Phil Robertson gave an Easter sermon where he ranted about homosexuals again


Last year, Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson gave one of the most offensive interviews I’ve ever read to GQ. He is filled with terrible thoughts about gay people, African Americans, women, you name it. Many conservatives felt like liberals were being “intolerant” of Phil’s right to free speech. Sure. Many other people felt like Phil is bigoted piece of political kryptonite and that politicians and A&E should walk away from Duck Dynasty. The whole thing blew up into a weeks-long saga but Duck Dynasty never really felt any kind of serious repercussions. One of Phil’s sons even came to the White House Correspondents Dinner a few weeks ago.

Why the recap? Because Phil gave an Easter sermon in his local church in Louisiana and he spoke/shouted about homosexuals and how he was just preaching the gospel. Some highlights from his sermon:

“What’s [Jesus] coming back for? …” Robertson asked the congregation. “To bring salvation to those who are waiting for it. Are you waiting on Jesus? Or are you afraid to see that sky busting, you see him coming? You got two lists. I gave some guy one list. You say, were they mad at you about that list? They were mad at me. You say, why’d they get mad at you? ‘Cuz instead of acknowledging their sin, like you had better do, they railed against me for giving them the truth about their sins. Don’t deceive yourselves. You want the verse? The news media didn’t even know it was a verse! They thought I was just mouthing off. Is homosexual behavior a sin? The guy asked me. I said, do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes, nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves, nor greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”

[From Radar]

I’m including the video below. I mean… what else is there to say? Quite honestly, I grew up in a very Evangelical area, and this is how a lot of Baptist preachers sermonize. The only difference is that those preachers don’t have A&E shows with corporate sponsorship. Incidentally, I kind of loved the Cliven Bundy stuff because it felt like conservatives were trying to rally around him in a Duck Dynasty sort of way, which made it even funnier when they all had to eat sh-t when it turned out that Bundy, like Phil Robertson, has some offensive and terrible things to say about race.


Photos courtesy of Parade, A&E.

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76 Responses to “Phil Robertson gave an Easter sermon where he ranted about homosexuals again”

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  1. HH says:

    Honestly, I take solace in the fact that the people Phil and his message appeal to are people that probably were against gay marriage in the first place. Nothing or no one could change minds. Well, except the good Lord himself. Even then, I’m sure they’d be skeptical if it was the second coming or a “lame stream” media hoax. 😛

    • JennySerenity says:

      Exactly! I was raised as a so-called “conservative”- still am, fiscally. But Phil and his kind make me embarrassed to claim the term. FFS, even my rabid Republican dad learned to love my best friend, who was gay, 20+ years ago. He learned to love based on someone’s heart, not their sexuality. People who are extreme, religious right-wing loonies are literally a dying breed. Give it another decade, the ‘delete’ button will be pushed on this kind of ignorance altogether ( I pray).

    • homegrrrl says:

      I still boycott this brand of proselytizing; I walked into a store that had DD kitsch and left to go elsewhere to buy a gift. This doesn’t mean I don’t shop in stores with less overt opinions and I can’t be a perfect consumer, but my problem is verbal garbage, and do my best to -not- support bigotry.

    • MCraw says:

      I mean… He is quoting actual scripture tho.

      This stuff is in the bible. He believes in the bible and this is in it. Whether you believe in the bible is your own deal.

      • girl using brain says:

        good point.

      • Ange says:

        He made it pretty hateful though.

      • Kerrboom says:

        He’s a bible cherry picker. He (and others like him) cherry pick the parts that “justify” their hateful, bigoted beliefs and discard the rest. What about the part of the bible where Jesus preaches for people to “love one another, as I have loved you.” (Book of John, I believe).

        Whenever someone uses the bible (or other religious book) to justify their hate, I immediately dismiss them as just another cherry picking bigot and ignore whatever they have to say.

  2. Why did he have to specify ‘male prostitutes’?? I kind of giggled when I saw that.

    • HH says:

      Haha! Good catch!

    • Sam says:

      Because that’s double sin! A female prostitute is merely adultery or fornication. A male one adds an extra layer on top of the sin cake you’ve already made. Two sins for the price of one!

    • Manjit says:

      So female prostitutes retain their right to inherit? I suppose that’s because women’s role in society is solely to procreate, so they’re just doing what God put them here on earth to do. Have I got that right?

    • Chem says:

      I have a mega problem with how the word “prostitute” is used to denote only a woman who has sex for money and that you dont even need to preface the term with female. Whereas to discuss a man in the same practice you have to specify that it is a “male prostitute”.
      It pisses me off even more than the “woman-hacker or lady-pilot” thing. When idiots who are still super suprised to see women in these professions feels they need to advertise their stupidity to the whole world.

