lawrence (although she turned down a joint selfie). He’s been seen with Leo DiCaprio and Chris Tucker. Bieber tried to rub up on Adriana Lima, and she turned him down. That’s not the worst thing Bieber has done at Cannes. He also decided to show off his mad rapping skills. He grabbed the mic at the Gotha nightclub and tried to bust out Tupac Shakir’s Dear Mama.

How embarrassing. Of course he was shirtless. All the better to show off his Unhappy Trail (credit to Lainey). The sad thing is that Bieber thinks he has street cred, and no one in his inner circle will tell him otherwise. The comedown is going to be huge one day.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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55 Responses to “Justin Bieber hopped onstage at Cannes & rapped to Tupac: funny or not bad?”

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  1. Sonya says:

    Side note: in that first picture I totally thought he has a new floral sleeve tattoo, but it’s an old lady’s blazer!!! lol

  2. Loopy says:

    That what i think, his fall will be spectacular. I cant wait to see him on Behind the Music in ten years.

    • Tiffany says:

      I think you are being kind by thinking it will be 10 years. I give it a third of that.

      • Louminary says:

        those ridiculous get-ups too!
        Wouldn’t you think people would just be laughing in his face all the time upon seeing him in real life in those absurd, laughable outfits?? I know I certainly would!

    • Ripley says:

      He looks more like Vanilla Ice by the minute. Ice Ice Baby.

  3. TheOriginalPuppy says:

    It seems wrong to me that people like Bieber and Paris Hilton are attending the Cannes Film Festival. They wouldn’t recognise (much less understand) serious cinema if it bit them on the ass. As usual they’ve shown up somewhere because it seems like the place to be seen.

    • LakeMom says:

      My thoughts exactly.

    • spanky says:

      This has actually been a criticism of Cannes in the past couple of years. That it has devolved from film festival for impressive cinema to a circus with d-listers working the yacht circuit

      • We Are All Made of Stars says:

        Bingo. Cannes itself has devolved from a serious film festival into a corporate spectacle of studio-backed commercial film premieres and related bullcrap. This year, there are Z-list celebrities walking the red carpet to fulfill their *makeup advertising* contracts? What the holy hell is going on over there? And it’s been a lot more than ten years.

      • elisa says:

        It has been tainted for a while now. I used to follow it religiously as a teen, but I barely pay attention to it anymore. The attention is rarely focused on the films. We get enough sightings of desperate has-beens and d-listers elsewhere, I wish these people would be expelled from the festival.

        That may sound harsh. My daughter is teething and I’ve been up nearly all night.

      • swack says:

        @elisa . . . feel sorry for you!!! Teething is hard on all.

    • doofus says:

      the same thing happened to the Sundance Film Festival. a bunch of wannabes and has-beens who go to be seen and to party. it’s hardly about the movies anymore.

      oh, and on topic re: Bieber….I hate him. and I don’t hate a lot of celebs but this guy?…he makes me stabby. put on your shirt, douche.

    • Anname says:

      That’s part of Cannes now – the intersection of great cinema and trash culture. I do wish the trashy stuff would stay off the red carpet though, and stick to the yacht parties.

      • TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

        You guys have answered my question and well put Anname; anyone with any self-respect and talent should be laughing in this twit’s face, not hanging with him. Is everyone a sell-out these days, Oh, for the 60s.

  4. It is what it is says:

    Is he wearing a leather skirt in that last picture? So hardcore.

    Animal cruelty, prostitutes, drugs, reckless driving, being horrible to fans….can we just throw him to the wolves (literally, we’d do everyone a favor) already?

  5. blue marie says:

    F-kin Ridiculous

  6. Tracy says:

    Sit down little boy.

    • homegrrrl says:

      His tween songs are so provocative. Some of the eight year olds I carpool with had me listen to one of his songs. I was shocked, the lyrics are soft core porn. He was sweet one day and a tattoo’d monster the next…I blinked and puberty ate him alive!!

    • Emma says:

      His little boy voice sounds kind of cute against Tupac’s, like the Bieber version of a little girl dressing up in her mum’s high heels. Maybe one day he will realise that the world is laughing at him, not with him, and he will be ashamed enough to hibernate.

  7. mkyarwood says:

    Annoying. Embarrassing. Tupac’s life and career were rife with issues, but that man had a real message and serious poetic talent, and it’s just dishonoring his memory.

    • BooBooLaRue says:


    • Tiffany says:

      I am going to pop in Tupac’s greatest hits to erase what I just viewed. And the sad part is the person that was encouraging him to rap I don’t think was doing it because he thought it was cool. They were laughing at him.

  8. Leek says:

    I’d sleep with King Joffrey before I would ever, EVER take Beiber seriously.