      Honestly, if you want to deal with homophobes you have got to deal with sexism. Much of this guys reasoning is based on his outrage that a fellow man would give up his male privilege.

      • Well I meant, why didn’t he just say ‘prostitutes’? When I hear ‘prostitute’ I think of men and women as being prostitutes–I’ve used the word for both…I’ve never used gender, unless to say that the person was male or female.

        I’m just wondering why he felt the need to specify–wouldn’t a male prostitute be as bad as a female one? Especially if you’re conservative.

      • Izzy says:

        The only time I’ve ever appreciated the term “male prostitute,” is in the SNL skit with Dan Aykroyd. (Google it, it’s worth the laugh.)

        This Duck dips–t is NOT funny at all.

    • Franklymydear1 says:

      How amazing would it have been if he used the word “gigolos”?

      • QQ says:

        As if he knows what Gigolo means…or the pronunciation

        My next question is : why is he SOOOO PRESSED ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS AND WHAT THEY DO IN THE BEDROOM… U Jelly Phil?

      • doofus says:

        QQ, that’s what I’ve been saying about these bigots for years.

        they’re so concerned with what others are doing in the bedroom because either they’re not getting any themselves OR they wish they were doing what they’re complaining about.

        as long as no human or non-human animal is being abused, and it’s all consensual, who gives a dang?

  3. aims says:

    This is nothing new. We all know how he feels, and he won’t change his mind for nothing. The question should be where do you stand? Is it acceptable for you to hear this type of rhetoric. I don’t like it at all, therefore I won’t buy anything he’s selling.

  4. Kiddo says:

    Yeah, who cares? Dude sounds like he never got a basket full of bunnies, colored eggs and chocolate. Instead he hosted a festival of hate. To each, his own. I’m down with the celebration of Spring and rebirth. It’s much more joyful. Maybe I’m a closet pagan.

    • TheOrginalKitten says:

      The Kingdom of God sounds like a f*cking snoozefest.
      Totally ok with not inheriting it.

      • Kiddo says:

        Angry old men with questionable beards grousing about shit all the time sounds like paradise. /s

      • antisocial says:

        O’Kitten I just love you and your articulate, entertaining insights 🙂

        Amen sister, Preach it!! You go to heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.

        If I’m with kindred spirits then I won’t mind the heat!

      • BooBooLaRue says:

        *spits coffee out* Original Kitten you are too g-damn funny!

      • doofus says:

        rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints? I’m with ya!

        oh, and Phil?…you WERE just “mouthing off”. YOUR “truth” is not everybody else’s truth. and that’s what you wear to Easter Mass? a tee and camouflage pants? Klassy.

      • MaryIV says:

        My grandmother always said about heaven: I wish I was invited, wish I wanted to go. We almost put that on her tombstone.

      • I Choose Me says:

        Kitten, I knew there was a reason I loved you. Who wants eternal boredom? Not this girl.

        @MaryIV. Your gram sounds like she was a riot. 😀

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Exactly, OTK. If he is the type that is going to be at that “party” then I don’t care to attend.

    • Here here kitten. See you in Hell, then. That’s where all the fun people are going anyway. I hear it’s not even all that hot there.

  5. Laura says:

    Never watched his show & never will.

  6. Ag says:

    no surprise here.

  7. TheCountess says:

    Once upon a time, A&E’s schedule was filled with theatre and operas; now they give us this clan of turdmongers.

    • Kiddo says:

      Yeah, they’ve made it impossible to boycott, since they have so much crap on, there is no reason to stop there or buy anything in the first place. It should now be called the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) channel.

  8. mel says:

    Does anyone really care what he thinks….I mean he is entitled to his own opinion but I think its fairly obvious he is not to be taken seriously.

  9. marshmellow says:

    Wait, so Phil’s saying all the male prostitutes, sexiness, gays, and drinking are going to find their places in Hell?

    So why do I want to avoid this place, again?

    I’m sorry. I’m new to commenting and couldn’t resist. 😛

    • mia girl says:

      Never resist the urge to comment!

      And I’m with you. I’m going wherever the drinks are being served.

    • doofus says:

      no apologies…WELCOME to the madhouse!

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I know, right?

      It is so telling that he lists a LOT of things that have to do with sex, a bit about substance abuse…but completely ignores those that ASSAULT women and men, which coincidentially happens to be one of his own “sins”.