  9. lower-case deb says:

    i have bieberrabia: the irrational anger and fury at the sight/mention of beiber.

  10. OriginalCrystal says:

    Dear Mama is one of the most beautiful songs in the world. That and ‘Keep Your Head Up’ are two of my favourite Tupac songs.

    Justin is just a mystery to me these days…where did it all go wrong ?? he seemed like a sweet little boy when he first came on the scene.

    • doofus says:

      where did it all go wrong? no one EVER told him “NO”. he’s the breadwinner, he supports his entire family, (like Lohan) so no parental guidance, structure or discipline.

    • Rice says:

      Sometimes, too much fame too fast can make a celeb stupid. They start making dumb choices and they get parasites who encourage their dumb actions.

    • We Are All Made of Stars says:

      Look, I would love to pile on this moron because that’s exactly what he is, but really, what celebrity kid turns out okay? The usual candidates up for nomination are whichever Olson twin wasn’t anorexic and/or on drugs, and…. who else? When 98% of these children turn out to have some serious issues after a few years in the spotlight, I think we should judge them with the background knowledge of what being put up in front of millions like a money cow by pitiful parents and corporate hounds does to a person’s psyche. *ducks Beiber eggs*

      • OriginalCrystal says:

        No, you’re completely right. I mean, I was enough of a nuisance as a teenager and I grew up poor so I can’t imagine how me and my friends would have been if we had unlimited funds and barely any parental guidance. If reports are true and Justin is the one paying his parents’ bills then how can they try and discipline him? How do you try and be a strict mother/father to your son when her just got you a mansion??

        Also, I’ve been i the same room as Justin and his handlers a few times and the boy is just bloody stupid. You honestly have to dumb everything down for him when you’re speaking. It’s embarrassing.

        And honestly, I know no one here wants to hear it but all the hate that popular teen heart throbs get is insane. When Justin was just a harmless young boy with a sh*tty song called ‘Baby’ people would hate on him for no reason at all . Grown men at basketball/football games booing him just for the sake of it. I get that as a society we just have to make fun of and look down on young girls’ entertainment (boybands, twilight, justin bieber, one direction, zac efron, even leo dicaprio when he was younger) but the hate Justin got for just existing in the beginning of his career was too much. I honestly think that he’s rebelling to seem like more of a bad boy the same way the disney girls start taking off their clothes and singing about sex in order to get more ‘respect’ and gain an older audience.

        I don’t even believe in god but Justin needs jesus. For real.

      • Intro Outro says:


        “If reports are true and Justin is the one paying his parents’ bills then how can they try and discipline him? How do you try and be a strict mother/father to your son when her just got you a mansion??”

        The answer’s in your question, isn’t it? WHY would two healthy adults allow themselves to live off their son like that? This is very-very telling.

  11. Monksolo says:

    I think that DJ said it best : Eff off and put some effing clothes on

    • Froggy says:

      Does he have a six-pack or is it make-up? In the first pic, looks like they were drawn on as if he’s not pathetic enough.

      • Lucy says:

        What I’ve heard is that, since he’s pretty tiny, it doesn’t take too much effort for the abs to show. He totally thinks he’s super buff, though.

  12. Kiddo says:

    I’m not even going to dignify that question by looking at the video, I know it’s bad, sight unseen.

  13. Skins says:

    The brothers tolerate his wannabe rap thing cause he is a moneymaker and might make them a few bucks, but they are all laughing at this pathetic twerp behind his back. He might be the biggest tool of all time

  14. eliza says:

    Aside from having Max Headroom hair, I have no comment on him.

  15. aquarius64 says:

    To the Swaggy One,

    When the average age of your fan base and concert patrons still go to junior high school, you don’t have street cred.

  16. Rie526 says:

    Haha! The rapping is awful and the Adriana Lima turn-down was priceless!!

    By the way, Tupac’s last name was Shakur, not Shakir. Just thought I’d mention that.

  17. cro-girl says:

    He’s just having fun, I don’t think he has to drop a perfect remake… he’d be incapable of it any way. Is he a mini douche? Of course… but I can’t hate him. He’s just a kid and that’s not an excuse but I can’t throw stones at someone living in extraordinary circumstances. You just won’t find humble in hollywood.

  18. I Choose Me says:

    The expression on the face of the man behind the Biebs in the top pic is priceless.

  19. dorothy says:

    They let children in those events?

  20. Lux says:

    Ugh gross I really didn’t need to see shirtless Bieber while eating breakfast.

  21. NewWester says:

    I am afraid to ask , but what ever happened to that bulldog puppy he got a couple of months ago?

  22. TheOriginalPuppy says:

    Check out the guy with the beard in the first photo. The look on his face says it all.