      • That’s one of the things that I hate about the conservative/republican side of politics and politicians. We hear all of this crap about how we shouldn’t have to pay for abortions or food stamps, how we’re going against God and supporting gay marriage, etc—why can’t they let it all go and focus on reducing stuff like RAPE. Or child abuse. Or instead of telling other conservatives or christians that they need to keep popping babies out until their uterus falls out, tell them to adopt a few. Or start some kind of fund for foster kids who age out of the system. Something USEFUL, instead of telling the rest of the world that they care, in one breath, and in the other, telling them that they’re going to hell because they’re gay (or whatever else).

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I agree, VC. There are so many issues that right-center-left can agree is a bad thing (like child abuse, etc.). Why is the super far right so focused on the things they can’t change, like whether people are gay or not?

  10. Sam says:

    I saw it somewhere that a commentor pointed out that if you take Phil and Kay’s wedding day and their oldest son’s birthday, there ain’t exactly 36 weeks between them, y’all….

    So maybe Phil should take Jesus’ advice and remove the plank from his own eye before he critiques anyone else’s splinters.

    I also love how he defends himself “The guy asked me!” Phil seems to believe that he is like Jim Carrey in “Liar, Liar.” If asked, he must answer truthfully (and very fully)? Has he never heard of “No comment?” or “I do not discuss my personal beliefs?”

    • Yeah, if I was him, I’d be leery of taking ANY kind of a leadership role in what is supposed to be a holy place. Sure, I might get up and speak about my experiences, but other than that? I would think that I would be a little more……leery of judging people.

    • TheCountess says:

      And remember, until they decided to market themselves as backwoods hee-haws for reality television, the Robertson men easily could have passed for Mitt Romney’s sons.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Didn’t he get convicted of beating a woman and her husband? Funny he fails to put those that assault and abuse on his list. He has a preoccupation with other people’s sexual activities.

      • Sam says:

        He wasn’t convicted. His wife Kay basically paid off the victims to not bring charges, if I remember right. He has also said that he puts that behind him and has never apologized to the victims or made any other restitution to them. He also admits to abusing booze and cheating on his wife. But you know, he’s “saved” so its cool.

      • @Sam
        I HATE that he is so laissez-faire about that. I’ve met a few Christians who have done some TERRIBLE things in their lives, and they’ve apologized and have NEVER forgot it. It still makes them cry to think about it to this day. I just can’t imagine being so…okay with that.

        I still feel like I’m a horrible and terrible person for something I did years ago to my brother (in the third grade). We had to walk to school (two streets away) and it was horrible and cold–and we always lost gloves (to my mother’s dismay)–so that morning we only had one pair. And I was the one wearing them, even though the sleeves on my coat were longer than my brother’s (his were tapered to his wrist and it was hard for him to put his hands up his sleeves; mine was easier to do it)…and his hands were freezing, but I knew that I would be cold, so I didn’t want to give them to him, even though I knew his hands were cold.

        When we finally got to the school, and into our classroom, his hands were red and he started crying because they hurt so bad. I still feel terrible about that, and I think about it a lot–especially as my brother moved out last year without telling anyone.

        I can’t imagine telling someone that I put it behind me, because I haven’t. And I probably won’t ever.

  11. cro-girl says:

    Jesus said love one another as I have loved you. He didn’t come to earth with a list of what’s right and wrong and I think that was for a reason. Nothing is perfect and pure, be good and do good was all that was really said. I wish people would stop tripping over what they think are specifics. But this is my opinion just as his words are his opinion. Im certain my opinion won’t change anyone’s mind and that is why what he says really doesn’t matter.

    • aenflex says:

      Sigh. Religious moderates are more offensive to me than the fundamentalists. If it’s open for interpretation and not meant to be ‘taken seriously’, then why even bother? #samharrisforever

  12. Start your “caught red-handed with a black, trans-gender prostitute stopwatches” now people. When they are this insistent, it’s always for a reason. And we will be there for the delicious aftermath.

    • cro-girl says:

      lmao!! You’re not kidding! You know it’s going to happen!!! I’ll remember you name for the day it happens.

    • Thnuggaboo says:

      Now if they filmed THAT for their show, I would gladly make popcorn and margaritas to watch it.

    • lucy2 says:

      Exactly! He is WAAAAY too obsessed. Someone’s hiding a secret…

      • NewWester says:

        You know that the tabloids are digging around for some good dirt on this guy. I am getting my comfy chair ready for the crap to hit the fan!!!

  13. Evi says:

    I don’t know why these people have a tv show.

  14. mayamae says:

    Not too long ago there was a debate here on whether the south is more bigoted than the rest of the country. Many people felt that the south is no worse, they’re just more “honest” about it – which was considered a good thing. I disagreed, and this story is one of the reasons why. These haters being “honest” about their feelings propagate more hate.

    This crazy old goat is able to influence those too young or too weak minded to make their own decisions. I can live without all this honesty, thank you very much. I live in the Atlanta area, but I’m from the Chicagoland area. I heard a political ad the other day attacking their opponent for, “promoting teenage homosexuality”. It’s totally nuts, and you would never hear this type of thing where I’m from.

  15. Patty Cake says:

    @ CHEM, I get annoyed by that too. The most annoying thing to me is the gold digger reference being female only. When in reality even way back when, men with no money married rich women for their money. Also, again, since the time of horse carriages men married women who had dowry’ s. Men didn’t want the woman that was without dowry. Men have been gold diggers for years.

    @ O’Kitt, I’ll take a blue martini and join ya. I don’t wanna hang around a hateful god with his minions just because its cool up there, lol.

    • Men were the original golddiggers. Why else did women have to come to them with a freaking DOWRY. I don’t see the man giving the woman’s side any money when they get married.

  16. Bucky says:

    I swear, if this launches another “free speech” debate (“debate”), I will lose it. Apparently, the Constitution-loving conservative right literally does not understand the first freaking Amendment. And neither does the national media, apparently, because they pander to the debate! I cannot handle another free speech brouhaha.

  17. SpookySpooks says:

    Why is he allowed to preach? Is he a priest or something?

    I go to Mass every week and I’ve never heard such hateful speech. Our priest talks about sin very rarely, it’s mostly about love and tolerance.

  18. V says:

    “There are two questions you should ask yourself before you say or do anything publicly: Is it good? Is it necessary? If you can’t honestly answer yes to at least one of those questions, than you should say and d o nothing. It would be great if you asked those questions in private moments as well, but…”
    —-the only speech I remember from church

  19. aenflex says:

    Well, we already knew they were ignorant, uneducated fools, so why the surprise? I mean, isn’t the real reason people watch Duck Dynasty is to laugh at how country and stupid they are?

    • boo2 says:

      Erm, actually most of them are college educated some with masters degrees. Not following his idiotic comments…but erm yeah.

  20. Louminary says:

    one thing I find reassuring is coming on this site and seeing not one person agreeing in the slightest way with this behaviour and hate speech.
    That gives me hope!

  21. Enid says:

    I personally find it hilarious what a hypocritical folks they are. They invoke God in one moment about homosexuality while selling their faces to be on scratch off tickets.

  22. Amulla says:

    I am sick of people who are intolerant about homosexuality.
    Two people in a loving relationship does not hurt anyone else in society. It is actually nobody else’s business if a person is gay or hetero or bi.

  23. ol cranky says:

    I guess DD ratings are down again and they needed to rally the Palinistas again

    seriously, gays don’t acknowledge their sin? this from a man who absolutely refuses to accept that violent crimes he committed before he was born again are still his sins not crimes committed by a different person. . . his lord and savior was born, lived and died a Jew and that whole atonement thing done preparing for and during Yom Kippur was not just about apologizing to G-d. He needs to spend more time with the book of Matthew and less time showing what a hypocrite and false prophet he is

  24. Chauncey says:

    Couldn’t get past the 4 minute mark. That dude is not only a douche but he’s also boring.

  25. Jayna says:

    Who cares? He’s preaching to the people that already believe that crap, but pick and choose. At least he quoted the whole scripture, and I’m sure the churches he goes to are filled with adulterers, sexually immoral (having sex outside of marriage), drunks (love their beer), on and on Divorce is considered a sin if you remarry. Everybody is going to hell in that church. LOL

  26. Onyx XV says:

    Those who doth protest too much doth raise my eyebrow… just sayin!

  27. redd says:

    So…is it JUST white people not allowed an opinion? (Donald Sterling, Phil Robertson, etcetcetc)
    My best friend is black and tells me they talk “stupid white people” s**t day and night. She said if someone recorded what’s said in her home on a daily basis, and she were held to “white people standards”, they’d all be run out of town, stripped of their jobs and ostracized.
    Listen up, politically correct sheep:
    Racism is racism whether you HATE someone based on their skin color or you worship them for it.

    If this guy doesn’t get HIS first amendment rights, YOU don’t either.
    WAKE UP!

  28. lasagna jones says:

    please go to seminary school and study your religion before you share your interpretation with all the world. any old crazy person can spout any old crazy shiz, but a church that allows just anyone to sermonize… ugh. culty, ignorant… and convenient. how convenient that he’s wearing a poly-cotton blend and used to be a womanizing drunk.